© Dennis C Mynard 2003
This is a detailed catalogue of the Property Deeds, Auction Notices and related papers in the collection of Newport Pagnell Historical Society. The following notes on Accession numbers are relevant
When the collection was first commenced in 1988 it was agreed to allocate an Accession number to each artefact. The Accession numbers were the current year followed by an individual number commencing with 1 for the first object booked in that year, numbers to follow consecutively, e.g. 1988/1 1988/2 1988/3 etc. No differentiation was to be made between type of object.
HOWEVER the importance of keeping an accurate record was not appreciated by members and often items were donated and packed away without being accessioned, or used for exhibition and not replaced with their fellows. Subsequently several items have no accession number and in some cases we have no idea of who donated them.
IN ADDITION when the Property Deeds were first sorted, each group (even if they had been correctly accessioned under the approved system) was identified as follows DEEDS 1, DEEDS 2 etc., and individual items within each group were identified as follows DEEDS 1/a, DEEDS 1/b, DEEDS 1/c etc. This latter system has been continued from 1995 onwards and used for all Property Deeds, Auction Notices and related papers.
1d 13th September 1862
Conveyance for £5
(1) Walter Leete of NP grocer
(2) Thomas Paine of NP Attorney
Piece of Ground adjoining to the premises of (2), described as "a piece of ground in NP being part of the site of a hovel or building belonging to (1) and recently pulled down". Map attached shows that Bridge Street was on the W. side of the plot; the property of George Price on the N.; property of Walter Leete on the S.; and the plot was at E end of plot.
PROPERTY DEEDS FOR THE KING AND QUEEN PUBLIC HOUSE, purchased by The Newport Pagnell Historical Society.
NOTE earlier deeds are in the Bucks Record Office in the Bull Collection, Ref DB112.
From the evidence of the deeds to 38 High Street (NPHS D5) this property was at 42 High Street. Reddens (later Clare’s Shop) became 38, the property next door (formerly the BLUE BOAR) became 40 and the KING AND QUEEN was the next property
DB112/1-2 2nd and 3rd Nov 1691
Lease and Release for £50
1) John Rogers of Buckingham, draper, Richard Kilpin draper and Sarah his wife.
2) William Yates fellmonger
Recites Lease and Release of 20th and 21st Oct 1690 by which the Kilpins mortgaged to John Rogers for £2100 several properties including the Premises conveyed below and recites a Fine in the Court of Common Pleas which confirmed the Kilpins property and helped them to convey it to John Rogers who agreed to repay the Kilpin's debts. (Note by DCM Richard Kilpin inherited property from his father Thomas Kilpin).
Now John Rogers at the direction of the Kilpins sells to William Yates for £50, the Shop or Ground Room with appurtenances in the High St, the front part next to the street was 12ft wide, the depth backwards from the street 10ft 10 inches, the height 7ft 5 inches, together with the penthouse being 3ft higher, also with the walls, doors, windows, on any side of the shopp and also the ceiling on top thereof, now used and enjoyed by William Yates, to hold forever of the Chief Lord of Fees.
Witnesses: : John Tomkinsse and Anthony Bourchiel
DB112/3 3rd Nov 1691
(Later endorsement "Writings belonging to the Shop or Parlour in the occupation of George Burnham in NP")
Assignment of Term in Trust to attend the inheritance
1) Owen Norton of Sherington, Administrator of the Goods and Chattels of Brett Norton, of Sherington, decd (mortgagee)
2) Richard Kilpin, draper and Sarah his wife and John Rogers of Buckingham, gent.
3) William Yate, fellmonger
4) Nicholas Chibnall, draper and Andrew Attesley, draper (mortgagees)
Recites Mortgage of 17.3.1668 of £90 for 1000 years
1) David Cunningham, grocer
2) Edmund Slingesby of Husborne Crawley, gent
Messuage and shop in the occupation of Thomas Kendall alias Mills together with the tenements situate at the N end of the garden plott belonging to the said mess,
(This property above is the one being conveyed to Chibnall and Attesley and outhouses and barns etc adjoining).
Also the messuage, tenement, and shoppe and appurtenances in NP in the occupation of William Barton.
Also the 3 shops or shambles in the occupation s of Jonah Smith and Marke James
Cunningham to pay Slingesby at certain dates to redeem mortgage, £90 not paid
Recites Assignment of remainder of mortgage term in trust to attend the Inheritance 21.4.1674
1) Edmund Slingesby and David Cunningham
2) Richard Kilpin and Brett Norton
Remainder of term of years assigned for £90 to Brett Norton.
Recites that Brett Norton died Feb 1680, and that administration of his property and that of his widow Sarah was granted to Owen Norton, who became possessed of remainder of the mortgage term.
Now Owen by direction of Kilpin and John Rogers sells for a competent sum of money the remainder of the mortgage term to Chibnall and Attesley.
Witnesses: John Tomkins and Anthony Bourchiel
DB112/4 15th Dec 1691
Bond to perform Covenants Rogers to Danieli Hooton, grocer,
DB112/5-6 9th and 10th March 1693
1) Nicholas Chibnall, draper and John Rogers, gent
2) Daniel Hooton, grocer
3) John Hooton, yeoman.
Recites earlier leases and assignments
Remainder of term sold to John Hooton new mortgagee for Daniel Hooton new owner.
Property now described as
Messuage in the occupation of Richard Richardson, the house and ground of William Wilkinson in his occupation and the shop in the tenure of William Yates part of the above being on the one side and the house and ground of John Rogers in the occupation of Joseph Phillipps on the other, and the Common Street on the S., with a right of way for Daniel Hooton through the entry lying and being between the messuage and the messuage of Joseph Phillips and also the ground and soil lying next and adjoining to the Little Room there lately made on the W side of the messuage and extending in breadth within 6 inches of the post there next to the said entry straight down 4 ft beyond the little room into the yard, the breadth of the same yard document continues to give further dimensions of boundaries.
Witnesses: J Vaux, J Pomfrett and Chris Carter
DB112/7 10th March 1693
Bargain and Sale of the property for £140
1) John Rogers
2) Daniel Hooton, grocer
Property as in 112/6
DB112/8 10th March 1693
John Rogers to Daniel Hooton Agreement by way of Lease for 5 years.
Hooton may hold and enjoy the several rooms belonging to and parcel of he messuage now in the occupation of Joseph Philipps in the High Street there called by the name of the Buttery, Brewhouse, and Stable with the use of the hovells and plot of ground whereon the three premises are now used and plaid (sic) with and also the garden and ... there. All which said Premises are now in the occupation of Richard Richardson. To hold from Lady Day next for 5 yr. at the yearly rent of £3 payable half yearly by equal portions, and likewise John Rogers and his tenants shall hold and enjoy the Stallhouse, Warehouse, and garden now in the occupation of Joseph Phillipps and John Rogers which said last Premises are part of and do belong to the messuage in the occupation of Richard Richardson to hold freely from Lady Day next at the yearly rent of £12 p.a.
Witnesses: J. Pomfrett, J. Vaux, Chris Carter and Nicholas Chibnall
DB112/9 10th March 1693
Rogers to Hooton Bond to perform Covenants.
DB112/10 25th Oct 1728
Mortgage for £100 for a term of 500 years
1) John Hooton, grocer
2) Rd Hoddle, maltster.
The messuage in the High street wherein John Burnham dwells commonly known by the name of the King and Queen, the house and ground of Richard Perrott in the occupation of Joseph Cooke and the shop in the tenure of Richard Yates formerly part of the messuage hereby devised being one the one side and the house and ground of Shuckborough Sill in the occupation of Charles Bulley on the other side, the Street on the S, with Right of Way for Richard Hoddle thro the entry or passage between the messuage and the messuage of Charles Bulley, document gives dimensions of passageway and of the yard and garden.
Witnesses: Benjamin Pomfrett and J. Vaux.
Endorsement 20.4.1731 Receipt for £107 paid by John Cripps to Richard Hoddle Witnesses: Gilbert Johnson, (see DB112/12 below)
DB112/11 9th Feb. 1729
Bond for above mortgage of £105 John Hooton to Richard Hoddle
Endorsement a Receipt for £5 interest paid to Hoddle on 25.10.1727.
DB112/12 26th March 1731
Lease for one year, Release of following date is in possession of NPHS
1) John Hooton, grocer
2) John Cripps, gent
Property sold to Cripps who repays Hooton's mortgage to Hoddle, property (See DB112.10 above)
NPHS 2a 27th March 1731
Release of Messuage called the KING AND QUEEN, Consideration £500.
On E the messuage or tenements with appurtenances in the occupation of Joseph COOKE and the shop (formerly part of the mess) in the tenure of Richard YATES; On W. the house and ground of SHUCKBURGH SILL Esq., in the occupation of Charles BULLEY; On S. the HIGH STREET. There was a right of way through the entry between the KING AND QUEEN and the house of Charles BULLEY.
Also the soil and ground lying next to and adjacent to the Little Room there formerly made on the W. side of the mess.
Document then describes access etc to rear yard mentions 2 barns or stables also adjoining garden formerly of Richard PERROTT now of John BURNHAM.
DB112/15 9th Jan 1765
Articles of Agreement between William Cripps, gent and George Burnham, victualler for purchase of the King and Queen publick house.
George Burnham has agreed to purchase for £160 and George is to be at all expenses on account of the digging of the Well in the Yard and setting down a new leaden pump which has lately been done by William Cripps over and above the purchase price of £160. William has until the 1st Feb next to produce a "Good and Sufficient Title to the messuage and will before 25th March next Release and convey to George.
DB26/8 25th March 1765
Sale by Lease and Release (the Release of 26th March is missing)
1) William Cripps gent son and heir of John Cripps late of NP, gent decd
2) George Burnham, butcher and victualler
All that messuage in the High St called the King and Queen, wherein John Burnham father of George Burnham lately dwelt, and now in the occupation of George Burnham.
House and ground of Robert Perrott in the occupation of John Hawkins (and the Room late a shop now in the occupation of George Burnham and belonging to William Yate, formerly part of the hereby bargained messuage (the King and Queen) on the one side, and the house and ground formerly of Shuckburgh Syll now of .... in the occupation of Rebecca Harris, widow on the other; the High Street on the S. With a right of way through the entry passage between the K and Q and the messuage in the occupation of Rebecca Harris and also the soil lying and being next to and adjoining the Little Room there formerly made on the W side of the K and Q.
DB112/13 26th March 1765
Bargain and Sale for £160
1) William Cripps, gent, son and heir of John Cripps decd.
2) George Burnham, butcher
The messuage in the High street wherein John Burnham the father of George Burnham lately dwelt now in the occupation of George Burnham, commonly known by the name of the King and Queen, the house and ground of Richard Perrott in the occupation of John Hawkins and the Room late a shop now occupation by George Burnham and belonging to William Yate formerly part of the messuage hereby devised being one the one side and the house and ground formerly of Shuckborough Sill in the occupation of Rebecca Harris widow on the other side, the Street on the S, with Right of Way for Richard Hoddle thro the entry or passage between the King and Queen and the messuage of Rebecca Harris.
Witnesses: John Hall and Richard Patch
DB112/14 10th Jan 1769
George Pitt Hurst’s account to Thomas Osborne for legal work in connection with William Yate a Bankrupt.
This account was used as a label for the bundle of Title Deeds and has the following endorsement on the reverse
"The Wrightings belonging to Georg bernams parlorr and A coppy of ye bargin and Sale for ye Assanes and a Coppy
of ye wrightings consarning ye woolbarne all at newport"
NPHS 2b 5th February 1806
John BURNHAM yeoman of the Kickles and George OSBORNE, Woolstapler of NP (Trustees for the will of the late George BURNHAM victualler) to William BURNHAM VICTUALLER AND HIS TRUSTEE John HANKINS GROCER of NP.
G.B. by his will left the KING AND QUEEN in trust for W.B. (See DB377/68a)
Description of property as in 1731, Mention of Barn and 2 stables. Mentions adjoining house and ground formerly of Robert PERROTT and now of Robert JEE and in occupation of Joseph NEALE.
On one side the room formerly a shop (and part of the said Premises) now in occupation of W.B. and lately belonging to William Yate and now to G.O.
On the other side the house and ground formerly of SHUCKBURGH SILL Esq., since of MATHIAS ROGERS THORPE and now of William CHAPMAN and in the occupation of William BARKER.
The High Street on the S.
NPHS 2c 17th July 1806
Mortgage William BURNHAM, Victualler and his trustee John HAWKINS to EDWARD JEFFERSON, fellmonger.
NPHS 2d and 2e 5th and 6th April 1810
Conveyance by Lease and Release
(1) William BURNHAM
(2) William JEFFERSON for the use of John ROGERS and his wife.
ALSO a plot of land and an orchard in Marsh End.
NPHS 2f/2g 23rd and 24th December 1819
Conveyance by Lease and Release of KING AND QUEEN
(1) William BURNHAM
(2) William CHAPMAN. Mortgage to WILLIAM JEFFERSON paid up.
NPHS 2h 27th December 1819
William CHAPMAN obtains mortgage (£300) from Mrs CATHERINE NEALE widow of Bletsoe.
NPHS 2i 27th December 1819
Bond for £300 W.C. to C.N.
NPHS 2j/2k 23rd and 24th December 1823
Sale by Lease and Conveyance
(1) William CHAPMAN draper and CHARLOTTE his wife
(2) William HUMPHREYS butcher and his trustee George OSBORNE, woolstapler all of NP.
Mess in the HIGH Street formerly in occupation of George BURNHAM deceased, then of William BURNHAM and now or late of Elizabeth and ANN MEADOWS, lately called or known by the name or sign of the KING AND QUEEN
On one side the house and ground late of Robert JEE and now of Joseph NEAL and the room formerly a shop late the property and in the occupation of William BURNHAM and hereinafter sold.
On the other side the house and ground formerly of SHUCKBURGH SILL Esq., since of MATHIAS ROGERS THORPE and now of William CHAPMAN.
Also the shop or part of a room situate standing and being in the HIGH STREET of NP heretofore in occupation of George BURNHAM, late of William BURNHAM and by him laid into and used as part of the messuage lately the KING AND QUEEN
THIS DEED CONFIRMS that William CHAPMAN had recently sold to Charles REDDEN part (which had recently been fenced off) of the yard of the former KING AND QUEEN.
NPHS 2l/2m 8th and 9th July 1825
Lease and Release
(1) William HUMPHREYS cannot afford to keep the property and it is released to
(2) William CHAPMAN and EDWARD JEFFERSON of SHERINGTON yeoman to be sold to pay off his debts.
The shop was in the occupation of Elizabeth AND ANNE MEADOWS.
NPPHS 2n 29th October 1825
Release for £500
(2) William EYLES of NP chemist.
(Not called KING AND QUEEN now)
Recites that on 8th and 9th July W.H. conveyed the house in NP and all his other property (subject to mortgages) and goods etc. to his trustees W.C. and E.J. on trust that they should sell all of it and after deducting their expenses should divide proceeds between his 12 creditors. There is an interesting list of the creditors.
NPHS 2o 22nd March 1826
(1) WC, EJ and WH
(2) William EYLES chemist and druggist of NP who pays £300 to CATHERINE NEAL (mortgage see 2h) and £200 to WC and EJ. Description of property as in above deeds.
2a 27th March 1731
Release of Messuage called the KING AND QUEEN, Consideration £500.
On E. the messuage or tenements with appurtenances in the occupation of Joseph COOKE and the shop (formerly part of the mess) in the tenure of Richard YATES; On W. the house and ground of SHUCKBURGH SILL Esq., in the occupation of Charles BULLEY; On S. the HIGH STREET. There was a right of way through the entry between the KING AND QUEEN and the house of Charles BULLEY.
Also the soil and ground lying next to and adjacent to the Little Room there formerly made on the W. side of the mess.
Document then describes access etc to rear yard mentions 2 barns or stables also adjoining garden formerly of Richard PERROTT now of John BURNHAM.
2b 5th February 1806
John BURNHAM yeoman of the Kickles and George. OSBORNE, Woolstapler of NP (Trustees for the will of the late George BURNHAM victualler) to William BURNHAM VICTUALLER AND HIS TRUSTEE John HANKINS GROCER of NP.
G.B. by his will left the KING AND QUEEN in trust for W.B.
Description of property as in 1731 Mention of Barn and 2 stables. Mentions adjoining House and ground formerly of Robert PERROTT and now of Robert JEE and in occupation of Joseph NEALE.
On one side the room formerly a shop (and part of the said Premises) now in occupation of W.B. and lately belonging to William Yate and now to G.O.
On the other side the house and ground formerly of SHUCKBURGH SILL Esq., since of MATHIAS ROGERS THORPE and now of William CHAPMAN and in the occupation of William BARKER.
The High Street on the S.
2c 17th July 1806
Mortgage William BURNHAM, Victualler and his trustee John HAWKINS to EDWARD JEFFERSON, fellmonger.
2d and 2e 5th and 6th April 1810
Conveyance by Lease and Release
(1) William BURNHAM
(2) William JEFFERSON for the use of John ROGERS and his wife.
ALSO a plot of land and an orchard in Marsh End.
2f/2g 23rd and 24th December 1819
Conveyance by Lease and Release of KING AND QUEEN
(1) William BURNHAM
(2) William CHAPMAN. Mortgage to WILLIAM JEFFERSON paid up.
2h 27th December 1819
William CHAPMAN obtains mortgage (£300) from Mrs CATHERINE NEALE widow of Bletsoe.
2i 27th December 1819
Bond for £300 W.C. to C.N.
2j/2k 23rd and 24th December 1823
Sale by lease and conveyance
(1) William CHAPMAN draper and CHARLOTTE his wife
(2) William HUMPHREYS butcher and his trustee George OSBORNE, woolstapler all of NP.
Mess in the HIGH Street formerly in occupation of George BURNHAM deceased, then of William BURNHAM and now or late of Elizabeth and ANN MEADOWS, lately called or known by the name or sign of the KING AND QUEEN
On one side the house and ground late of Robert JEE and now of Joseph NEAL and the room formerly a shop late the property and in the occupation of William BURNHAM and hereinafter sold.
On the other side the house and ground formerly of SHUCKBURGH SILL Esq., since of MATHIAS ROGERS THORPE and now of William CHAPMAN.
Also the shop or part of a room situate standing and being in the HIGH STREET of NP heretofore in occupation of George BURNHAM, late of William BURNHAM and by him laid into and used as part of the messuage lately the KING AND QUEEN
THIS DEED CONFIRMS that William CHAPMAN had recently sold to Charles REDDEN part (which had recently been fenced off) of the yard of the former KING AND QUEEN.
2l/2m 8th and 9th July 1825
Lease and Release
(1) William HUMPHREYS cannot afford to keep the property and it is released to
(2) William CHAPMAN and EDWARD JEFFERSON of SHERINGTON yeoman to be sold to pay off his debts.
The shop was in the occupation of Elizabeth AND ANNE MEADOWS.
2n 29th October 1825
Release for £500(1) William CHAPMAN, EDWARD JEFFERSON AND William HUMPHREY
(2) William EYLES of NP chemist.
(not called KING AND QUEEN now)
Recites that on 8th and 9th July W.H. conveyed the house in NP and all his other property (subject to mortgages) and goods etc. to his trustees W.C. and E.J. on trust that they should sell all of it and after deducting their expenses should divide proceeds between his 12 creditors. There is an interesting list of the creditors.
2o 22nd March 1826
(1) WC, EJ and WH
(2) William EYLES chemist and druggist of NP who pays £300 to CATHERINE NEAL (mortgage see 2h) and £200 to WC and EJ. Description of property as in above deeds.
Deeds for 5-7 High Street, these were purchased by the Society and subsequently some of them were sold to Mark Pericles, the present owner of the property. (Bridge street) No. 5 was the Shoulder of Mutton BECAUSE it is next to the property below which is definitely No 7.
3a 4-5th April 1726.
(1) John Otgher, James Edmunds and Katherine his wife and John Balsam
(2) Jonas Kendall alias Mills and Executors
Messuage or cottage in the street called the N. End, late in the tenure of Thomas Revis and now of JK his under tenant" the property had a frontage " 14 feet eleven inches wide, the Shoulder of Mutton in the occupation of Jonas Smith was on the N., the house in the occupation of Richard Toombes on the S. and E., and the common street or highway on the W. side of the property.
The house was previously purchased by John Nesbett from Mary and Charity Ffowkes spinsters, the only daughters of John Ffowkes then late of NP gent.
3b 30th June 1747.
John Kendall and his wife Susanna mortgage the property to Richard Leapidges. The Shoulder of Mutton next door was in the occupation of Sarah Parrat and Richard Toombes property in the occupation of Edmund Toombes
3c 30th June 1747 Bond for above
3d-e 7th and 8th March 1769.
Sale by Lease and Release for £40
(1) John Kendall, butcher and Susanna his wife
(2) James Matthews, barber and peruke Maker,
Witnesses: William Parratt and James Matthews
Adjoining property of Edward Toombes now in occupation of Elizabeth Toombes
3f 7th October 1769.
Conveyance for £40
(1) James Matthews, barber and peruke maker
(2) Thomas Vials
Property was in the occupation of Jonas Mills. Next door Sarah Parratt of the Shoulder of Mutton was now a widow.
3g 8th December 1769
Bond for mortgage £20 William Barratt of Hanslope Farmer to Thomas Vials of NP Carpenter
3h 21st February 1770.
Assignment of Mortgage William Barratt and Thomas Vials to Robert Pearson
3i 21st February 1770.
Bond for above, £60
3j 28th March 1770.
Mortgage for £20 Robert Pearson, laceman of NP to Thomas Vials.
3k/3l 12th and 13th December 1770.
Sale by Lease and Release for £120
(1) Thomas Vials
(2) Benjamin Smith of NP Victualler and Mary his wife
Note Sarah Parratt still next door at Shoulder of Mutton.
See also Deeds 7b.
3m/3n 27th and 28th December 1774.
Sale by Lease and Release for £140
(1) Mary widow of Benjamin Smith
(2) Miss Martha Seeley and Jane Blunt spinsters of NP
By now the Shoulder of Mutton next door had closed and was a house in the occupation of James Osborne.
3o 28th February 1775.
Agreement between Martha and Jane with their neighbours Elizabeth, Mary and Jemima Toombes concerning Toombes' enlargement of their property over the passage between the houses
3p 10th October 1780.
Conveyance for £100
(1) Miss Martha Seeley and Jane Blunt
(2) William Capon Joiner and Cabinet Maker.
Mentions that former Shoulder of Mutton was a house in the occupation of James Pike
DEED Below is for Hamilton's House No 3
3q 1870
Abstract of Title lists the 19th century owners of the property as below.
1808 7th and 8th October
Sale by Lease and Release for £616.13.0
(1) William Hamilton of Sanquhar (Dumfries), Mary Hamilton widow of Sanquhar and James Abbott Hamilton, of Sanquhar, Gent. the only surviving children of Robert Hamilton late of Sanquhar, Gent. who was Nephew and devisee named in the will of John Hamilton late of NP, Lace Merchant, deceased and which said William Hamilton is cousin and heir of Ann Greathead deceased late Ann Hamilton spinster who was sister and heir of Thomas Abbott Hamilton late of NP Lace Merchant also deceased.
(2) Thomas Palmer Bull of NP
(3) James Pike of NP Butcher
(4) Thomas Handson of NP Baker
(5) George Renny of Royal Hospital Dublin and Robert Murray Fraser of Dublin
Abstract RECITES that James Pike had contracted with William, Mary and James Abbott Hamilton for the purchase in fee simple of the messuage for £616.13.0d to be divided between the Hamiltons.
Property described as " All that house and ground formerly of John Wilkinson, then late of John Hamilton and then of James Brillingham Dix School Master. On the S the House and ground formerly of Thomas Ingram, then late of Jeremiah Collier, and then of James Pike, On the W the Common Street, together with 3 pieces of ground belonging to the said messuage but which was afterwards divided by a stone wall" (detailed description in document)
James Pike died intestate leaving Thomas Pike his eldest son and heir
By his will of 13th June Thomas Pike, butcher (died 5th July) appointed his niece Ann Osborn his sole executrix, and left all his property to the future children of his niece appointing Thomas Tarry of Lathbury, yeoman and Thomas Brown of NP Innkeeper as Trustees. Brown died 18th Sept 1853 and Tarry died 9th March 1855
1856 23rd September.
Thomas Tarry left 3 sisters Alice Scrivener of Stantonbury, Mary Hillier of Bedford, Joan Ridge of Whittlebury and Elizabeth Newman the only child of Elizabeth Newman his fourth sister (who was deceased) as his heirs. These heirs released the property for a small consideration to George Osborne Price and Ann Price the children (who had recently come of age) of Ann Osborn and her husband Luke Price of NP Yeoman.
3r 3rd October 1870
Mortgage William Stephen Pettit of NP butcher borrows £300 from Joseph Robinson of Clifton Pastures Gent and Henry Pike of Haversham, Gent. Security is the property in N. End lately in the occupation of William Pettit and then of Alexander Levin.
3s 27th April 1871
William gets a further mortgage of £100 from Thomas Pike of NP farmer.
3t 13th November 1871
William gets a further mortgage of £50 from Thomas Pike
BELOW IS NO. 7 Again
A document dated 27/4/1888 Release. Henry Pike died on 27/2/1884 and Elizabeth Ann Doig had inherited Pettit’s property. She paid off Pettit’s mortgage £316.15.00 to Joseph. Robinson. Document Sold by NPHS
NOTE Elizabeth Doig owned the RED HOUSE in 1888
3u 20th June 1888
Assessment for Succession Duty by Elizabeth Doig wife of Richard Doig of Woburn Sands on a messuage and butchers shop in NP in occupation of Mrs Pettit, which she was left in the will of Mary Osborn decd 21/12/1887. Mrs Doig was born on 1/9/1835 and was descended from Mary Osborne's sister. Duty assessed at £21.12.00 on 13/7/1888. Land tax on property was £1.4s.5d. Fire Insurance 18s.
3v 1892
Title of Mrs E A Doig to property containing following deeds relating to 7 High Street
(NOTE DB192 are for 9, High Street)
Will of Rebecca Capon late of NP, then of Market Harborough, she leaves furniture and personal effects to her Son in Law James Shovelbottom and Louisa his wife and also her share in 7 High street left to her by her mother Martha Capon formerly in her occupation now of Thomas Paine.
Declaration by Louisa Shovelbottom that she was the granddaughter of Martha Capon late of NP widow with whom she lived for over 20 years prior to Martha's death on 29/11/1843.
Louisa and her husband sold the property in NP to Thomas Paine of NP on 4/12/1860
3w 26th September 1892.
(1) Mrs E A Doig
(2) Richard Pettit
Mess and Butchers shop formerly in occupation of William Stephen Pettit and now of Sarah Ann Pettit, to hold the property for the use of Richard Pettit
3x 30th August 1894
Conveyance for £250
(1) Sarah Keeley of Birmingham, wife of Alfred Keeley
(2) Richard Pettit of NP butcher
Property is sold to Pettit together with a piece of land bought (deed 13th September 1862 attached) by Thomas Paine from Walter Leete bounded on the N. by Mrs Sarah Ann Pettit's house and on the S. and E. by Walter Leete's house and on W. by High Street formerly called Bridge Street.
Recites that Thomas Paine late of NP (died 30/6/1894) Solicitors Clerk and the owner and occupier of 7 High Street by his will proved at Oxford by Edwin Carr of NP 23/1/1893 left the house to Sarah Keeley the daughter of his daughter of his sister Sarah Carpenter.
3y 20th December 1899
Statutory declaration by George Puryer of NP aged 78 declaring that he was well acquainted with John Bunting of NP butcher and Charlotte his wife, formerly Charlotte Faldo whom JB married on 26/6/1839 at NP. They had 4 children, 2 died as infants, together with William born 29/6/1839 and a daughter Charlotte. John Bunting died on 27/8/1897 and in his will left everything to his wife Charlotte she died 17/3/1898.
3z 10th November 1919
Conveyance for £1000
(1) Richard Pettit, Butcher
(2) John William Blackwell of 25, Red Lion Street, Spalding
Richard had inherited from William Stephen Pettit and Sarah Ann Pettit. The sale included the piece of ground which Thomas Paine had bought from Walter Leete, which was bounded on the N. by No. 5 and on the S. and E. by No 9 formerly occupation by W Leete and then by Charles Lawman. Mortgage deed attached
3aa 10th November 1919
Assignment of Goodwill, Pettit to Blackwell
3ab 3rd October 1922
(1) John William Blackwell
(2) William Henry Hall Butchers 5, High Street
3ac 30th October 1922
Assignment of Goodwill Blackwell to Hall
3ad 21st September 1933
Assignment, Lease and Counterpart Lease of Butchers Premises 5 and 7 High Street. William Henry Hall to Cecil Albert Clarke
Conveyance William Henry Hall to Cecil Albert Clarke
Land Charges Certificate No. 220819/36.
4a 21st July 1749. Lease (Release missing)
(1) Mary Travell widow
(2) John Marshall shopkeeper of Moulsoe.
Several cottages as below:
Messuage garden and barn in Marsh End now or late in occupation of Henry White. Ground of Judith Burleigh on the E; Marsh End Lane on the W; House and ground of William Malins on N; and House and ground of William Travell on S
Another messuage and garden belonging and adjoining to the above, now or late in occupation of William Malins, Ground of William Leath on E; Marsh End Lane on the W; Houses of Mary Travell in occupation of William Smith and Elizabeth Knight on the N; and the above messuage on the S.
Also two other messuages adjoining each other with gardens and backsides in Marsh End, the ground of William Leach on E; Marsh End Lane on W; house of Widow Harris on N; and the above messuage (in occupation William Malins) on the S.
All the above four houses were purchased by Mary Travell then Mary Lawton widow from Tabitha Leverrett
(Note Tabitha Leverrett was widow of Ironmonger that owned the premises (against which the Cannon stood) on Cannon Corner on site of Midland Bank).
Note See Will of John Marshall 1760
4b 19th March 1792
To his daughter Elizabeth Wilson
Freehold messuage with stable and outbuildings adjoining with yard and garden ground in Marsh End in the tenure of Mary Nicholls widow. Which he had purchased from Thomas Hencher?
A Leasehold messuage with buildings, yard and garden in or near Marsh End late in the occupation of Thomas Godfrey Forster, decd which he had purchased from Mr T.G. Forster.
Freehold Close of pasture and Inclosed ground commonly called the PEST HOUSE CLOSE situated near THE GREEN together with all outhouses and buildings now standing thereon, which he had purchased from William Ridgeley.
A Freehold messuage in Marsh End formerly in the occupation of John Davis and now of Duly Goody or his assigns, which he had purchased from John Davis.
Three freehold messuages with barn and stable, outbuildings, yard and garden in Marsh End commonly called or known by the name of the PAGGS, now or late in the occupation of John Allbright, John Buncher (Buncker)? and William Shackshaft, which 3 messuages he had inherited from his father John Wilson.
A freehold cottage with garden in Abbey End late in occupation of Thomas White and now of Edward Coles, which he had bought from the Revd William Bull and Thomas Kilpin the trustees of Ann Judkins, decd.
ALSO 2 other freehold messuages in Marsh End formerly in the occupation of Thomas Robinson and Edward Foolkes now of Rachael Gardner and Michael Battison which he had purchased from Thomas Leach by Lease and Release of 24th and 25th March 1780 in 1780.
The freehold messuage with barn, stables, outbuildings, yard, garden and orchard, formerly in the occupation of Ann Gilpin widow but now of his SON IN LAW JOSEPH PAINE, carpenter, AND HIS WIFE ANN. This house which he had purchased from John Saxby was to pass to his grandson George Gilpin after the deaths Joseph and Ann Paine, and after the death of George to his wife Ann (late Ann Gandern my granddaughter).
