Chantry Certificate No 4, sub-section 10 - Thornton dated 4th February 1545/6. (E301/4)
reproduced with kind permission of the Public Records Office


Chantry Certificate for the Provision of Pensions & Continuance of Schools

- Buckingham Hundred (E301/77) dated 1548/9.

This document is important for three reasons: firstly it confirms that the sum 'xli viiis ob' from Thornton was the £10-8s-0½d that eventually endowed the Royal Latin School; secondly it confirms that the Thornton school was continued (with the note in the margin); and thirdly the following page of this document was the one that misled Browne Willis, and that Isabel Denton actually endowed a school in Shalston.

This document is dated 1549 and lists the names of the chantry priests, their approximate ages, and income by County, so that they can be awarded a pension. Under the heading of the Hundred of Buckingham, the first page gives the details on two chantries in Thornton. The chantry of Our Lady is also called Barton’s, and the incumbent is William Abbott, who ‘doth teach a gram [mer] Schole according to the fundac[i]on and hath no other lyving but this saide Chantrie’.

The top half of the second page concerns Hundred of Buckingham, the lower half concerns the Hundred of ‘Chilterne’. In Buckingham town there are two chantries: the Fraternity of the Trinity; and Barton’s chantry. Buckingham Hundred includes Shalston.

Appendix V

Com[itatus] Buck[ingham]

A brief abstracte or declarac[ijon p[ar]ticularly of the names of all the late Colledges,

Chauntries Fraternities FreechappelleLs] GuiIdes Brotherehedes Stipendanes and such others within the said Countie of Buck[ingham]
now in the kinge[s] maiestie[s] handeLs] By virtue of the Late Acte of pLar]Iiament hadd and provided for the sume As well with
the names and Surnames of the mast[ers] Govemers p~este[s] lncumbente[s] ministers and pLer]sons whose lyvingels] the kinge[s]
highnes is lntitled vnto by the saide act As Also all the Scholes preachers Beademen and poor foulke[s] having yerelie
Relyff oute of the premiss As for one parte or p[ar]cell Thereof made on the seconde yere of the Reigne of oure souraigne
Lorde Edwarde the sixte by the grace of god kinge of Englonde Fraunce and lrelonde defnder of the feath and in Erth
of the Church of Englonde and also lrelonde Supreme hedd as heraftre folowithe                         That is to saie in

Hundred de Buck[ingham]
Con [tintiatu]r the
Schola quousque
The Chauntrie of
oure Ladie in Thorneton
aforesaide called Bartons
Chaunthe worthe by yere
ouer and bysides certeine
xixli viijs ob
S[i]rW,ll[ia]m Abbott ys
lncumbente of the
saide Chauntrie
The said Incumbent of theage of
lx yeres hath yerelie cominge
of the saide Chauntrie over and
besides all Reprises by yere cler
xli viils ob The saide Incumbent
dothe teach a gram[mer]
Schole according to
the fundac[i]on and hath
no other lyving but
this saide Chauntiie
Con [tintiatu]r the
pore quousque
Memorand[um] there is paide oute of the saide Chaunt~e by yere vnto six poor foulkes wekelie to everie of theyme vid
which doth amounte vnto the yerelie Some of __________________________________________________________
Item paide also to six Childerne yerelie for everie of ther lyveries iii is which doth amounte to the yerelie som[mje of
vij li xvjs

The Chauntrie in
Thorneton called bartons
Chauntrie mainteined
by Alsoulne Colledge in
Cviijs Oxforde ouer and besides
Certeine Reprises Worth
by yere
S[i]r Rob[erlte bartlitt clerke ys
Incumbent of the
saide Chauntie
The saide Incumbent of the age
of iiijxx yeres hath one annuitie
or yerelie penc[i]on cominge
of the saide Chauntrie paide
by the said Alsouline Colledge
by yere clere
Cviljs The said Incumbe[nt]
hath no other livy[ngl
but this saide Chauntrie
that is presented

Penc[t]o[n] Cvitjs