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Milton Keynes

transcribed by Ingrid Neale

January 1894 Milton Keynes

At the beginning of a New Year it is pleasant enough to get a hearty hand-shake, and a jolly “Happy New Year to you,” but it is often a mere stereotyped formula. We may wish each other worldly prosperity and happiness, and we do well, but it is better to echo the beautiful wish of S. John for his “well beloved Gauis,” “Beloved, I wish above all thing that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prosperth.” But what if the souls of our friends are not prospering ? There is much to grieve over in Milton Keynes, as there doubtless is in the neighbouring parishes. Shall we lay the blame of our carelessness and ungodliness upon other shoulders than our own ? We cannot do so. Whilst we have spiritual blessings all around us; whilst we have the free use of the Holy Scriptures; whilst we have the faithful preaching of the Everlasting Gospel; whilst we have all the ordinances and means of grace for our use without money and without price; whilst we have the strivings of the Spirit of God within us, do not let us cast blame upon any but ourselves if we are not walking in the way of Righteousness, but let it be remembered that for all our negligences and wilful ignorances God will bring us into judgment. “The year has gone beyond recall,” with all its burden of trials and troubles, and we have begun a new one. Shall it not be a better one with all of us ?

“Then onwards in thy pilgrimage,

And manfully thy warfare wage

With each besetting foe;

‘Tis thine to watch, and pray, and strive

Devotions flame to keep alive;

Nor dream of rest below”

During the past year the parish has lost three of its oldest inhabitants, and the place knows them no more. They were all three remarkable men, and will long be remembered. It is not for man to pronounce judgments. We committed their bodies to the ground “in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to Eternal Life,” and we pray that God will grant to them, as to ourselves, a merciful judgment at the last day. The other four burials were not those of old persons who had reached the allotted age of man, but those of younger people in their prime and prospect of life. God’s ways are not our ways and if we had been asked, we should surely have said, “Lord, we love them, let them stay,” but if we are Christians indeed we know that “the Lord doth nought amiss,” and we look forward to “that happy Easter morning when the graves their dead restore, and friends shall meet once more.”

There have been no marriages at Milton Keynes during the past year, a circumstance which has not happened since 1884 and 1885. As nothing spoils the life of man or woman more than a foolish marriage, perhaps it is wise to hesitate. Some marriages are “not in the Lord,” and the after effects are soon visible. But maidenly modesty is not a virtue which prevails largely in our country villages. From lack of sound Christian principle, and from want of self respect, too often characters are blasted and homes disgraced. It is a pity that the Tempter is not more often made to feel the disgrace and to share the burden.

The people of Milton will be sorry to hear that the eldest son of our excellent Squire is in jeopardy in South Africa where he is contending against the Matabele. When last heard of he was with Major Forbes’ column in pursuit of the King, and this small force appears to have been cut off from the main body of the Chartered Company’s troops. Tidings are awaited with anxiety, and when they arrive we fervently hope that no evil will be found to have overtaken Mr. Allen Finch.

Sergeant Clark, late of the Metropolitan Police, in which he served twenty five years, and now resident at Milton, has undertaken to give both religious and secular instruction twice a week to any young men and lads who care to present themselves. The Sergeant has already, “arrested” the attention of several who are anxious to improve themselves, and we greatly hope that his self-denying labours will be largely crowned with success.

On Friday, November 15, the annual entertainment given by the Teachers and Children of the Milton Keynes School took place. The entertainment was as entertaining as usual, and seems to have lost none of its popularity amongst the villagers. The entertainment was followed by a tea, at which no dispute could arise as to who took the “cake” or “carried off the bun.” We must once more congratulate the School-mistress upon the success of her exertions and express our wish that Her Majesty’s Inspector had been present to listen to the proceedings.

Baptism Milton Keynes 1894

Nov. 5 George Thomas, son of Thomas and Kate Waite

Nov 5 Caroline Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Caroline Clare

Strangely no sign of burials despite the deaths mentioned above


February 1894 Milton Keynes

The issue of the magazine of the first day of the month makes it impossible to publish the statement of Offertory Receipt and Disbursements for the past year before the appearance of the February number. It is pleasant to record that the sum total of receipts inclusive of balance from the preceding year, is higher that it has ever been since the present Rector succeeded to the Incumbency of the parish in 1880. It is evident that some of the Parishioners have not forgotten the duty and privilege of ministering to the necessities of the sick and needy “remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said that it is more blessed to give that to receive.” There are, however, not a few who by reason of their systematic absence from the House of God contribute nothing whatever, and know nothing about almsgiving, though very glad to receive assistance from the offertory fund when themselves sick. There is an unpleasant ring about this reproach, but if it goes home, so much the better. The Receipts amount to £23 17s 9d and three farthings; Disbursements £18 3s and 5d and a half penny; Balance in hand £4 14s 3d and a farthing. Of the Disbursements a sum of £10 6s 6d. Was dispensed to the sick and needy, and £7 16s 11d. Given to Church expenses and societies.

The peril of Mr. Allan Finch in Matabeleland has happily passed away, a telegram announcing his safety having been received. It appears that our Squire’s son and heir has been acting as Brigade Major to the force under Major Forbes, out of which the gallant, but unfortunate troop, completely wiped out by the Matabele warriors, was composed.

The Squire’s gift of coal was perhaps more than usually acceptable this Christmas, as it enabled the poor to tide over the exceptionally severe week of frost and snow with which the year opened. During the past disastrous coal strike we have had to put up with “such stuff” and “at such a price,” that we could hardly get our kettles to boil at all ; Squire Finch’s generosity, therefore, though furnishing less in bulk has furnished more in thanksgiving, and our hearts, as well as carcases, are the fuller in warmth. We might, however, have shivered still had Squire Finch’s truck remained at the remote railway station; we owe our thanks, therefore, also to those “ who sent their teams, and conveyed to our “barns,” free of cost, that which like tea, doth cheer but not inebriate.

We have been assured that one of the objects of the Parish Councils Bill , which may soon be passed into law, is to get rid of the tyranny of Squires, as well as Parsons. On reflection when we survey all that Squire Finch does for our little community in the shape of subscriptions to the School and Clothing Club, the Coal Gift, and in some cases a merely nominal cottage rental, it smacks of suicide to dream of “getting rid of such tyranny.” It will assuredly be a gruesome day for Old England when the voice of the Squire, like that of the turtle, “shall cease out of the land.” Of the “tyranny” of the Parson it is not meet to speak- “Their works do follow them.” We have only to look at Wavendon, Woughton, Walton, Newton Longville and other villages to know how tyranny is synonymous with “spending and being spent” for the inhabitants thereof. But at this period of the year the remembrance of the people of Milton Keynes may well be called to an anniversary which savours of oppression and wrong, terminated by the visition of God on January 30, 1880. The late Rev. John Neale Dalton for 22 years rector of Milton Keynes was a man who did not know what it was to say an unkind word or do an unkind action. It is a pleasure to record that the widow of this faithful servant of Jesus Christ is still in the enjoyment of good health, though advanced in years, and ever mindful of the people of Milton amongst who she so long resided.

The Scripture Union has been holding its annual festival under the guidance of Mrs. Oakley and the Hon. Mrs. Fiennes. After the tea there was an awakening of the echoes and a disturbing of the dust, such as betokened merriment of a very active character. The rewards of diligence fell to Harriet and May Savage, to Florence Harrup and Frances Peach, whilst others were not far behind in commendation. A short address by the rector brought this pleasing festival to a suitable conclusion.

It may be that some people have yet to discover the merits of campanology, but most of us like to keep us old customs and Bellring especially at Christmas time, is a very old custom. Once upon a time bell ringers were remunerated by the Church-wardens out of parish funds, but now there are no such funds, and Church-wardens themselves are obliged to be beggars. Our ringers naturally look for some acknowledgment of their services and we may therefore not be surprised if “the hat” is presented to us. Let us do what we can to fill it.

No baptisms, marriages or burials Milton Keynes 1894


March 1894 Milton Keynes

On February 1 the members of the Church Choir met together at the invitation of the Rector and the Hon. Mrs. Fiennes, to enjoy a social and festive evening. After supper a presentation was made to every member, and then “Bright youth and snow-crowned age, strong men and maidens meek” indulged in pleasing pastime, until it became scarcely possible to distinguish “t’other from which.” discord is happily unknown in the Milton Keynes Choir.

