Castlethorpe Village sign - click for movie
James Nicols
" 'I wonder where you all would be now if I hadn't come out from England.' The old man looked at his descendants crowding the living-room of his home, and a silence crept over the chattering groups. How different everything would have been! It was a shock to be made to think of that. We knew he had emigrated from England years ago, it had just been taken for granted, and because no one bothered to ask we did not know exactly where he came from or the reason for his coming, or anything about his journey to New Zealand." (James Nicholls - Plum Duff and Cake) James William Nichols born in Castlethorpe December 6th 1851. See People - James Nichols

Castlethorpe and the London North Western Railway
School play xmas 1904
Click for parish records
Castlethorpe Church - Tour & Church Records
Castlethorpe War Memorial

Read about Castlethorpe's Wesleyan Methodist Chapel
Marble relief depicting Census gathering
Items from the Parish Clerk's records

Read about the sale of the Marqyess of Lincoln's holdings in the village in 1920
Map of Castlethorpe c.1761
Take a tour round the village of Castlethorpe
Read about The Great Castlethorpe Fire of 1905
Drawing of the siege of Castlethorpe castle in 1215

Links to nearby villages

James Nichols' story has been recorded - how many others are going to be lost unless something is done to capture them? Before it's too late to ask the questions as memories fade and recollections diminish, and run the risk of documentary evidence being lost, Castlethorpe's past has to be set down for the generations which will follow. It is hoped that by bringing together the records so far collected, you will be able to sense the personal and cultural achievements of the population. More modern records and photographs are being been included to show how the village continues to change and develop.
Documents will be added as they become available - any contributions will be most welcome. email: