Castlethorpe's first electricity pole being erected next to the church wall in 1937 when electricity finally came to the village.
First electricity pole in Castlethorpe
In the photograph on the right children can be seen pulling on the rope to raise the pole.
Year Date
1922 Nov 20 A letter sent to the station-master asking him if he would kindly see that the lamp near the station be regularly lighted during the dark evenings.
1923 Mar 27 A suggestion was made by Mr Huckins that a lamp be placed half way down the road between Station and Carrington Hall.
1923 Aug 15 The question as to having lamps in the village was raised, and this was adjourned until another meeting.
1924 Nov 11 The clerk write to the Stationmaster requesting him to have the lamp lighted when necessary.
1925 Mar 02 A discussion took place re the Electric Lighting System, and it was decided to bring the matter forward at the Annual parish Meeting.
1925 Mar 16 A discussion took place re the proposed Electric Lighting System & after brief explanations of the system by Mr Whiting and Mr Markham, it was decided that the Council communicate with Northampton Electric Light Company requesting them to arrange if possible, for a representative from the firm to address the parishioners at a public meeting and full explain matters.
1925 Apr 21 The clerk was requested to write to the Northampton Electric Co. to ascertain if it was the intention of the Company to provide the village with the Electric Light in due course, if the demand was sufficient, if so, to ask them to quote a few dates which would be convenient for them to send a representative to Castlethorpe to explain the scheme at a public meeting.
1925 Apr 27 The clerk stated that he had called on the on the Northampton Electric Light & power Company & read a letter he had received from the Company regarding the same. It was proposed that a copy of the letter be posted up on the Parish Notice Board.
1926 Oct 22 The clerk communicate again with the Northampton Electric Lighting Co. & ascertain whether there was any prospect of the Electric Light being brought into the village in the near future.
1927 Apr 12 Electric Light Supply - The plans for the scheme were read & submitted to the Council who after discussion agreed on the following; It was proposed by Mr Osborne seconded by Mr Markham that the Council agree to the proposed erection of Overhead Mains in Castlethorpe, subject to the Parish Council being allowed a representative to be in attendance when the position of Pole Sites are being chosen in the roads maintained by the Rural District Council.
1927 Jul 21 Electric Light - A notice be put up stating that unless the small forms were completed & sent to the Electric Light Co. the project would have to be dropped. Forms could be obtained at Post Office.
1929 Dec 03 Mr Ranter stated that a number of parishioners had questioned him to the Council requesting the Electric Light Co. to extend their lines from Hanslope to Castlethorpe & thought if the village were again canvassed it would be better supported than at the former canvass. The Clerk should write to the Electric Light Co. about the matter.
1930 Mar 12 The Council should enquire for terms & cost of Electric Lighting for the village. On being out to the meeting Twenty voted for & none against.
1930 Apr 14 The Clerk should write to the Northampton Electric Light Co. in anticipation of distributing mains being brought to Castlethorpe for an estimate of the cost of 12 to 15 lamps for street lighting.
1930 May 22 A Quotation from the Northampton Electric Light Co. for street lighting was read & discussed. The quotation was considered satisfactory and it was resolved that the Clerk should write and make an appointment for the Chairman with the Manager to obtain if possible the approximate date when the electric mains would be extended to Castlethorpe, so that the Council could make preparations as to meeting for parishioners for explanation & adoption of the lighting act.
1931 Mar 09 The Chairman said the Northants Electric Light Co. had been written to for terms re- the erecting, lighting & cost complete for 12 lamps for the lighting of the village. He said the Council had received a reply which stated the charge would be £39 inclusive of the six winter months. This Council thought satisfactory but unfortunately the Electric Co. had not yet brought the mains to the village & the Council could not get a definite reply when they would do so.
1932 Mar 14 The question of the Electric Lighting of the village was raised. Mr Richardson wanted to know the amount it would cost on the rates. The Chairman said, if the whole village were practically lighted it would take fifteen lamps at £3-5-0 per lamp, that is £50, which would mean a three penny rate. Mr Richardson considered this too expensive. The Chairman said the Council were in favour of lighting only if the Station Road was included, but the mains had not been carried that way yet, owing to the small number of private users who wanted the service. Mr Nicholls and Mr Dollins also spoke on the matter and of the dilatory and unbusiness like manner of the Northampton Electric Co. The Chairman stated that the Council would make further inquiries and would calla special meeting to fully discuss the matter before deciding to call the Meeting to vote for or against the Adoption of the Lighting Act.
