"All the Business of War" 2nd Edition by John Sunderland and Margaret Webb
For five days in September 1913, with rumblings of war stirring all over Europe, North Bucks and South Northants were turned into a "battleground" for British manoeuvres for more than 50,000 soldiers and airmen and 25,000 horses in what turned out to be a vital dress rehearsal for the so-called Great War. The troops that exercised in South Northants in 1913 helped to save the day for the Allies in the opening months of the Great War less than a year later. What happened in those few weeks was to have a profound influence on European history for much of the 20th. century.
The second edition of the book contains a more extensive account of the critical opening phase of The Great War and the relevance of the 1913 manoeuvres. The book includes a facsimile of the booklet, published by the Northampton Mercury in 1913, to commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen Mary to Northampton to see the manoeuvres.
88 pages; ISBN 978-0-9524619-5-1; £13.00
First edition published 2011, second edition published September 2013
Also available from Amazon www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0952461951