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transcribed by Ingrid Neale January 1894 Emberton On Saturday, December 2nd, Mr. Tatham gave his annual tea to the aged villagers and members of the Reading Room. A most enjoyable evening was spent as usual by all, the music and singing provided being of a very varied character. Mr. Temple Beevor’s comic songs were highly appreciated, as also Miss Janie Yorke’s charming ditties accompanied by guitar, Miss. Elsie Sams, violin contribution, and Mrs. Coles’ songs. We were glad to see such a large number of members have joined the Reading Room for the current year. A Branch of the Girls’ Friendly Society is to be started in our village with the New Year. A preliminary meeting was held in the old schoolroom on Wednesday, December 6th by Mrs. Sams. After an explanation of the objects of the Society, the girls were invited to partake of the excellent tea prepared for them. The Branch will start with the promising contingent of 25 members, whose names were taken. On Saturday, December 9, two performances of the play, “The Coming Women,” were given in the Board Schoolroom, under the auspices of Mr. and Miss Tatham, in aid of the Vestry Fund. The various characters were represented by the following ladies and gentlemen:- Mrs. Wellesley Taylor, the Misses Terry, Tarver, and E. Allfrey, Mr. Tatham and Mr. Temple Beevor. The room was well filled, both in the afternoon and evening, with a thoroughly appreciated audience. The proceedings were opened with a duet out of “Henry viii.” by Mrs. Sams and Miss. Alice Phillips, the intervals between the acts being pleasantly whiled away by pianoforte solos by Miss. A. Phillips, and songs by Mrs. Leapidge Cooper, Miss. F. Phillips, and Mr. Temple Beevor. The sum relized amountive to over £10, which, deducting expenses, gives an increase of some £6 to the projected Vestry we hope to commence in the spring. No baptism, marriages or burials printed for Emberton this month. oOo February 1894 Emberton December 22 was quite a gala day at the Emberton Board School. The Children’s entertainment, postponed last year on account of illness, was a complete success. At 4 o’clock both children and visitors were most hospitably regaled with tea by the Committee, after which a very entertaining programme consisting of songs and two little plays - “The Dolls Wedding,” and “Santa Claus,” was presented to the audience. The children were well up in their parts and spoke out clearly, taking an evident pleasure themselves in their work. What struck us perhaps more than anything, was the spirit with which the various songs were sung. A second performance in the evening, commencing at 7 o’clock, proved highly attractive to the parents and friends of the young performers. We congratulate Mr. Mummery and Miss Taplin upon the very creditable performances of their young charges. At the evening service on Sunday, December 24 being the Eve of Christmas Day, the anthem, “Sing and rejoice,” by Caleb Simper, was sung very pleasingly by the choir. The Holy Christmas Festival was ushered in by the ringing of the Church bells at midnight. The Holy Communion was celebrated at 8.30 a.m., and after the 11 o’clock service, when also the customary dole of bread was distributed. A short service, with carols, was held at 7 o’clock. Emberton, which until quite lately has wonderfully escaped, the prevailing epidemic, has now come in for her full share, though we are thankful to say we have but few severe cases. A more serious business is the outbreak of typhoid fever up West lane. We trust, however, that with the united efforts of Mr. Branson, our medical officers, Drs. Hailey and Grindon, and the excellent nurse, who has come to render her valuable services, we may soon have a clean bill of health to report. No baptism, marriages or burials printed for Emberton this month. oOo March 1894 Emberton The Offertories on Sunday, January 21, were for the Nursing Expenses incurred in our village owing the outbreak of typhoid fever in West lane, and amounted to over £5. We have had two sad losses through the terrible illness, both cases being those of young men, one scarcely more than a lad. We are thankful to say now, however, that all the patients are on the fair road to recovery - as proof of which, the very excellent nurse, to whose indefatigable services we may in great part attribute this improvement, left on Saturday, February 17. We are sure that all with whom she came in contact, and above all, her patients will miss her deeply, though we cannot but rejoice that the need for her