1932 May 02 A letter be sent to the Electric Light Co. The Council wished to know whether the Main would be extended to Station Rd. in the event of their accepting the tender received form the Co. dated 19/7/30.
1932 Jun 07 A letter was read from the Electric Light Co. re Street Lighting & it was resolved to make further enquiries.
1932 Sep 12 A letter was read from the Northampton Electric Light Co. The clerk write them again, pointing out that is what necessary for fifteen lights to be installed. Three down Station Rd.
1932 Oct 27 An offer for the lighting of the streets of this village received from the Northampton Electric Light Co. Decided to call a Public Meeting Tuesday Nov. 8th at 8p.m. to lay the full facts before the Parishioners for their consideration.
1932 Nov 08 The Chairman stated the reason for calling a meeting -: To consider an offer from The Northampton Electric Light Co. to light the streets of this village. He then read the minute from the Annual Parish meeting authorising the Council to call this meeting.
After reading all the correspondence & explaining the terms of the contract in detail, the Chairman declared the matter open to the meeting for discussion.
Mr T. Clarke & Mr E. Nichols both spoke on the matter & stated that in their opinion the charge of £3-5-0 per light was excessive. W. Dolling said he would like to see the main extended down Station Rd before any further move was made with regard to lighting the streets. Mr Richardson asked if the terms in this contract were the same as other Councils had obtained. The Chairman replied that he had made enquiries & he was given to understand that the contract was exactly the same as sent to other councils in the district.
Mr Richardson moved that the council write to the Electric Light Co. & ask for lower terms. This was seconded by Mr J. Nichols & carried.
1932 Nov 14 When the general meeting is called or the consideration of Adopting the Street Lighting Act, only Local Government Electors be admitted.
1933 Feb 15 The Chairman read the notice convening meeting. To consider the question of adopting the lighting provisions of the "Lighting & Watch Act 1833".
The Council have received an estimate from the Northampton Electric Light Co. of £48-15-0 per annum for the maintenance of 15 lamps in the streets of this village for the purpose of street lighting.
The minutes of the Special Parish Meeting held Nov 8th 1932 were read. After the correspondence had been read and fully explained by the chairman the meeting was declared open for discussion.
Mr H. Dolling was of the opinion that this question should be deferred for twelve months. Mr E. Richardson said he quite understood and appreciated the work of the council but he agreed with Mr Dolling. The Chairman said that the council had decided that the vote would be taken at this meeting. After further discussion the motion was put to the Meeting.
There were 35 Local Government Electors present when the resolution was put to the meeting and not one supported it.
1933 Jun 19 The clerk was instructed to write to Mr Orchard re the erection of electric light poles on the footpath up the Chestnuts & also draw his attention to the dangerous conditions of the Chestnut Trees
1935 Mar 11 The Chairman read a new estimate from Northampton Electric Light & power Co., regarding Street Lighting for the Parish. After a short discussion, Mr Marsh referred if to the next Annual Meeting
1936 Mar 16 A discussion was made regarding the Lighting of the village streets, Mr John Cowley thought it worth while not only from the lighting benefit, but as a safety factor too, seeing that the parish would be considered a built up area, & thus come within the 30 mile per hour speed Limit. Mr Richardson thought still the cost excessive and he proposed that it be laid on the table
1937 Mar 15 Electric Light Street Lighting: Mr. H. Cook moved that New Council when in office should take and negotiate with the Northampton Electric Light & Power Co; Several responses were made expressing the view that the charges for erecting light in the village were still too dear. Mr. Cook thought it beneficial to get new facts and estimates from the said company and then convene a meeting, and put the information before the parish.
1937 Aug 10 Lighting of the Village: The clerk presents a new estimate, for the Lighting of the village, from the Northampton, Electric Light Co. The Council considered the estimate very favourable, but decided that it should be laid on the table, until a Parish Meeting be called to consider it.
1937 Sep 08 It was resolved to call or convene a general Parish meeting to ascertain whether or not the parish intended to adopt Street Lighting. The date of meeting to be October 5th 1937.
1937 Oct 05 The business of the meeting was to ascertain whether or not the parishioners wished to adopt the Lighting and Watch Act and so have Street Lighting in the village of Castlethorpe.
