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Albert was disappointed not to receive a Christmas letter from home but does receive a couple of parcels ....

...I have not had a Christmas letter yet, and it is 9.30 p.m. Christmas Sunday night now. I am expecting one any time from you now though. I know why I've not had a letter. I know you will all be very busy, the same as I was. I hope you had as happy a Christmas as possible, under the circumstances. I had a decent Christmas, but it was nothing like being at home. Still, I made a decent job of it...
Christmastide has come again and still you are away;

So here's to wish you swift and safe return and just to say

We send this gift and hope it brings you cheer on New Year's Day.

God save the King and bless our gallant friends we daily pray

...I've had two parcels, one from inhabitants of Wolverton, the other from a chap's uncle. This chap, who sleeps near me, likes me, and got his uncle, who lives at Brighton to send me a Christmas parcel as a kind of surprise packet. I used to be unlucky at one time, but I seem to be quite lucky since I joined the army.
The parcel label (above) and the poem (middle) were sent in 1918. Perhaps Albert's parcel had a similar
goodwill message attached?
Wolverton residents held fund raising events. Click the image on the left to enlarge it.