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January 1893 Castlethorpe

On the afternoon of Advent Sunday, November 27, the Bishop of Reading preached at Castlethorpe. He-took for his text S. Mark xiii. 37. There was a good congregation. •

A celebration of Holy Communion was held on S. Andrew's Day. There were eight communicants.

The special Advent Week day services both here and Hanslope have been attended by a little group of faithful folk. We should have been glad to have seen more. We trust that these services have kindled in those who have been present a deeper feeling of the urgent necessity of continuous watchfulness and a more earnest longing for the Saviour's coming.

On Friday evening, December 2, an excellent entertainment was given by the children attending the Castlethorpe Board School. The large schoolroom was filled with an appreciative audience. We must congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Brearley on the very creditable way in which the young people performed their parts, The preparation for such entertainments involves much extra labour and trouble, but those who have to do the work have the satisfaction of knowing that such evenings brighten the lives of the little folk, and leave pleasant memories behind them.

On Saturday afternoon, December 10, John Panter, an old inhabitant of Castlethorpe, was committed to his last resting place. At the request of his widow, who is one of our most loyal churchfolk, the hymn " Christ will gather in His own " was sung at the conclusion of the service in the church. Such events ought to make us all think of our own departure

Burial Castlethorpe 1893

Dec. 10 John Panter, 65


February 1893 Castlethorpe

No article for Castlethorpe this month

Marriage Castlethorpe 1893

Dec. 26 Richard Denny and Mary Stone.


March 1893 Castlethorpe

On Monday, February 13th, an excellent entertainment was given in the Carrington School by the following ladies and gentlemen: Mr. and Miss Reynolds, Mrs. Brearly, Misses Varney, Gregory, and L. Payne, the Rev. H. Barnacle, and Master Varney; with two readings by the Vicar. The programme, which was very ably carried out, was fully appreciated by the audience, which we regret to say was not, numerous. The proceeds,16s. 6d., were devoted to defraying cost of book-rest. The Vicar will be glad to receive subscriptions to wipe off the balance of 9s.still due to him.

On Sunday evenings, till further notice, a simple service will be held during Lent in the Carrington School, at 6.30 p.m.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


April 1893 Castlethorpe

The Sunday evening Services, conducted by Mr. Corder, in the Carrington School, have been well attended, and very hearty. Our best thanks are due to those kind friends who have rendered valuable assistance.

On Monday evening, March 13th, the Vicar gave his Zanzibar Lecture in the Carrington School. Mr. Whitbread again supplied lantern and slides. The room was crowded., and 14s.collected. Several young friends have promised to take Boxes.

On Easter Day there, will be Holy Communion at 10a.m.

On Easter Wednesday, April 5th, a Congregational .Tea will be held, after which a Lecture, entitled "Odds and Ends," will be given by the Rev. T. Richards, Vicar of Leighton Buzzard.

The Annual Vestry will lie held on Friday evening, April 7th.

There will be Sunday evening Service at Castlethorpe Church on April 9th, at 6.30 p.m.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1893

Mar. 5 Annie Maria, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Allen.


May 1893 Castlethorpe

The Sunday evening services in the Carrington School closed on Palm Sunday. Our best thanks are due to Messrs. Luing and Manning, also to Miss Gregory and the Choir for kind help rendered. There was a nice little congregation on the Wednesday evening in Holy Week. The Three Hours' Service was very fairly attended, especially during the latter part, the congregation being very reverent and attentive. On Easter Day the church looked very pretty, thanks to the help of a small band of kind decorators. There were 30 communicants at 9 a.m., and a very hearty service was held in the afternoon.

On Easter Wednesday, the annual vestry meeting was held. Messrs. Luing and Whiting were again elected churchwardens. The following is a statement of accounts from Easter 1892 to Easter. 1893:— Receipts from offertories, £27 11s. 10d. Expenditure: Balance' due last Easter, 4s. 10d.; salary of clerk, sexton, and organist, £13: Stubbs—Coke and coal, £1 3s. 6d. school account, £2 19s. 6d. : choir account, £4 3s.4½ d. Northampton Infirmary, £3 3s. 8d.; wine, oil, washing, brushes, &c., £2 4s. 11½d. ; new archways for lamps, £1 5s. ; Oxford Diocesan Spiritual Aid Society £1 2s. 7d½d. ; total £29 7s. 5½d. Balance due to Churchwardens £115s. 7d½.

April 7 was a red-letter day in our parish, being- the day fixed for the annual congregational tea. Several of our good friends had looked forward to the event with fear-and trembling. But the, hour came, and with it the people. Over 80 sat down to an excellent tea which had been prepared in the Board School. The weather, fortunately, was perfect. After tea, the Vicar briefly reviewed the winter's work, and then a most interesting lecture, entitled "Odds and ends," was given by the Rev. T. Richards, vicar of Leighton Buzzard, for whose coming we have to thank our good friends Mr. and Mrs. Coxall. Mrs. Whiting kindly lent her piano, and songs were given during the evening by Mrs. Brearly and Miss Whiting, and a violin solo by Mr. Cole. Altogether, it was a complete success, and for this we have mainly to thank our good friends the ladies of Castlethorpe, who left no stone unturned to make the evening pass off well.

Mrs. Grant is getting up a concert for the Thursday in Whit-week. It will be held in the Board School The proceeds will be devoted towards a stained glass window for the East-end of the church.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1893

April 9 Thomas William, son of Thomas and Sarah Ann Panter.

Burial Castlethorpe 1893

April 17 Joseph Sprittles, aged 61.


June 1893 Castlethorpe

We have, with much regret, to record the death of one of our oldest and most respected inhabitants, Mr. William Pike. He was the last of the old generation of Castlethorpe farmers. These departures leave a gap in our midst, which it is not always easy to fill. We are sometimes tempted to think that the younger generation of Englishmen lacks the self-denial and patient industry of their sires and grandsires. At any rate, there is much that we may learn from the lives and characters of those who have gone before us.

On Sunday morning, May 14, the offertory, which amounted to12s. 4d., was devoted to the Oxford Diocesan Church Building Society. The Rev. A. Pike very kindly conducted the service in the evening.

The balance of 10s. 6d. from the annual tea was handed over to the Vicar, to recoup him for the 14s. 6d.which he advanced towards the pulpit rest.

The Vicar would like to have a united excursion in the middle of August for all the workers of Hanslope and Castlethorpe. The outing need not be an expensive one, and it would bring the two parishes together. "United we stand; divided we fall,"

The Castlethorpe annual Flower Service will be held on the 4th Sunday in June, the Hanslope one taking place on the Sunday preceding.

Between 60 and 70 persons signed the petition against the Welsh Suspensory Bill.

Burial Castlethorpe 1893

May 6, William Pike, aged 77.


July 1893 Castlethorpe

On Whit Sunday there were 16 communicants at 9 a.m., and a good evening congregation at 6.30 p.m.

The Cricket Club commenced on May 13th with a match, Married v. Unmarried, in which the former had it all their own way. Afterwards, the combatants discussed the achievements of the afternoon over a friendly cup of tea. An entertainment was given in the evening. We wish the Club a prosperous season

The Evening Classes conducted by Mr. Brearley, Master of the Board School, were highly successful at the recent Government Examination. The Report of Her Majesty's Inspector was as follows: "The order and results of examination are very creditable to teacher and scholars." As a result, nearly all the scholars had half their fees returned. It is hoped next session that, with the introduction of the New Code for Evening Schools, a more varied and interesting course of lessons may be started.

On Thursday afternoon and evening, May 25, Mrs. Grant gave two excellent concerts in the Board School, on behalf of the East Window Fund. The afternoon programme was as follows: Rev. C. Blundell and Mr. Rutherford, piano duet, "Allegro," by Handel; Mrs. Gould, song with guitar accompaniment; Rev. C. Blundell and Miss Downes, duet; Miss F. Watts, piano forte solo. " Cavalleica Rusticana;" Miss Downes, song, " Robert toi que J'aime; " Rev. C. Blundell, song, '"The Foe:" Mrs. Gould, song, " Shaking Grass;" Miss Downes, song, "Waiting;" Mrs. Gould, Miss Downes, and Rev. C. Blundel, trio, " Queen of the Night." The programme was concluded by a humourous piece " Charlie." performed by the Misses Capell.

In the evening Mr. Reynolds sang " Good Company,' and "The Goodwin Sands;" Mrs. Brearley, " On the Banks of Allan Water," Mr. Ellis, "The Irish Emigrant," and "Let me like a Soldier fall;" Miss Gregory. "Angel of Light," Rev. C. Blundell, " The Tar's Farewell," and " Years ago;" Miss Downes, "Waiting." Miss Capell and Miss H. Capell closed the programme with a humourous piece, "Modern Education." The sum of £7 12s. was cleared. Our best thanks are due to Mrs Grant, and to all those kind friends who helped so willingly.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1893

May 28 Effie Lavinia, daughter of William Brown and Sarah Amelia Ward.

Marriage Castlethorpe 1893

May 21 James Clarke and Mary Ellen Hawkins.


August 1893 Castlethorpe

A meeting was held in the Carrington School on May 18, at which Messrs. Grant and Whiting were appointed to represent the parish at a future meeting of the Deanery, to elect representatives for the Oxford Diocesan Conference. This second meeting was held a Newport a few weeks later, when Mr. Grant was elected one of the Representatives for the Deanery.

