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Our Tram's largest cars were among the biggest ever made in the UK, with a capacity of up to 100 passengers.

The tram carried some unusual 'freight'. For example, wives could cook their husband's a hot lunch and send it to Wolverton Works on the tram (for a few pennies a week) where it would be kept warm until the lunch break. The lunches were carried on the tram in special baskets, examples of which are now at Milton Keynes Museum. Each worker had a special number to identify his lunch.

Freight Cars

Special freight cars were designed so that road wheels could be lowered to enable them to be horse-drawn from the tram track throughout the streets of Stony Stratford. The chassis had a special winding mechanism to raise and lower these temporary wheels (as shown in the diagram).

Diagram showing the special mechanism that allowed the tram to travel on the road. The handle at the top is wound to raise or lower the road wheels and lift the car on and off the track.


Everyone travelling on the tram required a ticket. Here are some examples that have survived!

A tram ticket

A tram ticket

Weekly tram ticket, probably used by a worker from Wolverton Works.


Like all public transport, the tram ran to a published timetable. There were special trains on Saturday evening to take people home from an evening out.