Bucks Standard 1921 April 9th
With beautiful and impressive ceremony and in the presence of all classes in the village the handsome stone monument erected to do lasting honour to the heroic deeds of the men from Castlethorpe who fell in the service of their country, and in remembrance also of those who served in the Great War but were spared to return, was unveiled on Saturday afternoon, April 2. The site for the memorial was the generous gift of the Marquis of Lincolnshire; K.G. Formerly the village pound, it occupies a central position in close proximity to the Parish Church. The memorial takes the form of an obelisk and standing high up from the roadway is approached by a flight of steps. Its beauty is enhanced by the planting of a number ornamental shrubs, the gift of Mr. Thomas Osborne, J.P. and his wife, old and much respected residents in Castlethorpe. The cost of the obelisk was £200, but other necessary work entailed a larger expenditure, and the appeal made for public subscriptions met with a generous response, the general desire of the village being to commemorate in a fitting and permanent manner the patriotism and sacrifice of her gallant sons. The subscriptions amounted to £235; those outside the village who sent welcome donations were the Marquis of Lincolnshire, £10: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Borrett, West Haddon Hall, Rugby, and formerly of Hatton Court, £5: Mr. J. Wigglesworth, of London, who was a civilian prisoner of war in Germany and is interested in Castlethorpe, sent a nice letter enclosing £5: Mr. C. Gregory, Bridge Port U.S.A., £5: and Mr. W.T. Gregory, Flint, Mich., U.S.A., £5.
The Memorial Committee who are to be warmly congratulated on the very successful manner in which they have carried out their work comprised Mr. W. Manning (chairman), Mr. H.H. Middleton (treasurer), Mrs. E. Markham, Mrs. Wingrave, Mrs. F. Dolling, Miss E. Gregory, Rev. W.J. Harkness, Messrs. S. Beasley, G.C. Nicholls, W.G. Clarke, F. Clarke, J.H. Green, J. Marsh, J. Luing, A. Masterman, and G. Coey. The secretarial duties were admirably carried out by Mr. H. Mapley.
The memorial was designed and executed by Mr. A. W. Gurney, monumental mason, of New Bradwell and Wolverton, and he carried out his work in a most satisfactory manner.
On the front shaft of the obelisk; facing the roadway is inscribed:
To the Honoured Memory of Our Brave Fallen
G.W. Brice. H.J. Davidge. E. Smith. W.J. Coey. F. Jones. C. Worker. S. Cowley. F.C. Osborne, J.T. Worker.
In the panel below is the inscription:
Erected in grateful recognition of the men of this village who served in the Great War 1914-1918.
On the other three sides of the monument appear the names of the men from the village who served, viz.
Northern Shaft A. Bavington, A. B. Bavington, A. Burbidge, A. L. Burbidge, C. E. Burnell, W. Burnell, F. G. Brackley, J. J. Brackley, F. Castle, F. G. Carpenter, F. H. Clarke, T. Clarke, W. T. Clarke, E. G. Coey, G. A. Cook, J. H. Compton, W. N. Compton, A. Cowley, T. Crier, T. Cummings, T. E. H. Cummings.
Western Shaft - F. W. Dolling, H. F. Dolling, C. B. Evans, N. Evans, J. W. Fairman, G. Faulkner, B. W. Gobbey, J. E. Gobbey, W. J. Gray, C. W. Harding, W. C. Harris, A. G. Hitchcock, R. Holt, W. C. Lansbury, A. A. Lowe, W. T. Manning, W. D. Markham, A. F. Masterman, A. G. H. Nichols, E. Nichols, J. H. Nichols.
Southern Shaft - A. W. Owen, J. Owen, R. Panter, E. R. Pittam, H. E. Ray, S. J. Smith, L. Stewart, H. R. Ward, H. W. Ward, D. W. Ward, A. J. Waring, P. Waring, C. Webb, H. A. West, H. G. Whiting, J. E. Whiting M.C., W. Wingrave, J. Worker, W. Worker, W. M. Worker.
For the unveiling ceremony a special form of religious service, in which Churchmen and None Conformists reverently joined, was arranged. A united choir led in the singing of the hymns “O God, our help in ages past,” “How bright those glorious spirits shine,” For all the saints,” and Rudyard Kipling’s inspiring “Lest we forget,” Mr. H. Cook, of Shepperton House, kindly lent the organ. The Rev. W.J. Harkness (vicar) and the Rev. J. Johns (Wolverton Wesleyan Church) conducted the service.
To the great regret of the committee and the parishioners the Marquis of Lincolnshire, K.G., Lord Lieutenant of Bucks, was unavoidably prevented by indisposition from fulfilling his promise to attend and unveil the memorial. The noble Marquis sent a worthy substitute. In his brother Colonel the Hon. Rupert Carrington.
In a letter, which was read by Mr. H. Middleton, the Marquis said:-
“It is a great disappointment to me, as I was very anxious, as Lord Lieutenant, to be with you in paying a mark of respect to the memory of those brave men who died for honour and liberty, and were Castlethorpe men.”