All bequests, unless otherwise stated) were on the death of the devisee to pass to their spouse and if spouse already decd then to their children and if no children then to John Wilson's Right Heir.
John's executors were his friends Thomas Odell of NP, victualler, and Samuel Pinkard of Great Linford. Witnesses: to the will were Joseph Arrowsmith, solicitor, William Greene clerk to Joseph Arrowsmith and Susanna Holroyd.
4c 14th November 1803
Lease (Release missing)
(1) George Gilpin, butcher of NP and Ann his wife (formerly Ann Gandern the heir of Mary Wiseman who was one of the daughters and a devisee for life of the will of John Wilson late of NP butcher deceased and George Knibb of NP Cabinet Maker a trustee named by and for George Gilpin and his wife,
(2) Thomas Brice (Boice) of NP Maltster, and Ann his wife.
Two cottages formerly One situated in Marsh End and formerly in the occupation of William Leach and Richard Britton and since of Robert Toll and Thomas Robinson, and now of Michael Bavison and Jas Garner.
The Orchard ground late of Robert Chibnall and now of Jas Pike on the E; The house and ground of Joseph. Redden and now of John Ffosbury on N; House and ground late of John Osborn now of William Leverett on South.
The deed recites the sale on the 24th and 25th March 1780 of the above properties (then in occupation of Thomas Robinson and Edward Ffolkes) by Thomas Leach to John Wilson and who subsequently by his will of 19th March 1792 left them to his daughter Mary Wiseman, who had died and left the property to her daughter Anne Gandern.
4d 21st July 1808
Feoffment for £300 "being the full consideration for the absolute purchase of the inheritance"
1) John Tutt of Moulsoe, lace merchant and shopkeeper, and Elizabeth his wife (daughter of the late John Wilson)
2) Joseph Nicholls, gardener
3) Joseph Redden, maltster, the trustee for Joseph Nicholls
All that messuage in Marsh End formerly of John Petts, since of Joseph Nicolls decd, the father of the Joseph Nicholls party to this deed and in whose occupation the premises now is.
AND ALSO the Orchard or Garden Plot to the messuage adjoining and belonging containing 1.5a more or less, also formerly of John Petts, since of Joseph Nicolls decd, the father of the Joseph Nicholls party to this deed and in whose occupation the premises now is.
The ground of the Master and Governors of Queen Annes Hospital on the S;
The Ground of Robert Perrott gent since of Thomas Holt gent., now of Joseph Redden on the N and W;
Fronting the lane or street on the E.
Which premises were by Lease and Release of the 3rd and 4th July 1776 conveyed to John Wilson and Anne his then wife.
4e 22nd July 1808 Joseph Nicholls obtains mortgage for £300 on above property from William Bowler of St Martins in the Fields, baker.
4f is not the same as above but a bit further along Caldecote St) When the Two plots are put together they make the 4.851a shown on OS map
4f 21-22 August 1809
Lease and Release
1) Joseph Redden, maltster
2) Joseph Nicholls, gardener
3) Thomas Tame, yeoman trustee for Joseph Nicholls
Consideration £300
All that TOFT where a cottage, and certain barns and other buildings formerly stood being in Marsh End with the yard, garden and orchard which formerly belonged to the said cottage and which contains in total about 2a more or less. Late a garden now converted into a Close of pasture. Formerly of John Petts, then of Joseph Nichols (since decd) and now of Joseph Redden
Marsh End lane on E;
Ground and premises of Patrick Renny on W;
Ground formerly of George Pitt Hurst now of John Castledine on N;
Ground late of John Wilson and now of Joseph Nicholls on S.
Which said messuage with 2a were formerly the estate of Thomas Holt and were conveyed by him (inter alia) to Thomas Hooton, Walter Beaty and John Ash, by lease and release of 5th and 6th March 1775, in Trust to sell and were bought by Joseph Redden from Thomas Hooton, Walter Beaty and Thomas Holt by lease and release of the 16th and 17th July 1783.
4g 10th October 1812
Mortgage Joseph Nicholls and his Trustee mortgage the above for £270 to William Bowler of St Martins in the Fields, baker.
4h 25th March 1813 Grant of Tithes
1) John Burnham
2) Mary Haddon, Thomas Rogers and Sarah his wife
3) John Castledine, butcher and John Buckby (a grazier at Caldecote NP)
4) Joseph Nicholls
4i Copy of Will of 17th July 1833 of William Bowler of Fleet Street London, baker who left a freehold estate in NP in occupation of John Varney baker. Will proved 5.2.1834.
(Bowler was a mortgagee of this property, see 4e and 4g).
4j 4th August 1834
Copy of Will of Joseph Nicholls, nurseryman.
Property not listed separately. His principal estate went to his wife Amelia and after her death to his two daughters as follows:
£100 to Mary wife of John Coombs, £150 to Amelia Nichols, and a third part invested and interest to his daughter Anne wife of George White for her own use only.
Executors were Amelia his widow, William Marshall of NP Currier and Charles Hoddle Kipling of NP surgeon.
Witnesses: were Henry Lucas (solicitor) Dave Norris and John Tame. The copy of the will made by Lucas, Lucas and Powell, Thomas Paine and J R Carr clerks.
4k 8th April 1856
Appointment of new trustees to the Will of Joseph Nicholls. Both Marshall and Hoddle had died so his widow appoints he daughter Amelia and Joseph Redden auctioneer as executors.
4l 5th May 1856
Conveyance for £730
(1) Mrs Amelia Nicholls, widow, Amelia Nicholls and Joseph Redden, the executors of Joseph Redden decd
(2) Arthur Joseph Head of Bedford Square, London
(This is Petts original) Messuage and orchard in Marsh End formerly of John Petts, ground belonging to Queen Annes Hospital on S, ground formerly of Richard Perrott gent and afterwards of Thomas Holt, gent and then of Joseph. Redden on N and W, and fronting the common lane or street on E.
(This is the bit bought from Joseph Redden) All that TOFT or ground whereon a cottage, and certain barns and other buildings formerly stood being in Marsh End with the yard, garden and orchard which formerly belonged to the said cottage and which contains in total about 2a more or less. Late a garden then converted into a Close of pasture, and part of which had lately been converted and used as a garden. Formerly of John Petts, then of Joseph Nichols (since decd) late of Joseph Redden, then of Joseph Nicholls.
Marsh End Lane on the E; The Ground and Premises of Patrick Renny on the W; the ground formerly of George Pitt Hurst then of John Castledine on the N; and the ground late of John Wilson, since of Joseph Nicholls, now of Amelia Nicholls on the S.
This deed contains the following Certificates; of Burials of William Marshall aged 73 on 16 Jan 1846/7 and of Charles Hoddle Kipling aged 39 on 3 Jan 1844/5, and of the wedding of John Tutt and Elizabeth Wilson on 10 Feb 1794 the Witnesses: were Henry Bunyan and William Wilmer.
4m 18th April 1857
Conveyance for £680
(1) Arthur Joseph Head
(2) William Tebbet gardener
Messuage and Orchard in Marsh End all as above
4n 20th April 1857
Mortgage for £300 from Miss Ann Coales of Whitehall, Westminster to William Tebbet
4o 25th September 1865 Deed of Covenant to produce deeds Samuel Harris of NP with William Tebbet, gardener
4p 17th July 1866
Reconveyance of property on Repayment of mortgage
(1) Miss Ann Coales
(2) William Tebbett and William Chapman
4q 3rd September 1873
Abstract Copy of the Will of William Tebbett leaves property to his son Henry Tebbett. Note there was another son John.
4r 26th July 1875
Mortgage of £400 from William Bateman Bull to Henry Tebbett with endorsement confirming assignment of Tebbett's mortgage (William Bateman Bull now decd) to Miss E.L.Bull by William Rogers Bull and Walter B Bull
4s 23rd February 1892 Mortgage for £40 from W.B.Bull to Henry Tebbett. (MISSING This deed was here when deeds first catalogued but not here December 1996)
4t 27th July 1897
Mortgage for £50 from Miss E L Bull to H Tebbett
Also endorsement confirming a further loan of £100 on 1.12.1900
4u 1st December 1914
Reconveyance of property on repayment of mortgage, £600.
(1) Miss E L Bull
(2) Mrs Fanny Tebbett and H J Tebbett
4v 2nd December 1914
New Mortgage of £650 obtained by Mr and Mrs Tebbett from the Loyal Chandos Lodge of Oddfellows
4w 1951 Abstract of title to the property to the personal representative of the late Mrs Sarah Tebbett
4x Several recent documents re Land Tax and Searches
This is in Caldecote St toward Red Lion
See NPHS Deeds 4f-4x
1790-1799 Joseph Redden
1817 Joseph Nicholls
CLOSE IN MARSH END (Caldecotte St See NPHS Deeds 4) 4/6d
1845-1855 Mrs Nicholls, late Redden, late Joseph Nicholls
1856 Arthur J. Head late Mrs Nicholls
1857-1874 William Tebbutt
1875-1884 Henry Tebbutt "In Marsh End Close formerly Nicholls"
1899-1902 E Tebbutt
These deeds were given to the Society, via Dennis Mynard, by Mrs Kit Clare.
5a 27th June 1698
Lease (presumably in advance of release and sale the next day, but later deed is missing)
(2) John CHOWNE of NP Woollen Draper
Capital messuage or Burgage Tenement in the High Street within the Borough of NP. Is the residence of JC and it was heretofore the inheritance of Thomas Williamson and formerly of EDWARD CONEY, and afterwards the inheritance of Richard KILPIN draper one of the sons of Thomas KILPIN.
On W. the house and grounds in tenure of William WILKINSON and DANIEL HOOTON; On E. the house and ground of Mr MATHIUS CONEY; On S. the High Street; On N. a plot or piece of ground adjoining to the backyard, shooting down from the backyard gates to DUNGHILL LANE.
Also a fence of pales between the garden and the ground of William WILKINSON.
Also an entry or passage lying on the W. side of the house next to that of William WILKINSON
Also a plot of ground on which a hovel is erected straight down to the garden plot of DANIEL HOOTON
5c 1st April 1703 Lease in advance of MARRIAGE SETTLEMENT see 5d
5d April 1703 Marriage Settlement
(1) John CHOWNE of NP Woollen Draper
(2) Richard PERROTT of NP Woollen Draper, and MARY CHOWNE one of the daughters of John in anticipation of their marriage
(3) Charles FLETCHER of Clophill, Beds, Clerk and Robert PERROTT of NP Gentleman
John Chowne gives to 2 and 3 all of his Capital messuage apart from part reserved as follows; EXCEPT and always reserved out and from this during John Chowne's life "All Those chambers and garret now lying and being over the Brewhouse and Wood houses part of and belonging to the above Capital messuage or Burgage and previously commonly called or known by the name of the WOOLMAKERS together with full rights of way etc for horses and carriages into and upon the ground and yard for the laying and carrying out of Wool and other goods"
5b, 5e-h deeds to two Cottages in DUNGHILL LANE which Richard PERROTT buys From Mark White in 1720
5b Cottage divided into 2 tenements in DUNGHILL LANE
1673 property described below sold by DAVID CUNNINGHAM of Petsoe End yeoman to Richard KILPIN
1690 21st October Property then sold by Richard KILPIN and SARAH his wife to John ROGERS
2nd May 1701 Conveyance from John ROGERS of BUCKINGHAM and Richard KILPIN of LONDON, Draper to FRANCIS BARTON of NP Lace Buyer. OF
Cottage divided into 2 tenements situated in DUNG HILL LANE. Formerly in occupation of John POTTER and now of FRANCIS BARTON with a right of way to the HIGH STREET by the door at the W. end of the garden and through the yard and entry belonging to the messuage of ABRAHAM N. and Joseph PHILIPS. NOTE this is the entry by Clare's shop N. AND PHILIPS MUST BE AT BLUE BOAR
5e and 5f 4th and 5th September 1719
Sale by Lease and Release
(1) FRANCIS BARTON OF NP lacebuyer
(2) MARK WHITE Cordwainer.
Of Cottage divided into 2 tenements as in 5b formerly in occupation of John POTTER and now of John DAVIS TAYLOR. With right of way as before
5g and 5h 18th and 19th November 1720
Sale by Lease and Release
(1) MARK WHITE Cordwainer
(2) Rd PERROTT Woollen Draper.
Of the Cottage formerly divided into 2 tenements above, with the Right of Way. Which were recently purchased by MARK WHITE and Elizabeth his wife since deceased.
NOTE: Robert Jee son of Joseph and Sarah Jee. Joseph had married Sarah Perrott in 1733. Her sister Elizabeth Perrott married Thomas Cripps the same year
5i 2nd January 1811
See DB20/10/5
Recovery of 51 George III 1811 John Hollingworth, gent, Demandant; George Pitt Hurst, gent, tenant, Renny and wife 1st vouchees; Fraser and wife 2nd vouchees. Estate in NP
(1) Dr George RENNY and his wife ISOBELLA (he had married his cousin the daughter of Patrick Renny of NP and she was also the niece of the late Robert PERROTT.
Robert MURRAY FRASER and his wife Elizabeth niece of the late Robert PERROTT
(2) George PITT HURST Gentleman of NP and Thomas SANDERS HOLLINGSWORTH Gentleman of NP.
1. Mess with yard and garden in High Street wherein John Chowne lived, then Richard PERROTT, then Robert PERROTT, and the Robert JEE. On W. was the House and Ground of Joseph. NEAL; on E. was the House and Ground sometime of MATHIAS CONEY and now or late of .....WALLIS; on S. the High Street
2. A plot of ground adjacent to the backyard gates and DUNGHILL LANE, which had for some time been considered to be part of the property
3. The fence of pales ranging down the W. side of the property and yard beyond which was the ground formerly of John ROGERS and William Burnham.
4. A plot of ground on part of which a Hovel was formerly erected straight down to the garden plot formerly of John ROGERS and now of William BURNHAM as the same is now fenced out and used with 1 above.
5. Free liberty to draw water from the well formerly of MATHIAS CONEY and now or late of .... WALLIS situate near adjoining to the ground and Premises of 1 above.
6. A Toft or piece of ground whereon formerly stood a cottage in the occupation of John DAVIS TAYLOR with garden and all other liberties, situate lying near DUNGHILL LANE. This cottage had been long since pulled down. (This is the cottages lived in by POTTER AND BARTON IN 1720 see 5b)
7. Toft or ground near DUNGHILL LANE on which formerly stood 4 cottages and a barn in the occupations of John BETTLE, WIDOW BRITTEN, Richard LAMB, Thomas NEWTON and ACQUILLA LEVERRETT. These properties all now burnt down.
8. Toft or ground whereon stood 2 cottages and a Chandlehouse, in occupations of SAMUEL BITHRAY, MARY BRIERLY and others which have been pulled down, lying near the bottom of the yard belonging to 1 which toft have long since been taken in and used as part of the yard and Premises of 1
9. Mess in the High Street of NP formerly called the BLUE BOAR, sometime since in occupation of William WILKINSON, late of JAMES LINDSAY and now of Joseph. NEAL. (See DB393)
On E. is the property 1 in list above; On W. messuage formerly of John ROGERS now of William BURNHAM.
There is a Right of Way for the owners of 1 above to pass through the entry yard and back gate of this property.
10. Mess now divided into 2 tenements in POOLES LANE, formerly in occupation of Thomas SAPWELL and now of John BARRICK and SARAH BATTISON, (see DB20/11-12)
On E. is POOLES LANE; On W. Premises and ground of Thomas CLARKSON;
On S. House and Premises of JAMES PIKE.
5j-5k 21st and 22nd August 1811
Sale by Lease and Release
(1) George RENNY and Robert MURRAY FRASER
Details of property as in 5i numbers 1-8.
(See DB212/12)
5l-5m 3rd and 4th April 1812
Sale by Lease and Release
(2) Joseph REDDEN Maltster.
