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Newnton Longville
transcribed by Ingrid Neale January, 1894 Newnton Longville The Rev. Alfred J. Blagden, vicar of Tweed mouth - a borderland town in Northumberland, that has existed as a parish for eleven centuries - preached in our church on the evening of Nov. 26th, the Sunday before Advent. He also took part in our Intercessory Service for Foreign Missions on the Feast of S. Andrew, when we had our memorable address from the Rector of Addington, Bucks. If any of our readers happen at ay time to overlook the ever- interesting column appropriated in this Magazine to Milton Keynes, let us specially commend to their notice a very admirable protest it recently contained against the open contempt of Sunday observance, by lads (accompanied by dogs) starting for a walking expedition at a time when the church bells are ringing out for the service in the morning. For the evil complained of there exists , we are grieved to say here. It used to be (and justly ) a heavy reproach in days long past against any clergyman, who, on Sunday, kept the Parish Church closed till the afternoon. The reproach, however, thank God, is now not often to be found, and in many country villages the church bells call the inhabitants to a service at 8 a.m., and again at 11 a.m. It is, then, a thing deeply to be deplored, that men and lads should be seen in the forenoon of Sunday, in week -day clothes , idly wandering away from church. We do not wish Sunday to be a day of slavish and painful constraint, but only that the House of God should not be scandalously and profanely slighted, and that usages, recognised by most people in their calmer moments as the highest blessings should not be wantonly ignored. Again influenza, with its impartial disregard of age, station, and character, is renewing its visitation in this, and other districts, and seems rather to darken the dawning year. We devoutly hope, however, that A.D. 1894 will not fail in its blessings to our readers. The total of our November offertories stood at £2 12s 8¼d. Burials Newnton Longueville 1894 Dec. 11 Richard Thorne, aged 66 oOo February,1894 Newnton Longueville The Rev. J. P. Waldo, late Vicar of S. Stephen’s South Kensington, we deeply regret to state, succumbed to an attack of typhoid fever on the last day of the year 1893. He will long be remembered here for his eloquent sermons on two occasions ; at the re-opening of our church, after restoration, in 1881, and the dedication of our church clock, in 1891. Both visits were paid us, without any thought of his own personal inconvenience. Our late rector, the Rev. J. R. Hughes, whose Ministry here covered a space of 31 years, passed away also on January 3, 1894, at the advanced age of 83 years. We are sorry to begin our February record with these two melancholy items. The Christmas Holiday, however, were not entirely a time of gloom. The Sunday School was entertained at the Rectory one evening in the first week in January. While ( thanks are due to Mr. Blagden), an expedition of the choir, under the management of Mr. Claude Blagden, to the Christmas Pantomime at the Crystal Palace - “Jack and the Beanstalk” was organised in the second week of the past month. Happily, the severe frost had broken up, and the party, we understand, had a delightful, though long and fatiguing day, leaving home at 8.30 a.m., and getting back at 9.30 p.m. The pantomime beginning at 3 p.m., and our tourists arriving at Sydenham about 11.45 a.m. there was opportunity for them to have refreshment, and inspect some of the novelties of the Crystal Palace before the performance began. In spite of their being nineteen in number, they were admirably placed for seeing and hearing. We do not wish to harrow our readers’ feelings this month, by alluding to the bereavement just sustained by our fellow parishioner, Mr. H. Horne, at the Post Office. But, by a strange coincidence, his house is again this year, as it was last year, the first to be visited with family bereavement. And we have been accustomed so long, through the open door to see the patient, helpless sufferer seated in the same place, and silently preaching submission to us all, that we feel our readers will entirely concur with us in our sympathetic allusion to the sorrow of Mr. Horne and his family, and their loss of wife and mother. The contribution sent by us to the S. P. G. last year, was a larger one than usual, £4 10s. 9d. The total of the Sunday offertories in December 1893 was £3 19s 9d. Arrangements are being made for ( we Hope ) a special service and sermon every Tuesday in the coming Lent. Burials Newnton Longueville 1894 Jan. 15 Sophia Horne, aged 69 years. oOo March 1894 Newnton Longueville The Rev. W. R. Banting, vicar of Little Brickhill, was the first of our special Lenten Preachers on the evening of Tuesday, February 13th. His sermon was most interesting, earnest, and useful. We are writing before we have reached the other special services in February. We can, therefore, only state the names of the other clergymen who kindly promised to preach in the same month. - Rev. C. G. Hutchins, and Rev. J. Chevalier. The total of the January Offertories was £1 18s 4 ½d. A very deep and universal regret, we believe, is felt in the Parish over the early death of Mrs. Baker, the more so as she left behind her a motherless child of a week old. Although she had lived among us a comparatively short time, she was held in high esteem and regard by her neighbours. We believe that she won all hearts by her unvarying cheerfulness, and by her consistent habit of kindly speech. A very regular church goer, and a communicant - she will be missed in her place among us in church, we doubt not. It is rather a startling fact that, while in the whole of 1893 there was only three burials, there have been four burials in some six weeks of the present year. The death-rate is no human arrangement. Baptism, Newnton Longueville, March, 1894 Feb. 5 Christopher Herbert, son of Walter Joseph and Mary Baker Burials, Newnton Longueville, March, 1894 Jan. 30 William Horne, aged 83 Feb. 7 Mary, Baker, aged 33 oOo April 1894 Newnton Longueville Our special Lenten evening services this year, as last year, were brightened by the presence of a very good choir. Those members who have come so regularly to these services have, we know, not done so without some real effort and willing self-sacrifice. Let praise be given where praise is due. We beg to announce a village concert, to be held at the School on the evening of April 6th, at 7.30 p.m. The programme, we hope, will be found attractive. We think we note a little falling off in the Sunday evening offertories for Church expenses. Possibly, however, this is only owing to the long prevalence of illness in the parish during the winter months. The total of all the offertories for the month of February stands at £2 1s. 3¾d. We wish we could see the early celebrations of Holy Communion, now a privilege offered weekly (the first Sunday in the month being reserved for a late celebration) more worthily recognised. In this case, too, perhaps, the sickness of the winter months may be pleaded as an unavoidable hindrance for so Baptism Newnton Longueville 1894 March 11 Ada Marian, daughter of Michael and Rose Ann Corkett. oOo May 1894 Newnton Longueville Some new altar linen, embroidered by Miss Blagden, and presented by her to the Church was used for the first time on Easter Day, at the early Celebration. Mrs. Marvin and Mrs. Powell also gave offerings of flowers for the decoration of the Church. It was very gratifying to the organizers of the Village Concert on the evening of April 6th to have so full a room. Miss Berry Jones ( whose cultivated voice was a great treat to hear ) sang a charming little song. “Two’s company,” and Miss Winifred Blagden’s song, “When love is kind,” was very sweet. The “Plantation” songs were, as was expected very popular with the younger part of the audience. But there were some who listened with great pleasure to Miss Helen Ogilvie’s performances on the pianoforte, and to “The lost chord,” sung with great feeling by Miss Beatrice Blagden. Mr. Claude Blagden’s two recitations, entitled “Etiquette” and “My first and last appearance,” must be pronounced great successes, and to have shewn no common memory and dramatic power. The total of the March offertories was £2 10s. 5d. Burials Newnton Longueville 1894 March 30 George Ward, aged 86 years. oOo June 1894 Newnton Longueville On the evening of Monday, April 23rd. The ringers most kindly shewed their sympathy, with the joy of the Rector, Mrs. Blagden, and family, on the safe return home of Mr. Vincent C. Blagden, after and absence from England of five and a half years. A peal of bells greeted him on his entrance into the village on this eventful occasion. We were glad of there being this year no failure of interest in the Flower Service on the evening of Holy Thursday, now, we trust, an established institution. We though the collection of flowers beautiful and they were warmly appreciated, as some of our readers already know, by the sick in the Parish of S. Philip’s Stepney. We note two pretty and touching incidents at the service; the sight of one of the youngest children in the School, led by her grandmother, presenting her nosegay to the Rector; and of two little sisters, each with her basket of flowers coming into the chancel hand in hand. We insert the report of Rev. F. F. Field, after his recent inspection of our Day School in religious knowledge: “The first class answered my questions well, on the whole, especially the four eldest boys, Hattill Arnold, Marcus Hall, Harry Young, and Henry Hopkins, whom I wish to commend highly for their intelligent answers. The first three had already received the Bishop’s Prize, and I gave it this year to Henry Hopkins. The second class did not answer nearly as well as the first, making all allowance for age. There was not the same intelligence and brightness shewn. Ernest Atkins answered the best. The third class of infants and First Standard, have evidently been well taught. I was much pleased by the brightness of the children, and their