On Thursday, June 8, a Choral Festival for Village Choirs was held at All Saints Church, Northampton Fifteen village choirs took part, our own being one. The service was a highly enjoyable one, and could not fail to benefit the choirs present. An eloquent sermon was preached by the Rev. C. Thompson, of St. Luke's, Leicester. Our choir afterwards had tea at Mr. Nichol's restaurant. Our best thanks are due to Mr. Grant for so kindly superintending the arrangements.

Saturday, July 8, was a high day at Castlethorpe. At 3 p.m., the Day School Scholars were provided with a capital tea at the Board School from funds which had been collected by Mr. Brearley to commemorate the Royal Wedding. From 3 to 7 p.m. a continuous stream of parents and friends were very hospitably entertained by Mrs. Grant on her lawn. During the afternoon a cricket match was played between Castlethorpe and Cosgrove, in which our eleven won by 11runs. The Cosgrove Band was in attendance. The children spent a happy evening in Mr. Whiting's field.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


September 1893 Castlethorpe

On Saturday, July 15th, the annual Sunday School Treat was held. The weather fortunately proved favourable. The scholars assembled at the Carrington School at 2 o'clock, and marched to church, where a brief service was held. On returning to the school, the children found an excellent tea awaiting them, to which they did ample justice. About 30 adults afterwards followed suit. A pleasant evening was then spent in Mr. Whiting's field. Mr. Luing rendered on this occasion, as he has done on many other occasions, very effective help. We must also thank the other teachers for their steady, persevering work in the past.

On Sunday, July 16th, the annual flower service was held. The weather was beautiful, consequently a good number of our Hanslope teachers and scholars were able to walk over. The service was a most bright one, the church being well filled, and it did one good to hear the happy chorus of children's voices. It is well worth the utmost pains on the part of our teachers, if they can foster in their children a love for the church of their fathers, and better still, a love for that Saviour, who said of the little ones, "Suffer them to come unto me." In spite of the dry weather, the flowers were fairly numerous and beautiful. They were sent next day to the Northampton Infirmary.

The Hanslope and Castlethorpe church workers excursion to Castle Ashby, on August 8th, was a great success. The weather was brilliant, but very hot. The party numbered 42, 10 from Castlethorpe and 26 from Hanslope. Three others also drove over and joined us. The Park and grounds looked at their best. We had a first rate tea at the Falcon, and afterwards closed the day with a quiet little service in the pretty church, for which we are indebted to the Rev. M. Carrick.

We congratulate Mr. Brearley on having obtained the "excellent" Drawing Grant.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


October 1893 Castlethorpe

The Evening Classes for Science and Art will reopen at the Board School o Tuesday, September 26. We subjoin the list of subjects, hours of meeting, and teachers.

We warmly commend these classes to the youth of our two parishes.

We again congratulate Mr. Brearley on the excellent Government Report which his school has just received, The grant amounted to £86 18s. The year has been a fruitful one with the school.

Shorthand Tuesday 7 to 8 p.m. Mr. Claridge
Agriculture Thursday 7 to 8 p.m. Mr. Quixley
Freehand Drawing Friday 7 to 8 p.m. Mr. Brearley
Model Drawing Friday 8.15 to 9.15. Mr. Brearley

Marriage Castlethorpe 1893

Sept 19 Henry Moss Wise and Chrystable Mapley.

Burial Castlethorpe 1893

August 26 Eliza Ann Lambert, aged 14.


November 1893 Castlethorpe

The Harvest Festival commenced on Thursday evening, September 14. The church had been prettily decorated by a, small number of devoted workers, who partitioned out the work as follows:—Mrs. Whiting and Miss Varney (the chancel); Mrs. Grant (flowers for Communion Table); Miss Gregory (the pulpit and lectern); Mrs. Powell and Miss Compton (the pillars and side windows); Miss A. Varney (the font); Mrs. Brearley (the lamps). There was an excellent congregation. The sermon was preached by the Rev. O. Blandell, vicar of Whittlebury, who alluded, in well chosen language, to the present distress, and the gloomy prospects of the coming winter, and shewed how Christian people may be happy, in spite of outward troubles. On the following Sunday, there were 15 communicants at 9 a.m., an excellent children's service at 3, conducted by the Rev. Dr. Payne, rector of Furthoe, and an overflowing congregation at 6 p.m. 'The offertories throughout the festival amounted to £3 17s. 5d., of which 16s. was devoted to church expenses, and the rest to the Northampton Infirmary.

Mr. Manning conducts a class, on "woodwork," in the Carrington School, every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1893

Oct 15 Joseph Rupert, son of Joseph Henry and Ada Eliza Groves.

Burial Castlethorpe 1893

Oct 7 Charlotte Cowley, aged 73.

Oct 18 Dora Lucy Luing, aged 22 months.


December 1893 Castlethorpe

The Dedication Festival passed off fairly well. A short service was held for Communicants on the evening of the Festival Day. On the following day (Sunday) there were 16 communicants at 9 a.m., a moderate, congregation at 11 a.m., a very pleasant Children's Service at 3, and a fairly well attended Evening Service. Of course we could not expect to see so many as last year, when about 70 came from Hanslope, still we think that all the Church people of Castlethorpe should try and be present on such an occasion. On Friday evening, November 10, an entertainment was given at the Board School by Mr. Brearley. The room was packed. The programme was a varied one, some of our young friends appearing as policemen in the act of discharging their painful duty of "running in"; others as fairies dancing on the moonlit sand. The drilling and singing were both well rendered, and reflected much credit on the organisers of the concert. The infants were quite equal to the occasion and caused much merriment. At the close Mr. Whiting distributed the prizes to the successful scholars, and three hearty cheers given for Mr. and Mrs. Brearley and Miss Gregory brought a very pleasant evening to a close. The entertainment was repeated on the following evening. The sum realised was about £4 17s., which sum, after deducting expenses, will be devoted to the school library.

There will be Holy Communion on Christmas Day at 9 a.m.

Burial Castlethorpe 1893

Nov. 4 William Panter, aged 72.


January 1894 Castlethorpe

The Rev. Mark Anthony Nicholson, late Vicar of these two parishes passed quietly to his rest on Monday Morning, December 18, at 2 a.m. He was Vicar of Hanslope and Castlethorpe 41 years and only resigned the living in April, 1892. Since his retirement he had been living quietly at Castlethorpe, and for nearly twelve months was able to attend fairly regularly the Sunday service at the Parish Church. Latterly he became very feeble. He had passed the fourscore years, which the Psalmist had assigned as the utmost boundary of life, and in quiet thought and meditation had been awaiting the summons of his Master. He had been suffering from influenza, and this was followed by a sharp attack of pleurisy and bronchitis. The end was somewhat sudden, but calm and painless. Two of his old parishioners, who had stood by him for many years, were both with him almost at the close. The Vicar, in his personal dealings with his predecessor, always found him kindly and cordial. One generation passeth away and another generation cometh. The place which knows us now will soon know us no more. Let those solemn events rouse us to work while we have the day, for the night is fast approaching when no man can work.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1894

Dec. 9 Sydney Joseph, son of Job and Harriet Smith (privately)

Burials Castlethorpe 1894

Dec. 9 Thomas William Panter, aged 9 months

Dec. 13 Lilian May Osborne, aged 7 months.

Dec. 18 Mark Anthony Nicholson, aged 81. (Formerly vicar of Hanslope)


February 1894 Castlethorpe

The funeral of the Rev. M..A. Nicholson took place in Castlethorpe Churchyard on Friday, December 22, in wet and gloomy weather, many of the leading parishioners being present. The pulpit and lectern of the church were draped in black. A mixed choir from the two parishes led the service, which was reverent and impressive. The hymns, “O God, our help in ages past,” and “Let Saints on earth in concert sing,” were sung in church, and the hymn “Now the labourer’s task is o’er” at the grave. The service closed with the Benediction.

The old year ended sadly; we had looked forward to the advent of a New Year to dispel the gloom, but it had barely dawned ere the very sad news of the death of Miss Marshall reached us. It was quite unexpected. She had only about two month ago returned from a long visit in the south of England and seemed in good health and spirits, when she was laid aside with influenza. Nothing serious was dreaded, when a sudden chill affected her heart and in about an hour she passed away. She will be deeply missed in Castlethorpe. Her life, though quiet and unobtrusive, was full of good works. Her thoughtful sympathy and quaint humour made her a welcome visitor. She was district visitor for Castlethorpe, and we had hoped that there were many happy days in store for her, but God willed other-wise and we can but bow to His will, knowing that our loss is her lasting gain. “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, for they rest from their labours.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1894

Dec. 24 Benjamin Sydney, son of Charles and Louisa Whiting

Dec. 24 Edith Constance, daughter of William and Emily Arnold

Marriage Castlethorpe 1894

Dec. 26 Harry Barford and Eliza Eakins

Burial Castlethorpe 1894

Jan. 8 Caroline Mary Marshall, aged 24 years.


March 1894 Castlethorpe

Poor Fund Balance Sheet,1893. Receipts.-Balance from previous year, 7s 7½d. ; communion Offertories,

£1 10s 3½d.; Church offerings, 3s 2d,; total, £2 1s 1d. Expenditure.- Invalid wine, 2s, 6d,; brandy, 1s,; meat, 9s,; groceries, 3s,; total, 15s 6d.; balance in hand £1 5s 7d.

