Friday 13th December 1991

Senior Citizens Xmas Party

The Pack had been busy during the weeks leading up to the 7th Annual Party, giving out invitations and rehearsing for the Show. Once again the Scout Group Council had played their important part by arranging transport, refreshments and financially supporting the event.

Akela welcomed old and new guests at the 7.15pm. start after the Cub Scouts had welcomed their guests, seen them to their seats and chatted to them about Cub Scouting.

Our guests soon got into the Party spirit by having many laughs playing ‘Musical Hat’, ‘Musical Laps’ and ‘Transfering Balloon between the Knees’. The last game was very competitive because Akela had organised a team from Hanslope and one from Castlethorpe which the latter won easily. Three games of Bingo were then played, using a machine kindly lent by Hanslope Working Men’s Club, our caller Baloo seemed to like this new electronic device but we all missed the balls being blown about.

The Leaders and Cub scouts then served the mouth watering refreshments to our happy guests in fact the ladies found it very hard to keep up with the demand for more tea. As the interval came to a close the Raffle prizes were drawn and the four delighted winners found, much to the relief of Bagheera and Kaa who had to do some sorting out earlier as our two responsible lads somehow had messed up the one ticket per guest rule.

Then followed a wonderful show directed by Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. Wilkinson in which the lads performed to a very high standard enchanting our very responsive audience. Two pieces were ‘performed’ by Kaa and Akela which was a surprise to the Leaders and Pack as it had been a well kept secret so much so Kaa and Akela did not always seem to know what they should be doing. However our guests seemed to enjoy it very much with lots of laughter and merriment.

We concluded the Party’s entertainment by the Leaders and Pack singing carols accompanied by Mr. Wilkinson’s music which he had delighted our guests throughout the evening with his wonderful musical prowess. As our guests enjoyed mince pies and a glass of sherry Father Christmas paid us a visit distributing small gifts to our delighted guests.

Akela then thanked our guests for coming to the Party to which Mr. Garrett thanked us on behalf of the party goers for an excellent social evening.

The Cub Scout Show: Paul Mitchell 1st, Dominic Spinelli, Marc Reynolds, Simon Cordery, Gareth Reynolds, Thomas Daniels, Maurice Pell, Alex Southall, Russell Jones, James Osborne, Kaa and Akela

Directors: Mrs. Z. Mitchell and Mr. A. Wilkinson

The Party
White Six Mark Redman, Graham Bugg, Paul Mitchell the 1st, Dominic Spinelli, Nicholas Daniels NOT INVESTED
Yellow Six Paul Mitchell 2nd, Daniel Cross, Ian Cooper, Marc Reynolds, Simon Cordery
Green Six Gareth Reynolds, Thomas Daniels, Robert Pearce, Maurice Pell, John Bull, Alistair Day NOT INVESTED
Blue Six Paul McDonald, Alex Southall, Russell Jones, James Osborne, Henry Tonnison NOT INVESTED
21 Cub Scouts
56 Guests

Refreshments: Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Chinnery and Mrs. Cox

Transport: Group Scout Parents organised by Mr. P. Cox Chairmen

Music: Mr. Alan Wilkinson

Father Christmas: Oliver Sawbridge

Leaders: Akela, Baloo, Bagheera and Kaa

Akela C.S.L.

Written by Akela - (Robin Coles) - Cub Scout Leader