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transcribed by Ingrid Neale January 1894 Moulsoe (The Rector of Moulsoe is also the editor of the Parish Magazine) No article for Moulsoe printed this month. Burials Moulsoe 1894 Dec 18 Robert King, aged 65 oOo February 1894 Moulsoe The New Year dawned upon our parish through a cloud-the Influenze; but although we are not all quite well, yet our homes are more cheerful. We spent what the world would call a dull Christmas, but we prefer to call a quiet one.. And now the early Lent has overshadowed us- in timely preparation for the brightness of Easter, which falls as soon as Lady Day. Our Lent Services will be as follows:- Sunday mornings a course of Sermons on Characters in the Old Testament Lessons. Friday, 11.30 a.m.., The Way of the Cross 7 p.m. Sermons on Characters of the Cross, by different preachers. The subjects of each Friday Sermons, together with the text, will be found in the Porch, and we trust that they will be considered before they are delivered, by Congregation as well as Preachers. Should not the people prepare themselves to hear the Word of God as much as the minister to utter it ? Our ‘Lent Savings’ this year will be given towards Soup Kitchen and Children’s Dinners in the parish of S. Luke’s, Victoria Docks, one of the most destitute districts of London. Our Children’s Lent Savings will be given, as usual for the maintenance of their Little Indian godchild and will be given, we think , even more willingly and gladly than ever: For the Children’s Christmas has been as cheerful as ever. The Influenza has hardly touched them, and they enjoyed their Holiday Club, and their New Year Party and Gifts. We understand that our gay old folks do not mean to miss their own amusements but intend to keep their Christmas gaieties at Easter. But no Easter can be happy unless it has been preceded by a Good Lent. No baptisms, marriages, or burials printed for this month. oOo (Printed at the start of the March magazine) oOo March 1894 Moulsoe Lent is passing onward into Passiontide, and before another month’s Magazine is in our hands . Easter will have dawned upon us. The Paschal Moon falls upon the earliest possible day- the 21st of March, Wednesday in Holy Week. If the 22nd had been a Sunday, then Easter Day would also have fallen on the earliest possible day-the 22nd of March. As it is, Lady Day receives Easter Day-the Incarnation and Resurrection are commemorated together, although according to ancient rule the Services of the Annunciation are transferred to the first vacant day- ie., beyond the Eater Octave, to Monday after Low Sunday. But before our Greatest Feast Day we must keep our Greatest Fast day. The Good Friday Services will be as in former years:- 8 a.m. - The Litany, with Meditation On Maundy Thursday there will be a Service of Preparations for Easter Communion at 7 p.m. The Celebration of Holy Communion on Easter Day will be No baptisms, marriages or burials for Moulsoe 1894 oOo A kind and valued contributor to our cover has suggested that a Calendar might be useful to our Subscribers. Perhaps our respective parishes might wish here to chronicle coming events in their Churches, oOo April 1894 Moulsoe Our parishioners, who attended our Friday Lenten Services in good numbers will be glad to preserve a record of the subjects and the kind preachers:- General Subject, Characters at the Cross. This is a month of Examinations. April 11, The Diocesan Inspection in Religious Knowledge. April -4, Government Examination of Pupil Teachers, and at some date unknown -The Drawing Inspector’s visit; while also Mr. Price , the Organizing Visitor, will pay us his friendly and helpful visit, in anticipation of that of Her Majesty’s Inspector in May. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Moulsoe 1894 oOo May 1894 Moulsoe Good Friday and Easter Day have come and gone, but we trust they have left a mark of grace upon the souls of some of our people. And now we are preparing for Ascension and Whitsuntide. The Open-air Prayer Service will have been offered on the first of the three Rogation Days (April 30), unless it should have been wet, in which case it would be deferred till May 1: and, should that be also wet, it will be held , wet or dry, on the last day (Ascension Eve). Ascension Day will, we trust, dawn fine and bright for the 5 a.m., celebration of the Holy Communion. At this early Act of Worship of our Crowned King, most of our communicants, men as well as women, might be present, but for those unable to come, a celebration at 7.30 a.m. the following day will be provided.. To dignify this great, but neglected Feast, there will be , in addition to Holy Eucharist, Mattins at 10, Children’s Service at 11.30, and Choral Evensong with Flower Service at 7.30. The last great Feast of Whit -sun-day will sanctify our holidays and summer gaieties. The Schools at that period will be grateful for repose, not from their daily work, which is always delightful to children, and perhaps still more to parents, but from the incursion of examinations, four of which are upon us,. From the Organizing Visitor, the Diocesan Inspector, the Drawing Examiner and last, but most terrible, the Government Inspector. The Report of the Bishop’s Diocesan Inspector is a very kind one,- “ I have much pleasure in again testifying to the excellent examination which the children passed in all the classes. It is evident that the greatest care and interest are taken by the Rector and the teachers in the Religious Education of the School. The two children who answered best are Henry Dancer and Annie Laurence. They were afterwards privately examined and the prize was awarded to H. Dancer. Where many answered so well, it is difficult to discriminate, but I wish to commend Lily Shaylor in the second group, and M. J. White, Ethel Farmer, and Dora Webb among the infants.” F. F. Field In Easter week we broke out into Entertainments- On Easter Monday a Cricket Match. What are the Cricket Club going to do next ? On Easter Tuesday, a Vestry and Parish Meeting, which were both so agreeable that they fairly fall under the above title. On Wednesday, our old deceiver, Professor Gabrielle, again mystified us pleasantly : and on Thursday Miss Elsdale gave the Temperance Society a tea, which was followed by some songs and an excellent lecture on Alcohol, by Mr. O.H.Bull. We can assure our neighbours that if they want an address full of facts and figures, but free from fanaticism and fallacies which some teetotal orators are justly or unjustly discussed, they cannot do better than catch the same master, if ever he is abroad. We hear that the Temperance Society are already arranging a summer excursion. Baptism Moulsoe 1894 5th Sunday in Lent (March 11) William George, son of Benjamin and Emily Nichols. Marriages Moulsoe 1894 April 7 John Evans and Comfort Field. oOo June 1894 Moulsoe Our Rogationtide Open-air Prayer Service, was offered on a beautiful evening, and will bring its blessing to those who took their part in it. On the other two Rogation Days the prayer meeting was held in the Church. Ascension Day was welcomed with various festivities, in the hope of restoring to its proper dignity this great Festival. The Churchyard has been improved in its general appearance by the setting in order of the uncared-for tombstones, and the Rector and Churchwardens hope that friends of the dead will not neglect to take care of the sacred spot where the bodies of those still dear to them lie at rest. A cross in stone, or iron, or wood, together with some flowers or shrubs planted, are signs of a love stronger than death. A bright Whitsun Sunday Morning brought together goodly number of Communicants, and the ringing of the bells and the hymns contributed to make the Chief Service of the Day most joyous. We noticed fewer visitors in the village than usual , but we were very cheerful amongst ourselves. The fathers and mothers enjoyed their Whit Monday tea, and their children crowded in to share in the cheery entertainment provided for us all after the cups and saucers had disappeared. Technical Education (ie., that of the hand and the eye as well as of the brain) is offered to us by the County Council. The District Committee, sitting at Newport Pagnell, suggest classes for carving, carpentering, cooking, dress cutting, horticulture, bee culture, and ambulance (or “First Aid” in accidents). It will be our own fault if we do not take advantage of some of these good things. Baptism Moulsoe 1894 April 8 Winifred Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Ann Geary Marriages Moulsoe 1894 April 23 Thomas Richardson and Eva Alice Evans April 30 George Key and Martha Mary Hartupp Burials Moulsoe 1894 May 18 Frederick Bull oOo July 1894 Moulsoe The Children’s Holiday Club, as at Christmas, so again at Whitsuntide, was a means of holding our young ones together in pleasant discipline, and we are sure that both parents and children will welcome this agreeable institution during the five dangerous weeks of the Harvest Holidays. A lecture on Bee-culture has been given in our Schoolroom by that successful expert, Mr. Hartup, of Sherington Bridge, where passers by may see his house and acre of garden purchased by his industrious little friends, who inhabit some seventy hives on their own territory. Those of us who have seen the lecturer with his hands full of the living insects, and thousands buzzing around his head, were interested in the tale of his own experiences and of the intelligent and gentle creatures which he introduced to us. But, as he assured us, no one will prosper as an apiarist, unless he is determined to start fair, and to persevere with fearlessness and patience. The Government Report of the School has arrived, and brings with it a higher Grant than ever-It says: “This little School, considering its size and circumstances, is in a very creditable order. The children are well behaved, and do their work in the elementary subjects carefully and accurately. Their answering in English is fair. Needlework is not so strong a subject as I would like to see it: and I shall look for better Singing by note from the lower division next year, if the highest Grant is to be recommended under Article 101 (d). The Infants’ Division is in good general conditions.” Edith I Hebbes has passed her examination as Pupil Teacher in the 3rd year. Katharine Lawrence and Henry Dancer have been accepted as Candidate Pupil Teachers. Various Meetings that are of interest to our readers will be found in the Calendar on the first page, where coming events for our summer month cast their cooling shadows before. Baptism Moulsoe 1894 June 17 (4th Sunday after Trinity), Hubert , son of John and Hannah Williams Burials Moulsoe 1894 May 29 Emma Clinch, aged 71 oOo August 1894 Moulsoe During the summer, Evensong is said in the Church at 6.15 p.m., in the hope that some parishioners, unable to come to Mattins in the busy morning, may be thankful to sanctify half an hour of evening leisure. The Children’s Holiday Club, will, we trust, again be a relief to parents and a safeguard to children, during a difficult and dangerous five weeks. The rules are given below, so that both sets of persons may think them over as the time draw near. RULES OF OUR HOLIDAY CLUB 1. Church - Reverence 1. Mattins every day, unless wanted by mothers. 2. Two verses of The Sermon on the Mount; or for the little ones, the text on the Almanack 2. Home - Kindness 1. Obedience to Parents 2. Good temper to brothers and sisters. 3. Street - Gentleness 1. Avoid any companion who is rude. 2. Never let out a bad word 4. Work - Industry and Honesty. Any boy at work in the fields may join the Club all the same, and will be excused from Rule 1. 5. Privileges 1. GOD’S Grace to keep these Rules, and to spend happy holidays. 