On Saturday, January 20, the Choir had their unusual supper, in the Carrington Schools. A very enjoyable evening was spent.

On February 2, a Social gathering of Castlethorpe Churchmen was held in the Carrington School. Nearly 40 were present. The gathering was a complete success. Thanks to the skilful help of Mesdames Grant, Whiting, Amos, Groves, and Brearley, and of the Misses Pike, Varney, A. Varney and Gregory, the school was transformed into a drawing room. Refreshments were served out during the evening. Our indefatigable friend and well-wisher, the Rev. G. P. Trevelyan, of Wolverton S. Mary, gave an admirable address. He reminded those present of the shyness of the clergy, and said that such meetings helped to make clergy and laity understand one another better. He said that churchmen must not mind standing a little chaff and banter, and must not allow such things as these to keep them back from Confirmation and Holy Communion; and he said, finally that if any one had been living wrongly, it was no good doggedly saying, “I never change,” but let him show his manliness by turning over a fresh leaf. Mr. Trevelyan most kindly offered to give, after Easter, six Lectures on English Church History, illustrated by his magic lantern. A very warm vote of thanks was unanimously accorded him.

Baptisms Castlethorpe 1894

Jan. 28 Kate Elizabeth, daughter of Henry William and Mary Rosetta Bushell.

Jan. 28 Elizabeth Mary, daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth Ann Nichols

Jan. 28 Winifred, daughter of Owen and Sarah Emily Holman

Jan. 28 Mabel Eliza, daughter of John and Emma West


April 1894 Castlethorpe

On February 16th Mary Elizabeth Willison passed away. During the short time she had lived at Castlethorpe she had been a great sufferer, and death, for which she was well prepared, was a happy release. In past days she had been a very earnest worker in Mr. Trevelyan’s parish at St. Mary’s. Wolverton. She was buried at Cosgrove.

The Thursday evening Lent Services have been very fairly attended.

No baptisms, marriages or burials for Castlethorpe


May 1894 Castlethorpe

There were fair congregations during Holy Week. The services on Good Friday were moderately attended. On Easter Eve kind friends made the Church look very bright. On Easter Day at 9 a.m., there were 21 communicants, a slight falling off from the previous year. The morning and evening services were not attended quite as well as one would have wished, but in the afternoon there was a large gathering of the children and their friends, when the contents of the Central African Mission boxes were given in.

On Easter Monday a Dramatic Entertainment was given in the Board School by our Hanslope friends, Messrs. Courtman and Brambley, the Misses M. and E. Sawbridge, Gregory, and Paybody. There was a fair attendance, the larger part being from Hanslope. The two pieces were entitled “The Reconciliation” and “The Coming Woman,” and were well performed. The net proceeds amounted to £1 15s 6d., of which £1 5s 6d. was handed over to the Castlethorpe Sunday School Fund, and 10s. was given to the Chancel Carpet Fund.

On Easter Wednesday, the Annual Vestry was held. Messrs. Luing and Whiting were again elected Churchwardens. The Vicar desires to return them his hearty thanks for their kind help during the past year.

Baptisms Castlethorpe 1894

March 25 Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Jonathan and Annie Maria Workers

March 25 Ernest George, son of Alfred and Annie Maria Coey


June 1894 Castlethorpe

The annual congregational Tea was held on Saturday, March 31st. An excellent tea was provided, but only 50 sat down to it, a falling off from the previous year. The gathering afterwards was rather disappointing, but those who were present had a treat in the shape of a highly interesting lecture on Florence our generous friend, the Rev. G. P. Trevelyan, who also very kindly brought over his excellent lime light lantern to illustrate his lecture. The Vicar afterwards briefly reviewed the year’s work. We must not again select Saturday evening, for a gathering of this kind. On Friday evening, and the following Saturday afternoon, April 20th, and 21st, a capital entertainment was given in the Board School by Mr. and Mrs. Grant, in aid of the fund for placing a stained glass East window in the Church. There was a very good audience on each occasion. The entertainment consisted of two dramatic pieces, in which the performers were Mr. J. Sargeant, Mr. Dawes, Miss Downs, and the Misses Capell. Both pieces were performed in a thoroughly artistic style, and were highly appreciated. During the evening excellent songs were given by those very popular vocalists, Miss Downes and the Rev. C. Blundell.

On Monday evening, April 30th, a valuable lecture on “Technical Education” was given by the Rev. J. Higham. At the conclusion the election of delegates to the District and Local Committee- Messrs. Pike, Jopnes and Brearley. To the Local Committee- Messrs. G. Nichols, Jones, Brearley, G. Rainbow, T. Rainbow, Manning, Pike, G. Clarke, Whiting and Osborne. Mr. Brearley was appointed Correspondent, We are glad to know that Mr. Manning’s carpentering class was so much appreciated last winter.

On Whit Sunday the offertories, which amounted to 19s 1½ d., were given to the Additional Curates Society.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1894

May 13 William Sidney, son of James William and Ann Taylor


July 1894 Castlethorpe

On Friday evening, May 4, a meeting was held in the Carrington School to arrange about the formation of a Curate Fund. The Vicar briefly recounted the sums which had been paid or promised towards the £120 required by Michaelmas, viz., £35 from Additional Curates’ Society; this will be reduced to £30 after Michaelmas; £35 from the Diocesan Spiritual Help Society; £20 from J.W. Carlile, Esq., £5 from the Bishop of Reading. £1 1s from the Vicar, £2 2s from the Rev. W. P. Trevelyan, and 10s, from two Lincolnshire friends. The last two sums the Vicar accidentally omitted to mention. The above sums amount to £98 13s leaving £21 7s to be raised. It was decided that £6 should be subscribed by the Church people of Castlethorpe, and if more than this was collected in the village, it should remain over for the following year. The following sums have so far been paid in or promised:- Mr. Whiting £1 10s., Mr. Grant £1 10s., Mr. Pike £1, Mrs. Amos £1, Mr. and Mrs. Groves £1, the Misses Varney 10s., Mr. Luing 2s 6d., Mr. Manning 2s 6d., Mrs. Gregory 2s 6d., Mr. Compton 2s 6d., Miss. Compton 2s 6d., Mr. Holman 1s 6d., Mr. A. Nichols 1s., Mrs. Worker 1s. Our best thanks are due to those who have so kindly given.

The amount sent up this year to the Universities’ Mission to Central Africa by our children amounted to £1 11s 6d. The name of the child we are helping to maintain is “Cypriani Taweni.”

On Thursday, June 7, our choir attended the Northampton Festival, held at All Saints’ Church. In the evening, by the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Grant, the choir and their friends were entertained at supper in the Carrington Schools. Part of the music was repeated in our own church the following Sunday evening, and was much appreciated.

Burial Castlethorpe 1894

June 7 Ann Cowley, aged 55


August 1894 Castlethorpe

The Annual Flower Service was held on Sunday, July 8. The church was quite filled; a large number came over from Hanslope.

The annual Congregational excursion for the two parishes will take place on Friday, August 10 to Woburn Abbey and woods, provided we can get the Duke of Bedford’s consent, which we are hoping to receive in a day or two. We shall go by brakes. Tickets, including tea, 3s 9d. each, must be purchased not later than the Wednesday night previous; the sooner the better, it is a case of “first some, first served.” We hope to have a service in the evening.

Mrs. Watts has very generously invited the Sunday School Teachers, Scholars, and Choirs of Hanslope and Castlethorpe to the park on Saturday, August 11. Tea will be provided shortly after 3 p.m. if the weather will only smile, we predict a very enjoyable gathering.

We have received during the past month 5s from Mr. Brearley for the Curates’ Fund.

No baptism, no marriages or burials for Castlethorpe


September 1894 Castlethorpe

Since last month we have received 2s. from a friend towards the Curate Fund.

The Annual Sunday School Treat took place on Saturday, July 21st. The weather was excellent. The scholars assembled at the schools at 2 p.m., and marched round the parish to the Church, where a short but hearty service was held. They then marched back to the schools and partook of an excellent tea. The teachers and visitors followed suite. All then repaired to Mr. Whiting’s field, where games of various kinds were indulged in till 8 o’clock, when the giving of a bun to each child, and the national Anthem brought the treat to a close. Our best thanks are due to all who worked to make it a success.

Baptisms Castlethorpe 1894

July 22 John Geoffrey, son of Thomas Adin and Mary Jane Brearley

Aug. 19 Ellen, daughter of Joseph Henry and Ada Eliza Groves


October 1894 Castlethorpe

The Harvest Festival will commence on Friday evening, October 5th, at 7.15 p.m. The preacher will be the Rev. F. C. Ames, Vicar of Roade. The services will be continued on the following Sunday.

We hope to have a social gathering for Castlethorpe Churchmen on Friday evening, October 26, in the Carrington Schoolroom. The Dedication Festival will be held on the following Sunday, October 28.

No baptisms, marriages or burials for Castlethorpe for October 1894


November 1894 Castlethorpe

We must heartily congratulate, Mr. Brearley on the excellent Government Report which has recently been received. We subjoin its contents. “Mixed School;- The upper school has acquitted itself most creditably in both the elementary and the class subjects. Note singing is well taught; intelligence is a very strong feature. The girls sew well, and the order is first-rate. The general condition of the school is eminently satisfactory. Infants-The infants have made satisfactory progress during the past year, and now form a good division.”

