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WelcomeHouse HistoriesFrom Aqueduct to ViaductCharacter Study
2. Roofs
Fancy ridge tiles
Fancy ridge tiles, final and deep cornice at 'Viewsley' (The Ark)

Welsh slate - nothing else is right! However, if you are going to replace later concrete tiles, some imported slates are a good match and often cheaper. Slates are also stocked by reclaim yards. Never let a builder persuade you that your slates are no good – they have a high resale value!

Sadly, concrete tile roofs have often been substituted for slate. They are heavier than the original slate roof and require extra bracing to the roof structures. Before doing any major work on your home, if the roof has substitute concrete tiles, make sure the structure is sound. Concrete tiles collect moss - you may have noticed it scattered on the footpaths after rain - and they do not age well. When your roof needs attention, re-roof with slate.

Remember, a change in roof material will require planning permission.

The roof ridges were often finished with plain or decorated, red or blue, ridge tiles.

Slate roofs - Buckingham Street. Interesting ridge tiles - The Ark, Green Lane

Original text by John Brushe, Denise Ilett, Sue Westell. Original illustrations by Denise Ilett.