2. An hour’s play every week in the Rectory Garden 3. A Prize at the end for all those who have tried to be good. Baptism Moulsoe 1894 July 7th Sunday after Trinity - Wickham Leigh, son of Frederick and Elizabeth Ann Shaylor oOo September 1894 Moulsoe August is the harvest and the holiday month, and these two events have been occupying our thoughts. The bountiful produce of the fields is being gathered in with difficulty, owing to the strangely changeable weather: and our prayers and sympathies have followed the farmer and the labourer in their anxieties. We must all realise, too, what a disaster for the whole country for every class of the community would be a wet harvest. “If one member suffer, all the members suffer with it.” However, there is yet time for a merciful Providence to give us corn as good as He has given hay. Our holiday treats began with the expedition of our Band of Hope, together with the Rectory Bible Class boys to Cranfield Flower Show. Our party of thirty-five enjoyed themselves vastly on the beautiful summer day. The following week the older Temperance Society drove in a brake to Wakefield Lawn, where they picnicked and teaed under the beeches, played cricket and fished, and finally enjoyed a good square meal in the comfortable parish room, kindly lent us by the Rev. George Trevelyan, who concluded our day with a bright service in the beautiful little church of S. Mary, Wolverton. The monthly devotional meetings of our Temperance Society are a means of union and strength. Bank Holiday we celebrated by a gathering of our Missionary Box Holders, to whom Mrs. Croft and Mr. Thomson gave interesting accounts of church work in Natal and Canada . The Holiday Club has begun vigorously , only we trust our children will persevere through each week till the happy school weeks being again. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Moulsoe 1894 oOo October 1894 Moulsoe
The bounteous harvest safely gathered in leads our grateful hearts to the thought of Harvest Festival. The arrangements for our Thanksgiving are as follows:- Monday, October 1, 7p.m Choral Evensong with sermon by Rev. E. Farmer, Missionary in Zululand. Tuesday, October 2, 5 a.m and 7.30 a.m ., Holy Communion 11.30 a.m, Children’s Service and Prize giving for the Holiday Club. The Offertories will be given to the Bedford Infirmary, and the corn, fruit, vegetables, &c., will be sent to a poor Parish in London. A visit from our Missioner will be a spiritual refreshment, and will, by God’s Grace, revive His work in our parish and in our hearts. The Rev/ George Ernest Frewer has therefore, with his ready Christian charity, expressed his willingness to come for two days (27th- 29th of November), and has written the following letter :- My dear Friends at Moulsoe, I am thankful to be able to say to you in the words of S. Paul. “Behold the third time I am ready to come to you” (2Cor. Xii. 14), and to remind you, when we think that it is now nearly six years since the Mission, of those words of God spoken long ago to His people, “I will command My Blessings upon you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for three years.” (Leviticus xxv. 21). So please God, we may meet each other face to face again, and through the Ministries of Exhortation, Reconciliation, Prayer and Eucharist, humbly seek that Blessing which he desires to give us. It is so hard to live a life even sufficiently good to please ourselves that we tremble to think what poor things our lives must be in His eyes. But what he desires is to see us trying; and “new beginnings ,” says a wise and holy teacher , “are the life of perseverance, I an dear Friends, yours affectionately in Christ, G.E. Frewer. The list of Services during these two days of Revival will be published next month. The Michaelmas statement of accounts of monies expended during the year in Church, Parish and Schools will be given to any friend applying to the Rector. The Parish Library has acquired over a hundred new volumes at a cost of £10, and it will re-open at a penny monthly subscription immediately. Books will be exchanged on Sundays from 3.30 to 4 p.m. (or 4 to 4.30 p.m. when there is an afternoon service.) and on Fridays from 3.45 to 4.35 p.m. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Moulsoe 1894 oOo November 1894 Moulsoe &Tuesday, September 25, was the day fixed for the Choir excursion, it proved to be a wet and miserable day, but we enjoyed ourselves just as well. We started at a quarter to seven, and arrived at Oxford in time for the 10 o’clock service at Christchurch; afterwards we were conducted over the Cathedral, the roof of which is splendidly carved. We then went into the dining hall, the length of which is 115 feet, the breadth 40 feet. We then went to the bell tower, and had a look at the bell. After visiting the market, we went to the Bodleian Library, and from there to Brasenose College. We then went to the Wilberforce Temperance Hotel, and had some refreshments. We then had a very pleasant row on the river, where we saw all the college barges. We then went to Brasenose; and by kind permission of the Principal had tea there, which was very much enjoyed, after tea we were shown over the college and the chapel by the Principal. After that we went to Keble College, and the Martyr’s Memorial. We then went to the station, leaving Oxford at 5 o’clock, and arrived at Newport Pagnell at 7, and got to Moulsoe at 8 o’clock. Many thanks are due to the kind parishioners who sent us.” The above account of the Choir Excursion is from the pen of one of the younger choristers. The account of the money is contained in the Michaelmas statement of the Rector, which will be given to any friend who applies for it. The Harvest Festival was celebrated as usual on a week-day, and the bountiful gifts of fruit and vegetables were dispatched next day to a poor parish in London, where the Sister wrote “good things so fresh are rare.” The collections, amounting to £3 4s 3d., were sent to Bedford Infirmary, for which we now have tickets to dispose of. The flowers were formed into wreaths and laid out in the churchyard. We wish to remind our parishioners of our custom of decorating the graves of those we love , on the Sunday in the Octave of All Saints’ Day, which this year falls on November 4. The Technical Education Committee have been very generous to our village. We have already had our Autumnal Bee Lecture, with practical help at our hives from Mr. Hartup. The Carving Class re-commences at once, and will attract all its old and some new hands. Ambulance lectures are promised to us, and these are of special importance in a village so far from doctors and chemists, so that we may know how to save a fleeting life by “first aid.” The Men’s Club opens its doors into a warm cheerful room, as a refuge from the dangers of the street. While our secular recreations are thus arranged, we must not forget the sacred season of Grace provided in the Memorial Visit of our Missioner the Rev. G. E. Frewer from Tuesday to Thursday, November 27 - 29. A paper of the services will be given to anyone applying to the Rector, who asks the prayers of all faithful friends on behalf of his Flock, and our kind visitor, who comes to us in the name of the Lord. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Moulsoe 1894 oOo December 1894 Moulsoe The end of the Trinity Season also brings to a close the course of sermons at Mattins on The Church Catechism, and the Rector had the pleasure of giving to the children in the choir, who had repeated the Catechism with texts, prize books, from several members of the Congregation, who had been interested in their ready answering. The Library has re-opened with 20 subscribers. Before next month we are of opinion that "they will be 40. Terms :One penny a month ; books changed on Fridays at 3.45 p.m., and on Sunday afternoons. Our County Council Classes are in full swing. A dozen steady carvers are preparing some beautiful Christmas presents ; and. two dozen men and women are learning at the Ambulance Lectures how to save life. It seems sad that, with all opportunities of improvement brought to our doors, there are some young men who don't care to learn anything, either for this world or the world to come ! During Advent we are promised Sermons on Friday evenings, at 7 p.m., from the Revs. Ernest Smith, M. Nepean, and C. Luxmoore. The Confirmation Classes will be formed immediately after the Mission, which will be a call to some souls, young and old, to volunteer for the service of their true Master. While this Magazine is being issued the Revival of our Mission is going on. Of its results (so far as they can be chronicled on earth) mention will be made next month, but we cannot withhold the following letter from a true "Father in God": To the Rector of Moulsoe and his parishioners. Dear Children in Christ, I hear with great gladness of heart that you have been moved, as I cannot doubt, by the Holy Spirit qf God to invite and welcome into your parish a Messenger from God, who will speak heart to heart with you, declare to you the whole counsel of God, and minister to you of the things committed to him by God's Ordinance. I hear also with like gladness of heart, that you have been moved to make this week a week of special Prayer. I hope-to hear that you, Reverend and dear Brother, have been gladdened by the readiness of your people to hear your call, and that you, dear People of Moulsoe, in obeying that call, have learnt more of the blessedness of a life of prayer. I shall be with you in spirit during your Mission Week. I pray God to bless him who shall minister to you, and you all to whom he shall minister, that he and you alike may grow in the knowledge and love of God, and of, our Lord Jesus Christ. I am, your faithful Friend and Father in God, J. L. READING. Baptisms Moulsoe 1894 25th Sunday after Trinty George William, son of Henry and Jane Bignell. Marriage Moulsoe 1894 Oct 24 George Willam Fowler and Mary Ann Campbell.
oOo January 1895 Moulsoe
Another Advent and Christmas are past, and we have entered with fresh hope and grace upon the New Year. Our Special Services on the Fridays in Advent have always been well attended, in spite of the depth of winter; and this year our devout people came together with their usual zeal. The last of the three sermons was preached by a new neighbour, whom we gladly welcomed - the Rev C. Luxmore, and his striking text (Philemon 22.) and earnest exhortation helped us towards that which is the chief object of the solemn retirement of Advent - the gladness of a good Christmas Communion. The Revival of the Mission, with the Week of Prayer, was a happy and peaceful season of Grace, and we know of many souls to whom it came with special Blessing. Our Ambulance Lectures, made so interesting by the genial intelligence of Mr. Chantler, have been attended by an average of 17 or 18 persons. We should be sorry for other persons who were absent, should some fellow creature’s health or life be forfeited because they have not cared to gain the simple knowledge offered to them. We have some hope of persuading the County Council to send us our pleasant lecturer for a “second Aid” Course should we live till next winter. The Carving Classes are in full go, lasting on into the spring. The Moulsoe men have shown their good sense in two matters of parochial government. They have re-elected their old Guardian, who has attended the Board so regularly and carefully for nine years past; and they have refused a “Parish Council,” considering the parish meeting, in which every ratepayer has a seat, is more competent to manage the village than five persons set up with expense, and perhaps contention. We rush into print in the midst of the agony of New Year’s Treats, which if we survive, shall be dished, nice and stale in our February Magazine. Baptism Moulsoe 1895 Advent Sunday Newman George, son of John and Comfort Evans. oOo The Editor has suffered from Two Complaints (not the Influenza and the Scarlet Fever, but ) - 1st, The late appearance of the January number; and 2ndly, The record in that number of sundry Christmas events in a certain parish, which was a strange and prophetic anachronism, since no contributions are received after the 20th of the month. The simple and sole remedy for these two painful complaints is that all valuable MSS be sent on the 20th of February, and of each successive month (not to the Printer, but) to him, at Moulsoe Rectory, Newport Pagnell
