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The original locomotives consisted of a German engine supplied by Krauss and Company of Munich to a standard design and used in many continental cities for steam tramways. Some accounts of the line have stated that there were three and even four engines, but the Board of Trade returns for June 30th 1887 show only two and others were presumably on loan. They had outside cylinders 8inches in diameter by 12inch stroke, wheels 2ft 6in in diameter and a five foot wheelbase, the working pressure was 175 lb/ and they were non-condensing with Stephenson valve gear. The Krauss engines were found to be unable to handle the heavy passenger rolling stock, so two more powerful engines were supplied in 1887 by Thomas Green and Son of Leeds, designed to haul two large passenger cars fully loaded. These locomotives had 9inch cylinders with14inch stroke, 2ft 6in wheels and a five foot wheel base, working pressure was 175lb/ overall length 11ft 6in, width 6 feet, height from rails to top of roof, 9 feet, and to the top of condenser 10ft 4in, These engines were of the tramway type with atmospheric condenser on the roof. Further locomotives were secured in 1900 from the Brush Electrical Engineering Co. Falcon Works, Loughborough which were generally similar to the Green locomotives and had inside cylinders 7½ inch in diameter by 12 inch stroke. They also worked at 175lb pressure and had an atmospheric condenser and had four coupled wheels 2ft 6in in diameter with a 4ft 6in wheelbase, overall length 13ft 4in, width 6ft to 6ft 6in, height to roof 9ft 4in and to the top of the condenser 10ft 8in, weight 9½ tons loaded.

After the acquisition of the line by the LNWR a four coupled saddle tank engine was secured in 1921 from W.G.Bagnall Ltd. in Stafford. Excepting that the motion was boxed in, the locomotive was a conventional railway design, but without tramway type casing over the upper works. As the standard chimney was found to be too short for the comfort of passengers, an ugly stovepipe extension was added.