NOTE. his son Charles Redden was born on 15th April 1810
1. Mess with yard and garden in High Street wherein John Chowne, then Richard PERROTT, then Robert PERROTT, and then Robert JEE lived on W. was the House and Ground of Joseph. NEAL on E. was the House and Ground sometime of MATHIAS CONEY, then of DOROTHY WALLIS and now of SAMUEL BARRINGER. on S. the High Street.
2. A plot of ground adjacent to the backyard gates and DUNGHILL LANE, which had for some time been considered to be part of the property
3. The fence of pales ranging down the W. side of the property and yard beyond which was the ground formerly of John ROGERS and now of William Burnham
4. A plot of ground on part of which a Hovel was formerly erected straight down to the garden plot formerly of John ROGERS and now of William BURNHAM as the same is now fenced out and used with 1 above.
5. A Toft or piece of ground whereon formerly stood a cottage long since pulled down, in the occupation of John DAVIS TAYLOR with garden and all other liberties, situate lying near DUNGHILL LANE. See 5i item 6 above. This had right of way from the High Street through the entry on the W. side of the main Premises through the yard of the former BLUE BOAR now in occupation of William BURNHAM.
6. Toft or ground near DUNGHILL LANE on which formerly stood 4 cottages and a barn in the occupations of John BETTLE, WIDOW BRITTEN, RICHARD LAMB, THOMAS NEWTON and ACQUILLA LEVERRETT. These properties all now burnt down.
8. Toft or ground whereon stood 2 cottages and a Chandlehouse, in occupations of SAMUEL BITHRAY, MARY BRIERLY and others which have been pulled down, lying near the bottom of the yard belonging to 1 which toft have long since been taken in and used as part of the yard and Premises of 1
9. Free liberty to draw water from the well formerly of MATHIAS CONEY and now or late of DOROTHY WALLIS situate near adjoining to the ground and Premises of 1 above.
5n 18th March 1816 Conveyance Joseph REDDEN, Maltster to Charles Redden, Draper, Premises as before BUT now there are 4 NEWLY ERECTED Cottages at the N. end of the garden near to DUNGHILL LANE, in the occupation of SAMUEL WHITMEE, ....PAINE, BARNARD GREENWOOD and SAMUEL VIRGIN.
5o 5th April 1820 Feoffment William CHAPMAN Senior late of ASPLEY GUISE, Victualler to Charles REDDEN, Draper. A plot of ground in the occupation of William CHAPMAN the Younger. The boundaries are given and this land may well have been at the bottom of the garden of the property (former BLUE BOAR on the W. side of REDDEN's land but behind the 4 cottages that he had recently built. No Doubt he wanted this land to give them more garden. On the S. AND W. sides of this piece of land was the ground of William Chapman the younger which was late part of the Premises belonging to the KING AND QUEEN public house.
5p 19th April 1820
(1) William CHAPMAN the younger
(2) Charles REDDEN
Plot of ground used for a garden late in occupation of William BURNHAM, now of William CHAPMAN, shooting along the ground late of Robert JEE, now of Charles REDDEN with dimensions
On E. was land of Charles REDDEN; On W. land of William CHAPMAN;
On S. land of Charles REDDEN; On N. land sold to Charles REDDEN in 5o above. This plot of land was also like 5o part of the Premises of the former KING AND QUEEN.
24th July 1859 Details of Tax paid by Charles REDDEN on his succession to the property after the death of his father.
5r 20th April 1860
Release of Legacy of £800 to Charles REDDEN from the will of his father Charles REDDEN (died 14th March 1857) by Executors J. HEYGATE AND SAMUEL GRUNDY.
5s Abstract of Title 1885
5t 29th September 1885
Conveyance Charles REDDEN TO Richard WADHAMS
5u 30th September 1885
Mortgage from Charles REDDEN to Richard WADHAMS, Saddler for £600 to enable him to buy 38 High Street and 4 and 6 UNION STREET.
Premises were formerly in occupation of Charles REDDEN then of MARTIN BROMWICH then of EDWARD William GILBERT
5v 28th April 1894
Mortgage from Miss MARY Williams to Richard WADHAMS for £1000 at 4% per annum
9th April 1895 Receipt for Fire Insurance paid by Richard WADHAMS
5w 1st February 1899
Transfer of mortgage obtained by Richard WADHAMS.
5x 1st July 1901
An Abstract of Title of Richard WADHAMS to 38 High Street and 4 and 6 Union Street. This gives details and dates for the deaths and wills of Charles REDDEN and his Son Charles REDDEN.
Fire Insurance Policy for above properties Owner now Joseph. Gilbert Austin, Jeweller and China Dealer who had purchased with a mortgage from Thomas RATCLIFFE SARGENT AND ARTHUR FELTON MULLINER BOTH OF NORTHAMPTON. Note Arthur Mulliner the Coachbuilder had connections with Salmons and Sons and the NP Motor Car Syndicate.
19th January 1939 agreement between J E Clare then owner and F T Taylor then owner of adjoining property on the E. concerning overhanging eaves gutter and facia on Mr Taylors newly built Premises.
This was a quick checklist to see what the deeds consisted of.
1701 Conveyance John Rogers to Richard Kilpin
1719 Release 2 Cottages and right of way Francis Barton to Mark White
1719 Lease re above
1720 Lease, Cottage Mark White to Richard Perrott
1720 Release for above
1820 Assignment of Mortgage on plot of land Mrs Catherine Neal to George Lucas
1698 Capital Messuage Lease John Rogers to John Chowne
1703 Marriage Settlement
1703 Capital messuage Lease John Chowne to Charles Fletcher and Robert Perrott
1811 Sale of all properties by Robert Perrott's heirs to George Pitt Hurst.
1811 22nd August messuage and Premises in High Street
1811 21st August sale to Samuel Barringer
1812 3rd April Lease Samuel Barringer to Joseph Redden
1812 4th April Release as above
1816 Joseph. Redden to Charles Redden
1820 Feoffment William Chapman to Charles Redden
1859 Printed form for Land Tax 38 High Street
1860 Release of Legacy re Will of Charles Redden
1885 Abstract of Title Mr Charles Redden
1885 29th Sept. Conveyance to Richard Wadhams
1885 30th Sept Mortgage re above
1894 Mortgage Richard Wadhams to Mary Williams
1895 Receipt from County Fire Office paid by R Wadhams
1899 Transfer of Mortgage Richard Wadhams to Mrs M E Mackay
1901 Abstract of title to 38 High Street and 4 and 6 Union Street covers 1857-1901
1901 Sale Catalogue of properties as above
1901 Envelope containing LAW FIRE INS POLICY for 38 High Street
1939 Agreement between J.E.Clare and F.T.Taylor re oversailing eaves.
These consist of four deeds given to the Society by Mr T Vischer, (formerly of Tickford Street) in 1992. The deeds each relate to separate properties.
6a 24th December 1856 Deed re Property at Cranfield Beds.
6b 29th July 1803 Deed relating to Estate at Simpson. Hon. George Augustus William Curzon an infant, pursuant to an Order of Chancery to Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart.
Deed 6c 3rd February 1783.
Release and Assignment for £80
(1) George Pitt Hurst, of NP Gent., John Wilson of NP butcher, John Keates of NP dealer in Brandy, John Stanton of St John Street in St Sepulchres in Middlesex, Innholder
(2) Thomas Rogers of NP Surgeon and Apothecary
Deed recites Whereas by a Lease of 1st June 1757 between
(1) Robert Watson Vicar of NP and Master of Queen Anne's Hospital, Benjamin Pomfrett Gent., William Davis, currier, John Church, Lace Merchant and John Purratt Yeoman all of NP and Governors of Queen Anne's Hospital.
(2) John Haddon, carrier
The Master and Governors demised, leased and to farm let to John Haddon "All that messuage or tenement with outhouses and appurtenances thereto belonging lying near Tickford Bridge then in occupation of John Haddon which was formerly two messuages in occupation s of Samuel Sharp and Mary Cosins, widow, which messuage lies near to the N. end of the bridge and the ground belonging to it extends to the churchyard. Together with the yards, gardens, commons etc and appurtenances thereto belonging".
John Haddon or his heirs and assigns to hold the messuage from the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary last past for 40 years subject an annual rent of £6 payable to the Hospital
And Whereas the lease of the messuage was afterwards assigned to and vested in Benjamin Wadsworth of NP, carrier for the remainder of the 40-year lease, which has since become vested in, together with the Freehold messuage described next and intended to be hereby granted, conveyed and released as a Security to the executors of the Will of Robert Chibnall late of NP decd, lace merchant for the sum of £100.
Whereas by deeds of Lease and Release and Assignment of the 10th and 11th July 1782 between
1) Benjamin Wadsworth
2) George Pitt Hurst, of NP Gent., John Wilson of NP butcher, John Keates of NP dealer in Brandy, John Stanton of St John Street in St Sepulchres in Middlesex, Innholder, And all and every other persons Creditors of Benjamin Wadsworth
The above Leasehold messuage and the Freehold messuage described below were conveyed by Wadsworth to his Creditors, to be sold for the benefit of his Creditors.
Therefore George Pitt Hurst and the other Creditors have agreed to sell to Thomas Rogers the remainder of the Lease on the Leasehold premises and the Freehold of the other premises for £180 which is the best price they could get. But it was agreed that the £100 due to the executors of Robert Chibnall should remain a charge on both premises. (This means that it is included in the purchase price and will be owed by Rogers to the Executors of Chibnall).
The Properties now (1783) Sold to Thomas Rogers are:
"All that freehold messuage, cottage or tenement in St John Street sometime since in the occupation of John Haddon, decd, late of Benjamin Wadsworth and now of Thomas Rogers. The house and ground of Joseph Tame on the NW; the house and premises of the Master and Governors of Queen Anne's Hospital (which is also hereby conveyed) on the SE"
Also "the leasehold premises with outhouses lying near Tickford Bridge sometime since in the occupation of John Haddon decd and formerly two messuages in the occupation s of Samuel Sharp and Mary Cusins, widow which lyeth near the North end of the Bridge and the ground belonging thereto extendeth to the churchyard of NP. To have and to hold to Thomas Rogers for the remainder of the 40 year lease and subject to the rent of £6 payable to Queen Annes Hospital, and also subject to and charged with the payment of £100 with interest to the executrix and executors of Robert Chibnal decd.
Witnesses: Jeremy Fish Palmer, Thomas Kedman, and George Cooch
6d 23rd March 1834
Edward Daniell of NP Surgeon and Apothecary and Henrietta his wife borrow £400 from William Cole of Leonard Stanley in Glos. and Revd Amos Westoby of Emberton.
Mess with Coalhouse, stable, wood house, barn etc in the High Town of NP, formerly in occupation of Thomas Eaglestone, since of Charles Smith, afterwards of William Harvey and late of Richard Sheppard.
The messuage formerly of Benjamin Waller, since of Hugh Williatt Cowley, and outhouses and yards formerly of ..... Perrott since of John Tye and late in occupation of John Tomkins on the E; the messuage formerly of Mary and Sarah Walker and the lane called DUNGHILL LANE on the W; the premises formerly of Robert Crichton and now of George Pitt Hurst on the N; and the Common Street on the S.
7a Agreement 1773 between Thomas Tout, Martha Seeley and Laurence Cumberland and Robert and his wife, Mary Bull, Susanna Bull, Ann Crichton concerning 5 cottages, 6a of land and common of pasture in NP and Lavendon.
7b Final concord at Westminster in 11 George III 1770 between Benjamin Smith plaintiff, James Matthews his wife Ann and Thomas Vials his wife Esther concerning a cottage and common of pasture in NP. (This is 7 High St see 3k.
7c as above
7d Codicil 1848 to the will 1844 of Thomas Palmer Bull re Tenement and land at Bow Brickhill used as a chapel.
7e Misc correspondence re Chapel at Brill Bucks.
7f 21st July 1817
Copy of Contract for the occupation of Premises.
Mr John Jennings Smith of Cheshunt, Herts Schoolmaster to Mr William Burn of Prescott Street, Goodmans Fields, Middlesex, Gentleman.
William Burn rents "All that messuage or Dwelling house together with the schoolroom, play ground or yard with the outbuilding and appurtenances thereto belonging, situated lying and being at the N. End in the parish of NP heretofore in the occupation of John Jennings Smith"
William Burn to occupy until 25th of December 1818, paying one peppercorn until 25th December 1817 and £40 for the next year
7g 25th June 1811.
Bond John Jennings Smith schoolmaster of NP borrows £400 from Robert Collison, Surgeon of NP
Deeds to property now (1995) called Riverside House.
8a 25th March 1873.
Abstract of W. Pearce's title to 2 messuages and a blacksmith’s shop recites the following earlier deeds.
1792 4th and 5th June.
Sale by Lease and Release for £123
(1) George Annesley
(2) Luke Price
All that messuage or tenement with the Blacksmiths shop, barns, stables and appurtenances adjoining and belonging, situate and being near the Tickford Bridge in NP, which were then formerly in the occupation of Charles Ward under a 21 year lease from 29/9/1790, and now in the occupation of Luke Price.
1820 31st May.
LP bequeaths property to his son William Price. Property now described as "situate near Tickford Bridge".
1849 13th November.
William Price makes a will in which he leaves the property to his wife Anna Maria Price and appoints his friends James Price Coles and Thomas Scrivener as trustees. Of the trustees Anna died on 10/8/64 and Thomas died on 1/10/69. William Price died on 10/2/69.
1869 29th September.
The surviving trustee James Price Coles sells the property by auction for £350 to Francis Bassett of Leighton Buzzard, Banker and Richard Littleboy of NP Banker. It is then described as formerly in the occupation of Luke Price and since of Mrs Paybody.
1871 11th December. Bassett and Littleboy sell to William Pearce a Builder of NP.
8b 1873 2nd May.
Conveyance for £450
(1) William Pearce
(2) Edward David Mitchell the younger a Carpenter of NP
The property is described as in 1792 above but then continues " & also all that messuage and tenement and Premises adjoining on the N. side thereof with the Blacksmith's shop adjoining at present unoccupied and which has been lately built by William Pearce on the site of a Blacksmith's shop and other Premises lately in the occupation of Mrs Paybody and Edward David Mitchell."
8c 1873 24th June.
Conveyance for £400
(1) Bassett and Littleboy
(2) Edward David Mitchell who obtains, on 25th June a mortgage from J. Goodman a farmer of Water Eaton.
8d 1890 3rd December.
J.Goodman died on 27/2/76 and left his property to Thomas and Alphaeus Willison. AW calls in the mortgage and the property is reconveyed to EDM after he pays the outstanding balance of £350.
9/1 29th July 1687
Lease following Chancery Decree confirming 1000-year lease
(1) George CHAPMAN, ROGER CHAPMAN, William HARTLEY, GODFREY WITHERS, Richard EDMONDS, Thomas PEARSON, William ODELL, John DAVIS the Feoffees/Trustees of the Town Lands in NP
(2) RALPH LAWTON of Gayhurst.
Messuage or Inn known by the name of the SARAZENS HEAD in occupation of John CARTER, and another old messuage adjoining in occupation of William COWLEY
And a MEADOW of about a fifth of an acre known as HOGG HOLME Adjacent to the North Bridge. The meadow was usually let with the SARACENS HEAD. All this property had formerly been let at £13 p.a.
The SARACENS HEAD "had grown very ruinous and much fallen into decay" the whole rent very often applied in paying for repairs. Therefore the trustees with the consent of the inhabitants of NP had about 8 years before proposed that the Premises were let to RALPH LAWTON, and to induce him to lay out money to rebuild the Inn had given him a 1000 year lease, on 18th March 1678. At that time there were 2 other Trustees both now deceased, these were Richard Worrall and John Perrutt. The rent for the property was £25.5s.0d p.a. payable in two instalments half yearly on Lady Day and at Michaelmass; the property to revert to the trustees if rent more than 30 days overdue. Lawton also agreed to lay out £300 in the first 3 years in building and repairs on the property and to maintain the same at all times.
9/2 3rd March 1749
Assignment of Lease and Confirmation pursuant to a decree in Chancery
(1) George WRIGHT of Gayhurst Esq. and others
(3) ROGER CHAPMAN of Olney, Esq
(4) Thomas JAMES SELBY of Wavendon
The Lease is Assigned to Selby from Chapman, who had a mortgage nominally from Wright but in reality it was Pomfrett that put up the money.
Lease is Saracens Head, Adjoining property and Hogg Holme now called alias Sweetmore Holme
This document recites earlier deeds as follows.
1) John Hooton of NP Yeoman, Roger Chapman of Caldecote, NP Esq., (grandson of Roger Chapman, one of the trustees now deceased)
2) Roger Chapman
3) George Wright of Gayhurst,
Recites the Lease of 1678 to Ralph Lawton and quotes an endorsement on it by Lawton of 7/1/1679 in which he acknowledged that the lease was taken by him in trust for Roger Chapman the grandfather of the present Chapman and that Lawton obtained a decree in Chancery to confirm this on 30th April in 1729. Lawton is now deceased his surviving executor also Ralph Lawton had also written an endorsement confirming the above.
Recites Indenture 24.3.1723
By which Roger Chapman mortgages the property to John Hooton for £500. Chapman does not repay Hooton and Hooton assigns the mortgage to George Wright of Gayhurst for £535 (includes interest)
Chapman does not repay Wright and mortgage becomes absolute to Wright (he now owns lease and the property). Chapman now owes £577.10s and can have property back if he repays.
Recites indenture 25.12.1732 Chapman borrows another £50 from Wright.
Recites 6/2/1735 Chapman sublets the Saracen's Head to William Gillett for 7 years and had agreed to lay out a considerable sum in repairs, he had not done this. In fact Wright had to pay the workmen for this work, Chapman agreed to pay Wright interest on this money.
7/6/1739 by Decree in Chancery Chapman is declared bankrupt and Robert Hall a creditor, acting on behalf of the other creditors is to sell Chapman's property.
Property auctioned and Saracen's Head etc purchased for £1200 by John Hall on behalf of Thomas James Selby.
Chancery Court orders that Wright be repaid the outstanding mortgage plus interest total £1919 9s 0d also the cost of the repairs to the Inn £411.7s.7d including interest
Chancery Court notes that Wright had acted as a person nominated in Trust for Benjamin Pomfret who had put up the money for the mortgage, Court acknowledges that mortgage be repaid to Pomfrett.
Witnesses: John Hall and William Neale
9/3 28th September 1763
Assignment of Lease for £500
(1) T J Selby
(2) Austin Wiggins of Malton Bridge, Middlesex, Innholder
(Deed 9/5 refers to deeds recording that on 21/11/1763 Wiggins mortgaged the property to Mark Young (now decd) and Wiggins had not repaid the mortgage and the property was held by Young's executors (his widow Mary Young and John Young) but Mary had also died so property passed to John Young as sole executor).
Witnesses: John Hall and Thomas Gambly sec to Mr Selby and Edward Hollick of Olney
9/4 25th March 1771
Assignment of Lease for £200
(1) Austin Wiggins of NP Innholder
(2) Thompson Pater of NP, Laceman
Witnesses: William Earle and Richard Patch
9/5 24th June 1776
Assignment of Lease for £515 after bankruptcy (10/7/75) of Thompson Pater
Lease was held by Alexander Pennington to hold in trust for creditors Simon Halliday, banker of Lombard St, London, Thomas Dunnage, merchant of Philpot lane, London, John Day, buyer of Fenny Stratford, and Thomas Talbot, lacebuyer of Olney. and is then sold by John Young of Middx, undertaker the surviving executor of Mark Young on behalf of Creditors to Robert Pearson, Lace Merchant of NP.
Pearson paid £330 to John young and £185 to Thomas Dunnage
Saracen's Head was late in occupation of Wiggins and now of Joseph Capon.
The adjoining messuage was divided into three tenements, one in the occupation of Joseph Ward the other two were empty.
9/6 21st July 1802
Article of Agreement between Robert Pearson of NP Gent and William Clarke of NP Tallow Chandler and Victualler for sale by Pearson to Clarke of remainder of the 999 years lease of Saracen's Head for £200
The Adjoining premises belonging to and formerly occupation as part and parcel of the Saracen's Head were in the occupation of Samuel Brown is excluded.
Clarke is to pay Ground Rent to the Town Land Feoffees
Witnesses: Joseph Arrowsmith and George Burnham
Receipts for payments by Clarke of £4.15.0 on 21.7.1802, £30 on 16.8.1802 and £50 on 11.10.1802
9/7 17th August 1802
Further Article of Agreement between Pearson and Clarke who agrees to pay £149 to Pearson before the 5th January 1803 at which time the Conveyance of the premises will be executed. Agreed that Clarke may enter premises on 10th Oct 1802
Witnesses: Joseph Arrowsmith and William Burr
Receipt for payment by Clarke of £100 on 11.10.1802
9/8 21st January 1803
Assignment of lease for £350
(1) Robert Pearson of NP Gent
(2) William Clarke of NP Tallow Chandler and Victualler
This is for the Saracens Head and adjoining property only. The Saracens Head was late in the occupation of John Marshall now deceased, then of William Paine and now of John Hill.
The other "mess adjoining to the Saracen's Head formerly forming part and parcel of the Inn but which hath long since been and now is divided and rented separately", was formerly in occupation of John Batty, since of Robert Kennison, late of Miles Abraham and now of Samuel Browne.
Note The Meadow, Hogg Holme had been sold on 10th October 1796 to Mansel Dawkin Mansel of Lathbury for remainder of the 1000-year lease.
Witnesses: George Cooch and Joseph Arrowsmith
9/9 22nd September 1803
Mortgage and Assignment of lease for £250
(1) William Clarke of NP Tallow Chandler and Victualler
(2) Edward Jefferson of NP Leather Dresser
Clarke mortgages the property to Jefferson, Clarke to pay the annual Ground Rent of £25.5s 0d to the Town Land Feoffees and the Quit Rent of 3/6d.
Saracens Head and adjoining property only
Bond confirming loan from Clarke to Jefferson £250 plus interest
9/11 2nd November 1819
Assignment of lease for £700
(1) William Jefferson, fellmonger son of Edward Jefferson deceased
(2) William Clarke, Innholder
(3) George Clarke coachman, the son of William Clarke
Recites that William Clarke did not repay mortgage and that property was then owned by Mortgagee William Jefferson who died and the property passed to his son Edward and then William Clarke repaid the mortgage reclaiming the property, which he now sells to his son George Clarke for £700
Property now described as:
Saracens Head formerly in occupation of John Hill, late of William Clarke and now of George Clarke.
Also the adjoining property then in occupation of James Harvey
Also "8 several messuages fronting onto Church Lane lately erected by George Clarke on part of the yard or ground of the Saracen's Head". These houses were in the occupation s of James Harris, Sarah Cooper, Martha Smith, William Green, Peter Birtles, Joshua Philpot, James Anstee and William Clarke.
Witnesses: George Lucas and J Goodman his clerk
9/12 and 13 8th March 1821
George Clarke, Innkeeper Mortgages Saracens Head, the Adjoining property and the 8 cottages to Thomas Kilpin of NP Ironmonger for £400. Also Bond from Clark to Kilpin.
Tenants of the 8 houses still there except for William Clarke, his house now occupation by Michael Marr.
Witnesses: George Lucas, J. Goodman his clerk and R.B.Robert's clerk to Lucas & Co.
9/14 31st August 1835
Assignment of Lease, George Clarke has repaid mortgage and property Assigned back to him from Kilpin.
9/15 25th September 1838
Lease for 21 years of Saracen's Head only at rent of £90 per annum.
(1) George Clark late of NP now of Dunstable, Coach proprietor
(2) William Taylor of NP Chemist and Druggist
The Saracens head was now in the occupation of John Greaves, the Adjoining property was in the tenure of George Clarke. The lease excluded the 8 houses in Church Lane and the "building in the backyard of Saracens Head lately occupied by James Holman and intended to be pulled down and the ground to be added to the garden in occupation of Holman in Church Lane". Clarke and the tenants of the 8 houses had a Right of Way from the backyard of the Inn to and from St John Street. The lease specified that "if the Inn ceased to be used as an Inn before the commencement of the lease or at any time during the term f the lease George Clarke can with the consent of the Licensing Authorities transfer the license to sell Ale, Wine and Spirituous Liquors from the Inn to any other of his premises".
Also that William Taylor can convert the Inn into two or more shops or Dwelling houses and also erect any additional buildings or extend the property as he thinks proper but at end of lease he must pull down any new building or extension if required to"
Clarke to pay the Ground Rent to the Town Land Feoffees and the Quit Rent and Land Tax
9/16 11th October 1841
Assignment of Lease of Saracens Head and adjoining property and the 8 houses for £1650
(1) George Clarke late of NP now of Dunstable, Innkeeper
(2) Thomas Abbott Green of Pavenham Bury, Beds, Esq.
Saracens Head formerly in the occupation of William Marshall, then William Paine, then John Hill, then of William Clarke, then of George Clarke, since of Thomas Bessant and now of John CLARKE.
The Adjoining property formerly in occupation of James Harvey, is now of Edward Gawthorn.
The 8 houses now in the occupation s of Jas Barker, William Young, William Cook, Mary Ablethorpe, John Cooper, Joshua Philpott, William Johnson and John Holmans.
This lease contains no mention of Taylor's Lease.
9/17 27th August 1858
Assignment of lease of the property by executors of Thomas Abbott Green who died 26/4/1855. Green's Will of 1/5/54 appointed Mary his wife and Henry Green as executors, he added a codicil on 17/2/55 appointing John Foster as an additional Executor. He died 26/4/55 and the Executors put his property up for Auction in 2 Lots.
Lot 1 the Saracen's Head and adjoining property was bought by William Taylor in partnership with William Powell of NP gent., and John Wilmer, a farmer of Gayhurst for £580. The Saracen's Head was now occupied by George Atkins.
The Adjoining property formerly in occupation of John Edward Curtis was then in occupation of John Milbourne (he published the NP Chronicle).
The Adjoining premises formerly part of the Inn and formerly in the occupation of Abraham, Browne, Harvey, then George Clarke was now of Samuel Gawthorn.
A schedule of Deeds is attached and Taylor was to produce these to the Green's if needed.
Transcribed by Dennis Mynard December 1995
10/a 2nd June 1879
Conveyance for £2150
(1) William Hipwell of Olney, Brewer and William Armstrong of N. Crawley, Farmer, as Trustees under the Will of Joseph Salmons, of Salmons house and Coachworks
(2) Thomas Salmons and Joseph Salmons Coachbuilders of NP
By his Will dated 3rd February 1868 Joseph Salmons the Elder appointed his two Sons in Law William Hipwell and William Armstrong and James Eames as his executors and Trustees. They were to arrange for the house and workshops where Joseph carried on his Coachbuilding business in Partnership with his two sons Joseph and Thomas Salmons to be valued by two valuers one to be chosen by them and the other by one or both of his sons. The two sons were to be offered the property by the executors within thirty days and would then have three months to purchase at the Valuation price less any sum that they might be entitled to under the trusts and provisions of his will.
Joseph died on the 15th December 1879 and probate was granted on the 14th February 1879 by the Oxford Probate Registry. The property was valued at £2150 and Joseph and Thomas purchased the property, which was described as
"All that mess, tenement or dwelling house, with the Coach Yard, Coach Factory, Sheds, Stables, buildings and appurtenances situate in Tickford Street formerly in the occupation of Joseph Salmons and afterwards in the occupation of Joseph, Thomas and Joseph junior, trading as SALMONS AND SONS. The Premises have from time to time been erected and built by Joseph Salmons on the certain piece of ground and land purchased by him in 1836 from Henry Thomas Atterbury. And also all that Garden Ground near to adjoining the said messuage as the same was lately in the occupation of Joseph Salmons. The whole containing a frontage to Tickford Street of about 160 feet and a depth of 180 feet.
10/b 26th February 1892.
Conveyance for £120
(1) Ann Buxton of 4, St Michaels Ave, Northampton, widow, George Fairy of Priory Farm, Kimbolton, and John Robert Wilmer of NP Wine Merchant, Trustees of the Will of John William Bull, deceased hereinafter called the Vendors
(2) George Salmons of NP Coachbuilder called the purchaser.
John William Bull, late of NP, butcher died seized of the Premises to be sold. Property is "Mess or tenement (now divided into two) situated in Tickford End. Formerly in the occupation of John Harris, since of Susanna Harris, late of William Paine and now or late of William Norton and William Crisp".
"And also two messuage or cottages adjoining the above formerly in the occupation of Mary Huggins and Mary Bone since of Thomas Barker and Widow Stanton and late of Widow Fielding".
10/c 19th February 1894
MORTGAGE for £1025 (at £4 10s per cent per annum)
1) George Salmons, Coachbuilder
2) Henry George Hipwell, Brewer of Olney
George as beneficial owner conveys to Henry "All That messuage or tenement with yard, stable etc, which is 23 St John Street, for many years in the occupation of Mrs Olivia Fountain (she was at the Swan for many years) and now in the tenure of George Andrews Jefferies. Including a walled garden formerly part of and take in from the Saracens Head Yard".
"AND ALSO 8 messuage or tenements (numbers 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9) fronting the Church Lane now called Church Passage which messuages were erected many years ago on part of the yard or ground belonging to the Saracens Head Inn".
"AND ALSO 23 Tickford Street formerly Tickford End, for many years in the occupation of Bernard Byrne and now of Joseph. L. Smith".
"AND ALSO a messuage in Tickford End divided into two sometime since in the occupation of William Norton and William Crisp".
"AND ALSO those two messuage adjoining the above sometime in the occupation of Widow Stanton and another which were purchased by George Salmons in 1892 from the Trustees of the late J.W.Bull butcher".
10/d 23rd March 1901
Conveyance for £400
(1) James Whitmee of Newport Pagnell, Brazier,
(2) Joseph and George Salmons
Number 18, Priory Street, with Gardens and Orchard extending to 1 acre,
10/e 25th March 1901
Joseph and George Salmons obtain a mortgage for £350 on "18 Priory Street, with outbuildings and the garden in front and the garden or orchard at the back, the whole containing 1 acre more or less. The Premises were for many years in the occupation of Thomas Tooth and William Tooth and others"
10/f 5th February 1943
Tenancy Agreement from SALMONS AND SONS (COACHBUILDERS) LTD TO Messrs George and Arthur James Lucas Salmons of a Piece of Land at the rear of 22, Priory Street. WITH PLAN
11/a Accessioned as 95/52
Document found amongst misc papers in drawers of Filing Cabinet in Museum. Donor unknown (not recorded.
The document is a Printed Advertisement for an Auction of a BEERHOUSE, LAND and other Premises by Durham, Gotto and Samuel, to be held at the SWAN HOTEL NP on Tuesday 1st May 1888. Printed by Line, Bucks Standard.
Lot 1 " A freehold Brick-built and tiled BEER HOUSE known as RED HOUSE on Wolverton Road. Let to ALLFREY AND LOVELL at £20 p.a. House contains 4 bedrooms, Parlour, Taproom, Bar, Kitchen, and Beer Cellar. Outside is a Two-stalled stable with loft over, 2 Pigsties and an Open hovel".
Lot 2 "A freehold close of five and a half acres adjoining Lot 1 and let to ALLFREY AND LOVELL"
Lot 3 "Freehold close of Pasture of 1 acre 1 rood, with a frontage of 53 yards on Wolverton Road, in occupation of Walter Goodman at £7 p.a. Tiled and Boarded hovel in this lot belongs to Tenant".
Lot 4 "2 Freehold brick and tiled Shops nos 81 and 83 High Street, in the respective occupation of F.Litchfield and Thomas Coales at £10 p.a. each"
Lot 5 "Freehold brick and tiled Shop and Premises no. 79 high Street, unoccupied but was recently a Bakehouse let at £20 p.a. There are 4 bedrooms, front shop, Sitting Room, Kitchen and Pantry, with a Bakehouse containing Oven Furnace, 2 Dough troughs and a Meal Chamber over. At the rear approached by a side entrance from the High Street, there is a one stalled stable, and a 2 stalled stable with a loft over Piggeries, fowl house and good garden. There is a right of Common in Bury Field and 1 rood of grass in Bury Meadow with this property".