A coal club has been formed in the village, under the superintendence of Mr. W.D. Clark, which may prove of substantial benefit to the inhabitants. The weekly “Hundred” is by no means a cheap purchase, and is mostly inferior in quality, so the perseverance and sagacity of Mr. Clark is likely enough to create a revolution. Let not the weak-kneed be alarmed; the revolution will be quite bloodless. By judicious selection Mr. Clark will be able to procure direct from the colliery strong and durable “stuff” at a price well within the compass of the shortest purse, if only the colliers will be kind enough not to strike. The responsible duties of “Banker” to the club, have been undertaken, we hear, by Miss Chandler.

On Shrove Tuesday the Constitutional Club enjoyed its annual dinner. All the members were present, together with two or three guests. The presiding genius was Monsieur Tabac, who mingling with the melodies and curling among the speeches, made his presence everywhere searchingly felt. An old inhabitant, now gone to rest used to say, “I am beer’s master, but baccy is mine.” This may have been true, but it is not well to be in the power of anything fleshly.

Special services, without “strange” preachers, are being holden on the Wednesday evenings during Lent. So far the attendance has been fairly good, but it might easily be better. These services are not intended for those who have no need of the “cleansing Stream,” but they are times of real refreshing to these who in Penitence and Prayer are looking for the Pardoning Grace of the Great Absolver. Before the next issue of this Magazine the great Christian Festival of Easter will have come and gone. Upon the Easter Communion the Church lays great stress, but many so-called Christians none at all. May we not say to such, as the shipmaster to the slumbering Jonah, “What meanest thou, O Sleeper, arise and call upon thy God?”

No baptisms, marriages or burials in Milton Keynes in March.


April 1894 Milton Keynes

The parish is conservative enough to wish that no change should take place in the directory of the organ. Organic changes are seldom desirable where efficiency is acknowledged; but it is futile to kick against the goads, and it is with sorrow that we announce that the organ is no longer to be controlled by the hands which have hitherto been instrumental in drawing out its capabilities. Miss Payne has secured for herself the hearty goodwill of every member of the Choir, and it is with very great regret that they accept the necessity of parting imposed upon them by her approaching marriage.

As the provisions of the new Parish Councils Act do not immediately come into force, a vestry meeting has been called as usual and the necessary parochial officials have been appointed. The dangerous condition of the Broughton and Milton Bridge has been again under discussion, and the surveyors of the highways for this parish have been requested to approach the surveyors of Broughton once more with a view to a rebuilding of the Bridge. It should be understood that any difficulties and obstacles in the way of removing this eyesore and danger, so long a reproach to the parishes concerned, do not emanate from the Milton side of the dilapidated structure.

No baptisms, marriages or burials Milton Keynes 1894


May 1894 Milton Keynes

In the preceding number of this |Magazine was foreshadowed the approaching marriage of Miss. Ethel Payne, our valued organist. While rejoicing with her in her happiness, and wishing her all the joy and prosperity belonging to the “Holy Estate’” when entered upon discreetly and in the fear of God, we nevertheless cannot help feeling very sorry for the organ. However, there are still good fish in the sea, and with a little patience and practice Messrs. Nicholson and Brown, of Newport Pagnell, worthy young men, will be able to render the choir efficient assistance in this honourable work. For some years Miss. Payne has given her services, satisfied with the remuneration of our parochial gratitude. It was very right, therefore, that some acknowledgment of her united labours should be made at the juncture herein before indicated, and the parishioners,, together with the choir, have presented her with a handsome clock , bearing the following inscription:- “ Presented to Miss Ethel Payne on her marriage, by the choir and congregation of Milton Keynes Church, April 1894.” We venture to think that this memento of Milton gratitude and respect holds high place amongst the numerous and valuable marriage offerings. The wedding ceremony took place at Great Bourton Church, Oxfordshire, on Tuesday, April 10, and was performed by the Rector of Milton Keynes.

On April 2, the vestry meeting for the appointing of Churchwardens and transacting other parochial business, was held in the Schoolroom. Messrs Payne and Robert Taylor were re-appointed, and a vote of thanks accorded to them for past services.

The necessary expenses of Divine Service, together with any small repair off the fabric requiring to be done, and Fire Insurance, amount to at least £20 per annum. Collections for Church Expenses are made twice in the year, but these are ludicrously inadequate, and the burden mainly falls upon a very few shoulders. The parishioners are reminded that they cannot justly expect to enjoy the ordinances and means of grace without some cost to themselves. By the generosity of their forefathers, the ministrations of lawfully appointed clergyman are secured to them with “nothing to pay.” but churches and services entail expense, and it devolves upon all who love their old National Church, and enjoy her privileges, to maintain the fabric and defray the cost of Divine Worship conducted therein “decently and in order.” To the amount of annual expenditure indicated above must now be added payment of organist. This will be an additional source of anxiety to our respected churchwardens, unless the parishioners respond more freely than they have hitherto done, when the collecting plate is placed before them. It may not be out of place that they have not been called upon to contribute to the lighting of the Church, an item which is not included in the Churchwardens’ Accounts, and that for many years the Rectors have kept up the comely village graveyard at their sole expense. Disestablishment and Disendowment, if ever the people of England are insane enough to sanction it, will entail not only the maintenance of Churches and Divine Worship and Graveyards, but also the Ministers of Religion, who cannot live upon air any more that other people.

It has been determined to re-establish the Milton Keynes Cricket Club, and a meeting has been held to forward the project by framing rules and arranging matches with neighbouring clubs. Practice has already commenced upon ground calculated to wound and maim the unwary, but with the arrival of rain and roller, batsmen will be soon able to feel that that their noses are safe from fracture and their limbs from dislocation, and under the leadership of that old scientist, Mr.Caryl Fiennes, the M.K.C.C. will go forward, it is hoped, to victory. Underhand dealings are usually undesirable, but the cultivation of good underhand bowling will prove more effectual in village cricket than all the overhand, crooked nose-smashing projectiles which can be hurled from the muscular arms of the unscientific. Few of us desire a re-arrangement of our features, even if we have not been overmuch favoured by Nature; it must add greatly to the enjoyment of the noble game when no such risk is incurred, and when we can face the enemy with the almost certainty of being able to “hit him for six” without apprehension.

A visit from Mr. Price, the organizing visitor, is arranged, and we are sanguine that beneficial results will accrue therefrom. The Education Department is more exacting than ever, and both managers and teachers have to keep “their weather eye open” in order to cope with the demands and difficulties of their position. The hardly-earned grants of a few paltry pounds is deemed sufficient to create the right to enforce all kinds of demands, and to harry and worry those upon whom devolves the duty of carrying on the elementary education of the nation- Inspection is good, but the arbitrary exactions of the Department and its Inspectors are at times almost intolerable.

Marriages Milton Keynes 1894

April 10 At Great Bourton Oxfordshire, by the Hon and Rev. W.T. Fiennes, Rector of Milton Keynes. Ethel Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. John Payne to George youngest son of Mr. Robert Taylor.

Burials Milton Keynes 1894

April 11 George Rose, aged 77


June 1894 Milton Keynes

The prognostication of victories in the “game of cricket match,” which we ventured to utter in the preceding number , has not been realised, and we have to chronicle a sad defeat of the eleven Miltonians who stood up against Moulsoe on May 7, and again in the return match on May 21. An extenuating circumstance may, however, be found in the fact that on both occasions the giant Juggins gave his services to the Moulsoe men. Mr. Juggins, of Salford, in the adjoining County of Bedford, is a scientific batsman and bowler, and is well known in cricket circle as a “dangerous” man. It was therefore a little rough on the home team to incorporate this veteran cricketer into the opposition. We understand that a further trial of strength between the two clubs is in contemplation, and we may venture to hope that on the next occasion our Moulsoe friends will not have reason to crow quite so loudly.

The Rector’s name may be seen plentifully in the annals of cricket some 40 years ago, and he would still delight to take active part in the grand old National game, but for weighty reasons it seems better that he should survey from the shelf the doings of the Club, or at most render what service he can in the difficult position of umpire.

A match against Chicheley is arranged for June 9.

The Organising Visitor made an inspections of the School on May 7, and has reported very favourably of the progress and prospects. If H.M.I. takes as encouraging a view of our children’s attainments and capabilities as the O.V. has done, both Managers and Teachers will be able to rejoice together next July.

Major General Ruddle will appear shortly to test the proficiency in drawing of five little boys who labour in that subject, and possibly their labours may result in a net gain of ten shillings to the School Funds.

The Diocesan Inspector in Religious Knowledge and also intimated his intention to examine the children in June, and though success in this examination is far more remunerative than any other from the point of honour and glory, yet from the financial aspect it is quite unproductive, and the School Funds are not “a saxpunce,” the richer.

