John Pye 1583

In the name of god amen The seavententh daie of September Anno A thowsande five hundred eightie three. I John Pye of oulde Straforde in ye parishe of Covesgrave in the Countie of Northampton yeoman, beinge sicke in bodye, But in good remembrance and whole of mynde (thankes be unto Allmightie god) doe ordayne and make this my laste will and testament in manner and forme followinge, That is to saye, Fyrste I gyve and commytte my sowle to Allmightie god my heavenlye Father, and to his sonne Jesus Christe my Saviour and Redemer, And my body to be buried in the parishe Church of Covesgrave aforesaide. Item I doe gyve to the Mother Churche of Peterborough Fower pence. Item I do gyve and bequeathe to Elizabeth my daughter the Somme of Thirteene poundes Sixe shillings eight pence of lawfull money of England: More I doe gyve to her in howsholde stuffe suche as her Mother cann beste spare to make the howsholde stuffe which her grandmother gave her to be worthr Sixe poundes thirteen shillings fower pence of Lawfull moneye of Endland. Item I doe gyve to Johan my daughter the Somme of Tenne poundes of lawfull moneye of England, And also I will that her Mother shall make the howshold stuffe that her grandfather gave her to be worth Three poundes sixe shillings eighte pence of Lawfull moneye of England. Item I doe gyve to Julian my daughter the somme of Tenne poundes of lawfull money of England. And alsoe I doe gyve to her in howshoulde stuff suche as her Mother shall think fyttest for her, to the Somme of Fourtie shillings of Lawfull moneye of Englande: Item I doe gyve to Grace my daughter the Somme of eighte poundes of Lawfull moneye of Englande, Alsoe I doe gyve her in howsholde stuff suche as her mother shall thinke fyttest for her, to the Somme of fourtie shillings of Lawfull money of England. Item I doe gyve to Ellynor my daughter the Somme of Eight poundes of lawfull moneye of England, Also I doe gyve to her in howshoulde stuffe such as her Mother shall thinke meetest to the Somme of Fourtie shillings of Lawfull moneye of England Item I doe gyve to Thomas my sonne the Somme of fyve poundes of Lawfull moneye of England, to be paide to him at the age of one and twentie yeares. Item I doe gyve to George my sonne Fyve poundes of lawfull money of England, to be payed to him at the age of one and Twentye yeares. Item I doe gyve to Roger my sonne fyve poundes of Lawfull money of England to be paide him at the age of three and twentye yeares. Item I doe gyve to John my Sonne Thirtene poundes Six shillings eight pence of lawfull moneye of Engalnd, to be paide to hym within twoe yeares next after my decease. Item I doe gyve to Johane my wife All my purchased Lands during her widowhoode, And also the occupation of all my Leases for terme of yeares, duringe those yeares; If she lyve so longe, And yf yt please god shee marrye, Then doe I gyve all the same my purchased Lande to John my sonne and to the heires of my bodye lawfullye begotten to enter on yt presentlye, And likewise all those my Leases remaynonge in force after her decease In considering of suche his entree uppon  the saide purchased Lande, the saide John shall paye to Roger, George and Thomas my three Sonnes the Somme of Thyrtie poundes of lawfull moneye of England amongst theme in manner and forme following That is to saie To Roger my sonne, Fyvee pounes of lawfull moneye of England within one yeare next after that he hathe entered on the Land, and the other five poundes of lyke moneye within one yeare next after that Soe that he be one and twentie yeares of age before his fyrste payment be paide, And also to paye George my sonne Fyve poundes of lawfull money of England within one yeare next after the saide Laste payment of Roger, And five poundes of like moneye within one yeare next after that, Soe that he be one and twentie yeares of age before his fyrste payment, Also I will that he paie to Thomas my sonne five poundes of lawfull money of England within one yeare next after the laste payment of George, And five poundes of lyke moneye within one yere next after that, Soe that he be one and twentie yeares of age before his fyrste paymenste. Provided allwayes yf anye of the same my three Sonnes Roger, George and Thomas happen to dye before theire full age of one and twentie yeares, Then my will is that his parte of the sayde Tenne poundes parcell of the sayde Thyrtye poundes, soe dying shall reste to the saide