Lot 6 "Freehold brick and slated Shop and Premises 11 High Street, near the Church Gate, now unoccupied and assessed to the Poor Rate at ..."
Lot 7 "Freehold messuage in Sherington, occupied as the Post Office".
Lot 8 "A One third share in the Old Town Pump, in the High Street, producing £2 10s 0d per Annum.
Property including the Kings Head at Sherington, 1807-1819.
Former property of Thomas Meacher, brewer of Newport Pagnell, a bankrupt.
John Chibnall and Others to George Margetts
“Appointment and Release and Surrender by Mr John Richards of a Term of 400 years to merge in the Inheritance”.
(1) John Chibnall of NP, Gent and Peregrine Nash of Bedford, Common Brewer the Surviving Assigns of the Estate and Effects of Thomas Meacher, late of NP, Common brewer, a Bankrupt. (Thomas Battams the other Assignee being now deceased)
(2) Thomas Meacher
(3) Edmund Marks of Mark Lane in the City of London, Malt factor and Edward Wigan of Falcon Square, London, Merchant, who are the Assignees of the Estate and Effects of Thomas Warriner Baseley and William Stapleton, late of NP, Common brewers Bankrupts
(4) Thomas Warriner Baseley and William Stapleton
(5) James Houghton, publican of NP
(6) John Richards, Seedsman of Sherington
(7) George Margetts of Wellingborough, Common brewer
(8) William Margetts of Huntingdon, Gentleman
WHEREAS by Indentures of Lease and Release dated the 6th and 7th August 1807. The release made between
John Richards of the 1st part
William Lucas of NP Gentleman of the 2nd part
Thomas Meacher of the 3rd part
John Chibnall of the 4th part
George Meacher of NP gent of the 5th part
The Messuage, tenement and land etc hereafter described and cited to be hereby Appointed and Release or otherwise assured were granted and conveyed to John Chibnall and his heirs subject to the uses or trusts etc as Thomas Meacher (TM) should by deed or Will appoint and in default thereof to TM and his assigns for life with remainder to the use of John Chibnall and his heirs during the life of TM in Trust for TM and his assigns with remainder to the use of TM and his heirs forever.
AND WHEREAS a Commission of Bankruptcy dated at Westminster 19.4.1810 was issued against TM and he was duly found and declared a bankrupt, and John Chibnall, Peregrine Nash, Thomas Battams decd were thereupon duly chosen as assignees of his estate and effects. Other Creditors were William Hunt, Alfred Thrale Perkins, John Hodgson, Charles Henry Hodgson and John Freer Congreve Gent.
AND WHEREAS by an Indenture of Bargain and Sale enrolled in the High Court of Chancery on 7th June 1811 the commissioners sold the Messuage or tenement etc to John Chibnall, Peregrine Nash (Meacher’s Son in Law) and Thomas Battams deceased, for themselves and other Creditors of TM.
AND WHEREAS by an Agreement dated 13th September 1811 John Chibnall, Peregrine Nash and Thomas Battams sold the property to Thomas Warriner Baseley and William Stapleton
AND WHEREAS Thomas Warriner Baseley and William Stapleton have not yet paid the whole of the purchase money and the Premises have not been conveyed to them.
AND WHEREAS Thomas Warriner Baseley and William Stapleton were declared Bankrupt on 8th January 1816, and their Creditors were John Reeves, Richard Woodsmen, Archibald Cullen, Richard Wilson and George Nigel Edwardes Esq.,
AND WHEREAS by Indenture of Bargain and Sale in the High Court of Chancery on the 19th January 1816 the property was sold to Henry Page in Trust until Assignees should be chosen.
AND WHEREAS by Indenture of Bargain and Sale in the High Court of Chancery on the 13th January 1816 the property was conveyed to Edmund Marks and Edward Wigan in Trust for themselves and other creditors of Thomas Warriner Baseley and William Stapleton.
AND WHEREAS by order of the High Court of Chancery on the 21st February 1817 made by the Master of the Rolls ordering that Marks and Wigan should before the first day of Easter Term pay to John Chibnall, Peregrine Nash and Thomas Battams the sum of £4892 19s 00d remaining due to them for principal money agreed to be given to Baseley and Stapleton for the premises and effects in question in the aforesaid causes etc.
AND WHEREAS in pursuance of the above order the messuages and land were put up for Auction on the 26th March 1818 in several lots or parcels at which sale James Houghton (NOTE He was at LION AND LAMB in 1819) purchased Lot 7 "The messuage or tenement known by the sign of the KINGS HEAD in Sherington" for £450. Houghton paid the sum into the Bank of England into the account of the Court of Chancery.
AND WHEREAS Houghton has agreed with Margetts to transfer the property to him for the sum of £450 and the Court of Chancery has agreed to this.
AND WHEREAS by indenture of 10th August 1807 Thomas Meacher mortgaged the property to John Richards for £230 for a term of 400 years, and the mortgage was not repaid to Richards and was still due to him.
AND WHEREAS all the parties now agree the sale to Margetts of
“All that messuage or tenement situated and being at Sherington called or known by the sign of the Kings Head as the same is now divided from another messuage of John Richards late occupied by Widow Haines,
Also the garden and Courtyard on the south part thereof and a barn and stable,
Also all the orchard or garden on the North as the same is now separated and divided by a quick set fence from the garden aforesaid now occupied with the messuage of John Richards late in the occupation of Widow Haines, containing 2r bounded by a Close belonging of Richard Humphreys on the N; the said messuage hereby appointed and Release on the S; and the said garden of John Richards on the W.
Also all that Close or piece of garden ground situated by the roadside in Sherington containing 3r bounded by the said Common Street on the E; by premises lately in the occupation of William Hendle and Thomas Umney and now of ---- and ---- on the S; and by premises late of Richard Tandy and now of ---- on the N.
All which premises above described are now in the occupation of ----, together with the Pews “No 5” in Sherington Church, and also all those outhouses etc belonging to the said premises.
Receipt for £450 paid by George Margetts to James Houghton, Witnesses: John Garrard and William Bowden
Signed for T W Basely by his attorney Edward Tofts, witness William Matheson
Signed John Chibnall Witnesses: --- of Lincolns Inn and William Waller his clerk
Signed Thomas Meacher Witnesses: John Iliffe and Thomas Garrard
Signed Peregrine Nash Witnesses: John Budd attorney, Bedford and William Hurst his clerk
Receipt for £270 paid by John Chibnall and Peregrine Nash to John Richards.
Witnesses: Edward Pearce of Stony Stratford and Thomas W Garrard.
Signed Edward Marks Witnesses: Augustus Jones and William Matheson
Signed Edward Wigan witness William Matheson
Endorsed“The Close of pasture ground within mentioned to contain 3r and conveyed by George Margetts to James Middleton and his trustees by Lease and Release and Appointment an Release of the 28th and 29th January 1831 and in the said indenture of Appointment and Release is contained a Covenant for production to the James Middleton his appointed heirs or assigns of the within Conveyance and certain other deeds and writings relating to the said Close of pasture ground set forth in a Schedule contained in the Indenture of Appointment and RL”
D C Mynard 20.9.2003
DEED 11/c This deed may have been purchased by the Society with those to 5 and 7 high Street but even though it refers to Mr Odell's Warehouse I am not certain that it describes property in Bridge Street. John Odell also had a Warehouse on the corner of Mill Street and Union Street.
11/c 1894
ABSTRACT OF TITLE OF MRS CLARA E SMYTH AND MRS ANNE R ANDREWS TO 6 Messuages in the North End of Newport Pagnell. Drawn up by William J Hick, Solicitor, 2, Church court, Clements Lane, London EC.
Recites the following conveyances
28th and 29th April 1814
Lease and Release
(1) John Sullivan and Catherine his wife
(2) Elizabeth Ward of NP
"The messuages, cottages or tenements there described and a plot of garden ground whereon 2 other messuages were afterwards built".
Elizabeth Ward by her Will left "all those 2 messuages in St John St" to John George and her son in law John Dickinson of NP Pawnbroker during the natural life of her daughter Ann Elizabeth Dickinson only and after Ann's death to her grandson Charles Dickinson. She also left the messuages described in April 1814 (together with two others that she had built on the Garden Ground) to John George and John Dickinson as Trustees who were to use the rents to maintain the property and to give the profit to her daughter Ann Elizabeth Dickinson and after her daughters death the messuages were to go to John George and John Dickinson.
Elizabeth Ward died, her daughter died in 1850 and John Dickinson died on 17.5.1860.
6th June 1860
Conveyance for £150
(1) John George of NP, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer who had inherited the property
(2) John Creemer of Wolverton, Mechanic
At that time the Description of Property was as follows;
A All those 2 messuages adjoining each other with the yard and appurtenances thereto situate in the N. End of NP, formerly in the tenure of John Wilmin and Widow Saunders and now of John Baker and George Britten,
(NOTE: From evidence of 1851 census John Wilmin lived in Mill Street)
On the E. the barn and Premises formerly a WOOL BARN formerly the property of George Osborne but then (1860) occupied as WAREHOUSES by John Odell. (These were in North Square)
On the W. two messuages, See `B’ below
On the N. the two newly erected messuages,
On the S. property belonging to John Bunting.
B And also two other messuages adjoining each other, with a small piece of garden ground at the front and a small yard at the back, part of the Premises `A’ above and adjoining the same on the E. side.
On the W. the messuages formerly belonging to Ann Cox and then of James Smith
On the N. the street called North End, (Mill St) part thereof formerly in the tenure of .... Mobbs and James Harvey and then of Benjamin Leverett and William Yates
And also the garden ground and the two newly erected messuages, built on it by Elizabeth Ward and close adjoining the Public Street lying in front of the messuages `A' and intended to be hereby conveyed with the yard, barn and appurtenances, the said messuages were then in the occupation of Richard Brooks and John Joyce and were bounded;
On the N. or front part by the public street called North End, On the S. Or back part by the messuages firstly theretofore described and intended to be conveyed
On the E. by the said WOOL BARN or WAREHOUSE
And on the W. by a passage and garden belonging to the messuages of William Yates and Benjamin Leverett.
17th January 1894
John Creemer a widower died intestate leaving Clara Elizabeth Smyth and Ann Rosalie Andrews his only children and heirs. Note Clara baptised 15.5.1853 and Ann baptised July 1855.
Deeds to the THREE CRANES 13 ST John Street and numbers 15 and 17 St John STREET. These deeds were given to the Society in May 1996, via Dennis Mynard, by Colin Jones who had retired from his post as Manager of the NEWPORT PAGNELL COOPERATIVE SOCIETY earlier that year.
DEEDS 12/1-
12/1 and 12/2 3rd and 4th August 1812,
Conveyance by Lease and Release for £440
1) John Walker the elder of NP, yeoman
2) John Walker the younger of NP, Grocer and his trustee William White of NP, plumber and glazier.
"All that messuage or tenement in St John Street lately converted and made out of a stable belonging to and used with the George Inn, together with the yard, chandlehouse and stable thereto adjoining and also the room over the Gateway.
And also that other messuage with the yard and appurtenances belonging situated in St John Street late in the occupation of Thomas Mabley and now of William Richardson and adjoining the messuage or tenement first mentioned above.
And which said Premises measure in length in the front next St John Street 35 feet and in depth eastward from St John Street 78 feet,
And are bounded on the E and N by the Gateway, yard and stable (George Yard DCM) belonging to John Walker the elder being part of the Premises purchased by him of St John Livesay Wagstaffe, On the S. by the other messuage of John Walker purchased by him of Robert Pearson and now in the occupation of Bridget Tatham and Ann Pancoust, And on the by St John Street".
Together with the right of full and free passage for John Walker the younger with horses, carts and carriages from St John Street to the stable and Premises conveyed with liberty to set his cart in the gateway of the yard as far as his Premises extend so as not to interrupt passage up the yard
The tenants of the other property owned by John Walker only have the right to go from St John Street to their houses for the purpose of carrying wood, coals, water and filth only and for no other purpose whatsoever".
The Release recites the following earlier conveyances
13th July 1795 Mortgage between St John Livesay Wagstaffe of Hinwick in the parish of Poddington Beds, gent. (Eldest son and heir at law of Richard Wagstaffe late of Hinwick, gent decd. who was the second son and devisee of the last Will of Henry Wagstaff who was the second cousin and heir of the late Henry Wagstaffe of NP, gent. decd. who died intestate) and John Clarke of Farndish in the counties of Bedford and Northampton, yeoman of the other purporting to be a mortgage for 1000 years of (inter alia) the messuage or tenements and Premises above hereby appointed and granted and released and conveyed to John Clarke for securing £200 and interest.
5th and 6th April 1803
Conveyance by Deeds of Lease and Release
1) Henry Wagstaffe of St Pancras, yeoman (the brother and heir at law of William Wagstaffe late of Poddington, aforesaid gent decd who was the eldest son and heir at law of Henry Wagstaff late of Poddington who was the eldest son and heir of the said Henry Wagstaffe formerly of Poddington aforesaid, yeoman decd.)
2) St John Livesay Wagstaffe.
17th and 18th June 1803
Conveyance by Deeds of Lease, Release and Assignment,
1) St John Livesay Wagstaffe
2) John Walker and his trustees William Burnham of NP, victualler and John Atterbury of NP maltster.
The residue of the 1000 year mortgage repaid to John Clarke
12/3 21st November 1812
John Walker junior obtains a mortgage of £400 on the property from Thomas Hearne of Buckingham, gent and Thomas Hearne the younger of Buckingham, gent.
12/4 and 12/5 23rd and 24th August 1815
Conveyance by Lease and Release for Consideration of £420
1) John Walker, grocer
2) John Pike, butcher.
Property is as above Bounded on the E and N by the Gateway, yard and stable belonging to Sarah Walker being part of the Premises purchased by John Walker the elder of St John Livesay Wagstaffe, On the S by the other messuage late of John Walker which he purchased of Robert Pearson and sold to John Burnham now in the occupation of .... Plowman and .... Burnham, And on the W. by St John Street.
Together with the right of full and free passage etc as in 1803 deeds.
12/6 24th November 1817
John Pike obtains a mortgage of £200 on the property from Thomas Hearne of Buckingham, gent.
12/7 4th April 1820
Lease of property John Pike, butcher to Mrs Elizabeth Ward, victualler.
(She was at Three Cranes next door)
12/8 5th April 1820
Purchase of property for £500 from John Pike by Mrs Elizabeth Ward, the outstanding mortgage of £223.13.0d is repaid.
12/9 1st August 1820
Lease of property for 21 years at £20 pa payable quarterly
1) Elizabeth Ward widow
2) Richard and Robert Womersley
12/10 10th January 1822
Elizabeth Ward obtains a mortgage of £200 on the property from John Tutt of Moulsoe, lacebuyer. Property is described as before except that the "other messuage with the yard and appurtenances belonging situated in St John Street formerly in the occupation of Thomas Mabley and since of William Richardson was now of .... Warr".
Adjoining properties had same occupiers except the property on the S. which was now of .... Wildman and .... Burnham
A bond Elizabeth Ward to John Tutt for £400 is folded inside the mortgage.
12/11 19th May 1826
John Tutt has died and the mortgage is repaid to his executors George Tutt and George Griffiths by William Bateman Bull of NP gent to whom the property is assigned as the new Mortgagee.
12/12 22nd May 1837
Assignment and surrender of mortgage to W B Bull
12/17 26th March 1861
Conveyance of 2 cottages Charles Dickinson of Wolverton, engineer to John Creemer of Wolverton, engineer (who had been married since 1.1.1834 for £250.