We would remind our Castlethorpe readers that an Evening Continuation School has started. A good number have already joined, but the Master would gladly welcome any who wish profitable to use their spare evenings. In connection with the school a football club has been formed, and matches are desired with neighbouring clubs.

We would warmly recommend the excellent Technical Classes which have just commenced.

The annual Children’s Concert will be held in the Board School, on November 2 and 3.

The Harvest Festival commenced on Friday, October 5. The church had been most tastefully decorated by the following ladies. Mrs. Whiting, Miss. A. Varney, the Misses Gregory, Miss Compton, and Mrs. Powell. The flowers for the vases were given by Mrs. Grant. The services was a most hearty one. An earnest and thoughtful sermon was preached by the Rev. F. C. Ames, vicar of Roade. The services were continued on Sunday, October 7. There were 16 communicants at 9 a.m. At 11 a.m., a helpful sermon was preached by the Rev. K. Vaughan. Of S. George’s, Wolverton. There was a bright Children’s Service at 3 p.m., and a well filled church at 6.30 p.m. The offertories throughout the festival amounted to £4 2s., and of this £2 1s 6d. was given to the Northampton Infirmary. Our four new lamps are a great improvement to the church.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1894

Oct. 7 John Thomas, son of Oliver Robert and Nanny Louise Berry.


December 1894 Castlethorpe

At a recent Congregational Meeting, the following were appointed a Church Defence Committee:- Messrs. Whiting, Pike and Laing. Mr. Grant and Miss Varney.

Most of the dull, unsightly flags inside the chancel rails are now hidden from view by handsome carpeting, which extends up the altar steps. The cost of this much needed improvement is £5.

We warmly congratulate Mr. and Mr. Brearley and Miss Gregory on the capital children’s entertainment, which was held at the Board School on November, 2nd and 3rd. The spirit and precision with which our young friends performed the parts allotted to them, shewed how carefully they had been prepared. The room was well filled both evenings, and all present seemed thoroughly to enjoy themselves. The prizes were distributed on Friday evening by Mrs. Whiting, who is always ready, often at much personal inconvenience, to help in good work. We understand that the total proceeds amount to about £8.

The Ambulance Class, conducted by Dr. East: and the Carpentering Class, conducted by Mr. Manning, have made a good start.

We are glad to hear that several of our friends who have been unwell are now recovering.


January 1895 Castlethorpe

The Triennial School Board Election took place on Saturday, December 8. The following were elected- Messrs. G. Rainbow, Jones, Whiting, Grant , and Richardson. We trust that the school will continue to maintain its high standard of efficiency, and that intelligence in secular subjects may always go hand in hand with a sound knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.

We hope to have a concert on Friday evening January 25, the proceeds to go towards the payment of £3 12s 8d. due to the Vicar for the new chancel carpet.

The Parish Meeting for the nomination of Parish Councillors was held on December 4. Mr. Osborne was appointed chairman. Eleven persons were nominated for 5 seats. On a shew of hands being taken, the following received the largest support:- Messrs Pike, Whiting, Cowley, Luing, and J. Olney. A poll was demanded fixed for the 18th, when all the above, mentioned were elected save one, his place being taken by Mr. T. Rainbow.

The Guild and Happy Home Union have made a good start. We are very pleased to see that nearly 3,000 magazines have been sold in the two parishes during the past year.

By the death of Mrs. Rainbow, Castlethorpe has lost a woman of exceptionally high character. She had been Post-mistress in the village for half a century. She was respected by all classes.

Burial Castlethorpe 1895

Nov. 22 Rebecca Rainbow, aged 82


February 1895 Castlethorpe

The Christmas Festival passed off happily. The Church was prettily decorated. There were 9 communicants at 9 a.m. On Christmas afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Grant kindly gave a tea to the Choir boys at their house.

A midnight service was held for the first time on New Year’s Eve. About 20 were present.

The annual Choir Supper took place on December 28. All did excellent justice to the good cheer provided by the Churchwardens. A very pleasant evening was passed in singing and games of various kinds.

On Thursday, December 27, Mrs. Grant very kindly invited the elder widows of the parish to her house, and they spent a very enjoyable evening.

On Thursday, January 3, the past and present scholars of the Board School, to the number of 130, sat down to a tea, arranged by Mrs. Brearley. Afterwards, round games were the order of the evening, a welcome interval being allowed for the consumption of buns and oranges. The room was decorated with a pretty Christmas Tree. A vote of thanks to the teachers by Mr. Richardson, and the singing of the National Anthem, brought a very enjoyable evening to a close.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1895

Dec. 23 Arthur George, son of Jabez and Mary Jane Geary

Burials Castlethorpe 1895

Dec. 24 George Marks, aged 51

Dec. 31 Thomas Rainbow, aged 13

Jan. 8 Eliza Geary, aged 56

Jan. 16 Nanny Louisa Berry, aged 24


March 1995 Castlethorpe

On Thursday, January 17, the annual Sunday School Prize Giving took place. In the absence of Mrs. Grant, through illness, the Vicar gave away the prizes. The following were the prize givers:- James Taylor, John Taylor, George Marks, Frederick Marks, Charles Luing, Walter Clark, Alfred Nichols, Minnie Denton, Kate Jones, and Annie Luing. The two special religious knowledge prizes, which were the result of a previous examination were awarded to Edward Powell and Kate Jones. Minnie Denton gained a certificate for never being absent or late throughout the year. Several songs and recitations were given and the evening passed off very pleasantly. Our best thanks are due to the teachers for all their self-denying and valuable work.

On Wednesday evening, February 13, an entertainment was given in the Carrington School by the Castlethorpe Branch of S. James’ Happy Home Union. The first part consisted of songs and recitations. The second part consisted of a service of song, entitled “The Children’s Hour.”The entertainment was a very satisfactory one, and we hope that it will lead to greater things and that more of the children will join the Union.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1895

Jan. 31 Mary Jane, Alfred William, Albert and Sarah Ann, sons and daughters of Thomas and Sarah Jane Nichols

Burials Castlethorpe 1895

Feb. 9 Thomas Gostlow, aged 77


April 1895 Castlethorpe

We subjoin balance for 1894 of Castlethorpe Church Poor Fund. Receipts-Balance in hand £1 5s 6½d.;

Communion offertories, £1 15s 1½d.; churching free-will offerings, 1s 6d,; total, £3 2s 2d. Expenditure-Given in money, £1 1s 6d.; meat, 7s,; groceries, 4s.; total £1 12s 6d. Balance in had. £1 9s 8d. On February 20, the Guild held their monthly meeting. The Vicar gave a lecture on “Early British Christianity,” illustrated with lantern slides. Mrs. Whiting very kindly provided the refreshments.

The Rev. C. Blundell, vicar of Whittlebury, has kindly promised to come to our Annual Congregational Tea, which will be held either on Easter Thursday or Friday.

The prizes in connection with the S. John Ambulance Association were given away by Mrs. Carlile, on Saturday evening, February 23. Councilor Woollard presided. A very pleasant evening was spent. The proceeds of the entertainment, amounting to £2 5s, will be devoted to the purchase of a stretcher for the village.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1895

March 3 Louisa Rose, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Panter.

Marriage Castlethorpe 1895

March 14 Thomas Clark and Annie Cowley

Burial Castlethorpe 1895

Feb. 21 Sarah Ann Harris, aged 58


May 1895 Castlethorpe

As we are writing this, we grieve to say that one of our truest and kindest workers, Miss Varney, is lying at the point of death. Her illness, which has been a long and very painful one, has been borne with conspicuous Christian fortitude. No word of murmuring has escaped from her. We are sure that the prayers of very many in Castlethorpe just now are being offered on her behalf.

The Lent weekly services were very fairly attended, as were also the services on Good Friday morning and evening. There were 23 communicants on Easter Day, and 7 partook of Holy Communion privately on Easter Eve and Easter Monday respectively, making a total of 30.

Marriage Castlethorpe 1895

April 13 Isaiah George Coey and Minnie Brown

Burials Castlethorpe 1895

April 18 Lucy Nichols, aged 8 months

April 13 Martha Clarke, aged 84


June 1895 Castlethorpe

The Annual Easter Vestry was held on Wednesday, April 17, and as Mr. Luing wished to retire, the Vicar appointed Mr. Pain as his warden. Mr. C. Whiting, was elected people’s warden. The Vicar returned his hearty thanks to Messrs. Luing and Whiting for their kind help and co-operation during the year.

On April 19, the Annual Congregational Tea was held in the Board School. The first tea was at 4 p.m., the second at 6.30 p.m. A hundred and six in all sat down to tea. After tea, a most pleasant and hearty meeting was held, the room being quite full. An excellent address was given by the Rev. C. Blundell, who together with the Misses Capell, Miss. Gregory, Mrs. Harkness, Miss lee and Mr. Ellis contributed some capital songs, duets, and instrumental music. The Vicar gave a brief resume` of the past year’s work. The whole gathering was an unqualified success, and we must warmly congratulate those who arranged it on their excellent management. We are very much indebted to Mr.s Rainbow for kindly lending us her piano.