The meeting was well attended by the ratepayers, and all members of the Council were present, Mr. Cook (chairman of the Council) was Chairman of the meeting.
Opening the meeting, the chairman gave details as to cost, etc., followed by the reading of an agreement, drawn up by the Northampton Electric Light Co. and The Castlethorpe Parish Council..
This agreement needing the signatures of the Council, should it be approved by the meeting.
After several minor discussions, it was moved by Mr. A. Bavington, that the Street Lighting be adopted. This was seconded by Mr. Sawbridge. The Chairman then put this proposition before the meeting, and by showing of hands it was unanimously adopted, there not being one parishioner against it. As to the position of the Eight Lamps to be erected, this was left to the members of the Council. Mr. Cook stated that the points chosen would be carefully considered and placed to be most advantage in helping to make the village Lighter and Safer after dark.
1937 Oct 11 Points of Erection of Lamps: Choosing of the points in the village, where the Street Lamps would be fixed. Each councillor had noted various points in the village where a lamp would be an advantage. After careful consideration from these notes, the following fixture points were agreed to by the council.
Station Road. Castlethorpe
Pole No 47 – 75 Watt Lamp
Pole No 42 – 100 Watt Lamp
Pole No 32 – 100 Watt Lamp
Pole No 5 – 100 Watt Lamp
Pole No 2 – 75 Watt Lamp
Pole No 11 – 100 Watt Lamp
Pole No 30 – 75 Watt Lamp
Pole No 15 – 75 Watt Lamp
Then followed the signing of the agreement between Northampton Electric Light Co., and the parish Council. The minimum of years, being seven, under the agreement, for Street Lighting.
1938 Feb 09 The Council being of the opinion that the general rate of the Electric Light supply was too high, the clerk was asked to write to the Company asking if it would be possible for a reduction from 8d to 6d per unit. Stating that Wolverton were at present paying 6d and that the Council felt more consumers would come in if a reduction were made. Seeing that the parish had recently adopted the Street Lighting it was hoped the Northampton Electric Light Co., would act favourably.
1938 Mar 15 Referring to the Street Lighting, it was agreed that these lamps were most beneficial to the parishioners during the winter months, and although the number of lamps in use were small, it was greatly appreciated by the parish generally. Mr. Dolling then proposed that an additional lamp be placed between existing lamps, saying, that in his opinion the present number of lamps were inadequate, to throw sufficient light. Mr. J. Gobbey seconded the proposition. The chairman then placed same before the meeting, and by show of hands, Four were in favour and Six against, many being neutral of the proposition being carried out.
1939 Mar 20 On considering the Street Lighting it was thought another Five Lamps, placed at the best possible points available, would be a great asset to the village. Mr. Holt proposed that one of the Five, should certainly be placed on the green near the Railway Station, Mr. Cook seconded this proposal, adding that the placing of the other lamps should be left to the discretion of the Council.
1939 May 09 Electric Pole Emergency Switch: A letter was read from the Northampton Electric Light & Power Co., offering (in conjunction with A.R.P. movement) an emergency switch, to be erected high on a suitable pole, which could be controlled by a hook pole, should occasion arise for the extinguishing of street light in times of emergency. The all in cost to be 12/6.
The Council thought this to be a fair offer, and agreed to accept this, expressing the wish for this to be completed, by the next lighting season.
In accordance with a resolution passed at the last Annual Assembly, it was agreed that the order be placed, for the Five Additional street lights. The clerk was instructed to enquire if the price of these would be the same as agreed to in the last contract.
1945 Aug 11 The Council approved a copy of a letter to the Northampton Electric Light and Power Co. Ltd., accepting their terms and time for resumption of street lighting and reminding the company of instructions, given before the time of National Emergency, for five additional street lights. The Council expressed satisfaction that information, on the matter, afforded through the local Press made reference to the commencement of street lighting, as being 6th Oct. next and this village would be provided with 13 lights. Councillors then proceeded to discuss the most useful positions for the additional lights and these were judged to be.
1. On pole opposite the residence of Mrs. H. I. Lewis, know as The Bungalow.
2. Opposite the residence of Mr. J. Nichols, on pole beside the wall of the Churchyard. (against Bridge).
3. At the junction of Wolverton Road with Bullington End Road.
4. Opposite the Maltings Farm.
5. On the Green, near the Station, at the junction of Station Road with Hanslope.
The Council thought all bulbs should be of 100 Watt power.