presence is, we trust, removed. The Emberton Choir held their annual supper in the old Schoolroom on February 2, when a pleasant social evening was spent by the members. The commencement of the Lenten Fast was observed in our village by evensong at 7.15 on Ash Wednesday, when the Rector gave an address appropriate to the solemn season -and at the first of the Friday evening services held during Lent the Rev. W. Whitchurch, of Olney, was the preacher. The Offertories on Sunday, February 11, were in aid of the Church Missionary Society, amounting to £2 5s 5d,; the Rev. G. F. Watson, a deputy from the Society, delivered a missionary sermon in the evening. No baptism, marriages or burials printed for Emberton this month.
oOo We are glad to state that the attendance at the Friday evening services during Lent has been good. The special preachers who kindly gave their services were, the Rev. F. Whitchurch, of Olney ; the Rev. J. Tarver, of Filgrave; the Rev. C. Jerdein, of Stoke Goldington; the Rev. C.H. Spurrell, of Newport Pagnell; and the Rev. G. P. Soames of Lavendon. Morning service was held at 11 a.m. in Holy Week, and on Good Friday evensong at 7, with an address from the Rector. The Services on Easter Day were as follows: Holy Communion at 8 a.m. and after the 11 o’clock service, Baptisms at the conclusion of the morning service, and Evensong at 7 o’clock. A Vestry meeting was held in the Old Schoolroom on Monday, March 19, to discuss the commencement of the new Vestry, a measure which was carried unanimously. The work has been entrusted to the care of Messrs. Booth and Dawes, so that we may hope before long to see this sorely needed addition to our Church an accomplished fact. The design, with its estimate, obtained from a competent architect, has given entire satisfaction, and will, we think, add to the beauty of our Church. No baptism, marriages or burials printed for Emberton this month. oOo May 1894 Emberton Our Church was simply but prettily decorated for Easter with primroses, moss and ivy, the altar cross being composed of daffodils on a moss foundation. The services were very heartily rendered throughout the day. In the evening the anthem was Bunnett’s “He is risen,” The offertories amounted to £2 8s. 1½d. On Thursday, March 29th, a vestry meeting was held for the election of Churchwardens. Mr. H. G. Hipwell was unanimously elected to succeed Mr. W. P Philips, and Mr. Hawkins accepted office again as the Rector’s Churchwarden. The usual tea given to the members of the Reading Room, upon the close of the winter session, on the evening of the same day. On April 2nd the quarterly meeting of the Emberton branch of the Girls’ Friendly Society was held in the old Schoolroom.. Proceedings commenced with a bountiful tea, presided over by the following ladies:- Mrs. Sams, Mrs. Tarver, Miss A. Philips, and Miss Janie Yorke, Mrs. Munby, of Turvey, very kindly addressed the members afterwards, in a few impressive words, which were received with very evident pleasure by her hearers. The Rectory grounds were thrown open to all to roam about, in the usual kindly manner of our Rector and his wife - a treat which was highly appreciated, the day being so bright and warm it quite reminded one of the happy summer days to come. The number of members is most encouraging at the commencement of this society in our village, and we trust it will be a real help to all who have joined. No baptism, marriages or burials printed for Emberton this month. oOo June 1894 Emberton The holy and joyous season of Whitsuntide has passed over to us once more, and has been celebrated with the brightness by which, in Emberton, it is especially marked. On Whitsunday the Holy Communion was celebrated after Morning Prayer, and we were very glad to see so good an attendance. Baptisms-so fitting at this season when we commemorate the first descent of the Holy Ghost-took place afterwards. The congregations both in the morning and evening were very large, many old faces being welcomed among us again. The services were very hearty, and our church played a truly festival appearance, the beautiful white embroidered hangings being used, whilst on the altar stood a cross of beautiful white flowers, the altar vases of white flowers also in unison. On Whit Tuesday the annual Emberton Friendly Society Festival was held, commencing with Divine Service at 11 a.m., the preacher being the Rev. Dr. Allen, rector of Ravenstone. About 100 members sat down to the dinner provided for them. The Rector and the Rev. J. Tarver were present. The Yardley Gobion Band arrived