We deeply grieve to record the death of one of our truest friends and helpers, Miss J. Varney. She breathed her last just when we were holding our congregational meeting. Her premature removal will be a heavy loss to the Church, in the work of which she was so deeply interested. We shall not so soon forget the kindly sympathy with which she always welcomed those who came to her for help or advice. Would that we all of us had the same cheerful christian fortitude and gentle thoughtfulness, which she displayed in trial. She dwells now in a congenial sphere of peaceful meditation. Her body was committed to its last resting place on April 24, with every mark of respect and affection. Her example will live in Castlethorpe. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

Baptisms Castlethorpe 1895

May 5 Eva Emily, daughter of Oliver and Sarah Emily Holman

May 5 Eva Catherine, daughter of John and Emma West.

May 5 Lucy, daughter of John Edward abd Elizabeth Nichols

Burials Castlethorpe 1895

April 21 Emma Jane Varney, aged 42

May 2 William Coey, aged 70


July 1895 Castlethorpe

There were 91 signaures from this parish to the petition against the Disestablishment and Disendowment of the Welsh Church, making over 500 from the two parishes. We only ask for English fair play. No Churchman wishes to take away chapel endowments. Should we not be treated in a similar spirit by our dissenting brethren.

The profits of the Castlethorpe Tea amounted to 18s 0½d.; out of this sum 2s 6d. has been paid for tuning of piano, kindly lent for the occasion, and some more will be devoted to the purchase of carpet rods for the church, the balance will go towards the debt of £3 10s still remaining on the carpet.

On Ascension Day there was Holy Communion at 11 a.m. At 7.30p.m a united service for the two parishes was held, and an earnest sermon preached by the Rev. G. Chappell, of Northampton. There were about 60 persons present.

The offertories on Sunday, May 12 for Additional Curates Society, amounted to £1 4s 7d. We regret to say that this most valuable Society has still a large deficiency.

We subjoin a copy of the annual statement of accounts read at the last Easter vestry;- Receipts: Offertories for 13 months, £29 13s 0¼d. Expenditure; Northampton Infirmary , £2 1s 6d.; Sunday School, £1 5s. 1½d,;

Choir Supper, £1 0s. 8¼d.; Rev. W. J. Harkness, for Diocesan Spiritual Help Society, 15s 7d; Stubbs and Brown, 18s 4d ; D. Tooth, 2s 6d,; J. Compton, £2; E. Powell (sexton), £7 14s 8d.; Mrs Loveridge (washing), £2 3s 1d.; Mrs. Gregory, 10s 5s.; Church Repairs, 2s 6d,; total £24 2s 7¾d.

On Friday, May 3, a missionary meeting was held in the Carrington School , on behalf of the Universities Mission to Central Africa. The room was quite full, about 70 being present, and all were intensely interested in the address given by Miss. Whitbread, one of the Missionary Nurses at Zanzibar. The collection amounted to 12s 8½d., which was devoted towards the maintenance of our God-child Cypriani, whom our Sunday School children are helping to support.

The annual subscriptions to the Curate Fund were due in May. The Vicar would be glad to receive them as soon as possible.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1895

June 2 Walter Harding, son of John and Ann Paine (Adult baptism).

Marriage Castlethorpe1895

June 3 Walter Harding Paine and Ann Britten Cowley.


August 1895 Castlethorpe

The offertories for the Diocesan Education Society on Sunday, June 30, amounted to 14s.

The following subscriptions have been paid or promised to the Curate’s Fund this year: Mr. Whiting £1 10s., Mr. Pain £1 10s., Mr. Grant £1 10s., Mr. Pike £1., Mrs. Amos 10s., Mr. Compton 2s 6d., Miss. Compton 2s 6d., Mrs. Gregory 2s 6d.,

On Tuesday, May 28, our choir went to the choral festival for village choirs held at All Saint’s Church, Northampton. The service, which began at 6 p.m., was a very bright and hearty one. A most practical sermon was preached by the Vicar of Wellingborough. The Castlethorpe contingent returned home in a special train, and were afterwards entertained to supper in the Carrington School by the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Grant, the day thus terminating very pleasantly.

Burial Castlethorpe 1895

July 4 Frederick George Powell, aged 46 years.


September 1895 Castlethorpe

The Annual Sunday School Treat took place on Monday, August 7. The children assembled at the school, and marched to Church, where a bright little service was held. They then proceeded round the village back to the school, and partook of a hearty tea. The teachers and visitors followed suit. Afterwards all repaired to Mr. Whiting’s well-known field, where various amusements were indulged in till 8 p.m. A return was then made to the school. An evening hymn, was sung, and cheers given to all the good helpers. Each child received a bun on leaving the room. The weather was delightful, and all seemed to enjoy themselves.

We hope to have a jumble sale in the Carrington School about the middle of the Feast week. November 6th or 7th, proceeds to go towards paying for the cleaning and repairing of the school.

Baptisms Castlethorpe 1895

Aug. 9 Gertrude Irene, daughter of Charles and Annie Rebecca Denton

Aug. 18 Joseph Jesse and Frederick George, son of Solomon and Christiana Brackley

Aug. 18 Albert Edward, son of John and Martha Jane Luing.

Burial Castlethorpe 1895

Aug. 14 Gertrude Irene Denton, aged 3½ weeks.


October 1895 Castlethorpe

A social gathering for men will be held in the Carrington School on Wednesday evening, October 16

A Jumble Sale will be held in the same place on Thursday, November 7.

The sermon on Sunday evening, November 3, the Dedication Festival, will be preached by the Rev. G. P. Trevelyan.

We are glad to hear more favourable accounts of Mr. Grant.

A Mother’s Meeting will be started in November. It will be conducted by Mrs. Pain with the help of other ladies of the parish.


November 1895 Castlethorpe

Since we last recorded names of subscribers to the Curate Fund, we have received the following additional subscriptions: Mr. Manning 5s., Miss. Varney 10s., Mrs. Groves 10s. The financial outlook of this Fund seems at present gloomy and discouraging, but as one of our Hanslope workers rightly says - “The kind providence which has helped us hitherto, will not desert us,”

The Harvest Festival took place on Friday evening, September 20. The Church had been very effectively decorated by Mesdames Whiting and Powell, and the Misses A. and J. Gregory, Varney, Compton and others. The Service was exceedingly hearty. The anthem, “I will lift up mine eyes,” was well performed, the solo by Mr. S. Gregory and the vocal duet by T. Gregory and E. Powell being nicely rendered. A most earnest sermon from Isaiah ix, 3 was preached by the Rev. J. C. Browner D.D., an old Curate of Hanslope and Castlethorpe. The services were continued on Sunday, the church on the Friday and Sunday evenings being full. The total offertories amounted to £4 7s 5½d., of which £2 14s 4d. was given to the Northampton Infirmary.

Gifts of used clothes, crockery, and household utensils for our Jumble Sale on Thursday, November 7, will be gratefully received by Mrs. Whiting or Mrs. Pain, Castlethorpe.

No baptism, marriages or burials for Castlethorpe 1895


December 1895 Castlethorpe

The Dedication Festival commenced with Holy Communion on the morning of S. Simon and S. Jude’s Day, and a bright little evening service. The services were continued on the following Sunday. The morning offertories, amounting to 10s., were given to the Poor Benefices Augmentation Society. In the evening the church was full, the service was very bright, and an admirable sermon on “Faith,” full of plain and pointed remarks, was preached by the Rev. G. P. Trevelyan. The offertory, amounting to 13s 0½d., was devoted to the Church Windows’ Fund. The total collected through the day was 25s.

On Thursday, November 7th, a Jumble Sale was held in the Carrington School, to raise funds for cleaning and decorating the building. The moment the doors were opened the place was filled, and a brisk sale commenced. The latter part of the evening was greatly enlivened by our good churchwarden, Mr. Pain, who showed himself to be a most adroit and expert auctioneer. The proceeds of the sale, together with £1 received from Mrs. Grant, and 10s from Miss Wigglesworth, amounted to the goodly sum of £10 12s 6d. Our warmest thanks are due to all the ladies who worked so valiantly to make the sale a success. We must return our thanks to Mrs. Sargent and Mrs. Walpole for articles kindly sent.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1895

Nov. 18 Mary Rosetta Bushell adult


January 1896 Castlethorpe

We accidentally omitted to mention a donation of 5s., kindly given by Mr. Brearley, towards the Curate Fund. We also forgot to mention that a very pleasant social evening for Churchmen was held on October 16th; and a very practical address by the Rev. C. H. Spurrell, of Newport Pagnell.

The annual Board School concert took place on December 13th and 14th, and was an unqualified success. Our space will not allow us to dwell on the merits of the individual performers, suffice it is to say that the whole entertainment was as bright as it was wholesome, and that it reflects the utmost credit on Mr. and Mrs. Brearley, and Miss Gregory.

We have just heard the very sad new s of the death of Mr. Grant, at Marseilles. We are sure that the deepest, sympathy will be felt by all the people of Castlethorpe for Mrs. Grant in her great sorrow.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


February 1896 Castlethorpe

The annual Tea and Prize-giving in connection with the Board School, took place on December 26, and passed off very successfully. The same evening the Vicar distributed the prizes to the successful Sunday School Scholars, in the Carrington School.

On Sunday afternoon, December 22, the Vicar, at the close of his sermon, alluded to the loss which the Church had sustained in the death of Mr. Grant, and said that the warm interest which he had felt in the choir would long be remembered. By making arrangements for the choir to attend the Northampton Village Choirs Festival for the last three years, he has helped to inspire them with a higher ideal of Church music. We shall not forget the pains which he took in training the choirs of the two parishes for the Hanslope Dedication Festival in 1894. At the close of the service the Dead March was played.