oOo Christmas was a happy Day. The congregation at the Celebration of Holy Communion was, as it should be, the largest at any Service. The bells and the hymns, and the warmth and light, and the bright decorations cheered up the early morn, and corresponded, we trust, to hearts full of spiritual joy. The Children’s own Celebration on Holy Innocents’ Day was a happy event in the midst of their Holiday Club, which was better kept than ever, but for which we are concerned to say, the promised prizes are still promised. In New Year week, we burst out into great gaieties, A Christmas Tree, laden with much fruit of many kinds for the children, having gained the Exhibition of £3 for 3 years, which our Katie only just misses. Such true knowledge, as a foundation for a consisten Christian life, will be of the highest value for these good girls through tin together with a parcel for each of useful things, and for the grown up folk a concert and a dance. The Missionary minded people of the parish were gathered together for an evening in Australia, whither they were transported by the efforts of two natives of that little island, who made the Schoolroom like the antipodes, the one by his interesting description of his own Mission experiences, the other by an exhibition of curious insects, skins and feathers. We have many opportunities of gaining and giving interest in the work of the Church, in far off lands, and so of developing a Catholic spirit. Our pupil teachers have gained great honour in the Diocesan Inspection of Religious Knowledge. They have both been placed in the First Class. Edith Hebbes for the third time, and Katherine Laurence in her first year. The latter was ‘commended,’ which means that she was within a few marks of the best of all the first year pupil teachers in Buckinghamshire, that best one having gained the Exhibition of £3 for 3 years, which our Katie only just misses. Such true knowledge, as a foundation for a consistent Christian life, will be of the highest value for these good girls through Time and Eternity. We desire to remind our faithful Church people, and our friends at a distance, of the Confirmation on the 21st of this month, and to bespeak their daily prayers for our candidates - that they may be prepared to receive The Holy Ghost, and to make a good First Communion. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Moulsoe 1895 oOo March 1895 Moulsoe Our last entertainment before Lent was a very cheerful one. Our Temperance Society gave it to their friends. The Band of Hope performed several pretty action songs, and two or three of our older Members recited and sang. But the fun of the evening was “The Temperance Doctor” performed by a faithful Member in Newport, assisted by some of our young fellows. The real event of the Meeting, however as the admirable speech of Mr. Weatherill, Oxford Secretary of the National Temperance Alliance. It bristled with startling facts and figures, which caused a murmur now and then from a dissentient auditor, but the speaker’s charity and humour were so irresistible and his anecdotes so telling that no one could be offended. Indeed we know of more than one who will have taken the pledge as a dire result of that evening’s influence and of many who have been strengthened to persevere. We have been told (by “the little bird” who lets out secrets) that the Choral Class are getting forward with their concert for Easter week. But Lent comes between, and our people have learnt that no Easter can be a joyful one, which does not follow a careful Lent. So our Mother the Church has provided us with some Good Things at home by way of self denial, and at Church by way of Services. On Sunday night s there will be a course of sermons, from the First Lesson, on Old Testament Characters; and on Thursdays a course by different preachers on The Way of the Cross. The first preacher , on Thursday , March 7, will be our Rural Dean, Rev. G. W. Pearse. These evening Services will be first at 7 p.m., and, as the days grows longer, at 7.30; so as to enable our men for whom they are especially arranged to come conveniently. For women we have the Bible Class as usual in the Rectory at 3 o’clock on Fridays, and also a short service of Instruction and Intercession, on Thursday afternoons at 3 o’clock. The Rector presented seven candidates for Confirmation to the Bishop with anxious hope. They will receive their First Communion on the first Sunday in Lent. Pray God that they may persevere ! Baptism Moulsoe 1895 3rd Sunday after Epiphany - Florence Sarah, daughter of George and Martha Mary Key, oOo April 1895 Moulsoe The Confirmation has left a blessing amongst us, and we should all pray that the seven candidates may persevere in the Gifts of the Holy Ghost; and that they will remember the counsel of their Bishop, as to the Holy Communion. 𠇌ome now, and come always.” Another Lent is passing from us, and we may well grasp its privileges before they are gone, perhaps for ever. It is delightful to find how the habit of Lenten Savings is adopted in so many parishes, so that among children, as well as the elder church people, self-denial is becoming a recognised duty. The three special Lent services for children, for women, and for the general congregation, have been regularly and devoutly attended. The men, for whom the late evening service was specially arranged, have come as well, and we trust will persevere over Good Friday. The Services on this Solemn Day will be as usual - 8 a.m., The Litany and Meditation ; 10.30, Mattins , Ante-Communion Service and Sermon; 12 to 3, The Three Hours Devotion, (Before 2 p.m. the bell will be rung, so as to call together those who, being unable to be present the whole time, wish to watch for The Last Hour) 7.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. The Parish Meeting will be held on April 1, and the Church Vestry Meeting as usual, in Easter Week. A petition against the Bill for the Disestablishment and Disendowing the Church in Wales has received exactly 100 signatures, which, considering our population is only 220, and no one under 16 was allowed to sign, shows that a good majority of Moulsoe people were convinced of the wrong that despoiling the Church of her authority and her money would do to the cause of religion. It is also satisfactory to gather from the indignation of Englishmen that “Gallant little Wales” is not deserted by her younger , though bigger sister, in her day of distress. The attack will turn upon the big sister before long. Baptism Moulsoe 1895 2nd Sunday in Lent - Horace William, son of William and Zilphah Elizabeth Holmans 3rd Sunday in Lent - Harriet May, daughter of Thomas and Eva Alice Richardson oOo May 1895 Moulsoe Our kind Bishop (of Reading) gave us a Lenten visitation, preaching