A meeting with reference to the future of Technical Education was held in the Schoolroom on April 27, after due notice. The attendance was limited, but we noticed amongst those present the Rector and the Hon. Mrs. Fiennes, Miss. Chandler, Mrs. Oakley, Mr. John Payne, Messrs. Thomas Green, Thomas Simms, Gregory Bird, Miss Harrup, and a few others. The three delegates chosen to attend meetings of the District Committee at Newport Pagnell were Messrs. Green and Simms, and the Hon. Mrs. Fiennes.

No baptisms, marriages, or burials in Milton Keynes.


July 1984 Milton Keynes

It pleased God to take unto Himself the soul of Ann Poulter, for many years a respected inhabitant of this parish, on June 16. The deceased bore a long and painful illness with great patience and conspicuous fortitude, and was interred in Milton Churchyard, on June 20. By her special request the hymn “For ever with the Lord” was sung by the choir, and several floral tributes of affection and regard were laid upon the coffin.

We are sorry to announce the approaching departure of our excellent Schoolmistress and Postmistress. Miss Harrup entered upon her duties at Milton Keynes eight years ago or more, and has devoted her energies very successfully to the educational improvement of the children of the village. The managers have made every effort to induce the Schoolmistress to reconsider her determination, but the prospect of a larger sphere of operations, and higher remuneration have proved too tempting, and it will be no surprise to the parishioners to hear that Miss Harrup and her sister have been “snapped up” already. The sisters, have moreover, been of great service as members of the Choir, and it will be difficult to fill the gap occasioned by their departure.

It is pleasurable to record that the home team gained victories over both Broughton and Chichley, in the matches recently played against those villages. Crawley and Woughton have yet to succumb, but the rapid approach of the hay season will make it impossible for a time for the Miltonians to pursue their victorious career further.

Meetings both in the towns and villages are likely to be held during the Summer and Autumn, to protest against the threatened spoliation of the Church in Wales. Certainly every Churchman, high or low, rich or poor, ought to take his part in resisting the shameful proposals of the Government, at the dictation of a few Welsh fanatics, and it is very much to be hoped, that the more religious minded in the Dissenting bodies will also make their influence felt in the same direction.

No baptisms, marriages, or burials Milton Keynes 1894


August 1894 Milton Keynes

The Reports of the various School Inspectors ought to be interesting to the parents of the children, and beyond them to the inhabitants of our villages generally. The subjoined testimonies are quiet satisfactory and creditable to both teachers and scholars. Major General Ruddell’s scrutiny reveals the fact that the Department of Science and Art has marked the School “excellent,” and the Diocesan Inspector, going more into details, observes:- “The children of this School have passed a very good examination, they answer intelligently and brightly, but I thought there was a slight falling off from two years ago. The passages of Holy Scripture and the Catechism were repeated correctly and reverently, and the written word was good. The

Bishop’s prize was given to Florence Harrup. I wish to commend Robert Clark and May Savage. I was much pleased with the Infants’ class, particularly Cyril Bird and Olive Clark.” These result have not been obtained without much patient and pleasurable toil on the part of the Teachers and it is hoped that their self-denying efforts to impart sound knowledge to the children is duly appreciated by the parents. Some children set a good example to their parents, but this is all “Upside Down;” it is not the due order of the relationship. In the Old Book it is written “Train up a child in the way he should go,” but sometimes it is left to a well-instructed and well ordered child to reverse the process and to show father and mother the way in which they should go.

An Anti-Disestablishment Meeting was held at the Rectory, on the afternoon of July 11, at which addresses were given by Mr. Anthony of the Church Defence Institution, the Revs. G. W. Pearse, D. Elsdale, and others, and a resolution of protest against the Bill, introduced into the House of Commons for “terminating the Establishment of the Church of England in Wales and Monmouthshire, and to make provision in respect of the temporalities thereof” was carried with enthusiasm. The meeting was well attended, and would have been largely so, had not a visitation of thunder and rain damped for moment the ardour of many who intended to be present. Protest and petitions are all very well so far as they go, but all who love the old National Church of the land, and have no mind to see her robbed and crippled, must not think that they have done all that is necessary in signing a petition or offering a protest which costs them nothing. There is a more practical way of bringing to nought the sacrilegious proposals such as the aforesaid miserable Bill discloses, and he is a sorry Churchman indeed who helps by his vote any Parliamentary Candidate who favours “Disestablishment.” To this Disestablishment Bill are attached the gravest issues, and therefore supineness amongst Churchmen in resisting it is not only culpable but disgraceful. Wolves have prowled around the National Church and snarled at her many a time throughout her long history. Shall English Churchmen throw this Welsh morsel a prey into their teeth, in the hope of buying off an attack upon themselves? To do so is to betray ignorance of the nature of wolves, and instincts of self-preservation alone should nerve even the weak-kneed to buckle on their armour.

The annual meeting and sale of work on behalf of the Church Zenana Missionary Society was held at the Rectory, on July 4. There was a fair attendance to listen to the stirring address of Mrs. Macdonald, and to enjoy the subsequent reflection. On the following day many articles of cunning device were laid out for sale in the schoolroom, on the supposition that many villagers would rush to assist the Zenana Mission by purchasing for themselves, or for their children heaps of low-priced treasures, but the ladies of the sale received only scant encouragement , and the bibs and tuckers have again been boxed. It may be that the Squire’s imminent rent audit obliged us to be cautious and prudent, still, perchance, we might have found a shilling or two of double usefulness, for ourselves primarily (not the best motive), and secondarily for the benefit of our sisters in India.

Baptism Milton Keynes 1894

June 18 George, son of Edmund and Emily Mead

July 15 Arthur Philip, son of Thomas and Sidney Hackett

Burials Milton Keynes 1894

June 20 Ann Poulter, aged 73

June 26 George Mead, aged 6 weeks.


September 1894 Milton Keynes

We are happy to announce that a very favourable Report upon the condition of the School has been received from H.M.I. “This little School continues in good general condition. The children are very well behaved, and do their work with accuracy and in very fair style. Their intelligence is improving, their answering in geography is fair; the girls sew nicely, and the note singing is fair.” Thus with equally good reports, as before chronicled, from the Diocesan and the Drawing Inspectors, Miss Harrup makes her exit from Milton Keynes amid a flourish of trumpets, and with great credit to herself. The Managers of the School and the inhabitants generally have desired to testify their appreciation of the services rendered by the outgoing schoolmistress by offering her some memento of their esteem, and a handsome watch has been presented to her. We hope that health, happiness, and success will attend Miss Harrup in the new sphere of operation which she has marked out for herself, and that she will secure in Kent the same good will and respect which has fallen to her lot in Buckinghamshire.

The Rector wishes again to call the attention of the parishioners to the state of some of the graves in our much admired churchyard. No expenditure on this score falls upon the parishioners, for the Rector esteems the labour of keeping “God’s acre” a labour of love; he feels therefore that he is entitled to expect that the surviving relatives of departed kinsmen will at least have some regard for their resting-places, and keep them free from unsightly weeds and noxious growths.

In a previous notice we remarked when chronicling the defeat of Broughton and Chicheley that Crawley and Woughton had yet to succumb to the prowess of the Milton Keynes eleven. The prophecy has been amply fulfilled, for both have gone down handsomely before the home team-indeed the Miltonians made an awful mess of Woughton; it might have been little short of a calamity had not rain put a stopper upon the proceedings somewhat prematurely.

Baptism 189 Milton Keynes 1894

July 29 Ethel Emily, daughter of William and Alice Howe

Aug. 12 Florence Mary, daughter of William and Kate Ann Clare

Aug. 12 Lilian Clare, daughter of James and Elizabeth Lane

Marriage Milton Keynes 1894

Aug 6 Thomas Hooton of Ravenstone to Marian Elizabeth Peach of Milton Keynes.


October 1894 Milton Keynes

The marriage of Miss Fiennes, only daughter of the Rector and the Hon. Mrs. Fiennes, with the Rev. Percy Allnutt, vicar of Holy Sepulchre, Cambridge, is fixed to take place at Milton Keynes, on S.Luke’s Day, October 18. Though much of the goodwill and affection of parishioners towards their lawfully-appointed ministers has in late years been undermined by the malice of political agitators, and the ignorance of foolish men, the Rector nevertheless feels sure that the sympathy and kindly feeling of the inhabitants of Milton Keynes will go out toward “these two persons,” and that the prayers of all their true friends will ascend to the Throne of Grace, that joined together in love, they may, by the blessing of God, pass through the consecrated life of responsibility and trial, to the more perfect union and greater joy of the Heavenly life. The festivities at the Rectory will, it is hoped, include a tea to the children, and a supper to the men and women of the village. It is the earnest desire of Mr. and Mrs. Fiennes that on this happy occasion, high and low, rich and poor should rejoice together.

