Mr. Bellham standing by his charabanc
In the past the people of Castlethorpe used the charabanc belonging to Mr. Bellham of Hanslope
Year Date
1946 Mar 11 Train Requirements: A request to L.M.S. Railway Co., asking for the 1.10 p.m. from Northampton to be stopped every day at Castlethorpe, instead of Thursday and Saturday as at present. The need for a train about this time, travelling towards London was very urgent, there not being a train in that direction calling at Castlethorpe between 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
1946 Jun 17 The reply from L.M.S. regarding the resolution passed at the Annual Assembly asking for the 1.30 p.m. to stop each day on its way to London. As this had not yet come about it was resolved to write again, asking for this or a substitute train , owing to the absence of a train stopping for passenger service towards London, between the hours of 9.30 a.m. and 6.24 p.m.
1946 Sep 29 Mr Dolling suggested that the Council ask the United Counties Bus Company for the erection of a bus shelter for the benefit of waiting passengers.
1947 Mar 31 Stopping of Trains: Arising from the minutes, the chairman explained, that the council had not been successful in their attempt to get the train stopped each day at about 1.30 p.m. In fact, with the exception of Saturday the train was not running at all. The railway company had explained, that in view of the Fuel Crisis and Emergency this was unavoidable. Remembering their service to the public, every endeavour would be made to renew a service at the earliest possible moment.
Bus Shelter: Mr. Dolling then stated that the Council had tried to persuade the United Omnibus Company, to erect a shelter outside the Hall, for the use of the public when waiting for the bus. The Company had replied, stating the difficulty in obtaining materials and labour for this work, and also stating that they did not recognise the erection of Shelters as their liability, but did not definitely refuse to erect one. It was felt that with kindly persuasion at some future date something may be gained to the advantage of the parish.
1948 Jan 19 Bus Route: The Chairman then brought to notice, the suggestion that the present route of the bus service through the village should be slightly altered, so as to eliminate two very dangerous bends, now having to be negotiated. It was proposed and agreed to ask the United Counties to use the back street of the village. The clerk was instructed to write the traffic manager to view the proposed change of route.
1949 May 23 Mr Bywater wished to bring to the Councils notice the lack of convenient trains stopping at Castlethorpe, and he thought the public to be very poorly served. One of the most needed was the train which already stopped on Thursdays and Saturdays only, travelling towards London. This train was needed every day of the week. The other service needed, was a train stopping from London, during Sunday evening between 7 to 8p.m. or near.
At present a train from London stops at Wolverton station, and just misses the bus service to Castlethorpe, Hanslope and neighbouring villages, by stopping at Castlethorpe it could serve many villages. The Council agreed that these trains were very much needed and the Chairman recalled that the Railway Company (then L.M.S.) had been approached before, concerning the first request mentioned and he thought the British Railways should be asked again for these improvements.
1949 Jul 04 Trains: A reply had been received from British Railways, to the Councils request, and it was noticed that the company were wrong in their statement that the villages were well served by a bus service. The Council still maintained a later train was needed, and the clerk was instructed to write again, giving names of villages affected.
Buses: It was well known that the United Bus Company ran frequent bus services to Northampton each day making their termini at Hanslope. Mr Bywater proposed Mr Brown seconded that the Company be asked to extend this terminus to Castlethorpe, on some if not all the service.
1947 Nov 07 Apart from acknowledging the letter stating the Councils request for buses to extend their Northampton Service to Castlethorpe from Hanslope, also a little later from Wolverton, nothing further had been received. The Clerk was instructed to write again asking for their views or decisions on the matter.
1950 Jan 30 Bus Service: All efforts by the Council to bring about the alteration of a bus time leaving Wolverton, so as to be convenient for people arriving from London, seemed to have failed. It was considered well to consult yet again the railway company with the hopes of bringing about some improvement.
1950 May 24 Proposed Bus Shelter: The clerk presented a letter from the Divisional Education Officer proposing the Festival of Britain could be marked by erection of a Bus Shelter in the village. Proving beneficial to children when waiting to go to school by bus, also other parishioners. The parish Council were aware of the need for a shelter, and had been for sometime past, having already approached the Bus Company.
The Clerk was instructed to reply that the P. Council agreed a shelter was needed, but could not bear the cost out of the Parish, and to ask if the Education Committee or County Council would be willing it defray the cost.
While on the question of the Bus Shelter, the Chairman suggested that the Porch of the Carrington Hall could be used as a temporary shelter. A lock could be fixed to the inner door to prevent people going in the Hall proper. Mr Gobbey agreed this was a good ides, it being very uncomfortable for the public waiting on bad weather days. Mr Bywater seconded the proposal and it was carried. The Clerk was instructed to obtain one Yale Lock, from “Lake BrotherWolverton.
1950 May 25 Realising the last train from Wolverton to Castlethorpe was far too early after the alteration of times, to accommodate cinema goers and others, it was resolved to approach the united Counties with a view to obtaining a late bus on Saturday evenings say about 10 to 10.15 p.m. A bus used to run about this time before the war economy in services.
1950 Oct 09 For some time past efforts had been made to obtain a later bus or train service from Wolverton, on Saturday nights. Nothing had been gained and it was agreed the clerk write to the Traffic Commissioners asking for some later service in the very near future.