Chapel Restored and Enlarged

The Bucks Standard 06 October 1888


On Tuesday last this chapel, which has been recently restored and enlarged, was re-opened, the services being conducted by the Rev. J.H. Hopkins, of London. Before giving a description of the proceedings it will be well to give a description of the chapel as it now stands. It will be remembered that the old building was small and inconvenient, and an increase in the congregation made it necessary for the structure to be enlarged. This took practical shape early in the summer, when the memorial stone was laid by Capt. Verney, R.N., and the other stones by William Grimes, Esq., &c. The architect was Mr. Poole, and the contractor Mr. Islip, of Northampton, and these gentlemen have succeeded in producing a commodious and comfortable building capable of seating over 170 persons. The architecture is of the Gothic style, with Lancet windows, and the old front has been restored and utilised, the enlargement taking place from the rear of the premises. It may be interesting to note that while the chapel was undergoing restoration the original memorial stone, covered with plaster , was discovered; it bears date 1811, and inscription “William Grimes,” and is now exposed on the north side of the chapel. The building is roofed inside, and seated comfortably.

Interior of Wesleyan Chapel Castlethorpe

The seats are in yellow pine, and a handsome rostrum in the same material has been erected. The lighting arrangements are suspending lamps. There is also a class or vestry room attached, and a connection with the schoolroom. The village of Castlethorpe now possesses a chapel of which any village might be proud. The afternoon service was at 3p.m., and was attended by a large congregation, the chapel being crowded, visitors coming from all parts of the circuit. Amongst those present were the Rev. J. Harris (superintendent minister of the circuit) and Mrs. Harris , the Rev. J. Bonsor, Mr. W. Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. Tite (Wavendon), Mr. Islip (contractor) and Mrs. Islip, Mr. Poole (architect), Mr. and Mrs. Inwood, and Mr. Jackson (Woburn Sands), and a member of Wolverton friends. The preacher took for his text part of the 25th verse of the 27th chapter of Acts: “For I believe in God.” On these words he b…ed a powerful and profound discourse. At the close, a collection was made on behalf of the enlargement funds, realising £4 6s 4d. A tea was afterwards provided in the schoolroom, which was so numerously attended that the company had to be accommodated in two servings. The room was nicely decorated with fruit and flowers. A public meeting had been advertised for the evening, but it was decided to hold a religious service, and the Rev. J. H. Harper conducted. The chapel was crowded, a large number of visitors from Wolverton coming by the evening train. The preacher took for his text part of the 22nd verse of the 27th chapter of Matthew: “What shall I do then with Jesus?” and preached a soul-stirring sermon, which was listened to with rapt attention. At the close of the service a collection was taken, realising £3 12s 3½d or £7 18s 7½d for the day. The services were very successful, and the Wesleyan cause at Castlethorpe is evidently in a prosperous condition.