John to his onelye use; yf twoe of theme dye before theire age of one and twentie yeares, the thirde sonne lyvinge shall have but Fifteene poundes of the sayde Twenty poundes remayninge, And the other Fyve poundes to be to the use of the sayde John, And yf it happen my sayde sonne John to dye without issue of his body lawfullye begotten Then I will that the same my purchased Lands shall Remaine to my sonne Roger and to the heyres of his bodye lawfullye begotten, And yf my sonne Roger doe dye without issue of his bodye lawfullye begotten, the saide purchased Landes to Remaine to my sonne George and to the heyres of his bodye Lawfullye begotten, And yf my sonne George doe dye without issue of his body Lawfullye begotten, the same purchased Landes to Remayne to my sonne Thomas and to the heyres of his bodye Lawfullye begotten, If my sonne Thomas doe dye without issue of his bodye lawfullye begotten, Then the saide Landes to remayne to my sonne William, and to the heyres of his bodye lawfullye begotten; And for lacke of such issue to remaine to my daughters and to theire heires. Provided yf my sonne John doe dye before he enter upon the Landes, that then such other of my sonnes as shall have right to enter uppon  ye same Landes shall stande charged to paie all such Sommes of money in manner and fourme aforesayde, as the sayde John is appointed to paye to the reste of my Sonnes which shalbee then lyvinge Item I doe gyve to my sonne William Twentie pounds of lawfull moneye of England to be payde to him at his age of one and twentie years or within one Yeare next after the marriage of my weif which soe ever shall fyrste happen) And if any of my sayde Sonnes and daughters happen to dye before the tyme of thiere sayd payment Then theyre porcions soe dyinge shalbe to all the reste then survyvinge by equall portions except suche Sommes of money which duringe the lyfe of the saide John or suche other as shall enter uppon the sayde Landes ye reserved to hym owte of the saide thirtie poundes as above is mencioned according to the Wordes and meaning aforesaide Item I doe gyve to John Ashwood of densanger sixe shillings eighte pence. Item I doe gyve to John my man three shillings fowre pence. Item I doe gyve to Thomas my man Twelve pence, Item I doe gyve to the poore people of Stony stratforde theloeste and those that have most neede five shillings. Item I doe gyve to my good Neighebors That is to Saye Lawrence Barker, William Massoy, Rycharde Cowper, Rycharde Thorneback, Goodman Temple, William Wheblewhett, Robert Wayward and Humfreye Hayes, all those my forenamed Neighbors twelve pence a piece to be paide within one monthe next after my deathe. Item I doe gyve to my syster Agnes Pye Tenne shillings. Item I doe gyve to John Thomas of Pottarspury Fyve shillings. Item I doe gyve to Robert Williams Sixe shillings eighte pence. Item I doe gyve to Anthony Gold two shillings. Item I doe gyve to Aday Barnes three shillings fower pence. Item I doe gyve to Anthony Watson thirteen shillings fower pence. Item I doe gyve to the maintenance of the belles in Covesgrave church Steeple xijd [12d. Item all the Reste of my goodes unbequeathed my debts beinge paide and my Funeralles discharged I doe give to Johane my Wife, whome I doe make the sole executrix of this my Laste will and testament. And I doe ordayne and make William Clerk, Thomas Thorne, William dyneley gent, and Adam Barron, to be my Overseers of this my present laste will and Testament; And I doe gyve to everie of theme for theire paines Sixe shillings eight pence of lawfully money of England: In wittnes whereof hereunto I have putte my hande and Seale the daye and yeare fyrste above written: Item I will that all those Lagacies which I have given to my daughters shalbe paide to them at the daie of theire marriage or at the age of fower and twentye yeares which shall fyrste happen, Sealed and delivered in the presence of Robert Emmerson, ny me Thomas Thorne and me Richard Hynd curat, Anthone Watson, Robt Williams, Signum Johis Beacham, and me William Barrett

Note: In the margin is the following, but no indication in the body of the text where the wording should be placed.  - Allsoe I will that her mother shall make the houshould stuff that her grandfather gave her to be worth thre poundes six shillings and eight pence of lawfull money of England. Item I doe give to Marie my daughter the some of ten pounds of lawfull money of England.