to a full congregation, and approving the proposed improvements in our chancel. These, according to the Faculty applied for by the Vestry, consists of a south window, and a reredos, in the place of the glaring east window , and gloomy wall. At the Easter Vestry the accounts were audited and found satisfactory, and the faithful Church wardens were re-appointed. The Parish Meeting also resulted in the re-election of the Chairman and Overseers, and was cheered by the assurance from Mr. Jonas that Lord Carrington would be responsible for keeping the public pumps in order. Good Friday desecration, which is too common in some rough, unfortunate parishes , is happily unknown in Moulsoe, and our devout people spent the day solemnly and sadly; and thus prepared for the Church and home joys of Easter Day, while on Easter Monday we amused ourselves with a good tea and entertainment. Local talent was not wanting at the concert, but were gratified with the pleasant songs and recitations of Mr. O. H. Bull, two of his old school boys, and of Mr. Pitman. Our Lent savings were to be offered on Low Sunday - they amount to: - For our Bishop’s Schools £2 11s 5 ¾ d, for our Indian Godchild (by children’s cards) 13s 5d. We are in the agonies of Inspections. The Organizing Visitor came to kindly show us our faults. So that we may be ready when Her Majesty’s Inspector appears on May 28. It is necessary that not only Managers and Teachers should smarten themselves up, but that Parents and Children should do the same, otherwise dismal failures may keep a truant and idle child at school until he or she is 14 ! The State does now insist upon no children being let loose into the world until they have a decent education. Then happily, we are to be inspected in our Religious Knowledge, which is able to make a man wise --- salvation. Baptism Moulsoe 1895 Palm Sunday - Albert Howard son of Edwin and Mary Ann White Easter Day - George Alick Waite, son of John Obadiah Marriott and Harriet Minnell oOo June 1895 Moulsoe Whitsuntide, with its Spiritual Gifts will be soon upon us as this magazine falls into our hands. May it be a happy Festival, both in the Church and the world. It is the last great Feast of the Christian year and should be the best. The events of a bright Ascension Day, which were early and late, fall outside the date of our chronicle, but we may second with thankfulness the devout observance of our Rogationtide Prayer Meeting in the field. Farmers and labourers met together around the wagon, together with women and children: and we may be confident that our united supplications and intercessions have ascended to our Father in Heaven, to call down His good gifts upon the earth. The Visitation of our Bishop Archdeacon at Newport Pagnell was attended, as he remarked, more largely than ever, especially by churchwardens and sidesmen. He gathered good hopes for the welfare of our Mother Church from this increasing interest of her sons and daughter and urged with his usual firmness and kindness our two most prominent and pressing duties -Church Defence and Christian Education. We are pleased to subjoin the report of our Diocesan Inspector: - “Throughout the School my questions were answered well and readily; but better than all the ‘tone’ was reverent. I was much pleased with the way in which the Confirmation Service had been prepared. Several very small children among the infants gave me answers from whom I expected none. The repetition of Holy Scripture and hymns was accurate. Private prayers were repeated. It is a good thing for an inspector to point out any flaws, but I could find none. I wish to commend for their answering (Group 1) Harry Dancer (who received the prize last year), Annie Lawrance, Fred Hathaway, Beatrice Blewitt, Florence Beresford, Ellen Wall, Willie Field. (Group2) Jane White, Harriett Dancer, Horace Bignell, Thomas Prickett. (Infants) Alice White, Dora Webb, Beatrice Shaylor. The Bishop’s Prize was given to Annie Lawrance, although F. Hathaway, B. Blewitt, and Florence Beresford ran her very close. Marriage Moulsoe 1895 May 6 Daniel King and Florence Mary Fossey oOo July 1895 Moulsoe The Great Festival of the Ascension was a bright day in our parish following happily upon the solemn Rogation Prayers for the fruits of the earth in the open air. The celebrations at 5 a.m. and at 7.30 were the best beginnings of the Feast: and during the day we entertained a party of the teachers from S. Mary Wolverton , who were joined at tea by our choir, and then with us in our Festal Evensong, when the sermon preached was by the Rev. Arnold Bode, curate of S. John Kennington. Whitsun Day we welcomed a goodly number of communicants, who came to be united in the Communion of the Holy Ghost. The Rector’s favourite tea party to his married friends was a larger gathering than ever, and the entertainment afterwards was enjoyed by a crowded roomful. Our old friend Mr. Pizzey, came from London to sing us his old songs. Some new friends from Cranfield contributed songs and readings. The Rector made his annual speech, and then introduced a coloured missionary from the West Indies, who told us of the sorrows of his race, and appealed for our help. He also sang a couple of high-class songs with excellent taste. Our last School examination for this year is over and we are expecting without apprehension the report of Her Majesty’s Inspector. The Liberal Union Van took up its station in our street and Mr. Boggis gave an eloquent address to a roomful, even in haytime. The coming month promises many treats - that of the choir, which we understand the congregation are eager to give them: The Temperance Society Excursion, which we are told Lord Roseberry has invited to Mentmore: the Church Teachers’ League , who will enjoy the hospitality of the Vicar of Little Brickhill: the Cranfield Flower Show, with its attractions for young and old. Thus during this holiday season there are opportunities for all of us to be merry and wise. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Moulsoe 1895 oOo August 1895 Moulsoe On the three Sundays of the Rector’s holiday by the Eastern Sea, the Rev. W. M. Lethbridge , of Woburn Sands, ably conducted the services, while the Rector of Broughton was kindly willing to visit any cases of dangerous sickness in the parish. Such, however, happily did not occur, and as proof of the great healthiness of our hill-top, with its 220 inhabitants, we may mention that there has been no death of a parishioner since October 1893, and that was of a labourer of 93 years. Our holiday excursions are coming on, together with the rain. One “happy day” has been accomplished - the drive of our Temperance Society to Mentmore and Ascot. That party of twenty who enjoyed themselves from early morning till nearly midnight, are already planning, when they have got through the trials of harvest, a course of winter entertainments. The Cranfield Flower Show and the choir trip to Bedford are, while we go to press, still in the future. May we be all the steadier for our innocent dissipations. The Holiday Club will again invite the children, and relieve the parents, and then with our Dedication Feast, the Sunday following the 27th of August, we shall pass into, we hope, a fruitful autumn. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Moulsoe 1895 oOo September 1895 Moulsoe Our Treats and Holidays are happily passing away. The Cranfield Flower Show was as usual a happy day for the children through the kindness of Mrs. Fraser. We got delightfully wet through as we drove through one of the violent storms which have taken this summer by surprise, and then as delightfully dry by running about in anticipation of tea. We rejoiced to see that Moulsoe vegetables, nosegays and gowns carried off some of the prizes. The Choir Excursion to Bedford made another happy day. The drive through Elstow, and up to the Park made a lively beginning, and then dinner in the Park pavilion made us strong for the toils of rowing along the sunny river, relieved by an occasional rest beneath the trees overshadowing the bank. After tea at the Temperance Tavern we spent our money in presents for “the old folks at home,” and returned to them in the cool eventide. The Choir have been, and will be, preparing for our Harvest Festival, which, will be, as usual, in the first week of October, with sports, and an entertainment if the parishioners desire it. But of this Feast further particulars will be announced in the October magazine. The Holiday Club is valued by many parents and children, and is keeping many a child steady at his dissipating time, beside teaching some Scripture truths. It may be well thus early to tell the parents of boys and girls who are “exempt” (because being eleven years old they have passed the Fourth Standard). and yet are still kept at school, but irregularly, what the Government Inspector orders about such scholars: “After due warning to the parents, the child may be expelled. -R. H. Kenney Herbert. Education is such a valuable possession for a lifetime that we trust neither parents nor children will be desirous to “scamp” the schooling of a child, and so send him or her out unarmed by sound learning into the battle of life. But on the other hand a boy or girl who comes now and then is such a hindrance to the steady work of the teacher and other scholars that whether “exempt” or “not exempt” a reasonable regularity is necessary for good all round. The Choir boys have spent the dangerous hour before Sunday evening Church, in making and painting Scrapbooks of Sacred pictures. The following letter shows that their work has given pleasure; Evelina Hospital for Sick Children, Southwark Bridge Road S. E. Charlotte Ward My dear friends, Just a few lines thanking you for the pictures you sent us they amuse us so much. We think it was very kind of you to think of us for we like something to look at while we are in bed all day for we have nothing else to do, now I think I must stop with merry thanks I remain. Your affectionate friend H. Lipscombe The improvement in the Church, which have long been needed, are promised us by All Saint’s Day, when we hope to have special Services of Thanksgiving. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Moulsoe 1895 oOo October 1895 Moulsoe A copy of the Annual Michaelmas Accounts will be sent to any friend , who desires to know how we stand in money matters, since we desire to provide things honest “in the sight of all men.” Four pages of the accounts for Moulsoe are in the magazine at the end of October, they are readable. The harvest and the holidays are well over ! And now we have our joyous Harvest Festival, and the happy days of school to look forward to. We must, however, just chronicle the quiet success of the Holiday Club. There has been an average attendance of 25 children at daily Mattins, and among most of these a careful learning of Scriptures. As to the keeping of the other rules at home and in the village, we can also speak with satisfaction, so that we hope there will be many pleasant rewards on the Prize-giving day - Sunday, October 13, on which day also “Church Study” keeps festival. The Church Students are, we hear, looking forward to an excursion in that week. Our Harvest Festival is on Wednesday and Thursday, October 2 and 3. Wednesday 7.30., Choral Evensong, with Sermon by the Rev. G. Bromfield, Rural Dean of Lambeth., Thursday, 5 a.m. and 7.30., Holy Communion; 11.30 a.m., Children’s Service. In the afternoon of Thursday the Choir drive to Bow Brickhill, for a tea party in the woods, and a Harvest Service in the picturesque old Church, which we so often gaze at from a distance, and to which, in its restored beauty, we are invited by the Rector. The winter evenings are a dull and dangerous, and we have therefore formed plans to make them pleasant. First, we are to finish the summer and begin the winter with Athletic Sports, a Tea-Party and Entertainment on Monday , October 7. Secondly , the County Council will, we hope, give us a couple of classes a week - a selection from five subjects which we are determined to ask for - viz. Ambulance, Carpentry, Dress-cutting, Cobbling, and Drilling. Thirdly, the simple old Night School for the three R’s seems as necessary as ever, so we shall set up again what is called, now-a-days, a “Continuation School.” Lastly, the Clubroom will be open its doors to old friends the young men. These occupations, together