1946 Feb 22 £12-11-0 1st Instalment for Street Lighting Winter Season 45-46.
The Clerk was instructed to write to Northampton Electric Light & Power Co., regarding the extra Street Lights numbering five, as promised at the beginning of the winter. Stating also, that the Council would very much like to see this work completed, before their term of office ended. Agreement as to the position of lamps had been reached at a previous meeting.
1946 Jul 29 With the coming of the winter, thought was given to the Street Lighting, two more lights being necessary, one opposite the new Council Houses, and the other at the junction of the Hanslope Road to the Wolverton Road. The clerk was asked to get in touch with the company concerned, this was agreed.
1946 Sep 02 In view of the dark evenings and the return to Greenwich time, Mr Dolling proposed that the Council write to the Northampton Electric Light Company asking for street lights one month earlier than the present contract demanded.
1946 Dec 02 It was thought advisable to remind the Northampton Electric Light & Power Co. of the two additional Street Lights asked for by the Council at the beginning of the winter. Labourer and shortage of materials had been acknowledged, but the Council would appreciate the work being carried out.
1947 Sep 29 It was regretted that under the ministry’s allowance of only 50% pre-war lighting, Four lamps only could be lit. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Northampton Electric Light asking if seven lamps at least could be used, owing to the dangerous nature of the village bends and roads.
1947 Dec 08 Since the previous meeting a letter had been received from the Ministry, in reply to the Councils request for extra lights owing to the dangerous bends in the village. Three additional lights had been granted and on the proposition of Mr Brown seconded Mr Ray they were agreed as follows.
One Bottom End of station Road
One Mr Cannon’s Corner opp: Carrington Terrace
One near Railway Bridge down new Road
Electric Light: Many times of late, particularly on Sunday mornings there had been a cut or failure of the Electric Power. This was very serious as a good number of people had no other means of cooking, and many dinners were spoiled as the current usually failed when most dinners were half cooked. The clerk was instructed to write to the Company asking if this could be avoided in future.
1948 Mar 15 The Chairman (Mr Dolling) explained how the Council had stressed for extra street lights owing to the dangerous nature of the bends. The Ministry had granted three above the pre-war lighting. Mr Holt considered the lights were on too late, and that a saving could be made in this respect. It was revealed that the clock mechanism had been faulty on several occasions and that this had now been remedied.
1949 Jul 14 For the coming Street Lighting for the next season. Decreasing by one Lamp, down Station Road.
1949 Dec 05 Several complaints had been made of late about the darkness on leaving the passenger station. It was remembered that before the war an oil lamp was always burning after dark outside the station. Electric light was in the booking office and the Council felt that the cost of erecting a light would be very little. The Clerk was instructed to write B.R. on this matter asking for a light to be placed in an appropriate position.
1950 Jan 30 Light New Road: The fact that the lower half of New Road, that is over the railway, was very dark at night and derived no light from the nearest lamp. It was agreed to ask the Electric Light Board to put an additional lamp on the pole near the Bungalow owned by Mr Jones.
1950 Mar 20 £9-17-0 E.M.C. Erection of 2 street lamps. This was agreed.
1950 Mar 27 It was realised an additional street light was needed down the lower part of New Road, opposite Mr Jones bungalow. This being a private road from the railway it was thought well to make inquiries regarding the erection of a light over a private road.
1950 Sep 04 The chairman had been asked several times why we had not yet got the lights on in the village. It was known to the Council that the present contract with E.M.E. did not operate until Oct 1st. It was agreed to ask for the street lights right away and have the existing contract modified and brought earlier before another season.
The clerk was instructed to write to the British Railways, thanking them for erecting the light outside the passenger station.
1950 Oct 09 The proposed additional light down New Road, had not yet been erected, and it was thought well to get in tough with the Electric Light Company again.
Cut in Power in Village: Another happening in the village was causing much annoyance and inconvenience particularly on Sunday mornings, and this was the cut in power supply.
The clerk was asked to write to the E.M.E. Regional Board asking for more improvement in the very near future.
1950 Nov 21 New Road Light: The Council were very pleased with it, and appreciation had been expressed by the people living down there.