The new schoolmistress, Miss E. Hollier, has come into residence at Milton Keynes, and the School has re-opened for work. The number of children on the books is sadly small, but this fact does not diminish the care and diligence needed in order to meet the requirements of an exacting Education Department.

It will be within the remembrance of the more ancient of the allotment holders that originally the rents were paid in five monthly instalments, viz., in April, May, June, July, and August. This was a wise provision, for the instalments were small, and the whole liability was fully discharged before the time came to gather in the produce. But the system has fallen into disuse, and now the tenants, with one or two exceptions, pay their rent just when it suits their convenience. The landlord wishes the allotment holders to take notice that, though he is quite willing to dispense with the old system of monthly instalments, he is not willing to sanction the new system of payment at convenience. In future the payment of these rents must be made not later than old Michaelmas Day. On that day Mr. Joseph Bird will sit at the receipt of custom, and the names of defaulters, if there are any, will be notified to the Rector for his consideration.

Before the issue of the November magazine, preliminary steps will have been taken for holding the first parish meeting under the new Parochial Councils Act. It is hoped that political considerations will be altogether left out of account in the endeavour to carry out this important Act, and that the parishioners will show their wisdom by electing the best men and women they can find to transact the business and fulfil the obligations imposed upon them. The Rector has no desire to put his name forward in connection with Parish Meetings or Councils, but he is ready to place his services at the disposal of the parishioners, should they be desirous of making use of them.

No baptism, marriages or burials Milton Keynes


November 1894 Milton Keynes

The chief interest in this village has been concentrated on the marriage of Miss. Fiennes, which took place on St. Luke’s Day, Oct.18. A full account of the proceedings has already appeared in the local papers, and there is therefore no need to recapitulate them in the magazine where the space is limited. In the display of presents from numerous relatives and friends received by the bride, one of exceptional interest was to be seen bearing the following inscription:- “Presented to Miss Fiennes, on the occasion of her marriage, by the Parishioners of Milton Keynes, October 1894.” This was a very handsome silver salver, a useful and beautiful article, which will serve to remind her throughout her married life of the kindness and goodwill of the people of Milton Keynes. We are commissioned to publish here the following appreciative acknowledgment of this specially acceptable offering:-

“Milton Keynes Rectory, Oct.17

My Dear Friends- The only way I can thank you all for your magnificent present to me is by writing a few words which you will be able to read for yourselves; I should have liked to thank each and all in person, but this is now impossible. I do thank you all most heartily for your kindness. The lovely salver you have given me will, I need hardly say, be very highly prized by me as a token of your goodwill no less for its beauty, and it is specially gratifying to me to know that I possess the affectionate wishes of you all for my happiness in my wedded life.”

As foreshadowed in the preceding number of this magazine, the Rector and Mrs. Fiennes invited the children of the village to tea, and the Parishioners generally to dinner, upon the day subsequent to the marriage. Both these functions were fully attended and the dinner tent presented a sight not readily to be forgotten when the guest were assembled and seated. The conspicuous success of the whole entertainment is largely due to the untiring exertions of Mrs. John Payne, Miss Tayler, Miss Balderson, Miss Cooke, Miss. Payne, Mrs. Waite, and other ladies, while prominent in masculine activity were Messrs. John Tayler, Dover, C. Fiennes, Payne, Waite, and Claridge..

The dinner was followed by an impromptu concert in the large schoolroom, the brunt of the entertainment falling upon the broad shoulders of Mr. Caryl Fiennes, whose comic talent is always highly appreciated. Mr. Gerald Fiennes, the Rev. T.M. Everett and the Rev. Maxwell Webb, all host in themselves, were unavoidably absent, but Mr. C. Fiennes was ably assisted in his endeavour to provide for the amusement of the villagers by Mr. W.J. Levi, Mr. Lionel Young, the Rev. Montagu Nepean, Miss Webb and others. The festivities came to a conclusion in the small hours of Saturday morning, after an enjoyable dance in which old and young engaged with marvellous agility. The Rector and Mrs. Fiennes take this opportunity of thanking all who have assisted them to make the marriage of their daughter not only a happy but also a memorable event. The withdrawal of an only daughter from her home partakes of the character of a light affliction, but in this it is a satisfaction to believe that the sympathies of those amongst whom it is the lot of her parents to live, have been fully afforded them.

Marriages Milton Keynes 1894

Oct. 18 Rev. Percy Riddell Allnutt to Winifred E.C.T.W. Fiennes


December 1894 Milton Keynes

Contemporary with the issue of this number of the Magazine will be the first "Parish Meeting," under the new Local Government Act. The question arises, " What shall we do ?" Advisers, good, bad, and indifferent, have been busy everywhere, and it remains to be seen which class of counsel commends itself to the minds of those entrusted with a privilege and power quite new to them. Advice, which may .certainly be deemed bad, has been given to a select few, with what motive it is not difficult to guess, to plunge the parishioners into the muddy waters of politics. If the new Parish Councils Act is to work well and without friction, and if it is to be the blessing which we are told it was meant to be to the dwellers in villages, we may be sure that this can only be secured by the harmonious working together of all classes, and the determination of each to carry out the Act in a conciliatory and friendly spirit for the good of all. It may safely be left to the good sense of our agricultural labourers to choose only those who they believe will honestly and faithfully exercise the powers conferred upon them as Parish -or District Councillors. It will be " following the thing that is good," if in exercising your privilege, you—1 Dismiss - all selfishness: 2 Disregard religious differences; 3 Discard political bias ; 4 Discount social inequalities. The present Government has undertaken to bring into Parliament a Bill for the temporal destruction (the spiritual being beyond their reach) of that portion of the National Church which has for centuries been rooted in Wales. Though primarily affecting a remote corner of this island, this iniquitous and scandalous Bill, if passed into law, will very speedily be followed by a similar experiment upon England itself ; therefore we are face to face with a crisis, and a possible disaster, the consequences of which must be overwhelming, and especially to the poor. The question again arises, •' What shall we do?" There is , but one answer, " Resist and reject this infamous measure to the utmost of your power." A petition against it will shortly go round for signature, and as nearly all in our parish signed the petition against the, Welsh Suspensory Bill, which was hurriedly withdrawn last year, so will nearly all without doubt be ready to sign the petition this year, praying " Your honourable House" to let 'the Church of England alone, whether in Wales or in England. But you must be again reminded that merely to sign a petition is very costless. If you really are determined that the old National Church which has been such a blessing to the people, shall not be robbed and crippled you must show that determination in the only, effectual way at your command, namely, by refusing to vote for any one, no matter who he may be, who declares himself in favour of Disestablishment and Disendowment. Not to do so, is to make yourselves partakers in a huge crime. It is no fault of the Church that she has to defend herself from political enemies. Being attacked it is the bounden duty of her sons to defend her. We know that it is not easy to overtake falsehoods when once they have got a good start. Many are floating about still which have been over and over again refuted, such for instance, as that the clergy are State paid, and that the Tithes were originally divided into three parts, and that the Clergy have filched from the poor the third part which belongs to them. But these statements are figments and falsehoods, for "no clergy of the Church of England, other than Government Chaplains, are paid salaries out of public funds." So said Mr. Gladstone ; and Bishop Stubbs says that "no tripartite division of tithes was ever adopted in England." “If there had been such a thing," says the late Professor Freeman, " I should have come across it in my researches somewhere," and Professor Stokes says, " I never heard of any such threefold division of tithes." This is the testimony of men who know what they write about in regard of English and Ecclesiastical History, and we are on safer ground in accepting their testimony.


January 1895 Milton Keynes

Our children have been singing very prettily the songs peculiar to Christmas. All well regulated composers of carols take care that “the Good Tidings of Great Joy” shall be the burden of their song, and the supreme thought and fact of the season ought not to be forgotten either by our carol singers, or those who listen to them. The social customs fastened upon the great Christian Festival have the effect with very many of crowding out higher thoughts, and better considerations. We wish each other “A Happy Christmas,” and a very good wish it is, but whether our Christmas is happy depends very much upon the way it is spent, and in what our idea of happiness consists. The pothouse Christian who spends his leisure in the settle of the alehouse, blowing his baccy before a comfortable fire, does not betray unhappiness, though he has neglected, it may be, every duty and obligation imposed upon him by the God who made him. No one, however, envies his “happiness.” Real happiness comes from quite another source, as he well knows. It is Christ in us, not outside, which gives Happiness.