early in the day and played at intervals. This is the 75th anniversary of the foundation of this excellent society, which now numbers about 200 members, and, as a proof of its strength, possesses in hand the considerable sum of £1.114. In the evening a subscription dance was held in the Board Schoolroom, from 8 to 12 p.m. The object was to still further add to the Vestry Fund, so that our vestry, now in full course of building, may be opened free of debt. The dance proved a great success, about 60 being present, and, as the tickets were 5s, each, we may hope a valuable addition will be made to the funds already in hand, though, of course, all expenses have to be deducted: The music, provided by Mr. Wright, of Olney, kindly accompanied by Mr. Attenborough’s cornet, was excellent, and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was spent by those present. Baptism Emberton 1894 May 13 Florence Muriel, daughter of Arthur and Emily Gabriel May 13 Elsie Ellen, daughter of John Thomas and Lizzie Richardson Marriages Emberton 1894 May 14 Ernest Frampton, of Hampstead, and Harriet Howson oOo July 1894 Emberton On Tuesday, May 29, Mrs. Smith (who is leaving this village) was presented by the members of the Women’s Clothing Club, with a flower vase as a small token of their gratitude for the most successful manner in which she has conducted the management of the above named club for the past eight years. The Misses Smith were also the recipients of two glass jugs and glasses in recognition of their kind united help. On the same evening the village was painfully startled by the news of the sudden death of Mary West, aged 77. At an inquest which was subsequently held, a verdict was given of syncope. On Sunday, June 3, a very interesting sermon was preached by the Rev, Templeman, in aid of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and the collections amounted to £3 18s 1d. A committee meeting (which was rather badly attended) was held in the old schoolroom, on June 9, to decide what subjects would be most appreciated at the forthcoming Technical Education classes. The Rev. G, F, Sams presided. A most successful festival of the Newport Pagnell Branch of the Girls’ Friendly Society took place here on Thursday, June 14. At three o’clock a shortened evening service was held in the church, at which the Rev. C. M. Ottley read the lessons, and the Rev. G. F. Sams preached a most appropriate sermon, from the words “Keep innocence, and take heed unto the thing that is right, for that shall bring a man peace at the last.” Psalm xxxviii. 38. The sermon was listened to with rapt attention. A collection was made for the sick members’ fund, and amounted to £1 14s. At the close of the service, all adjourned to the Rectory, where an excellent tea was most prettily arranged on tables on the lawn. After ample justice had been done to the good things provided, Mrs. Hutchings, president of this branch, addressed the girls in a few well chosen remarks, pointing out to them the many advantages to be gained by joining this society. She then presented several of the members with prizes of 2s 6d. and upwards, for terms of lengthened service in one situation. We were very pleased to see that Kate Dunkley, one of our own parishioners, was a recipient of 5s. The Olney Town Brass Band played selections of music during the evening, and dancing, croquet, and other amusements were indulged in, and at 7.30 “God save the Queen” brought to a close a most enjoyable meeting. Mrs. Sams and Mrs. Tarver were responsible for the arrangements, and great praise and thanks are due to these ladies for the admirable way in which they were carried out. The report of H.M. Inspector of this School has just been received, and is as follows: - Mixed School: “Mr. Mummery found this school in very low water last September, but he has made good use of his time since then, and has produced very material improvement. There are weak places still to be found, but he knows where and what they are, and is, I feel sure, both able and anxious to strengthen them. Meanwhile he deserves great credit for what he has already done under great difficulties.” Infants’ Class: “Miss Taplin has improved the infants’ intelligence, and can show a distinctly good division.” the drawing report, which was of an indifferent character last year, has also been received, and the drawing is this year marked “good.” These results are pleasing to the teachers and children alike. Burials Emberton 1894 June 1 Mary West, aged 77 oOo August 1894 Emberton The village feast was celebrated on Sunday, July 