On Wednesday, January 8, the members of the Happy Home Union had tea in the Carrington School. A couple of hours afterwards were spent very happily in games and amusements.

Burial Castlethorpe 1896

Dec 30 Ano Brown, aged 79


March 1896 Castlethorpe

No article printed for Castlethorpe this month.

Burial Castlethorpe 1896

Feb. 12 Mary Ann Eakins, aged 74


April 1896 Castlethorpe

We subjoin a statement of last year's Sunday School Treat, which we have never found space for inserting before; Receipts — Offertories, 16s. 4d.; visitors' teas, 9s. 9d.; cake, &c., afterwards sold, 4s. 11d.; total £1 11s. Expenses—Toys, 7s. 6d.; cake and buns, 13s.; bread, 2s.; butter, 2s. 11d. ; tea and sugar, Is. 11d. ; Sundries,. Is. 6d,. total £1 8s. 10d., leaving a balance of 2s. 2d., which was devoted towards Sunday School Prizes.

On Monday evening March 2, a meeting was held in connection with the North Bucks Arts Exhibition, and the following committee were appointed: -Messrs. Manning, Osborne, and W. Rainbow, together with Mesdames Amos, Pain, and Williams,

The Annual Congregational tea will be held in the Board School on April 10. Tickets purchased by Monday, April 6, fourpence; after Monday, sixpence.

The Easter Vestry for the election of Churchwardens, will be held on Wednesday, April 8.

There will be Holy Communion on Easter Day at 8 a.m., and at the midday service.

The Annual Parish Meeting was held on March 9 Mr. Pike was voted to the chair. All the old Parish Councillors were re-elected.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


May 1896 Castlethorpe

On Sunday morning, April 8, the Vicar preached the usual charity sermon. This year he has devoted it towards the Curate Fund. On the previous year he devoted it to the Poor, and to the Church Carpet Fund.

On Monday evening, March 23, an entertainment was given by the Happy Home Union. There was a fair attendance and 9s. was cleared.

Good Friday was well observed. There was a good attendance at the 1.30 to 3 Service, and a large congregation was present at 6.30 p.m. when the Rev. G. Chappell preached. On Easter Day there were 32 communicants, the largest number since the Vicar came. There were also good congregations at all the other services, the evening one being especially bright and joyful.

We have to record the death of another well known Castlethorpe inhabitant, Mr. Charles Jones. He had been ailing for some time, but died rather suddenly at last. He was a very good father, an upright man of business and a warm supporter of temperance. He was buried with every mark of respect on Easter Wednesday. We would express our very sincere sympathy with the widow and family.

On the evening of the same day the annual Easter Vestry Meeting was held. Mr. Pain and Mr. Whiting were again elected wardens for the ensuing year.

On Easter Friday afternoon the annual Congregational tea was held in the Board School. Seventy-two partook of the cheering cup at 4 p.m., and 20 more at (3.30. Shortly after 7 the Schoolroom was filled and a very enjoyable meeting was held. The Vicar expressed his regret (in which he felt sure all the inhabitants of the village would share) at the impending departure of Mr. and Mrs. Brearley; he also alluded to the excellent work they had done. A short address was given by Mr. Grey, and songs were kindly contributed by Mr. Ellis and the Misses Lee and Gregory.

The interior of the Carrington School has just been thoroughly renovated, and the lower part of the Walls matchboarded and painted. It was a much needed improvement.

Baptisms Castlethorpe 1893

Mar. 29 Lilian Ivy Hope, daughter of Gideon Ira Vine and Emma Blake.

Mar. 29 John Thomas Atkins, son of Emily Amelia Nicholls.

Burial Castlethorpe 1896

Apr. 8 Charles Jones, aged 50.


June 1896 Castlethorpe

We have this year sent 16s. to the Central African Mission. We have also just sent 7s. 5d. to the Diocesan Education Society.

The Rev. T. Varney very kindly preached morning and evening on Sunday, May 10th. and also took the early celebration. We feel sure that many of his old Castlethorpe friends were glad to see him.

The Annual Cricket Club Tea was held on Saturday, May 9th. There was a very good attendance. May it be the prelude to a good season.

The receipts of the late Parish Tea amounted to £1 10s. 1d. and the expenditure to £1 11. 0d. The balance of 4s. 1d. will go towards matting for the Chancel.

Two male teachers are imperatively wanted for the Sunday School. We think we can count on one? Who else will come forward? At present we blush to say that not one Castlethorpe Churchman is taking part in this all important work. This is unlike the vigour of Castlethorpe. Surely it only wants to be reflected upon, in order to remedy it. The Churchmen of to-day should help to train the Churchman of the future. We must not shirk the work, because it is distasteful.

The annual subscriptions to the Curate Fund are now due from both parishes.

Baptisms Castlethorpe 1896

Apr. Harry Ridlington, son of William Brown and Sarah Amelia Ward.

Apr. Elsie May, daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth Ann Nicholls.


July 1896 Castlethorpe

We subjoin Churchwardens' Easter Statement of Accounts :—Receipts—Balance in hand, £1 17s. 11d.;

Church Collections, £31 7s. 4½d. ; total, £33 5s. 3½d. Expenditure—Organist and blower, £5 5s.; Insurance 9s. ; Northampton Infirmary, £2 14s. 4d.: Washing £1 10s. 8½d.: choir books, 11s. 4d. : wire for windows, 4s. 6d.; diocesan and other societies, £2 19. 4d. coke 13s. 9d. : clerk £2; sexton £7 ; school offertories, £3 9s. 9½d. ; oil, candles, &c., £1 18s. 10d. • total £28 6s. 7d. ; balance in hand, £4 18s. 8d½.

On Whit Sunday, there were 23 Communicants and 17s. 4d. was collected for the Additional Curates Society.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


August 1896 Castlethorpe

On Sunday, July 5th, the morning and evening offertories, amounting to 15s. 1½d., were given to the Diocesan Church Building Society.

The Annual Flower Service was held on July 12th, at 3 p.m., when the Church was filled with young friends from the two parishes, and a very bright and happy service was held. The flowers were very pretty. The collection, amounting to 7s. 3½d., was given to the Castlethorpe Children's Window Fund, he same afternoon a donation of £1 was given to the Vicar for the same object by a lady who takes an interest in the parish, and who is a friend of Mrs. Whiting.

The following is a copy of last year's School Accounts :—Receipts. By offertories, £3 9s. 9½d. : hire of room, £3 10s.; balance from School Treat, 2s. 2d. ; old slates, 3s. 6d. ; total, £7 5s. 5½d. Expenses.—Caretaker, £2 15s.; Annual Treat, 16s. 4d.: lock to door and fixing, 2s. 11s.; registers, 1s. 3d.; wood, 1s.; School prizes, £1 4s. 7d.; chimneys for lamps, 1s. 8d. ; bills for coals, 18s. 4d. ; oil, 8s. 7d. ; total, £6 9s. 8d. ; balance in hand ; 15s. 9½d.

We defer subscriptions to Curates' Fund till next month.

Baptisms Castlethorpe 1896

July 12 Hubert George, son of Charles and Louisa Whiting.

July 12 Winifred, daughter of Joseph Henry and Eliza Ada Groves.


September 1896 Castlethorpe

We have received the following subscriptions towards the Curate's Fund : Mrs. Grant. £1 10s. ; Mr. Whiting, £1 10s. ; Mr. Pain, £1 10s. ; Mr. Pike, £1 Captain Williams, £1 1s. ; Mrs. Groves, 15s. ; Miss Varney, 10s. ; Mrs. Amos, 5s. : Mrs. Gregory, 5s. ; the Misses Gregory, 5s. : Mr. Blake, 5s. ; Mr. Compton, 2s. 6d. ; Miss Compton, 2s. 6d. ; Mr Luing, 2s, 6d. ; Mr. Manning. 2s. 6d ; Mr. Middleton, 2s. 6d. ; Mr. Greenwood, 2s. 6d. ; Mr. Day, 2s. ; Mr. Baugh, 2s. ; Mrs. G. Clarke, 2s. ; Mrs. Jones, 1s. ; Mr. Nichols, sen., 1s. ; Mr. Ernest Nichols, 1s. ; Mrs. Ellis, 1s.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowley, 1s. ; Mr. John Nichols, 6d. ; Mr. Clark (by Post Office) 6d. ; Mrs. James Cowley, 6d. ; Mrs. West 6d. ? Mrs. Denton, 1s. Total £10 4s. 3d. We must return our warmest thanks first of all to Mr. Pain for his kindness in undertaking the collecting work, and his promptitude in carrying it out, and. secondly, to our Castlethorpe friends who have so kindly contributed to this exceedingly important object.

On Saturday, July 18, the Sunday School scholars and teachers, together with the juvenile members of the Hanslope Choir, spent a very enjoyable afternoon and evening at Blisworth Gardens. Thanks to the very favourable weather, we were able to have our tea under the trees on the very pleasant terrace overlooking the gardens. The cost of tea was 6d. children and 9d. adults. There were 51 children present and 11 adults. For future convenience, we subjoin railway fares— Adults (Company's servants) 3d. ; non-Company's servants, 10d. ; children of Company's servants, I½d. ; children of non-Company's servants 5d.

We expect that the Harvest Festival will take place on Thursday, the 17th of September.

Captain Williams is about to start a Bible Class for youths on Sunday afternoons in the Vestry.