pleasure and anxiety to tell me all they knew. I received the best answers from Albert Cox, Sarah Copperwheat, George Meacham, Thomas Corkett, Louisa Howe. The repetition of Hymns and Holy Scripture was correct and reverent, The children sang two of their Hymns to me in good tune, and said their morning prayer. The written work was accurate, and the writing itself good. “ F. F. Field. The sum of £2 19s 0¼d. was collected by offertories in the month of April. Marriages Newnton Longueville 1894 May 12 George Stevens, of Stoke Hammond, and Elizabeth Perry, of Newnton Longueville oOo July 1894 Newnton Longueville The Rev. R. F. Tompkins, vicar of Tortington, Sussex, who, in his own neighbourhood, is well known for his active interest in church bells. being on a visit to the Rectory, was present at our bell ringer’s practice on the evening of Wednesday, May 23. He was much pleased with our bells, and with the intelligence of our ringers, whom he would have joined again the following week, but for a recent attack of influenza, which made it desirable for him to avoid unnecessary fatigue. He has called our attention to the condition of our bell stairs; they are much worn in the middle by the constant tread, for many years, of feet, and we hope that, before long, we may profit by the advice of the Vicar of Torrington, and have the worn part of the stairs levelled and renewed with cement. The examination in drawing took place in our school, under the superintendence of Major-General Ruddell, on the afternoon of Wednesday June 5. This year the younger, as well as the older boys, were presented for examination in this subject. Our record for this month may mention, as a matter of interest to some in the Parish, that the Rector has just entered upon the 20th year of his ministry, here, having come into residence on May 26, 1875. The offertories for May last amounted to £2 18s 1¾d. No baptisms marriages or burials for Newnton Longueville 1894 oOo August 1894 Newnton Longueville The Rev. Arthur C. Webber, of Fenny Stratford, officiated in our church on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays in June, in the absence of the Rector from home. The Parish being in old times closely connected through the Priory then existing here, with Longueville in Normandy, it may interest our readers to know that the Rector, Mrs. Blagden, and some of their family recently spent a fortnight in Normandy. Staying at Caen, whence they could easily reach other towns, such as Falaise and Bayeux, they were on soil as The Warden of new College, Oxford, accompanied by the steward and associated with famous characters of English History, such as Harold, William the Conqueror, Queen Maltilda, the ill-fated Prince Arthur, and Archbishop Becket. The Warden of new College, Oxford, accompanied by the steward and G. C. Bourne, Esq.. fellow of New College, visited this parish on July 5, when the annual Manorial Court of the College was also held. The usual present was left for the ringers of the Church Bells. Our school was examined on the morning of July 9, by the assistant of H. M. Inspector, who expressed himself much gratified at its efficient condition under our present hardworking and excellent Mistress, Miss Coupland. The official report is, of course, yet to come. In the afternoon of July 9, a children’s service being held at 3 o’clock, the Rector and Mrs. Blagden gave an entertainment to all the children of both the Day and Sunday Schools. The weather, happily, was all that could be desired for the festivity, and there was no interruption to the cricket and other games and amusements, which followed the tea. The teachers and visitors were also most helpful. On July 16. Mrs. Blagden took some of the chief fellow helpers in her working association for Home Missions to a drawing room meeting, in behalf of the Additional Curates’ Society, at Walton Rectory. Addresses were given by the Bishop of Reading, Rev. C. S. Turner, Rev. C. Everitt, Rev. G. W. Pearse and Rev. D. Elsdale, on the pressing spiritual needs of London and our larger towns, and ot the finance and other hindrances. We must not, however, encroach on our neighbour’s chronicles, else Mr. Elsdale will have something to say to us. No baptisms marriages or burials for Newnton Longueville 1894 oOo September 1894 Newnton Longueville The Rector of Woughton kindly arranging that the Annual Festival of the local branch of the Girls’ Friendly Society should be held at Woughton, nine girls were taken to the Festival by Mrs. Blagden from this parish on July 25th last. An “invitation concert” was given at our School by some members of the Rector’s family on the Saturday before the August Bank Holiday, the guests being those who usually meet at the Rector’s and Mrs. Blagden’s Christmas party. The concert, to which much care was given, was followed by the once popular little play, “Box and Cox,” Miss Blagden very cleverly personating “Mrs. Bouncer,” the landlady; Mr. Claude Blagden taking the part of “Cox;” and Mr. Vincent Blagden the part of “Box.” Each acted with great spirit, and the whole performance afforded no little amusement. 𠇋ox’s” disguise was particularly successful, and the stage arrangements of fire place, and window to open, caused immense surprise. The sermon at the Harvest Service this year, which is fixed to take place on Thursday, September 20, will, we hope, be preached by the late highly-esteemed Vicar of Fenny Stratford, Rev. A. H. Barrow, who now holds the Vicarage of Billinghurst, Sussex. By an oversight, the account of late June’s offertories was omitted in the August number of our Magazine. We therefore repair our omission. The total of the June offertories was £1 12s. 3d. That of the July offertories was £3 6s 10½d. a more satisfactory one than the preceding. Baptism Newnton Longueville 1894 July 22 Alfred Ernest, son of Charles and Ann Copperwheat July 22 Frederic James, son of William and Jane Cook. Burials Newnton Longueville 1894 June 26 Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Henley, aged 84 oOo October 1894 Newnton Longueville The Rector regrets that, through some oversight of his own, this year’s report from H. M. Inspector of our School was not inserted in the September number of our magazine as he intended it should be. The report is most satisfactory and encouraging. This is the statement, which, by the way, some of our readers have, doubtless, already seen in the “North Bucks Times.” Mixed School. - “The children have passed an exceptional good examination, the style of their work and its accuracy being very creditable. Their general intelligence too, is satisfactory; their answering in Geography is good. Note singing is well taught, and the general condition of the School is highly praiseworthy.” Infants’ Class, - “The Infants’ Class has done well this year, and is now in decidedly good condition.” Many in the village will, we expect, be glad to hear of Mr. Vincent Blagden’s safe return to Suez, just a week after leaving home. A telegram, intimating his arrival at Suez, was received at the rectory within about an hour and a half. A few years ago such rapid communication between countries so distant from one another as England and Egypt would indeed have been thought incredible. Our Feast Sunday will this year fall on October 21. We venture on a hope that the offertories, usually made on this occasion for the Incorporated Church Building Society, will be less meagre than they were last year. The Society certainly did not vote us a very large Grant for our Church Restoration. But there are some of us who remember with what infinite difficulty the necessary funds were raised at all, and feel, therefore, that the parish is bound never to forget even the smallest gifts to our Church, whether from a society or an individual. Our offertories in August amounted to £3 10s. 6¼d. We beg to announce another Rummage Sale, to be held in the School, at 2 o’clock, on the afternoon of Monday, October 22. Baptism Newnton Longueville 1894 Sep. 9 Frederick Ernest, son of David and Mary Perry Marriages Newnton Longueville 1894 Sep. 9 Nathan Hanton, widower, to Hannah Tyrrell oOo November 1894 Newnton Longueville If report be true, at the coming election of the parish Councils, many will with hold from voting for the Rector, though on no personal grounds, but only on account of his clerical office. While the Rector has no wish to obtrude himself for election, he would venture to remind his neighbours, that, to his knowledge, no charge has ever been alleged against him of overstraining his influence in the past. It is, therefore, somewhat surprising, that only because he is a clergyman, he should be excluded from a new system of government, which is strictly safeguarded from all possible abuse from station. While, moreover, it should surely be considered, a clergyman, both by education and residence, has at least the same rights as others to a part and share in directing the local secular interests and business. In the present case, the Rector, it will be recollected, has been a resident in the parish upwards of nineteen years. The bright and very gracefully decorated Church, as all must have felt, fully accorded with our joyous and thankful thoughts at our Harvest Service on September 20th last. There were many with willing hands busy on the Church in the forepart of the day. Among these were Mr. Powell and her family, Miss Eliza Shackshaft, Miss Lena Carter, Miss Mary Smith, Miss Emma Tompkins, and Miss Charlotte Hopkins, besides a good contingent of helpers from the rectory. The clergy who took part in the service, were the Rector, Rev. M. Nepean, Rev. R. Bruce Dickson, Rev. F. Field, and Rev. A. H. Barrow, the preacher; while the Rev. W. A. Milne, Rev. C. F Clarke, Rev. C. H. Grove, and Rev. A. C. Webber were also present in the choir. The anthem, which was taken from the 103 Psalm, was we thought most excellently sung. The attendance at the early celebration of the Holy Communion was much larger, we were glad to say than in former years. The members of the two families - those of Mr. Thos. Henley and Mr. Edmund Tompkins, who have within a few months of each other sustained so heavy