But the New Year has come in, and the first number of the magazine may well be laden with good wishes. “We wish you good luck in the Name of the Lord.”- There are labourers in our midst who are “labouring only for the meat that perisheth There are careless women in our midst who “will not give ear unto my speech,” as the Prophet Isaiah says- What folly is this! At least let the New Year witness a new beginning, for the Day of privilege and opportunity is hastening to its close.

The burning subject of Foreign Missions has been brought before us both in sermons and meeting, but in this, as in other duties and privileges, some have taken, and will take no interest whatever. The sum of £4 1s 6d. Has been forwarded to the Treasurer of the S.P.G., as the outcome of our effort in this all important cause. It is a respectable sum as coming from a small and poor parish, but there is nothing to boast about.

We have been glad to notice that in spite of the bad advice plentifully given. December 4, passed off very comfortable in most of our villages. If in Milton Keynes the parochial electors at their first meeting got a little mixed, no harm has resulted from the mixture. Mr. Dover, having succumbed to the desire of the meeting that he should occupy “the chair,” performed the duties of that office with conspicuous good humour, but a good deal of light has yet to be thrown by someone upon the Parish Councils Act, before either the Chairman or the Electors will be able to see their way clear. The Rector “fancied himself” for the District Council, and so did the Overseer, and so did the defunct Guardian, and all three were nominated, but a show of hands revealed the wish of the electors present that the old Guardian should be resuscitated and re-appear with D.C. appended to his name. It only remained, therefore, that the two outcasts should perform the “happy despatch,” which they accordingly did with good grace in order to save the parish the expense of a poll. As the electors exhibited no desire to be burdened with a Parish Council, the Chairman closed the meeting amid a few interjections from one of the dissatisfied concerning the Earl of Nottingham’s Charity. With regard to this lucrative charity we may state that it is derived from a charge upon the Vicarage of Astwood, a benefice which furnishes an all too scanty subsistence for its worthy incumbent. Though the payment to Milton is only £2 per annum, it is nevertheless an impost which the vicars of Astwood regard with aversion. A few years ago a vicar incontinently kicked against the Milton goad, but a threat of County Court proceedings soon brought the malcontent Presbyter to his senses, and the payment is now made regularly upon application. In the year 1875 an order was made by the Charity Commissioners for the appointment of trustees, and the Rector, Churchwardens, and Overseers of the parish, and their successors for the time being, were so appointed. Whether this Charity is an Ecclesiastical or a Parochial Charity under the new Parish Councils Act, is for the Parish and its advisers to determine. For years the poor have had the benefit of education of their children-perhaps it could scarcely have been better disposed. All is well that ends well and so the ending of the first Parish Meeting without dissension augurs well for the future. The Parochial Electors dispersed sighing and sobbing “It’s all over anDover again,,” until the next time, when we shall see what we shall see.

No baptisms, marriages or burials Milton Keynes 1895


February 1895 Milton Keynes

For the edification of the parishioners, the following statement of the Offertory account it published:- Receipts, inclusive of balance from 1893, £23 5s 9d and three farthings. Disbursements, £14 1s 8 three farthing. During the past year the sum of £10 6s 6d has been dispensed to the sick and poor of Milton Keynes from this source. If the inhabitants of our villages are foolish enough to vote for Disestablishment and Disendowment, and the catastrophe should happen the amount of assistance to those in need will probably amount to £0 0s 0d.

Squire Finch has found himself constrained this year to reduce his coal gift by reason of the continued depression which has so long beclouded agriculture-but “Half a loaf is better than no bread,” and we may be thankful for mercies, however small, But things are getting worse all round, and there are rocks ahead for other classes besides landlords. If those who derive their living by agriculture, whether landlords, farmers, or labourers do not pull together, the outlook is hopeless, and an adjournment to “the dogs” is the only possible consequence. The Squire’s subscription to the Clothing Club has been received as usual, but even this may be withdrawn if “the times” do not improve.

The annual dinner of the Constitutional Club took place on January 10, under the presidency of the Rector. The weather was inclement, but the members spent a very pleasant evening notwithstanding, and faced the excellent viands placed before them with good effect. The difficulties of preparation and arrangement fell upon the ample shoulders of Messrs. John Fiennes and John Meadows, and it is needless to say that their efforts were highly appreciated.

The Parish has heard with deep regret of the death of Mr. Thomas York, sometime resident at Milton Keynes. Mr. York met with much agricultural disaster from flood and fluke while at Milton, and left the parish with the hope of securing better “luck” under the Earl of Dartmouth, near Olney; but the day of prosperity for farmers seems to have vanished, and we are afraid that our departed friend was unable to make good his losses. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. York and the family in their bereavement.

A Confirmation class for girls is being conducted at the Rectory, but some youths who ought to have presented themselves for instruction have apparently resolved to remain in ignorance. This is extremely discreditable, both to themselves and their parents, and, we may add, to their Godparents, who at their baptism were solemnly charged “to see that this infant be brought to the Bishop to be confirmed by him, so soon as he can say the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments in the common tongue, and be further instructed in the Church Catechism set forth for that purpose.” It is no matter of surprise that youths turn out Sabbath-breakers and foul mouthed, and wholly disreputable, when they have the example of careless parents before their eyes, and are out of all control so soon as ever they can scare birds and suck tobacco. With such, God’s Word is of as little value as man’s-nevertheless it is written, “Rejoice , O young man, in thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee unto judgment.” When our young men and village lads have sense enough to embrace the principle that “Tis only noble to be good !”

The Bells of our beautiful village Temple were ringing merrily the other evening, and people were asking “Why ?” It transpired that Miss Fiennes-we beg pardon- Mrs. Percy Allnutt- had arrived at the Rectory for the first time since her marriage. All friends at Milton hope that she may often reappear among them.

People are asking, when they may expect to see their church clock with a clean face and hands ?

No baptisms, marriage or burials Milton Keynes 1895


March 1895 Milton Keynes

The Milton Keynes Branch of the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, though no longer conjoined with Broughton, appears to be doing a very useful work, and may be justly commended. Numerous agencies for good are everywhere being carried on by the old National Church, but amongst them none are more worthy of support than the Z.M.S., which aims at elevating the position of the women of India, and bringing them to a knowledge of Christ, through the instrumentality of medical missionaries of their own sex. During the past year the sum of £15 10s 8d. has been collected by means of donations and sale of work, and forwarded to the Treasurer by the Hon. Mrs. Fiennes:- Mrs. R Graves Walker £2 Mrs. Allnutt £1, Mrs. Irving £1, Hon. Mrs. Fiennes 10s., Mrs. P. Butler 10s., Mrs. Littleboy 10s., Mrs. Benthall 5s., Mrs. Oakley 5s., Miss. Payne 5s., collection after meeting £2 7s 8d., sale of work £6 13s.

We cannot give our readers any account of the confirmation just being held by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese in Broughton Church , because the exigencies of our Editor and Printer require that all communications for the magazine should be in hand by the 20th of the month. Reading between the lines of the editorial note in the last number, it is not difficult to discern the tone of suppressed thunder, and it may be well not to invoke the fury of the elements by trespassing upon a patience hitherto conspicuously exercised. The candidates are commended to the blessing of God, and to the prayers of Christ’s people. That some may fall away is likely, but at least it may be hoped that hindrances to the living a Christian life may not proceed from parents and so-called friends, who, to hide their own negligences, are often forward in offering evil counsel.

“The weather” is a fertile topic of conversation at all times, and is not unknown amongst those who wield the pen, With some diffidence therefore we touch upon the trite subject, and congratulate the inhabitants of Milton Keynes that there has been no exceptional sickness and distress among them during the very severe and prolonged visitation of frost and snow. Mr. W. D. Clarke’s Coal Club has proved an invaluable comfort to those who have “looked ahead,” and secured for themselves a supply of the necessary material. It has been fortunate for all that another of those disastrous “strikes,” which produce misery and mischief all round, has not intervened to make our lives as uncomfortable as that of a Laplander. Milton Church is a lovely summer church in which we might sit for hours without inconvenience , but as a winter church-well the less we say the better. The “cauld blast” is at times terrific, and the bald head sadly retrospects the past when nature’s thatch furnished at least some protection against the penetrating gales. It may be suggested in view of winters to come, that the “great unthatched,” should provide for themselves skull caps which might at any rate go far to make the common saying an unreality, “I caught such a cold last Sunday at church.”