8, when very hearty services were rendered in our church, and collections, which amounted to £2 8s. 2d., were made in aid of the Sunday School treat. On Monday, a public tea was arranged by Mrs. C. Lett and Mrs. C. Mynard, in the old Schoolroom, and between 30 and 40 sat down to an excellent spread, which was fully appreciated. After tea, the room was cleared, and dancing was indulged in with great spirit until about 11 o’clock . The music was supplied by the village fiddler, Mr. G. West. The same afternoon, at 2.30, the Sunday School children and teachers assembled for their annual treat, and were conveyed over to Weston Underwood, the children in wagons kindly lent by Messrs. Hawkins, Townsend, Mynard, and Roper; and the teachers in a brake. Soon after arriving all sat down on the grass in the wilderness to an ample tea, after which every one adjourned to the Park, where games, races, cricket, and other amusements were thoroughly enjoyed, until about 7.30, when light refreshments were partaken of, and all started on their homeward journey well pleased with the day’s outing. This picnic (which was quite a new departure in the way of school treats for us) was arranged by Mrs. Sams and was keenly appreciated by teachers and scholars alike. Mr. W. Burchell, of this parish, and Miss S M. Higgins of Newport Pagnell, were married here on Sunday, July 15. Merry peals were rung on the church bells during the day, in honour of the wedding. Baptism Emberton 1894 July 8 Herbert Sidney, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Paybody July 8 William, son of William and Maria Wilson oOo September 1894 Emberton No article for Emberton published this month. Marriages September 1894 August 4 Alfred Nicholls to Elizabeth Edmunds oOo October 1894 Emberton The wedding of the Dr. H. C. Rogers of the Lodge, Emberton, with Miss Lilian Emma, daughter of Mr. H.E. Sullivan, C.I.E., took place at Aspley Guise on Wednesday, September 12. The church had been decorated, and the service was fully choral. The marriage was performed by the Rev. Herbert Elton, cousin of the bride, assisted by the Rector. After the reception, the newly married pair left amid a shower of rose leaves and lavender, for Edinburgh. We shall gladly welcome our new parishioners, on their return to live among us. No baptism, marriages or burials printed for Emberton this month oOo November 1894 Emberton The Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held on Sunday, September 23, when the Church was very effectively decorated by the ladies of the parish, assisted by friends for the occasion. The children’s’ flower service which seems to grow in favour every year, was held at 3 o’clock and the floral offerings with the collections for the day, which amounted to £11 2s. were forwarded to the Northampton Infirmary. The Rev. D. Elsdale gave the address to the children. The evening service was very hearty and well rendered throughout, and the Rector preached a very good practical sermon on brotherly sympathy, especially appropriate to these times, choosing for his text Isaiah xii.,7. The quarterly meeting of the Girls’ Friendly Society took place on Monday, October 1, when 21 members paid in their subscriptions, and it was proposed that during the coming months each one should make an article, so that at the next meeting a small sale of work might be held and the proceeds sent to one of the Homes for the sick in connection with this Society. This suggestions met with great approval, and so we anticipate a very good result. The Reading Room was re-opened on Monday, October 15, and we have no doubt it will prove as great a source of pleasure to the men and boys who belong as it was in former years. On the following Thursday a number of the inhabitants met together in the old schoolroom, the occasion being the presentation to Mrs. Sams of a testimonial which took the form of six handsome silver -onbonnieres,” in recognition of her services as organist to the parish Church for a period extending over a number of years. Mrs. Hipwell having kindly undertaken to receive subscriptions, a sum of £7 was collected. The presentation was made by Mr. Hipwell on behalf of the parishioners. The Rector suitably acknowledged the gift on behalf of Mrs. Sams, and said that it gave them great pleasure to receive it, as it showed that harmony no only existed inside the Church, but outside also. No baptism, marriages or burials printed for Emberton this month oOo January 1895 Emberton A meeting for the purpose of electing Parish Councillors was held on December 4th, when the