My School Days by Angela Gerry

I think we had some very good teachers there, Mrs.Smart, Mrs Stuchberry, Miss Halliwell, Mrs Littlewood, Mr Harrison, Mr, Hughes, but to top them all Mrs Bailey. She was very good and her love of music was instilled into us at such an early age. We always won the singing competition each year down at Bletchley Rd School, because no other junior school tackled the classical pieces to sing that she chose.

I was telling Thomas and Polly how when we were at school there were no school dinners or sandwich taking and kids walked home every lunchtime and back, right down Newton Road and Water Eaton, no wonder kids were thinner those days

I remember the roaring fire with a big guard around it in the main big classroom. Also the pride when you were chosen by Mrs Bailey to be a Monitor. Do you remember Mr Brown the Conjuror that used to come to our school Christmas parties, I thought he was wonderful.

We were always being encouraged to buy National Savings stamps, and you were given points for how much money you took each week (all wrong of course). Mum used to give us money, more than she wanted to because I would pester her, and then would draw it out a week later (unknown to Mrs Bailey of course)

The school building I always thought was nice, and Mrs Baileys house next door, it was such an "honour" to be allowed into Mrs Baileys House. Taking the washing to Brenda Hampsons Mum every Monday morning, would never be allowed these days. Magic school holidays to the Isle of Wight, North Bucks schools sports days at the park in Wolverton each year

Well those are my "rapid" memories.If you think there are any other things I can help with or remember please ask.

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