When two good-sized schoolrooms were erected wherein to educate the children of the village some thirty years ago, it did not come within the purview of the builders that a time would arrive when there should be hardly any children to educate. Yet so it is. A “baker’s dozen,” with a couple of babies thrown in, make up the sum total of disciples who sit at the feet of Miss. Hollier‘s feet. Like Christmas, one or two more will be coming, but how are we to deal with those scorpions, the Government Inspectors, or more ludicrous still, with the Major-General who will journey from Bedford to see whether a trio of boylets can draw straight lines ? And then, in regard of the inspection in Religious Knowledge, will not the countenance of our genial extractor fall when he perceives that the benches are almost empty, and that he must interrogate the shadow rather than the substance of the school ? Now would be the time to set up a school board with as many members as children, and to make the conscience clause a power to be reckoned with !

The association formed at the request of the Archbishop and Bishops in defence of the Church, now attacked by the Government in respect of its Welsh Dioceses, is very comprehensive, and embraces all classes and both sexes. Some sixty names are on the roll, and these can be easily supplemented. Though Disestablishment is mainly a question for the laity of the Church, the clergy will not be behindhand in their endeavour to expose the iniquity of the proposal, and they confidently hope that the people, and especially the poor, will do their utmost to resist a scheme of spoliation and injustice, which, if carried into law, must deal a terrible blow at the religious life of the nation.

Marriage Milton Keynes 1895

Dec. 12 Edmund Clare and Emma Baines, spinster late of Walton.


April 1895 Milton Keynes

The record for this month is of a sombre character, for it tells of bereavement and loss. Both the widow and son of the late respected Rector have joined the majority, and we have to mourn the departure from amongst us of Barnabas Hancock, our oldest man. “When the fruit is ripe, straightway he putteth forth the sickle, because the harvest is come.” Fifteen years have elapsed since the great sorrow of her life overtook Mrs. Dalton, and during that time she found herself unequal to the strain of revisiting the home and the friends amongst whom she spent so many years of usefulness; but the older inhabitants of the village were not forgetful of one who might well be termed “Dorcas,” and many of them testified their sorrow by following to the grave the remains of their departed friend. To Mrs. Dalton’s energy and taste is largely due to the pleasing aspect of our much admired churchyard. Many a day has she spent in the sacred enclosure lovingly caring for “the unforgotten that rest in its hallowed bounds.” Her body now rests in peace amongst them “until the Day dawns.” Barnabas Hancock was a man who “studied to be quiet, and to do his own business.” The voice of the slanderer is hushed concerning his memory; he had attained the fourscore years to which the Psalmist attaches “labour and sorrow,” but after a sharp and short battle with the last enemy, this has been exchanged for rest and joy.

Sickness is everywhere prevalent, and some in Milton Keynes are “down” with the epidemic, of which all that can be said is that it is “in the air.” Whooping cough is also causing tribulation amongst the children. Thus the erudition of Miss. Bartlett, who is technically educating on Sick Nursing, may be of timely service. It is never too late to learn, and it is “summut” if we can be taught how to mix a poultice, or to adjust a sheet; but why Technical Education should go in the female line, and the unlearned male be left out in the cold is not easily discernible. The “head of the woman” has been instructed, we believe, in the manners and customs of the lively bee, but, beyond this, he has not had much opportunity given him of diving into occult sciences. It might be of manifest advantage if our young “Californian” farmers were instructed how to make the most of an Allotment without impoverishing the soil and the landlord. We often get nothing off the land because we entertain an exaggerated view of the value of a barrow-load of ashes. Those who will take Mr. Edmund Clare into their confidence will find that he attaches considerable importance to keeping the land clean and putting plenty of suet into the pudding.

On Shrove Tuesday a pleasant tea party of Day and Sunday School children was held in the Schoolroom, from which none were sent empty away. The Hon. Mrs. Fiennes, Mrs. John Tayler, Miss Payne, and others took part in the proceedings, and contributed to the happiness of the evening by joining in the games, and developing the mysteries of a huge bran pie.

Special Services are being held in the Parish Church on Wednesday, evenings, as heretofore, during Lent. A “smart few” are not availing themselves of the privilege, but it has not yet occurred to many that they have any special need of penitence and prayer.

The petition to the House of Commons against the Bill for the spoilation of the Church in Wales is going round, and is being extensively signed. People are asking “What possible advantage can the Disestablishment and Disendowment of the old Church of the nation be to any one ?”

Burials Milton Keynes 1895

Mar. 2. Benjamin Nicholls Dalton , aged 46

Mar. 7 Eliza Maria Dalton, aged 87

Mar. 12 Barnabas Hancock, aged 80


May 1895 Milton Keynes

The Petition from the inhabitants of Milton Keynes against the Bill of the Government for the destruction of the National Church in Wales received one hundred signatures, and might have received more. The Bill, with all its unrighteous provisions, has been read a second time in the House of Commons, the whole body of Irish Roman Catholic Members voting for it in fulfilment of the compact made with Welsh malcontents. Amongst the minority of English Members voting for the Spoilation of the Church, of which he is not a son, the name of Mr. Leon is to be found, and it should be well noted, especially by those who signed the Petition, that the Member for North Bucks is feverishly anxious to deprive his constituents of spiritual privileges of which he is not himself a partaker. The Liberation Society has openly declared that the attack now made upon the Church in Wales is only preliminary to a like attack upon the Church of England. But this will not be just yet - in the meantime Churchmen, amongst others, will have every reason to thank God that we have a House of Lords. It is pleasant to record that only one inhabitant of Milton Keynes amongst those to whom the Petition was presented, gained the unenviable notoriety of having refused to sign it.

On the Queen of Festivals the Services were bright and hearty, and the congregations good. Fifty - two communicants were obedient to the monition of the Church, which prescribes as a minimum of Christian’s duty that he “should communicate at the least three times in the year, of which Easter is to be one.” If three times is the minimum, what is to be said of the conception of Christian duty and privilege which attaches no importance to any appearance at the Lord’s Table from one year’s end to the other, or indeed during the whole course of life from beginning to end ?

The annual Easter Vestry meeting was held in the Schoolroom, on Easter Monday, at 7 p.m., when the Churchwardens’ Accounts were reviewed, and the expenditure sanctioned. It is hoped the Parishioners will recognise the necessity, as well as the privilege of contributing liberally towards the expenses which are involved in the repairing of the fabric, and in the maintaining of the services of the Church year by year. The authoritative statement that “It is more blessed to give than to receive “seems hardly credited by some to whom the Bible is certainly not a sealed book. Every man should bear his own share of the- well, not burden, but privilege and happiness.

Mr. John Payne was again elected to the honourable office of Churchwarden for the Parishioners, and Mr. Robert Tayler accepted office as Rector’s Warden, thanks being accorded to both gentlemen for their past services.

Miss Hollier has signified her wish to retire from the position of schoolmistress to no school, but will remain until the time when schools with scholars usually break up for the harvest holidays. Under the exceptional circumstances of the juvenile world for the present at Milton Keynes it may be well to consider the propriety of joining hands with Broughton, Willen, and Woolstone for a time. If the Walton babies can march day by day to Wavendon, it would seem no great hardship to send our own to Broughton in search of education. We shall see- this is an age of surprises. Of course Broughton might decline the honour, and who would clamour for coercion ?

The mighty tempest which was stirred up round about us a few Sundays ago has shorn the village of its chief beauty. Several fine old elms succumbed to the violence of the gale, and if no longer ornamental, will be useful to somebody. “It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good,” and our brick-layers, carpenters, and thatchers are having a fine old time just now. On the other hand, our amiable Squire finds no good cause of rejoicing.

On Easter Monday some of the hardy - we must not say foolhardy - partook of the game of “cricket match” in Bowling Leys. The Messrs Fiennes undertook very incautiously to tackle the rest of the venturesome in the teeth of a bitter north-easter, and suffered signal defeat for their temerity. Tertullus Farrer, Esq., of Lincoln’s Inn, was too powerful for words, and smote the rolling sphere with such might that he amassed half a hundred notches in the twinkling of an eye. If this gentleman was not so heavily engaged in amassing something more valuable than notches, we might hear of him as a caution to feeble bowlers on less obscure grounds than that of Milton Keynes.
By the demise of Thomas Lewis, on April 18, the Parish has lost another of its ancient men and most respected inhabitants.