Baptisms Castlethorpe 1896

August 16 Elsie Amy, daughter of Alfred and Annie Maria Coey.

August 16 John Thomas, son of William and Edith Eliza Worker.


October 1896 Castlethorpe

On Saturday, September 12th, the Choir had an excursion to Leamington and Warwick. The morning was exceedingly unpropitious, there being a heavy downpour about noon, when we were fortunately within the friendly shelter of the Leamington Tram. By the time we reached Warwick matters began to improve, and, when we had finished an excellent lunch it was quite fine. We first visited the fine old church of S. Mary's and afterwards repaired to the Castle, where our eyes had a feast of pleasant things. We hardly knew whether to admire most the noble exterior with its venerable towers and greensward encircled by the pleasant river Avon, or the interior with its beautiful pictures, .antique armour, costly inlaid tables, richly ornamented ceilings and fine oriel windows. Nor shall we forget the beautiful garden or the delightful view from the summit of Guy's Tower. A walk back to Leamington and a peep at the gardens there concluded the day's programme, and we all returned home with our minds full of pleasant images and registering each an inward resolve that if possible this should no be our first and last visit.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


November 1896 Castlethorpe

The annual Harvest Festival services commenced on Friday evening, September 18. The church had been previously very tastefully decorated by Mesdames Whiting, Pain, Powell, and Jones, and the Misses Sergeant, Tyrell, Compton, A. and J. Gregory. There was a large congregation, anthem "Ye shall dwell in the land" was rendered by the choir, and the whole service was very bright and hearty. A thoughtful sermon was preached by the Rev. E. L. Tuson, vicar of Kingsthorpe, near Northampton, from S. Mark iv. 28, in which he shewed that thanksgiving services for the harvest should always be held, even though the crops might happen to be scanty, as the promise given to Noah, viz.. "Seed time and harvest shall never fail" was a world-wide one; and that if some districts might suffer, in other parts of the world there might be a plentiful supply. He also shewed how the Jews had an annual thanksgiving service at their Feast, of Tabernacles. The services were continued on the following Sunday, when the morning and evening offertories, amounting to about £2 7s., were devoted to the Northampton Infirmary. The total collections amounted to £3 17s. The Sunday evening congregations was an exceedingly good one.

On Sunday morning, September 27, a special sermon was preached on the subject of Temperance by the Rev. L. Douglas, the secretary of the Oxford Diocesan Temperance Society. The offertory, amounting to 8s. 8d., was given to the Diocesan Society. Similar special temperance sermons were preached on the same day in many churches of North Bucks.

We should like to have a Men's Social Gathering in the Feast week, viz., November 6. Our former ones have been very successful, and have helped to bind us together in the bands of Church brotherhood.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


December 1896 Castlethorpe

On Monday evening, October 26, a meeting of Confirmed and Communicant Churchmen of the two parishes was held in the Carrington School. There were 14 men present, 10 coming from Hanslope. The meeting was opened by a hymn and prayer, after which the Vicar read a paper on the English Reformation This was followed by a useful discussion. It was decided that the Society should be called the Hanslope and Castlethorpe Church Brotherhood, and that a meeting should be held monthly at each parish alternately. Messrs. W. Grey and Joseph Cowley were appointed secretaries for the two parishes.

On Wednesday evening, October 28, being S. Simon and S. Jude's Day, the Rev. C. J. Blundell preached an eloquent sermon. The offertories on this and the following Sunday evening, amounting to about 16s., were devoted to the North Aisle Window Fund.

On Thursday evening, November 5, a pleasant Social Gathering was held in the Carrington School, and on the following evening a tea was given to the members of the Happy Home Union. Both evenings were thoroughly enjoyed. Thus the Feast Week has been well kept.

The Rev. G. Chappell, of S. Andrews, Northampton, will preach every Wednesday evening in Advent, at 7.15 p.m.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


January 1897 Castlethorpe

On Friday and Saturday evenings, November 20th and 21st, the annual Board School entertainment was given, and was quite as successful both in respect to attendance and efficiency, as usual. The performance of the infants caused much diversion. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Middleton and Miss Gregory on the result.

On Friday evening, November 27th, a meeting of the Communicants' Union was held in the Carrington School. Tea was kindly provided at a very cheap rate to all who cared for it from 6-30 to 7-30 p.m. At the latter hour a Devotional Meeting was held, and an address preparatory to Advent was given by the Vicar. The attendance was chiefly confined to the regular Church workers; we hope for many more next time.

On Saturday afternoon the first Sunday School Scripture and Prayer Book Examination in writing was held in the school. Six scholars were examined, a modest beginning, but still a beginning. There is no work more important in any parish than the work of religious education.

On Monday evening, December 7th, the first of a series of cheap monthly entertainments was held in the Carrington School, which was crowded. The entertainment was a very hearty and bright one, the readings of Mr. Pain and Mrs. John Nichols (the Yorkshire dialect), being specially appreciated. The Vicar proposed a special vote of thanks to the ladies from a distance for their kind help. The profits amounting to 9/- go to the Church Piano Fund.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1897

Nov 8 Ada May, daughter of Walter Harding and Ann Britten Paine.


February 1897 Castlethorpe

We subjoin the Balance Sheet of the Clothing Club for the year ending October, 1896. Receipts: Paid by members, £29; Subscriptions, £2 3s. 6d; Fines, 1s. 6d.—Total, £31 5s. 0d. Expenses:—Drapers' bills, £30 19s. 4d.; To members left, 3s.4d.—Total, £31 2s. 8d. Balance in hand, 2s. 4d.

We also subjoin Balance Sheet of Poor Fund for 1896. Receipts:—Balance in hand, 15s. 1d. ; Communion offertories, £1 16s. 7d.; Churching offertories, 5s. 8d. — Total, £2 17s. 4d. Expenses : — Given in money, £1 4s. 6d. ; Meat, 14s. ; Groceries, 8s.—Total, £2 6s. 6d. Balance in hand 10s. 10d.

Marriage Castlethorpe 1897

Dec 25th Frederick Kiff and Rose Hannah West.

Jan 18th Charles Saddington and Zilpah Jane West.

Burial Castlethorpe 1897

Dec 29th Nellie Mills, aged 65 years.


March 1897 Castlethorpe

On Monday, January 4th, a social gathering was held in the Carrington School. The room was crowded. A very pleasant evening was spent.

On Friday evening, January 22nd, the annual Sunday School Prize-Giving took place. A deep snow prevented any of the parents from being present. The following received prizes :—1st prizes, Walter Clarke, Minnie Denton, Edith Blake. 2nd prises, Joseph Compton, Jennie Jones, Amy Manning, and Nellie Laing. Additional prizes, Arthur Clark, Alfred Nichols, Nellie Jones, Nellie Manning. Knowledge prizes, (result of examination), 1, Jennie Jones; 2, Nellie Manning. A large certificate was awarded to Minnie Denton for never being absent nor late for three consecutive years.

The sum of 11s. has been collected for the Indian Famine Fund by Miss Compton.

There will be a service every Wednesday in Lent at 7.15 p.m.

Burial Castlethorpe 1897

Feb 19th William Clifton, aged 90 years.


April 1897 Castlethorpe

On Friday evening, March 5th, Mr. Alfred Holdsworth repeated the illustrated lecture on English Church History, which he had given the evening before at Hanslope. The attendance was not satisfactory, and the lecturer had to complain of the misbehaviour of several youths. Mr. Holdsworth has addressed audiences of 5,000 persons, chiefly men, and we are very sorry that such a small room as the Carrington School should not have been filled. The collection amounted to 33. 6½d., or 10s. 7½d. from the two parishes. After deducting 3d. 7½d. towards expenses, 7s. was sent to Miss Solari towards Church Defence Fund.

On Monday, March 1st, the last of the monthly entertainments was held. The Carrington School was filled. The programme, which was very well carried out consisted partly of a concert and partly of a very amusing sketch, entitled " Family Jars," which caused much amusement. The net proceeds from the three entertainments is £1 9s. 1d.

There will be service the first four evenings of Holy Week at 7.15 p.m. On Good Friday there will be services at 11 and 6.30 p.m. Preacher in the evening, Rev. C. C. Luxmoore.

On Easter Day there will be Holy Communion at 8.30 and 11 a.m. Easter Vestry Meetings on Easter Wednesday. Annual Congregational Tea on Easter Friday. Tickets purchased before Easter Wednesday, 4d. ; afterwards 6d.

We deeply regret that our good helper, Mrs. Pain, is lying seriously ill. We are sure that earnest prayer for her recovery will be offered by many. We sincerely sympathise with Mr. Pain in his sudden and severe trial.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


May 1897 Castlethorpe

We have to lament the very sad and heavy loss which the Church and parish have sustained in the death of Mrs. Pain. Although she had not long resided in our midst, yet by her whole-hearted devotion to the Church and to good works, she had made a very distinct mark in the village. A parishioner probably expressed the feelings of not a few when she said to the Vicar "she has been taken away just when we were beginning to know and appreciate her. "As the originator and manager of the Mothers' Meeting and Clothing Club, as a very diligent District Visitor, as a '' regular Communicant, as a good friend of the poor, as well as in other ways, she exemplified the words of the Royal Preacher, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might." Her illness was both a sudden and brief one nor was its gravity realised by many till very near its close. We can hardly realise that she is gone so short a time is it since she was in the midst of active work. She was laid to rest on March 24th, with every mark of respect. We feel sure that Mr. Pain has the genuine heartfelt sympathy of not a few parishioners.