a bereavement, have good reason to remember our prayer for “the Church Militant.” For in it we bless God for all those who have “departed this life in His faith and fear.” And we pray also that we may 𠇏ollow their good examples.” Both of our friends left behind them something for us to follow: Mrs. Henley, a pattern of great patience through months of lingering weakness. Mrs. Tompkins, a habit of singularly careful and kind speech about the absent. So while we sympathise much with these families in their sorrow, we would suggest to them great thankfulness for the bright and good memories they have to cherish. Mr. Blagden hopes to resume her working parties for Home Missions at the Rectory, on Wednesday, November 7. The total of the September offertories, swollen by the Harvest Thanksgiving collections, stands at £7 15s. 5¼d. Burials Newnton Longueville 1894 Sept. 26 Mary Ann, wife of Edmund Tompkins aged 62 years. oOo December 1894 Newnton Longueville No articles, or announcements of baptisms, marriages or burial for any parish in December 1894 oOo January 1895 Newnton Longueville Christmas, repeating once again its hallowed lessons of self-sacrifice, humility, and peace, will to some of us seem more welcome than ever this season. For in this place, during some weeks past, restlessness, strife, and party feeling have been predominant. Let us hope that these things will pass away, now that the Parish Council Elections are over. Canon Denton, who preached here at our Intercessory Service for Foreign Missions, on the evening of November 29, expressed great surprise and pleasure at there being so large a congregation on a week day evening in a country Parish. It was indeed a congregation worthy of the occasion. We have three pleasant items to announce in connection with our Parish Church. Mrs. Blagden has presented a very pretty oak Credence Table to the chancel. The old stone work of the east window in the south aisle having been removed has been replaced with new material, and filled with cathedral glass. The much worn- steps in the belfry staircase have also been made good. The Parochial Lending Library will be re-opened at the Rectory, on Monday, January 7th, at 12 o’clock. The subscription is a penny a month. Books may be changed every fortnight. The sum of £2 12s. 5d. was collected by offertories during the month of November. Thursday, February 21st, is fixed for a Confirmation by the Bishop of Oxford at Bletchley, for candidates from this Parish, at 2.45 p.m. No baptisms marriages or burials for Newnton Longville 1895 oOo February 1895 Newnton Longueville, On the evening of Holy Innocents’ Day, 1894, the Rector and Mrs. Blagden gave a party to the children of the Sunday School. After tea, followed by games, the sight of a lighted Christmas tree - bearing presents for each little visitor, caused great excitement and pleasure. The Christmas holiday season was marked a few days later, on January 8, by a supper at the Rectory, to which the elder members of the choir were invited. For them also surprises were prepared during the evening, gifts being handed to each guest under the guise of parcels just arrived by post, by Mr. Claude Blagden, who represented a post office official. Afterwards, one guest played on the piano; others sang, and the evening passed away too quickly. Miss. M. C. Young, who has held the post of Assistant Mistress at our school for the past three years, has been appointed to a similar charge at Touchen End, a hamlet in the parish of Bray, Berkshire. Miss. Louisa Scott, succeeds Miss. M. C. Young in her work with our Infant Class. Our Parochial Association for the S.P.G. has just sent the sum of £2 9s. 4d. to that Society, besides the proceeds of a special collecting box for the Universities’ Mission - 11s 6d. For the year 1894. The Church offertories for the month of December 1894 amounted to £4 1s. 9½d. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Newnton Longueville 1895 oOo March 1895 Newnton Longueville Our School had an unavoidable interruption during the first days of February. Miss Coupland having the misfortune to have a sharp attack of influenza. Every one who knows Miss Coupland, however, will realize how greatly she herself regretted that she was utterly unable to attend to her school duties for some days, from February 1st. To February 11th. It is proposed to hold special evening services at 7 o’clock on the Tuesday in Lent. We beg to announce the names of those who have kindly promised to preach in our Church on these occasions, during the month of March : - The Rev. R. B. Dickson, Vicar of Stewkley, on March 5th; the Rev. C. G. Hutchins, Rector of Dunton, on March 12th; the Rev. C F. Clark, Rector of Drayton Parslow, on March 19th; and the Rev. D. Elsdale, Rector of Moulsoe, and Editor of our Parish Magazine on March 26th. Let us hope, that, weather permitting, they will find congregations, such as we have had before, thankfully appreciating the self-sacrifice of those who come from distant parishes to preach to us. Our offertory record for January 1895, in spite of the severe