Recites that Elizabeth Ward owned two cottages and intended to convey them by her Will (dated 29.9.53) to John George of NP, shoemaker and John Dickinson of NP, pawnbroker as executors to hold them in trust for her daughter Ann Elizabeth Dickinson, and on her daughters death to pass them to her grandson Charles Dickinson.
Elizabeth Ward died on the 26th January 1854 and her Will was proved on the 27th July 1854 by John Dickinson.
The daughter Ann Elizabeth Dickinson died on the 29th June 1856 and the cottages passed to Charles Dickinson who had agreed to sell them to John Creemer for £250
Described as
"All that messuage situated in St John Street, formerly converted and made out of a stable belonging and used with an Inn in NP formerly called The George but now the Three Cranes, together with that other messuage or tenement with the yard and building formerly used as a Chandlehouse thereunto adjoining and also the room over the Gateway as the same were at one time in the occupation of John Walker and since of John Pike.
And Also all that other messuage or tenement with the yard belonging in St John Street formerly in the occupation of Thomas Mabley and after William Richardson and adjoining the messuage or tenement above. Size of plot as before 35ft along St John Street and 78ft up the yard formerly called the George Inn yard.
And Also all that small cottage erected or built on the site where a Dusthole formerly stood at the rear of the Premises first above described.
All which Premises were late in the occupation of John Dickinson then of John? Hill and are now untenanted.
11th and 12th October 1824
Conveyance by Lease and Release
1) John Williams
2) George Lucas, Revd John Fisher and Caroline his wife, Henry Lucas, Frances Lucas, Frederick Lucas, Isaac Smith and Mary his wife and John Smith
3) Edward Rawlins of Bedford, banker
4) John Rawlins trustee for Edward.
PROPERTY IS "All that messuage together with the Brewhouse, stables, buildings and yard heretofore called the MARQUIS OF GRANBY INN and now the THREE CRANES formerly in the occupation of James Ogden, then Elizabeth Ward afterwards of George Stanton, then of .... and now of William White.
Bounded on the W. by St John Street, on the S. and E. by the buildings and carriageway of Thomas Killingworth part of the Premises formerly called the George INN and on the S. by the messuage of John Cox.
6th March 1825
Grant of Right of Way up the former George Yard for 35 years Thomas Killingworth to Edward Rawlins
12/13 17th May 1843
Conveyance of property and right of way, Edward Rawlins of Bedford, wine merchant to Jesse Parsons and John Rogers both common brewers and buying the property as equal partners for £550. George Osborn Rogers, surgeon is Trustee for each of them.
12/14 23rd September 1843
Grant of Right of Way Thomas Killingworth to Parsons and Rogers FOREVER, in consideration of sum of £50.
12/15 11th October 1848Conveyance of moiety (half) of the property Jesse Parsons to John Rogers the elder, surgeon for £289.20s.0d.
12/16 29th May 1857
John Rogers the younger died 5th December 1855 and by his Will dated 8th May 1851 his half of the property is to be sold. G.O. Rogers and W.B. Bull as devisees in trust of his Will sell his moiety (half) of the property to John Rogers the elder, surgeon, for £289.20s.0d.
The only difference in the description of the property is that the THREE CRANES formerly in occupation of William White is now occupied by Thomas Yates.
The right of Way is described as "throughout the yard formerly called the George Yard and formerly in the occupation of Thomas Killingworth and now of Edward Staines (or his undertenants) lying between the said mess, public house and Premises formerly in the occupation of James Goodman and now of John Dickinson.
Deeds relating to Pomfrett family, lands in Tickford Field and 2 cottages in The Paggs, these deeds were loaned to NPHS by Guy Harding 1996.
13/1 9th September 1669
Feoffment for Consideration of £400
1) Henry Sibthorpe alias Butcher, tanner
2) John Pomfrett, gent
All his parcels of Arable land in Tickford Field comprising 74.5a Arable, 8a 3r meadow, mentioned in a Terrier annexed (This is missing DM) now in the tenure of Mark Slingsby, gent and Thomas Pomfrett. To be held of the Chief Lord of Fees.
Witnesses: John Pomfrett and Mark Slingsby.
13/2 9th September 1669
Release In consideration of a competent sum of money
1) Stephen Pomfrett of Woodstock, Oxon, clerk son and heir of William Pomfrett, gent decd and Thomas Pomfrett one of the sons and an exec of the Will of William Pomfrett.
2) Henry Sibthorpe
(1) have granted released and confirmed to (2)
The Mess, farmhouse and homestead with apps in Tickford End now in the tenure of Henry Sibthorpe.
A 3a close called Dandies Close
A 2a close of pasture in Tickford called Connygrey Close
A 2a close of pasture called Clappers
A 1a close of pasture called Townsend being Lammas Ground
All that parcel of Leaground lying together on Clapper Leyes next to Clapper Close consisting of 7 ridges and 2 short headlands, 4 Leys with apps lying together next the Connygrey on Clapper Leys And all that parcel of Leaground with apps on Clapper Leys aforesaid consisting of 7 ridges next the ground of Arthur Earl of Anglesey on the E.
And all that Leaground with apps in Pinfold Leys in Tickford
And all that lea of leaground with apps in Tickford lying on the Backside
Also 3 Leys of leaground with apps in the Millfield of Tickford in a place called Porridgepott Leys
Also a Lea of Leaground with apps in Middle Field in a place there called Broadgate
Also Leaground in Brookfield in a place there called Broadgate
And all houses, buildings, stables, malthouses yards, backsides, trees, hedges, etc.
All of which were conveyed by Henry Sibthorpe to William Pomfrett by way of a Mortgage and Assignment of £300 plus interest, which is lately satisfied to the said Thomas Pomfrett by sale of the arable land and meadow ground of the said farm.
Signed Stephen and Thomas Pomfrett
Witnesses: John Pomfrett and Mark Slingsby
13/3 3rd March 1672
Feoffment for consideration of £105
1) Henry Sibthorpe alias Butcher, tanner
2) John Pomfrett, gent
21 Leys of swearde ground lying on a piece of Ley ground in Tickford Field, called Clapper Leys together with all the Midsummer ground to the said Leys belonging.
Also 1 Ley of Greenswarde ground in Tickford Field in a place called Broadgates, the land of Marke Slingsby on the E; and of John Purratt on the W.
Also 1 other Ley in Broadgates, the land of Thomas Pomfrett on the E; and of the said Thomas Pomfrett on the W.
Also 2 other Leys of Midsummer ground in Tickford Field in a place called Larramar Hill, all of which are now or late in the tenure of Henry Sibthorpe.
Witnesses: Mary Pomfrett, Thomas Pomfrett and Thomas Ingram
13/4 11th June 1713
Assignment of Mortgage of £25
1) John Nash, shoemaker, Benjamin Pomfrett, gent, Susanna Pomfrett, spinster and Anna Maria Pomfrett, spinster the execs of the Will of Thomas Pomfrett.
2) Mary Lane widow of Alexander Lane, yeoman and one of the daughters of Edward Swaine late of NP carrier and Mary his wife.
3) Thomas Goodman, collarmaker.
Whereas Mary Swaine widow, Thomas Hobbs and Elizabeth his wife and Mary Lane, by the name of Mary Swaine the younger by Indenture of 9.1.1692 did mortgage for a term of 500 years to William Hull, all those cottages in Marsh End in the Paggs then in the occupation of Mary Swaine and Thomas Webb.
Also whereas William Hull by Indenture of 9.7.1697 did sell and set over to Thomas Robertson, bone lace merchant the cottages in the Paggs with the stable and garden for the remainder of the term of the mortgage.
Further Whereas Thomas Robertson by Indenture of 10.7.1702 did sell and set over to Thomas Pomfrett being a Trustee for John Marsh the cottages in the Paggs with the stable and garden for the remainder of the term of the mortgage.
Now John Nash in consideration of £25 (being the principal of the mortgage) paid to him by Mary Lane sells and sets over to Thomas Goodman the cottages in the Paggs now in the tenure of Jeffrey Potter and Mary Lane, for the remainder of the term of the mortgage.
13/5 22nd Nov 1764
Grant of Administration in PCC to Benjamin Pomfrett as next of kin and heir of Susanna Pomfret decd.
13/6 1st Oct 1764
Deed of Appointment by Alexander Small the Lord of the Manor of Clifton Reynes and Hardmead, of Robert Pomfrett of Emberton, clerk as his Sole Gamekeeper for his two Manors.
13/7 9th Oct 1794
Copy (by Lucas Solicitors) of the Will of Benjamin Pomfrett (original written 20th July 1768)
To his wife Dinah all the household goods in and about his house in NP for her life, to use these in the house but not elsewhere without the consent of his daughter Mary.
He is sorry that he can give his wife no more as she deserves.
After the death of his dearest wife, because the daughter Mary has been so good and is least able to help herself and "she stands in the highest of my esteem of all my children.... and by Virtue of powers reserved to me in my marriage settlement (but subject to legacies to my son Robert and granddaughter Eliz Pomfrett) I give to my daughter all my messuages, cottages, lands and premises in NP and all my farm at Little Paxton, Hunts a few acres of which are Copyhold of Inheritance surrendered by me to the uses of my Will". To hold to Mary for life and if she has no heirs to go to my son Robert and if he has no heirs then to my grand daughter Elizabeth, the daughter of my late son Nathaniel decd. Also To my daughter Mary all my household and other goods.
To my son Robert (whom I esteem is provided for) £60 to be paid within 12 months after the death of my wife Dinah
To my granddaughter Elizabeth £50 to be paid within 12 months after the death of my wife Dinah.
To my son Thomas £250 subject to the following; my daughter Mary in the first place to take £50 plus interest which she lent to Thomas sometime ago. Also to pay John Hall of NP the £43 which at various times he hath paid for the use of Thomas. The remainder of the £250 to be payable to Thomas as and when my Executrix shall think fit and judge most for his interest.
Witnesses: Robert Watson, Robert Perrott and John Hall.
Offprint of an Article by Frederick William Bull on the Pomfret Family, reprinted from Bucks Standard 17.6.1916.
The Following Indenture had been copied into the front cover of the Minute Book of the British School, which was loaned to NPHS by Guy Harding May 1996
10th April 1845
Purchase for £31
(1) Mary Newby of Rugby, Warwicks, widow, Lady of the Manor of NP.
(2) William Keep lace merchant, George Osborn gent., Charles Redden draper, John Rogers surgeon, The Revd Josiah Bull gent, George Osborn Rogers surgeon, John Rogers the younger brewer, Jesse Parsons brewer, Henry Meadows grocer, Charles Joseph. Redden grocer, William Chapman draper, William Ayers lace dealer, Gervase Smith Hives merchant, Thomas Edward Staines postmaster and William Keep the younger all of NP and George Osborn the younger of Bradford in the county of York woolstapler, and Eli Atkins of Great Linford farmer.
The indenture recites the following earlier indenture of Lease dated 29th May 1811
Lease for 81 years in consideration of the rents and covenants therein contained and reserved on the part of the Lessee
(1) Charles Marius Hardy (then Lord of the manor of NP and now decd)
(2) Philip Hoddle Ward of Tickford Priory (since also decd)
The piece or parcel of Waste land or Ground hereafter described together with the School house thereon erected and intended to be hereby conveyed were demised to (2) from the 11th October then last (1810) for 81 years with a proviso or declaration that the said Building and piece of waste ground should be appropriated and used as a School House.
The Indenture further recites that WHEREAS ever since the date of that 1811 lease the remaining piece of the ground thereby demised and not occupied as the site of the said School House has been fenced and used as a garden and the said School house has been appropriated for the Education of Poor Children
AND WHEREAS Maria Newby is now (1845) seized of the Manor Of NP and the persons heretofore of the 2nd part have contracted with her for the purchase of the said piece of waste land and the School House for £31.10.0.
Now this Indenture witnesseth that Maria Newby by these presents sells
All that piece of waste ground sit on the Green in NP, measuring 40ft on each side.
And also all that School House with the building and apps thereto adjoining and belonging now and for many years past called or known by the name of the ROYAL BRITISH SCHOOL and so as erected and or built on part of the said demised waste land,
Secondly all that piece of waste ground lying and being at the back part of and co-extensive with the School extending in length 40ft and in width 14ft.
And also all that other piece of wasteland lying in front of and co-extensive with the said Garden and extending in length 40ft and in width 6ft.
All which said premises hereinafter described and intended to be conveyed are bounded at one end and in front by the Public road and on every other part thereof by the other parts of the said waste land or ground called The Green.
The Property was conveyed to the use of the said committee of Subscribers (Trustees listed as the 2nd part above) UPON TRUST
To permit the School House and premises and any enlargement thereof to be used occupation and enjoyed as a place for the education of Boys upon the Plan and according to the system of the Society established in London and called the British and Foreign School Society
And to permit such school to be conducted in such way and manner as the major part of the persons for the time being assembled as the Committee of Subscribers to the school shall from time to time and by any minute or minutes to be entered in their Book or Books order direct or appoint
And so that the said school may be open to Children of all Religious persuasions without distinction or preference of any religious Sect Creed or profession whatsoever. And so that the Lessons for Reading shall consist of the Holy Scriptures or of extracts there from and that no Catechism or Peculiar Religious tenets shall be taught in the school but every child shall be enjoyed to attend regularly the place of worship to which his Parents belong.
AND UPON further trust to permit and suffer a Room intended to be erected over the said School Room to be appropriated to such purposes as the major part of the persons for the time being assembled as the committee of Subscribers shall determine.
Provided always that when the number of Trustees falls to only five others shall be appointed to make the number up to fifteen at a meeting of the subscribers to the School.
The only Deed we have is an Indenture dated 13th March 1877 which records an earlier conveyance dated 21st June 1856.
In 1856 there were three parties involved;
Conveyance by Lease for consideration of £200
1) William Wiltshire Smith and the Revd William Henry Lucas
2) William Mayne
3) Thomas Coales, John Bunting and Henry Pass on behalf of the Oddfellows
At that date Coales, Bunting and Pass, on behalf of the Oddfellows and with Oddfellows funds, paid Smith and Lucas £200 and gave Mayne a nominal consideration in return for the following properties;
A) A cottage divided into two tenements with a garden situated in Marsh End.
B) Another cottage formerly a Brewhouse in the yard belonging to A above.
C) Three cottages erected by Frederick Lucas on the ground also belonging to A above.
D) Another cottage situated in Marsh End.
E) A Dwelling House made out of a barn Adjoining to D above.
F) Another cottage with a garden in Marsh End.
(From this on may deduce that A, D and E were situated on Silver Street, and that B, C and E were erected on the yards /gardens behind them.)
The 1877 Document recalls and confirms the 1856 purchase of A - F by the Oddfellows and appears to have been drawn up to confirm conveyance of the above properties to a new and larger group of Trustees, who were William Mayne Junior, George Harris, John Petts, Thomas Newman, Daniel Garner, and Frederick Batterson.
The document records that the Oddfellows had since 1856 demolished some of the buildings and built new ones, it states:
" The members of the said Lodge have sometime since pulled down some of the said cottages and buildings (described and conveyed in the 1856 document) and have erected other buildings on the sites thereof and the premises now comprise seven cottages or tenements and outbuildings and a building used as a Chapel "
The document then describes the properties as they were in 1877 after the above works.
Four newly erected messuages with barns and outbuildings which are 50, 52, 54 and 56 Silver Street.
Three cottages with gardens, yards and outbuildings (lying behind 50 - 56 Silver Street) being 2, 3, and 4 Chandos Court, one of which was occupied by Samuel Hickford.
Also "all that building Adjoining the cottage formerly occupied by Samuel Hickford and now in the occupation of William Mayne and used as a Chapel".
The chapel (not mentioned in 1856) must have been erected as part of the development of the site carried out by the Oddfellows between 1856 and 1877. The 1882 Ordnance Survey map shows the chapel with three cottages attached to its west end. It is most likely that the three cottages (Property C in 1856 which had been erected by Frederick Lucas and would have been relatively new) were not demolished and that the chapel was built onto their east end wall. The change in roof line between the Chapel and the cottages shows that they are not of one build.