On Monday afternoon. March 8th. the Vicar preached the annual Charity Sermon. He has this year given the money he received to the Curate Fund, towards which the two parishes have to raise £55; this year. The annual subscriptions are due in May.

The Happy Home Union gave a Service of Song and a nice little Entertainment on Monday, April 5th. About 3/6 was taken.

On Good Friday evening a very appropriate and helpful sermon was preached by the Rev. C. C. Luxmoure. There were 24 Communicants on Easter Day

On Wednesday. May 5th. Miss Palmer, of the Central African Mission, will give a Magic Lantern Lecture.

Baptism Castlethorpe 1897

Apr. 19th John Parsons, son of John William and Gertrude May Cowley.


June 1897 Castlethorpe

On Wednesday, April 21st, the annual Congregational Tea was held in the Board School and was a great success. 101 partook of the genial cup. At 7 p.m. a meeting was held, the room being filled. The chief attraction of a very enjoyable evening was a most stirring and inspiriting speech by the Rev. B. Phillpotts, Rector of Wavendon. In humourous language he shewed how when a new clergyman came to a parish, he was regarded as an angel, but afterwards if he tried to do his Master's work manfully and bravely, he was forced to tread on the corns of some of his parishioners, and then woe betide him! He also exhorted young men who had been Confirmed not to turn their backs on Holy Communion, but to set an example of high principle. The profit from the Tea amounted to 10s. 4d. and has been devoted to the Piano Fund. Our best thanks are due to all who worked so well to make the gathering so successful.

On Friday evening, April 23rd, the annual Vestry Meeting was held. The Vicar again appointed Mr. Pain as his Warden and Mr. Whiting was re-elected Parish Warden. The following is a statement of accounts- —Receipts:—Balance from last year £4 18s. 8½d: Small Sums, 7s. 3d: Offertories for year £33 1s.11d.; Total £38 7s. 10.½d. Expenses:—Diocesan Church Building and Education Societies £1 2s. 6½d.; Additional Curates' Society 17s.4d.; Matting £3 3s.; Sunday School Treat £1 17s. 2½d.; Window Fund £1 3s. 1½d.; Sacramental Wine £1 ; Choir Excursion £2 4s. 7d.; Northampton Infirmary £2 7s. 7d.; Diocesan Temperance Society 8s. 7½d.; Organist £5; Blower 7s. 6d.; Coke 17s. 6d.; Hassocks £1 0s. 2½d.; Washing £1 4s. 7d½.; Oil 19s. 6d.; Offertory to School 13s. 10½d.; Sexton £7 ; Clerk £2; Insurance 9s. 3d.; Sundries £1 0s. 2d.—Total £34 16s. 7½d.; Balance in hand £3 11s. 3d. The Vicar takes this opportunity of thanking his two Wardens for their cordial and friendly co-operation during the past year.

On Thursday, April 29th, a member of the Congregation was Confirmed at Wavendon.

On Sunday, May 2nd, the offertories which amounted to 16s. 0d. were devoted to the Indian Famine Relief Fund.

On Wednesday evening, Miss Gertrude Palmer gave a most interesting and inspiriting account of her work in connection with the Universities' Mission at Likoma and Lake Nyassa. The Carrington School was crowded. The address was illustrated by a Magic Lantern. The collection amounted to 10s. 4d. The following is the annual statement:—Collections in Church 11. 9½d.; Mission Boxes 3s. 4½d.; Magic Lantern Collection (net) 10s. 4d. Total sent up to Parent Society £1 5s. 6d.

We tender our sincere sympathy with Mrs. Cowley and her family in their heavy loss.

The annual subscriptions to the Curate Fund are due. £55 is needed. Can we rise to the occasion?

Baptism Castlethorpe 1897

April 22nd. Olive Marian, daughter of Harry Hampson and Frances Middleton.

Burials Castlethorpe 1897

Mar. 24th Sarah Pain, aged 52 years.

May 3rd. James Cowley, aged 68 years.


July 1897 Castlethorpe

We have sent up 6s. 5d. to the Diocesan Education Society. The offertories morning and evening on Whit-Sunday amounted to 17s. and were given to the Diocesan Spiritual Help Society.

We should like to have a Congregational Excursion for the two parishes on Tuesday, August 4th. The Vicar suggests Tring and Ashridge Park, or Totternhoe Knolls and Dunstable Downs, but he is open to suggestions.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


August 1897 Castlethorpe

We have to acknowledge with warmest thanks the following subscriptions towards our Curate's Fund :— Mrs. Grant £1 10s. ; Mr. Whiting £1 10s. ; Mr. Pain £1 10s.; Captain Williams £1 1s.; Miss Varney 10s.; Mr, Compton 2s.6d.; Miss Compton 2s.6d.; Mrs. Panter 6d. We have also to thank Mr. Whiting for kindly lending a waggon to convey the Happy Home Union Children to Hanslope on Whit-Monday.

The Jubilee Festivities passed off, we understand, very successfully. On the afternoon of Jubilee Sunday the Church was packed with children and adults, and a delightfully bright service was held. The interest of the occasion was heightened by a Flower Service being combined with the Jubilee Festival. There was a large contingent of teachers and scholars from Hanslope. On Jubilee Day, there was a tea for the children about 3.30 p.m., this was followed bv a meat tea for the adults under the chestnut trees. The evening was spent in various amusements until 10 o'clock, when the bonfire was set ablaze and the proceedings terminated. The village was gaily decorated, the Church Tower deserving special commendation.

The offertories on Jubilee Sunday amounted to £1 3s. 10½d., of this sum 9s. 1½d. was given to the Diocesan Sustentation Fund, and I4s. 9d. towards the proposed Jubilee Window. The offertories on Sunday, July 4, amounted to 17s. 3½d. and were given to the Additional Curates' Society.

We subjoin Carrington School Account up to Easter 1897. Receipts:—-Balance I5s. 9.½d.; Technical Class £3, 10s.; Wood 5s.; Charity 'Trustees 10s. ; Concerts 5s. 6d. : Mothers' Meeting 3. 4d. ; Offertories 15s. 3½d.: Sundries 5s.: Total £6 9s 11d. Expenditure:—1 year's rent 2s. 6d. ; Brushes 2s. 6d. : Prizes and Registers £1 4s. 8d.; Oil 8s. 3d.; Coals 17s. 6d.: Caretaker £1 12s 9d.: Ditto for Technical Class £1 8s.: Sundries 2s. 6d.: Balance 11s 3d. : Total £6 9s. 11d.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


September 1897 Castlethorpe

On Saturday, July 24th. the Sunday Scholars had their usual treat to Blisworth Gardens, where a very enjoyable afternoon and evening were spent, the weather being perfect.

The three days' visit of the Church Army here was much appreciated, the Carrington School being filled each night. The sum of 10s. 4½d. was collected for them in the Church.

Marriages Castlethorpe 1897

Aug. 2nd. Owen Barford and Amy Taylor.

Aug. 19th Thomas Smith and Annie Cowley.


October 1897 Castlethorpe

It is intended to have a Jumble Sale in the Carrington School during the Feast week, the proceeds of which will go towards the Jubilee Window. We hope all will put their shoulders to the wheel and make it a complete success. Let no one wait to see what his neighbour is going to do; such persons make poor, feeble, vacillating Churchworkers. An Entertainment is also being got up for the same object.

We deeply sympathise with our ex-sexton. Mr. Hiliyer, in his heavy bereavement. The Vicar happened to call the very evening before his wife's death and remarked how hearty she seemed. Verily in the midst of life we are in death, and yet how few take it to heart.

Burials Castlethorpe 1897

Sept. 19th. Amelia Hillyer, aged 70 years.

November 1897 Castlethorpe

The Annual Harvest Festival Services commenced on Wednesday evening, September 22nd. when there was a good congregation and a bright service. An eloquent and stirring sermon was preached by the Rev. W. Sargeaunt. Vicar of Bozeat, from Psalm cxxxiii, 1. He pointed out that a Harvest Festival was an occasion of united thanksgiving for common blessings in which all, more or less, shared: he also shewed from the imagery of the Psalm how the whole of our nature should harmoniously join in the service of GOD. The services were continued on the following Sunday, the evening offertory amounting to about £1 17s. being given to the Northampton Infirmary. The Church was excellently decorated, and we congratulate our good lady friends on the result.

About 13 members of the Happy Home Union attended the annual Children's Gathering at Wolverton, on Saturday afternoon, September 25th.

No baptisms, marriage and burials printed.


December 1897 Castlethorpe

On Friday .evening, October 22nd, a bright little entertainment was held in the Carrington School. About 17s. was taken. Many thanks to all who helped.

On Wednesday evening, November 3rd, a most successful Jumble Sale was held in the Carrington School. About £8 12s. was taken and will go towards the Jubilee Window.

Our Missioner, Mr. White, has most kindly consented, all being well, to conduct a Mission at Castlethorpe this time next year.

Baptisms Castlethorpe 1897

Oct. 31st. Joseph Cowley, son of Walter Harding and Ann Britten Paine.

Oct. 31st. Thomas, son of James and Elen May Clarke.

Oct. 31st. Herbert Walter, son of William Brown and Sarah Amelia Ward.

Burials Castlethorpe 1897

Nov. 17th. Samuel Denny, aged 71 years.