A feature of the large gathering, who wished to pay tribute to the fallen warriors, was the presence of 23 ex-Service men of the village, who were under the command of ex-Lieut. J.E. Whiting, who served, with the Royal Field Artillery in the war, and from whose hands Col. Carrington, received a handsome wreath, which he placed at the base of the memorial. It was a tribute of sympathy and affection from the soldiers spared to return from the conflict to their comrades who made the supreme sacrifice.
The lesson, taken from Revelation XXI., was read by the Vicar, after which a prayer was offered by the Rev. J. Johns.
After unveiling the memorial, Col. The Hon. Rupert Carrington gave a short address. He first expressed regret that his brother was unable to be present. It was a great honour to be permitted to unveil that memorial before so distinguished an audience and in front of such a huge constellation of that glorious decoration, the Mons Star. Now they had unveiled the memorial put up to the glorious dead and for the gallant men from the village who volunteered to go to the front, and, having paid the act of homage to their dead comrades, that did not quite finish their duty. He would like to be permitted to say, as a soldier, and as one who spent his boyhood and early manhood amongst them, that they had their duty to the quick as well as the dead, and particularly ought they to give a helping hand in every way possible to the glorious remnant of the old Regular Army, which was sacrificed for their freedom. He could give them an instance of the second battalion of the regiment to which formerly belonged. Over 1,000 men marched out of London and only 14 marched back again. They should also particularly remember those men who in 1914-15 gave up their livelihood and everything they had in the world to fight for their country. These men must never be forgotten. Then they had the widows and children. It was their bounden duty to make their way as easy as they possibly could. Also, they must not forget the services rendered by the women in the war the nurses who often performed their duties under great dangers; the motor drivers, and the services performed in that very dangerous occupation of munition work. He was very glad to see so many children present, because, in time to come, they would remember probably for the whole of their lives that solemn and great occasion. He hoped they would never be called upon to defend their country as the men before him had been, but should they be, he could only advise them “ Go ye and do Likewise.”
The Rev. J. Johns, in an excellent address said that was perhaps the greatest historical event in the history of that village. It was fitting they should have some recognition and that they should thank God for the great victory that had come form Him through the heroic efforts of their brave boys who loved life as they loved themselves loved it. He was glad the site of the memorial was so near to the Parish Church and so near to the old castle, built in the interest of self-preservation to keep those who lived there in safety fro evil winds. As Col. Carrington had rightly said they had a duty to the quick as well as to the dead, and they must all strive to dedicate themselves to the great cause of honour and righteousness for which the men they were today remembering shed their blood. Any man in that parish who deliberately flew in the face of what he knew to be loyal and true for more selfishness sake would reproach that memorial and tarnish the memory of their gallant dead.
The Rev. W.J. Harkness also addressed the large gathering, and spoke feelingly of the gratitude they felt for the self-sacrifice of the dear brothers whose memories they honoured. He hoped they would keep a deep and tender feeling for those men, who had renewed for them their freedom. England without freedom would not be England at all, and they thanked God that these brave men had given their lives so freely for their country. Whilst honouring the dead, he asked them to respect and do all they could for the men still living and who had mad such sacrifice and be kindly affectioned one towards another, not aiming at their own comfort and advantage, but striving for the comfort and well-being of all their neighbours.
After the Benediction. Corpl. Lehrie sounded sounded the “Last Post,” and a beautiful service closed by all joining in singing the National Anthem.
After the service handsome floral tributes were placed at the foot of the memorial. The … remembrance of their fallen comrades from the ex-Service men of Castlethorpe.
From the parishioners of Castlethorpe, in grateful and affectionate remembrance of the men of this village who fell in the Great War, 1914-1918.
In memoriam From Churchwardens, Choir and Congregation. “Blessed are the departed.”
Wesleyan Church, Castlethorpe A token in memory of the fallen.
In respectful memory of our boys, from Our Boys club.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Borrett and family, West Haddon Hall, Rugby,
In affectionate remembrance of our boys, from Mr. and Mrs. Middleton.
In proud and loving memory of Sidney Cowley Annie, Tom and Will.
In loving remembrance of Sid Alf, Fred and Lizzie.
In affectionate remembrance of our dear son Frank from his loving father, mother and sister, T., A. E. F. Osborne
In proud and loving memory of Dear Frank “ he nobly answered his country’s call and gave his life for one and all.” From Sheperton House.
To our dear cousin Frank Osborne from Billy and Ada.
In remembrance of Frank from Aunt and Uncle Clarke, Will and Florrie.
In remembrance of the noble fallen. Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Whiting.
In remembrance of Will Brice, from Mr. and Mrs. Clarke.
In loving remembrance of dear Will, from his mother, father and sister.
In loving memory of my dear son, Fred, from mother. “There is a link death cannot sever, love and remembrance live forever.”
In loving memory of dear Fred, from his brother and sisters.
In loving memory of our dear brother Eustace, from Steve and Win.
His toil is past, his work is done,
And he is fully blessed,
He fought the fight, the victory won,
And entered into rest.