The four houses 50-56 Silver Street which were erected by the Oddfellows are dated 1874 and it is likely that the erection of the chapel was part of the general redevelopment of the site and took place at about the same time.
The chapel was used by the United Brothers in 1882 (O.S.Map) which were presumably members of the Oddfellows who built their own chapel as an offshoot of one of the towns chapels. Cliff Petts, a descendant of John Petts one of the original trustees) remembers going to the chapel as a boy in the 1920's. It would appear that after the chapel went out of use the Oddfellows used it as their headquarters.
Given to NPHS by Mrs Margaret Durbridge 7.4.97.
Accession No's 97/23/A-F
97/23/F 1851
Draft Notes for a Meeting of the Common Owners
A few remarks as to the present Benefit of Bury Field in its present state and the advantage likely to accrue to the Common Owner in the event of an Inclosure
The owners of property having a Common are 120
The Renters of property to which Commons are
Attached or in other words the number of Commons are 229
The content of the Field is about 140)
The content of the Meadow is about 40) Total 180 acres
The amount at which this 180a is now assessed to the Poor Rate and for which amount it pays is £174
The proceeds obtained for the Common Rights and Proprietors independently of the Public accommodation is at least £300 p.a.
If Inclosed it would be Allotted as follows
Of the 180a about 10a in the Meadow may be said to be already private property, the roads required would be about 8a, The Recreation Ground would be about 5a, the Proprietor would claim about one fourth of the remainder which would be 10a, and the Lord of the Manor would claim about one eighteenth or about 9.9a. Leaving about 108a to be apportioned in lieu of 229 Common Rights which would be somewhat less than half an acre to each owner of property having a Common Right but as there are only 120 owners the division would be as follows. The document gives details of the amount of land that those owning several Commons would get and concludes that only they would benefit. There were 69 owners of a single Common and each would get 1r 35p. Each owner would have to pay his share of the Inclosure and would have expenses in Roads and Fencing which would doubtless be quite as much as the 1r 35p would be worth. To Inclose the field would require 12 miles of fencing to enclose the plots and nearly 2 miles of road to be kept in repair. It is therefore quite clear that the Inclosure would only benefit the 5 or 6 persons entitled to the larger allotment and that at the sacrifice of the public benefit and convenience.
97/23/A and C I assume these are both 1851 and are papers, which were prepared in advance of the above meeting.
Undated Ms List of Common Owners with properties with a Right of Common and as necessary the Occupiers of those properties. Detailed list of names. Totals are 120 Owners, 219 Commons and 141 Roods of Land.
This is an important document, it is the earliest list of Common Owners extant, it should be photocopied for security and someone should type it out.
Undated Ms draft Minutes of Meeting with partial list of Commoners, this may be from the meeting held in 1851 to discuss the proposed Enclosure of Bury Field and Meadow, (see Bull page 183)
Text is "The chairman opened the proceedings by stating that he felt the object for which they had assembled was of such importance as to require the most diligent and business like attention as owing to the peculiar .... of the ownership of the field there was little doubt but that a sufficient number of proprietors (if such they were) as was required by the act of parliament would agree to the enclosure and he hoped therefore they would earnestly watch their endangered interests at the same time he would observe that such a desire could only arise in consequence of an accumulation of votes in the ...... of a few individuals and would take this opportunity received them to be careful and provided to put themselves in a position to .... as ... the principal proprietors .... ?
97/23/B and E 1853
Ms Minutes of Meeting of the Committee of Management of the Rights of Bury Field Newport Pagnell holden at the Coffee House this 13 Sept 1853
The only item worth copying here is the following
The Committee of Common Rights of Bury Field intend to give Tea and (plain is crossed out) Cake to all children (boys and girls) of this parish from the age of 7 to 14 years on Thursday the 22nd September Inst. at 2 O’clock in the afternoon and requested that they will assemble by one O’clock on the Cricket Ground in order to make proper arrangements for the holiday. N.B. Each boy and girl to take their own Cups and Saucers.
Richard Sheppard, Chairman.
This is undated but is on the same paper and by the same hand as the above. It is a list of the 12 Waiters (that served the Tea on Bury Field), and the Gratuities they received.
97/23/D Oct 23rd 1854
Draft Minute of Meeting of Common Owners
"That means be taken to collect from the Inhabitants such sums as they may be disposed to donate towards defraying the costs of the Action brought by Mr Holton respecting an alleged Trespass on Bury Field and that this be done between the 6th and 12th of November.
On Reverse is a draft of the following Notice
Mr Holton having issued a Writ against Four of the Inhabitants in consequence of the Treat given to the Children on the.... of .... 1853 whereby it became necessary to defend the action so commenced in which an expense of £64? has been incurred for which twelve of the Inhabitants have made themselves liable supposing that the other of the Common Holders and Inhabitants will be willing to share in the expenses so incurred it has been decided to seek their approval to this
At bottom of page
Item agreed that the Committee commence the subscription on Tuesday the 20th June 1854.
Donor Unknown, (not recorded)Accession as Number 98/1-98/4
98/1 11th July 1857
Conveyance for £150
1) Randle Shaw, auctioneer and Thomas Lloyd Shaw, draper both of Wolverhampton Staffs
2) Thomas Price, of NP farmer
Mortgage of 3/3/1849 by which John Marshall of West Bromwich, schoolmaster mortgaged the property to the Shaws for £400 plus interest. Also a further mortgage of £100 on 12/2/1851.
Mortgage apparently not repaid and now 1857 the Shaws agree to sell to Thomas Price for £150
"All that messuage or tenement divided into three tenements situate and standing in Silver Street near or in the Marsh End, next to a lane called Water Hall Lane, formerly in the several tenures of Thomas Beauchamps, Thomas Reynolds, Thomas Colley, John Gable, Samuel Inns, William Marshall, late of William Mason and now of George Smith, Also all that piece of garden ground thereto adjoining and belonging late also in the occupation of John Gable, of Samuel Inns, William Marshall and William Mason and now of George Smith, And also all that cottage or tenement adjoining the said messuage theretofore used as a bakehouse and then converted into a Warehouse with the garden thereto adjoining situate in the lane shooting out of Silver Street towards the River Southwards, formerly in the tenure of Thomas Hurndall, Ann Pater, widow, William Marshall, late of William Mason and now of George Smith, the ground and premises late of John Hollingworth and Jas Pike on the SE and NE; the Waterhall Lane on the SW; and Silver St on the NW". Thomas Price and his heirs to have Freehold of the property for ever.
Ms Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Freehold premises in NP by W B and W R Bull acting as agents for Miss Amy Matilda Redden.
Property to be sold by auction by J P Goodwin on Tuesday 8th May 1900 in the Lower Room at the Town Hall.
Property sold for £250 by Private Contract on 5th May to William Mitchell acting as Agent for Walter Mitchell.
"Dwelling House, cottage, large garden, stable and Coachhouse, being nos 23 and 25 Silver St in the occupation s of Messrs Levin, Buxton and Smith at rents amounting to £25.6s.0d pa.
Frontage to Silver Street 47ft and depth 80ft. Land Tax 16/- and Quit Rent 7/4d
Transcribed by D.C.Mynard
Deeds given to NPHS by Mrs Ann Smith, 38, Walnut close, NP. 2005-04-25
Transcribed by Dennis Mynard March 2005. recorded as NPHS DEEDS SD1-21.
SD an abbreviation of Smith Deeds, all deeds marked with SD and number in pencil.
SD1-2 27th and 28th September 1764
RL for £30
1) Sarah Johnson widow of Francis Johnson, late of NP grocer, heretofore a lacebuyer, and John Johnson baker eldest son of Francis
2) Francis Johnson of NP cordwainer, the ygr son of Francis, deceased
Party (1) has granted, bargained, sold, aliened and released to (2) “all that cottage or tenement and the piece of garden ground thereto adjoining and belonging situate in Marsh End and now in the occ of (2). And also “all that other cottage or tenement thereto belonging and occupied therewith, and also all that piece of garden ground to the said last cottage adjoining in Marsh End.
Signed by (1) and (2) Witnesses: William Bull and John Hall.
SD3 10th Oct 1770
Deed to declare the Uses of a fine Mr John Johnson and Wife to Mr Francis Johnson.
SD4 Date 1770
Copy of Abstract of Title of Mr John Johnson to several cottages in Marsh End, with an Undertaking signed by Mr John Pearson to produce the original deeds when required.
Endorsed with “Memorandum June 15th 1774 One of the within named cottages now in the occupation of Thomas Taylor is this day Conveyed to Joseph Davis of NP, shoemaker and his heirs”
The Abstract
1st Oct.1693
1 Francis Finnamore and Sarah his wife, Martain Pureyer and Eliz his wife, and Mary Cunningham widow of Samuel Cunningham
2 Edward Elliott
3 Simon Wildes
It is witnessed that for the firm settling of the messuages, cottages etc
(1) Will levy a Fine to (3) of “All those 6 cottages with appurtenances in Marsh End in the several occs of John Barwick, William Byworth, Thomas Lavington, Thomas Lankaster, Mary Higby and Richard Saunders”, The Uses of the fine shall endure to Samuel Cunningham and his heirs.
The Fine was dated Michaelmass Term 5 William and Mary
10th and 11th Aug 1719
Conveyance by Land RL
1 Samuel Cunningham the son and heir of Samuel decd
2 John Johnson, the son and heir of John Johnson decd
3 Francis Johnson
“All the said 6 cotts”
11h and 12th Nov, 1720
Marriage Settlement
1) Francis Johnson
2) Sarah Porter
3) Samuel Porter
In consideration of a marriage intended between (1) and (2), (1) gives to
(3) as Trustee all the said 6 cotts.
24th Oct 1767
Mortgage of £70 for a term of 1000rs
John Johnson eldest son of Francis Johnson decd and Sarah his
Mortgages to William Brice 5 cotts and the garden ground to the same belonging in Marsh End.
Endorsed 26th July 1770 default was made by JJ and his wife in payment of £73 10s 0d to WB at the day appointed for repayment. Whereby the state of WB in the premises became absolute for the remained of the term of 1000 yrs, and £76 is now due and that John Pearson has contracted with JJ for the purchase of 3 of the cotts in the several occs of John Phipps, Judith Walker and John Cook, for £104. Sale agreed and mortgage repaid to WB.
And the remaining 2 cotts now owned by JJ and wife.
SD5-6 14th and 15th June 1774
Conveyance by L and RL for £16
1) John Johnson of NP baker, and Sarah his wife
2) Joseph Davis of NP, shoemaker
3) John Pearson of NP lacebuyer (as trustee of original Mortgage)
Conveyance by (1) to (2) of ““all that cottage or tenement and the piece of garden ground thereto adjoining and belonging situate in Marsh End and late in the occ of ---- and now of Thomas Taylor. The house and ground of John Johnson on the E; and the house and ground of Francis Johnson on the W; and the common street on the S.
SD7 2nd Jan 1777
Feoffment for £16
1) Francis Johnson of NP cordwainer and Mary his wife
2) Thomas Davey of Olney, cordwainer
All that moiety (half) or right hand part of a cottage in Marsh end late in the occ of Francis Johnson, consisting of one kitchen or parlour, and little room therein as now divided by a partition. Together with one chamber over the said kitchen and little room and also all that party wall or fence which divided the said hereby intended to be sold as will ore particularly appear by the exception herein mentioned.
And also the garden or orchard as now staked out, and lying behind and adjoining to the above mentioned prems hereby conveyed, so to be containing in length 26 yds and in breadth fro the lower end of the said garden or orchard up to the barn about 10yds, And from the barn up to the said cottage breadth about 7 yds.
Also all that Pale Mound on the right hand side of the said garden or orchard herewith before described which is to be the property of him the said Thomas Davey and constantly to be kept in repair by him.
SD8 Folded inside above and of same date is a Note to Prevent Dower of Mary Johnson
SD9 10th Oct 1799
Copy of will of Thomas Davey the elder of Olney, yeoman written 10th April 1799, and 10.10.1799. Leaves to wife Sarah the property in NP and also property in Dag Lane Olney
SD10 5th April 1796
Feoffment for £63
1) Joseph Davis, cordwainer
2) Thomas Long, leather dresser
All that newly built cottage with the garden and appurtenances situate in Marsh End lately erected by (1) and the ground on which stood a cottage and also on part of the said garden late in the occ of Thomas Taylor and which said new built cottage and garden are now in the occ of (1). The house and ground of John Johnson on the E; and the house and ground late of Francis Johnson and now of (1) on the W; and the common street on the S.
Witnesses: Geo Cooch and his clerk
A bond of Indemnity folded inside
SD11-12 10th and 11th Jan 1817
Conveyance by L and RL for £70
1) William Davey of Buckingham, shoemaker
1 John Leake of NP labourer
Property as in SD7 above formerly in the occ of Francis Johnson and now of (2)
SD13-14 17th and 18th Feb 1821
L and RL for £75
1) Richard Long of Helmet Row in the parish of St Luke in the city of London fellmonger, (the eldest son of Thomas Long of NP leather dresser decd and Catherine Long of Kempston, widow.
2) Benjamin West of NP fellmonger and John Bliss of NP auctioneer a trustee for Benjamin.
Property conveyed is All that cottage recently erected by Joseph Davis formerly in the occ of JD, since of Thomas Long decd and now of (2). The house and ground formerly of John Johnson now of John Leake on the E; and the house and ground formerly of Francis Johnson and since of Joseph Davis on the W; and the common street on the S.
Bond of Indemnity folded inside.
SD15-16 9th and 10th Nov 1832
L and RL for £130
1) Benjamin West late of NP now of Wilby, fellmonger
2) John Bliss formerly of NP auctioneer now of Fenny Stratford, watchmaker
3) John Leake of NP shopkeeper
Property as in SD13-14 cottage now in occ of John Leake. The house and ground formerly of John Leake on the E; and the house and ground formerly of Francis Johnson and since of Joseph Davis and now of --- Quinney on the W; and the common street on the S.
SD17 12th Nov 1832
Mortgage John Leake borrows £100 from Benjamin West. Endorsed with repayment to West on 9.9.1839.
SD18 1832
Folded inside SD18 A schedule of deeds delivered to Mr West and a mortgage
SD19 12th Jan 1833
Mortgage of above property John Leake borrows £50 from George Cooch, solicitor
SD20-21 9th and 10th Sept 1839
Conveyance and repayment of Mortgage
1) John Leake of NP shopkeeper and Eleanor his wife
2) George Cooch gent.
Property now conveyed to Cooch and mortgage repaid.
All that moiety (half) or right hand part of a cottage in Marsh End, consisting of one kitchen or parlour, and little room therein as now divided by a partition. Together with one chamber over the said kitchen and little room and also all that party wall or fence which divided the said hereby intended to be sold as will ore particularly appear by the exception herein mentioned.
And also the garden or orchard as now staked out, and lying behind and adjoining to the above mentioned prems hereby conveyed, so to be containing in length 26 yds and in breadth fro the lower end of the said garden or orchard up to the barn about 10yds, And from the barn up to the said cottage breadth about 7 yds.
Also all that Pale Mound on the right hand side of the said garden or orchard herewith before described which is to be the property of him the said Thomas Davey and constantly to be kept in repair by him.
And also the cottage built by Joseph Davis.
The house and ground of John Johnson on the east; the house and ground formerly of Quinney now of --- Nicholls on the W.
Folded inside are an agreement for the sale and certificate re Married Women’s Rights.
Files given to NPHS on 18th May 2005 by Dennis Mynard,
Please acknowledge receipt.
1 Lever Arch File with notes on NP Families A-Z
2 Lever Arch File with Notes and general press cuttings on NP. A-Z
3 Lever Arch File Notes and Cuttings on NP churches
4 Lever Arch file with Notes and Cuttings on Coaching, Canal, Railway, road Transport and Post Office
5 Ring Binder with copies of Wills of NP People
6 Ring binder with photocopies of Adverts from Northampton Mercury etc for 18th and 19th century property sales in NP
D.C.Mynard 11th May 2005