Coronation Celebrations & Tea 1902

Coronation Tea 1902
A group of 29 villagers whose ages totalled 2,030 years, at the Coronation tea at Langton House
on August 23, 1902. Of the 29, only seven were men.

The Wolverton Express 22 August 1902

Coronation Celebrations

In dull and threatening weather the villages commenced their Coronation festivities a little after noon. Several houses were artistically decorated, especially those of Messrs. Masterman, W. G. Nicholls, and Wheeldon, Mesdames Gregory and Panter, and Miss Varne[y]. Several of the Committee were busily engaged decorating the fine chestnut trees that are visible from the Castlethorpe Station. On Castle Hill a flagstaff has been erected as a permanent memorial of the day, and the hoisting of the flag for the first time was entrusted to Mr. C. Whiting, Chairman of the Parish Council.
A short programme was drawn up for the occasion, and after devotional exercise by the Vicar, the flag was hoisted to the singing of the National Anthem. Sports then followed this interesting ceremony, and at 3.30 p.m. the children met at the School for a free tea, and by the kindness of Mr. Pain each child was presented with a packet of sweets. An adult tea succeeded this, and at six p.m. the carnival headed by a section of the Yardley Gobion Brass Band, paraded the village, and marched to Castle Fields, where Mrs. Grant (late of Castlethorpe but now of Leamington) and Mr. Rooke (late of Stony Stratford) were given the difficult task of adjudicating the winners. Among the successful competitors were Mr. and Mrs. Whiting and family, Master Markham, and Messrs. Bavington, Jones, Middleton, and Manning. At dusk a huge bonfire was lighted and a firework display commenced, and a pleasant day passed and many wishes were expressed for " long life to the King and Queen."

Coronation Tea 1902