following were elected:- The Rev. G. F. Sams, Messrs Hipwell, Townsend, Mynard, Hobbs, Hoddle, and Berrill. On Saturday, December 8, C. M Tatham, Esq., gave his annual tea to the members of the Reading Room, with their wives and the old people, and between 90 and 100 sat down to a most substantial spread. After tea, the Rev. G. F. Sams returned thanks to Mr. Tatham for his generosity, and music and songs brought to a close a most enjoyable gathering. We are pleased to hear the following girls and boys were successful in obtaining prizes given by C. M. Tatham, Esq., at the Board School: - Florence Booth, Brada Mynard, Beatrice Richens, Bertie Lett, Alfred Cowley, and Ernest Hoowson. An Ambulance Class, conducted by Mr. F. Grindon, is well attended by the men and boys in the village, and we hear that needlework and drawing classes are also to being early in January, and these, we hope, will meet with equal success. Classes are now being held for the preparation of candidates for the forthcoming confirmation, to be held at Olney, in February next. We are sorry our Rector is leaving us on the 14th of January for 10 weeks, but we unite in wishing him God speed on his journey and a safe return. No baptism, marriages or burials printed for Emberton this month oOo February 1895 Emberton The children of the Board School gave a very successful entertainment on Friday and Saturday evenings, December 21st., and 22nd, but we were very sorry to notice that it did not meet with the patronage it deserved, especially as it was to provide funds for a tea for children; they were not, however, disappointed of their treat, as, through the kindness and liberal help of Mrs. Sams, they had a tea of the following Thursday, under the superintendence of Miss Taplin and Mr. Mummery. The services on Xmas Day were at 11 a.m.., with Holy Communion, and 7 p.m. with sermon by the Rector. A mid-night peal was rung on the bells, and the church was neatly decorated with holly and ivy. The members of the G. F. S. met on New Year’s Day to pay their quarterly subscriptions, and were entertained to tea by Mrs. Sams, who spoke a few kindly and encouraging words, and wished all present a happy and bright New York. The choir had their annual supper on January 4, when all the members, with the Rector, were present, and a very pleasant evening was spent. Marriages Emberton 1895 Jan. 17 Samuel Howson and Fanny Lovel oOo March 1895 Emberton On Sunday, February 10, sermons were preached in aid of the Church Missionary Society and collections made, which amounted to two guineas. No baptism, marriages or burials printed for Emberton this month oOo April 1895 Emberton At the confirmation held at Olney, on February 20th, seventeen candidates were confirmed from this parish. The members of the Ambulance Class were examined by Dr. Jones, of Northampton, on February 22, and the following are the names of those who were successful in passing:- A. W. Mummery, Joseph Andrews, James Lett, Walter Andrews, Chester Hoddle, W. Parsons, Wm. Andrews, W. G. West, F. W. Booth, A. West, A. Brown, George Denton,, and W. G. Mynard. Special Friday evening services are being held during Lent and the preachers are - March 8, Rev. A. C. Woodhouse; March 15, Rev. C. Jerdein; March 22, Rev. J. Tarver; March 28, G. F. Munby; and April 5, Rev. H. Mawson. Burials Emberton 1895 Mar. 7 Lydia Tarry, aged 81 oOo May Emberton 1895 During Passion week services were held at 11 o’clock in the morning. On Good Friday, both morning and evening services were held in the Church and very well attended. In the afternoon a number of people spent time in the woods gathering primroses with which to decorate the Church. On Easter Sunday, the Holy Communion was celebrated at 8 a.m., also at the conclusion of the morning service. The Church was tastefully decorated with primroses and pot plants kindly given by Mesdames Sams, Hipwell and Rogers. Holy Baptism was administered at 2.15. Baptism Emberton 1895 April 14 Mary, Kate, Elizabeth, and Emma Jane, daughters of George and Susan Dent/ April 14 Henry George, son of Amos and Hannah Newberry April 14 Amos Newberry, son of Amos and Mary Lovell April 14 Harriett, daughter of George and Sarah Lett April 14 Percy James, son of James and Sarah Ann Caves April 14 Leonard, son of George and Mary Sharp. Marriages Emberton 1895 April 15 Robert Wotten and Alice West oOo June 1895 Emberton No article for Emberton June 1895 or Baptism, Marriages or Burials printed oOo July 1895 Emberton Holy Communion was celebrated on Whit Sunday at 8 a,m., also after morning service. Collections which amounted to £2. 