Despite the above sentence on burials, marriages or baptisms were printed.


June 1895 Milton Keynes

Whoever writes the “Chronicles of Milton Keynes” will not be weighed down by the quantity or quality of the matter which he undertakes to purvey to prosperity. But as in the “pink mixture” of 1893, or the “senna tea,” of 1894, so in the “blue pill” of the present year, we may find something good to swallow, even though at times we may find it a wee bit distasteful.
(This refers to the colour used in the magazine, the colour changes each year. There was obviously another issue in 1893)

It will be, for instance, good for some to read here a reproof for their neglect of Ascension Day, a neglect which is unbecoming to Christians. No doubt we have very much to do, for we live in a busy age but if we should say that we cannot give one hour, when called to prayer and praise on the evening of Ascension Day, it does not say much for our devotion any more than it does for our truthfulness.

Actually ! A meeting is convened to discuss once more the scandalous condition known as the Broughton Bridge. Neighbour Whiting’s traction engine “ran amuck” at it some years ago and left it little better than Pons Asinorium for the wayfarer - but these days of County Councils ,District Council, Parish Councils for everybody and nobody. Enlightened bodies of this kind will no longer be suffered to sleep the sleep of the just, or to imperil further the neck of the public in order to save their own well lined pocket. Well we have wriggled out of our responsibility until now, and we possess a certain amount of virtuous satisfaction in the knowledge that the chief blame lies upon Broughton, but “something” is to be done at last. It will be a costly “something,” but we are all so full of cash that the cost is quite a secondary consideration. At any rate there will be nor more dangerous cavities in the bridge, and the wayfarer of the future will have no reason to reproach himself by complaining that he has “put his foot into it.”

On May 13th the little choir of Milton Keynes deserted the flowers and the nightingales, and the fresh air of their native parish, and plunged into the smoke and smells, and turmoil of the great metropolis. London however, looked quite at its best as the children in charge of Miss Hollier, emerged from the train, and were quickly on their way to the Zoological Gardens. Whatever impression upon paper lions and tigers, elephants, and hippopotami may make upon the juvenile mind, there was something more substantial than paper, and huge beasts of all descriptions became no longer a vain imagination, but a formidable reality, with the smaller animals, the birds, the reptiles and the monkeys so painfully human. One of these might good to remain a memento of Milton Keynes by abstracting from the hat of an unwatchful vocalist a spray of artificial flowers, which were wobbling gracefully within reach. It was an unwarranted outrage, but the victim scarcely enjoyed the joke as much as the pilferer, who thus obtained an illicit and indigestible breakfast. After dinner, a stroll across the Park and a squint at London from the top of a “bus” bought the party to Westminster, and from thence by steamboat to London Bridge. The Tower of London is always an object of interest, because of its historical associations, and here the Miltonians fell in with Mr. G. Fiennes and a party of Eastenders, who under the guidance of a Beefeater, were about to augment their stock of knowledge. These “Beefeaters” are worthy warriors who have served their countries well, and who, like the rest of us, eat as much beef as they can get and no more; but they are objects of interest, amongst other things because of the quaintness of their costume. Our “Beefeater” was as quaint in speech as in appearance, and he had evidently consumed his bull’s flesh to some purpose, for the amplitude of his historical knowledge was startling, and the tales that he told sparkled with flashes of genuine humour. Perhaps his discourse was too deep and too copious for our rural intellect, but whatever we were able to grasp must at least make us thankful that our lot is cast in happier times than those in which “the Tower” figured more prominently than it does now. The Stygian darkness of the dungeons was appalling, and the jostling of the Eastenders contributed not a little to the consternation of those of us who were not quite right in our knees and nerves. Tea, not without jam, was served at Euston, and after a visit to the shops in the Tottenham Court Road a pleasurable day’s holiday came to an end, and the little company returned to their village homes delighted with their trip and grateful to those who had provided for them.

Baptism Milton Keynes 1895

April 28 William Norman, son of Thomas and Kate Waite

Burials Milton Keynes 1895

April 21 Thomas Lewis, aged 62


July 1895 Milton Keynes

No Milton Keynes account and no pages missing for July but the Editor says at the start of July, “The Editor asks to be excused for delay and errors in this issue-as he has been called to the Funeral of a relation.” No births, marriages or burial for Milton Keynes amongst the announcements at the end of the July magazine either. Several other parishes missing for this publication. Also the Rector of Milton Keynes mentions the omission below.


August 1895 Milton Keynes

It is well that those who give their services “free gratis, and for nothing,” to good works, should at least be “acknowledged,” and upon this principle the male members of the choir enjoyed an expedition to Cambridge on June 11. There is much to see both at Cambridge and at Oxford for all who are able to look beyond their noses. Those ancient Colleges have an undeniable attraction, though in all probability the eye of the modern despoiler is upon them, as it is upon other of the splendid institutions which have been handed down to us by our forefathers. It is pleasing to record, that the expeditionary from |Milton Keynes thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed all they saw at Cambridge, and it must be added that the kindness and generous hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Allnutt, who devoted themselves all day to the happiness and comfort of their guests, contributed mainly to the complete success of this memorable holiday. If this should meet their eye, we hope that they will accept the grateful thanks of every member of the party. No choir in England is superior to that of King’s College, Cambridge; it was a rare treat therefore to attend the chapel service before the return journey, and to note what can be done by a highly trained choir, without instrumental aid of any kind. We venture to think that attendance at this beautiful service was not the least enjoyable part of the holiday, and if Milton Keynes choir is not quite up to King’s College mark, it is, at any rate, not too proud to learn, and we hope will learn so to improve itself, that it may be second to none of its village neighbours in efficiency of service , and in reverence of conduct.

The above , with some other matter of interest, would have appeared in the July number of this magazine, but were excluded by misadventure.

All the school examinations are now over, but at resent no reports have come to hand. We believe, however, that in every case they are favourable, and reflect credit upon Miss Hollies whose departure from amongst us, is unhappily imminent. The harvest holidays will begin earlier than usual this year is not favourable received, but objections come with bad grace from those who pay nothing towards its support, and there think they have special right to grumble.

The marriage of Mr. Alberic Fiennes with Miss Gertrude Colley is to take place in October. We might like to have another “do” at Milton Keynes, but on this occasion the nuptial ceremony and festivities will be transferred to Ireland, where the bride elect resides, and all we shall have to do will be to wish the happy pair long life and great prosperity.

No baptisms, marriages or burials Milton Keynes 1895


September 1895 Milton Keynes

In the previous issue it was intimated that though the various reports of the divers Inspectors had not then come to hand, there was reason to anticipate that their favourable “eye” had been caught. This forecast has been duly verified, and though perchance the readers of this Magazine are somewhat jaded of school reports, it must be borne in mind that local interest, and especially that off parents attaches to them, so that a parochial record would be incomplete without such insertion. What is the judgment of the Major General upon the doings of School Number 17277 examined in drawing on June 19 ? He declares the work to be “Good” - though Standard 111 is labelled “rather weak.” As the three Standards contained one boy in each, the “weakness” of Standard 111. Becomes rather personal, but those who know Standard 111. Know him to be a bird of promise, who some day will have no difficulty in flying to the top of the educational tree. But what is the opinion of the Diocesan Inspector who tested the religious knowledge of the school on July 17 ? It appears as follow, “Again I have much pleasure in sending a most favourable report of your school in regard to all the work which the children had prepared for examination,- The greatest pains had evidently been taken in the teaching, and the work was consequently most thorough. I was especially pleased with the Infants. Every child did well, but I wish particularly to commend in Class 1., Sarah Howe, to whom I gave the Bishop’s prize, also Ernest Clarke and Emily Savage who both passed a very good examination. In Class 11., Nellie Bird, Olive Clarke, Norah White and Millicent Peach.” How much of this success is due to parental exertion ? “It is not the will of Our Father which is in Heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.” If this is so, then parents must help Pastors and Teachers to train them in the way they should go. Clergymen and Schoolmasters are poor substitutes for home training.- We may be very thankful for schools and specially Sunday Schools. Thousands of little children in Christian England are gathered together for religious instruction on the Lord’s Day, both in school and in Church, while the great bulk of their parents, like Gallio, “care for none of these things.” This is an unpleasant truth. If the cap fits any parent let him wear it. You take marvellous care of your child’s outward body, why should you neglect its inward life ? Does it show Love to leave to chance, or to others, the all important training of the inward life ? But though efficiency of religious knowledge is supreme in its importance, and the report of the Diocesan Inspector correspondingly valuable, we do not underrate the importance of secular knowledge and of a satisfactory report from the officials of the Education Department. What is the result of the scrutiny which Her Majesty’s Inspector has just made ? “The School is quite a good one. The children’s work is nicely done, and they are intelligent and orderly.” What could be better ? Then follows something which will in future constitute the “covetousness” of managers and teachers. “My Lords have sanctioned , on the special recommendation of Her Majesty’s Inspector , the omission of the annual inspection of your school in July 1896.” All this affords a reasonable ground for jubilation, and it indicates that Miss Hollier , who of course in some measure entered into the labours of her predecessor , is a valuable Schoolmistress, and it is a matter of regret that she has thought well to sever her connection with Milton Keynes, and the scholars who have acquitted themselves so well under her guidance.

