The Society was founded in 1985 on the strength and popularity of adult education classes held in Olney during the 1980s.


Meetings are usually held at the Olney Centre from 10am to noon on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays between September and June.
Since COVID, we have been conducting meetings via Zoom. From January 2022 we are introducing a hybrid programme of lectures alternating between Zoom and the Olney Centre with the Olney Centre lectures also being available via Zoom.


The Society’s Constitution describes its objectives as “the arranging and holding of meetings, visits and other activities of archaeological and related interest”. This is achieved by a programme of lectures or illustrated talks on a variety of topics, mainly relating to archaeology but sometimes of general historical interest. There are usually 18 of these, approximately two per month, between September and May. In addition, visits to places of archaeological interest, such as digs, museums, castles, stately homes etc. are organised each year.  An annual lunch is also held in January.


A committee conducts the affairs of the Society according to its Constitution and any member is eligible to join the committee either by election or co-option. Suggestions as to lecture topics or events are always welcome.


The Society itself does not organise, or participate in, excavations, but some individual members may wish to do so in order to learn aspects of practical archaeology. Any such involvement is voluntary and contact with societies undertaking such events is encouraged.

For any further information, or to join the Society, please contact:

Chairman                  Tom Jones      –  01234 713412
Lecture Secretary      Ann Burrows  –  01908 551855

Visit the Milton Keynes Heritage Association for links to the websites of many other local societies