8s were made in aid of the S.P.G. and in the evening the sermon was preached by the Rev. M. Josephs, Coloured Missionary. A very pretty anthem. “Let not your heart be troubled,” was nicely rendered by the choir, Miss Mynard and Mr. Mummery taking the treble and the bass solos. A very pleasant evening was spent on Whit Monday by the Members and Associates of the G .F.S. and other friends , in the rectory ground. Tea was generously provided by Mrs. Sams, after which Mrs. Mumby, of Turvey, kindly addressed the girls, and in a few well chosen words, pointed out the great need and blessing of helpfulness in daily life. A very pleasing incident here took place, in the presentation to Mrs. Mumby, of a very pretty bouquet by the two youngest members of this Branch, Bertha Paybody and Beatrice Richens. A small sale of work was also held, the articles, which were arranged on two stalls on the lawn, being principally made by the girls, and the proceeds which amounted to £4 7s, were given to the sick fund. We are sure that all who have in any way helped towards this very satisfactory result will feel greatly encouraged to renew the efforts for------ a good beneficial cause. The members of the Emberton Benefit Club held their annual service on Whit Tuesday, when the Rev. L. Wickham preached a simple and practical sermon, choosing as his text 1 Cor. Xii 12. The committee of the Technical Education met on Thursday, June 6, to decide what subjects should be chosen for the coming season. The following were suggested - Laundry Work, Home Sewing, Drawing, Carpentry and Wood Carving. Baptism Emberton 1895 June 2 Reginald Charles, son of Charles and Annie Mynard Marriage Emberton 1895 May 22 John Lett to Ada Gertrude Charlotte Davis June 3 Henry Sharp to Harriet West Burials Emberton 1895 June 12 Henry Cowper Delafield, aged 35 June 19 George West, aged 76 oOo August 1895 Emberton Sunday, July 7, being Feast Sunday, collections were made at both services in aid of the Sunday School Treat, which took place on Monday. The weather being most favourable , the children, teachers, and a good many other friends were conveyed in wagons and brakes to Weston Underwood. Tea was partaken of in the Wilderness, and thoroughly appreciated by everyone, after which all adjourned to the Park , where cricket, rounders and other games were enjoyed until 7.30, when a return was made to the conveyances, and the whole party arrived home well pleased with the afternoon’s outing. The marriage of Mr. Jessop Hulton with Miss Blanche Martin, of Brighton, gave an opportunity to the cottagers of Emberton to show their appreciation of the kindness they have received from him for the past eight years. A house to house collection was made by Mrs. T. Nicholls and Mrs. J. Howson, with the result that a very pretty sardine dish was bought and presented to Mr. and Mrs. Hulton in the Old School on Friday evening, July 12. Baptism Emberton 1895 July 7 Sidney John Thomas, son of Lewis and Melina Harris oOo September 1895 Emberton On Thursday, August 15th, a great many people of this village availed themselves of the opportunity of spending a very enjoyable afternoon in Gayhurst Park, which was en fête. oOo October 1895 Emberton No article for Emberton this month. Baptism Emberton 1895 Sept. 1 Constance May, daughter of Alfred Elizabeth Wilson Sept 1 John William, son of John and Harriet Bettley Burials Emberton 1895 Aug. 22 Edward Hobbs, aged 44 years oOo November 1895 Emberton The annual tea in connection with the Fishing Club took place on Wednesday, October 2, when about 40 members and friends sat down to a very substantial spread. After tea the prizes were distributed by the Rev. G. F. Sams. A night school is to be held during the winter by Mr. Mummery. A good many lads have already joined, and we have no doubt many others will avail themselves of this opportunity. The quarterly meeting of the G. F. S. was held on Tuesday, October 8, and plans were discussed of work that might be done during the long winter evenings for a little sale at Christmas, in aid of a deserving charity. No baptism, marriages or burials printed for Emberton this month oOo December 1895 Emberton A pleasing addition was made to the evening service on November 3, being the Sunday in the Octave of All Saints’ by the tuneful anthem, “Who are these that are arrayed in white robes,” which was well rendered by the choir. A Drawing Class is held in the Board Schools every Friday evening, at 6 o’clock. This class is free. Burials Emberton 1895 Nov. 16 Ann Minard, aged 83 oOo |