with a concert or a lecture now and then, will help us on pleasantly towards Christmas. On All Saints’ Day we propose, D.V. to open our South Window in the Chancel, with its stained glass, together with that of the East Window, and also the last compartment of the east window of the Chapel. These windows, being all memorials of departed friends, will be suitably given to the light on the Festival of All the Holy Dead. There will be special celebrations of the Holy Communion, and also a Festal Service at 3 p.m., with a sermon by the Rev. Mackwood Stevens. The Festival will be continued over the Sundays in the octave, and the offertories will be given for the beautifying of the Churchyard, which is still sadly unworthy to be the resting place of the bodies of our Christian neighbours. Baptism Moulsoe October 1895 14th Sunday after Trinity (Sept.15), Nelly Elizabeth, daughter of George William and Mary Ann Fowler oOo November 1895 Moulsoe The All Saints. Festival will be a joyful one for us, as we return to worship in our beautified Church. The services are as follows: - All Saints Day - 7.30 a.m., Holy Communion; 11.30, Children’s service; 3 p.m., Evensong, with sermon by the Rev. Mackwood Stevens. Sunday in the Octave - 5 and 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m., Matins and sermon; 3.30 p.m., Communicants’ service; 6.30 p.m., Evensong and sermon. The sermons at Matins and Evensong will be preached by the Rev. F. R. Phelps, assistant curate of S. John Divine, Kensington. Collections at all the Services will be devoted to the levelling and planting of the Churchyard, which is still in a condition unworthy of “God’s Acre” The harvest festival, sports, tea and entertainment, together with the choir excursion to Bow Brickhill are by-gone history, only to be recorded with satisfaction and gratitude. But the Festival of our Church Students requires definite notice, as being a new and happy event. The service in our own Church on our regular Sunday afternoon was bright and reverent, and many parents and relations came to enjoy it with their children. The elder boys recited a little religious piece called “The Church Bells,” and the girls sang a sweet song with chorus. The prizes of the Holiday Club were distributed, and then those of the Church Study, after the Rector had read the Report, which is as follows:- “The regularity and punctuality and industry of the Students has been very pleasing. Bur we hope that more careful Analysis will be made by some of the members. The second division of boys have been sadly idle in writing out at home - a discreditable contrast to the elder lads, who, although hard at work during the week, shew by their books that they have taken great pains. Some of the girls have been irregular in their attendance. We shall be merciful on this our first Harvest Anniversary in admitting all who have shewn any interest in our Excursion, but another year we shall be very strict. The Prizes are decided by the Analysis, due regard being had to general behaviour. The Resolutions do not affect the prizes, but are of a far higher value. A student who takes pains with his or her Analysis for the sake of getting a prize, and neglect the Resolution is a mercenary soul , coming to God for what it can get, whereas the generous soul loves to promise and to pray to do God’s will, and will surely win the Heavenly Prize. The prizes in each division were won by Walter Groom, Luke Groom (extra), Harry Dancer, Annetta White, Lucy Butcher (extra), Ellen Mynard. The elder members naturally gained these prizes, but in future years a Student who has once secured a prize will be furnished with a special gift of honour, while the ordinary prize will fall to the lot of the next Student in the same division. Then the excursion to Wolverton, according to all accounts was delightful - the drive all in the cold and darkness, followed by the warm bright tea-room, and then the beautiful service in the Church, and then the interesting magic lantern with Church history pictures, and then the merry homeward journey, and then the arrival at Bedfordshire about midnight - all made up a happy night. Our Carving and Ambulance Classes are a privilege that few villages have secured, and a poor attendance at either the one or the other would be so discouraging and discreditable that we are sure Moulsoe men and lads will never again have offered to them such excellent opportunities of improvement. But we expect a dozen at least, at Carving, a full room for the ambulance Lectures. Baptism Moulsoe 1895 Oct 2 Grace Elizabeth, daughter of Alfred and Susan Groom. oOo December 1895 Moulsoe Magazines sold for 12 months, December 1894, to November 1895 Brick hill (Great) 840 Linford (Great) 633 Newport Pagnell 2812 Wavendon 1365 Broughton 218 Milton Keynes 554 Sherington 409 Willen 180 Emberton 815 Moulsoe 720 Stantonbury 4070 Woolstone 402 Hanslope 2786 Newnton Longville 578 Walton 180 Woughton 404 Sold over the Counter 321 Unsold Copies 583 Total 17,900 All Saints Day, with bright sunshine, witnessed the re-opening of our Chancel, and the introduction of the light and warmth and colour into the hitherto dreary place. The large, attentive, and devout congregations, both on the Festival and the Sunday in the Octave, made us very happy, while the collections, amounting to £5 8s 8 ½d., are being well spent in the transforming of the somewhat rough Churchyard into a level, well-planted “God’s Acre.” And now Advent has come upon us, with its warning note. The Service Paper will be given to any who will ask for it. The usual Course of Sermons will be preached on Friday evenings at 7 p.m. by the Rev. Dr. Morgan. Our Advent Services on a week night have usually been well attended, and we trust that this year it will be even better. A well-spent Advent is the best preparation for a Christian Christmas. The Ambulance lectures have proved very popular, and will have taught those who have been wise enough to attend them what is “First Aid.” Baptism Moulsoe 1895 21st Sunday after Trinity, Douglas Walter, son of Frederick and Elizabeth Shaylor. Marriage Moulsoe 1895 Nov. 4 Joseph Nichols and Ellen Clara Evans Burials Moulsoe 1895 Oct 24 David Williams, aged 28. oOo |