The harvest in North Bucks is not said to be “plenteous,” but we hope will turn out better than expected. In Yorkshire, and other counties where rain has fallen more copiously, there seems less reason for despondency . It is hoped that the new Government will be able to do something for Agriculture which remains still in the depths of depression. Mr. Walter Long, the President of the Board, is credited with good desires, but how far these can be galvanized into practice for the advantage of all concerned, no one can say. The farmers have waited “Long” for better times, their faces have grown longer and longer, but - “It’s a long lane with no turning.” Anyhow, we look with confidence to Walter Long at the Board of Agriculture, and “Walter” long for North Bucks.

The Allotment Rents are due, and must be paid on or before the 29th of September. As the present year is more or less unfavourable to Agriculture, Mr. Bird will be instructed to return 10 per cent to all who pay their rent at the time specified.

No baptisms, marriages or burials Milton Keynes 1895


October 1895 Milton Keynes

No October 1895
Note from the Editor at the start of October. “The Editor will be grateful if Correspondents will send him their Communications by the 20th of Each Month.” also “ Our Coloured Paper has been objected to by one of our contributors. But, as white was abolished in accordance with the wish of several good friends, we shall be glad to know the minds of our readers, if the clergy of each parish will be good enough to write to the Editor on behalf of their own constituents. We should also be grateful for any suggestions, which might be carried out as improvements during the coming year.

No baptisms, marriages or burials for Milton Keynes 1895


November 1896 Milton Keynes

School operations are once more in full swing under the guidance of Mrs. Rix, who has taken up the work relinquished by Miss Hollier. The number of children under instruction has slightly increased, and we may hope that the season of Juvenile depression at Milton Keynes has passed away. The important duties of the Post Office are being efficiently discharged by Mr. Rix, whose chief complaint is that they tax his energies too little. It may be, however, that a large extension of the telegraph and telephone systems to our country village is already under process of incubation by the Postal authorities; if so Mr. Rix has a lively prospect of increased remuneration , for at present our rural officials are sadly underpaid.

It was well that her Majesty the Queen did not come down to re-open the Broughton and Milton Bridge, lately rebuilt with much expenditure by the two parishes, assisted by the landowners and County Council. Someone of course had blundered, and a reconstruction became necessary at further cost to someone. The bridge, which is a great improvement upon the old structure, is now believed to be safe for bicycles and donkey-carts, but steam engines should be well insured.

These are days of strikes, in fact striking times. As a rule all strikes are much to be deprecated because the misery which follows in their train, but the parishioners of Milton Keynes very much wish that their church clock would strike. No one knows when to have his “baver,” or go home to roost, or what time to time to wake up the churchwardens.

The marriage of Mr. Alberic Fiennes with Miss Gertrude Colley took place at Clontarf, near Dublin, on October 9. Owing to recent bereavements in both families, he immediate relatives only were present at the ceremony as invited guest, though the spectators were many. The bride and bridegroom are spending their honeymoon at Bowen’s Court, in the County Cork, before proceeding to their new home in Queen’s Club Gardens, West Kensington.

Owing to the Rector’s absence in Ireland, he is unable to forward to the Editor for insertion in the present number of this Magazine a record of marriages and deaths during the last quarter, but these will appear in next issue.

No baptisms, marriages or burials printed for Milton Keynes , November 1895.


Milton Keynes 1895 December

The Day of Intercession for Missions has again come round, and those amongst us who believe in the command of our Lord to “ Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature,” will have met together for Intercessory Prayer, in obedience to the recommendation of the authorities of the Church. Prayer is one of the ways by which every Christian, whether poor or rich, can contribute towards the success of Missionary work, and it is needless to point out here how very unworthy of the Christian profession is that man or that woman who cannot find time, or who has not the will, to help on the Lord’s work in a simple and dutiful a manner. Our annual sermons on behalf of the S.P.G. will be preached on on Sunday in Advent, when the cause will be pleaded by the Rural Dean. Who is there amongst us, that will not give willingly, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said. “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Now that the Advent season has commenced, and with it another round of Christian seasons, of fasts, and festivals, might not some who “Doant go to Church ‘cause thye dunnot see the good, and yet are not so sartain they would go there if they could” pause for a moment, and ask themselves whether it is not “high time to awake out of sleep ?” The day of privilege and opportunity goeth away, and the shadows of evening are stretched out. What of the night ? Negligences will have to be answered for , and hollow excuses will be as a bag of holes. “Take heed ye unwise among the people.” Delays are ever dangerous. Some who ought to be pillars of the Church prefer to be buttresses, supporting it from the outside and not very reliable buttresses either. Is the English race become degenerate ? It almost seems so, for thousands never enter any place of worship from one year’s end to another , and yet it has been said. “An English man of all others ought to echo the words of David, ‘Lord, I have loved the habitation of Thy House, and the place wher Thine honour dwells.’ ”

“Marriage is honourable in all,” says an apostle. Why then should not a respectable couple be joined together in marriage without being subjected to a species of horseplay on the part of ribald youths who ought to know better, and who probably hope to get married themselves someday ? Custom we know sanctions the playful casting of rice, and sometimes slippers, after a newly-wedded pair, but it is sheer rudeness for youths to indulge in vulgar chaff, and behave in an unseemly manner towards those who have pledged their troth either to other in the House of God. It is very much to be hoped that our youngsters will behave themselves in a more seemly manner in future, and not bring discredit on their native village.

The frivolous burglar seems to be disporting himself about the neighbourhood lately, and the police have warned householders to keep an eye open. It is manifest therefore that we wish to retain our pewters and Waterburys for our own use, we must hold ourselves in readiness. Some of us have watchdogs as well as watch chains, but there may be need to employ the all-embracing blunderbuss should any of the light-fingered gentry think well to disturb the peacefulness of our dreams. Our rural police have large hearts but larger feet, and it is to be feared that they may not be able to cope successfully with any nimble-footed and lynx-eyed unbeliever in the Eighth Commandment.

District Councillors “sit” somewhere, like good old hens, and of course are expected to hatch something sooner or later. Milton Keynes has its own valuable and unwearied D.C., to whom it looks up confidingly, but beyond the reduction to the appearance of shaving brushes of the roadside trees, and the depositing of some heaps of unsavoury slag, there is little evidence of the existence of a District Council. And yet it is overwhelmed with work of every description, like the “Parish Meeting.” Could not our own D.C. prevail upon the Highways Committee to discontinue the use of slag ? It is an unprofitable material for roads, that is, as some men count slagness, being easily pulverised, and withal unpleasantly “smellie.” But on the other hand. It furnishes the D.C. men with the amusement of scraping it off again at the expense of the ratepayers.

Our respected M.P. appears very anxious to avoid the error of his predecessor who prescribed for his constituents an unsatisfactory diet of empty promises. Conferences of farmers, we hear, are being held in the constituency and conferences of labourers are to be held with a view to seeing what, if anything, can be done to improve the sad condition into which the agricultural interest of the country has fallen. If our English farmers cannot grow wheat at remunerative prices, it is high time that something was done to enable them so to do. Are we to be ever enriching the foreigner at the expense of our own industries, even though we may get a cheap loaf manufactured for inferior stuff ?” Free trade we have never had: Fair trade we ought to have, and that speedily.

Baptism Milton Keynes 1895

June 10 Ivy Jessie, daughter of Samuel and Jessie Antonia Coleridge (privately)

Marriages Milton Keynes 1895

Sept . 30. Joseph Litchfield, of Rishton, Lancashire and Ellen Hartup, of Milton Keynes

Nov. 9 James Leasch and Ellen Eales

Burials Milton Keynes 1895

July 24 John Hartup, aged 77
