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The Women of Bletchley Park

These pages outline the often untold story of the work of the women at Bletchley Park. It is not often mentioned that it was in fact women who who made up the majority of personnel who worked there in the Second World War. The pages also contain extracts from letters sent in by some of the Wrens who were at Bletchley Park and Bombe outstations. Some of the reminiscences are poignant, some are amusing and some are just illustrative of what their life was like, both working and domestic. These narratives have been collected under the names of the various outstations - Eastcote, Stanmore etc.

Bletchley Park Trust would like to record its thanks to those women who have supplied memories and photos for the archives.

For further details on the outstations, click here

Bletchley Park Jewels Pages | Bletchley Park | Eastcote | Stanmore | Ack-Ack Girls