season, is not discouraging. The sum for that month was £2 9s. 8¾d. Baptism March Newnton Longueville 1895 Feb. 11 Nelly, daughter of John and Ann Dickens. Marriages Newnton Longueville 1895 Jan. 26 William Henry Atkins, widower, and Clara Horne, spinster. oOo April 1895 Newnton Longueville We had looked forward hopefully to the recovery of our much respected neighbour, Miss Ann Brown, and little thought that we should this month see her name in our Parish Obituary. She leaves behind her a justly, honoured memory for her affectionate and dutiful treatment, years ago, of an aged mother; and for her remarkable cheerfulness, at all times, in her lonely home. We are glad that our Magazine affords us an opportunity of again alluding gratefully to the willingly rendered attendance of our church choir at the special evening services on the Tuesdays in Lent. For the two Tuesdays in April, the 2nd and the 9th, we have to announce the Rev. W. B. Banting, Vicar of Little Brickhill; and the Rev. C. G. Hutchins, Rector of Dunton, as the promised preachers. Arrangements are being made for a concert, to be held at the School, on Tuesday in Easter week, April 16th, at 7.30. We are led to expect, that the programme will be very good. One item in the performance is to be a little cantata, “Jack and the Bean Stalk,” undertaken by members of our choir. Tickets may be had at 1s., 6d., and 3d. It is proposed that, as usual, the offertories of Easter Day shall be sent to the object for which the Bishop of Oxford, in his annual Pastoral letter, specially solicits our alms, namely, the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education. Many of us having had an opportunity, at the confirmation held in Bletchley church, on Feb. 21st.,of listening to our learned Bishop’s weighty, yet practical address, we can the better realise his appeal to every parish in the Diocese in behalf of the cause of religious education. The amount of offertories in February was £1 16s. 1¼d. Burials Newnton Longueville 1895 Feb. 20 Nellie Dickens, aged 13 days Mar. 7 Ann Brown, aged 65 oOo May 1895 Newnton Longueville We beg to gratefully acknowledge several offerings of flowers received for our Church decorations at Easter. They gave our church a festive look. The congregations throughout the services on Easter Day were larger than usual, and the early Communion was especially well attended, the most admirable sermons of our recent Lenten preachers thus bearing fruit, it seems, quickly. Some kind friends in the village had prepared a pleasant surprise for Miss Blagden, in recognition of her seven years’ devotion to the Organ and Church Choir, on the morning of Easter Day. She then received a gold bracelet, accompanied by a very tasteful illuminated list of subscribers . It is needless to say she was most unfeignedly touched and gratified by this kind thought and friendly feeling of the neighbours among whom she has lived so long, and she feels, to use her own words, that “Newnton Longueville people can at least do two things : They can choose pretty presents, and they can keep a secret.” It is a long time ago that any of our village concerts have been so largely patronised as that held in our School on the evening of April 16, Tuesday in Easter week. We have to thank some of our good friends for advertising our concert so widely, and getting purchasers for our tickets, thus ensuring us success, had the weather been unfavourable. Both parts of the concerts seemed to be highly appreciated. by our audience. The little sonata, “ Jack and the bean stalk,” the special undertaking of our Church Choir, passed off with great spirit and was only felt to be “too short.” The miscellaneous performance afterwards was also very charming. Mr. C. R. Powell’s solo on he flute being particularly well worth hearing. Mr. Claude Blagden’s amusing little song, “The tin gee gee “ was delightful, and received with roars of laughter. Our readers will be glad to hear that we realised by the concert the sum of £3 12s. 3d. for a new church heating apparatus. We are also requested to draw their special attention to the announcement, that Mr. Walter Carlile has kindly promised to open a bazaar here towards the latter part of the summer, at the end of July or the beginning of August. This is contemplated with a view to raising money for the same object as that of our concert, namely for a new heating apparatus at the church. It is seldom we are asked to devote our energies for a church fund, that is so strictly utilitarian. However a heating apparatus will not only promote our personal comfort in church, but only the preservation of the building, whose beauty also we have tried to maintain. For once we must wish heartily for an object that will neither charm the eye, nor the ear, but only minister to our bodily comfort in church. It only remains for us to note the March offertories . Their total was £2 16s. 2d. The sum of £1 6s. 4d. was raised on Easter Day, in response to the Bishop’s Pastoral Letter. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Newnton Longueville 1895 oOo June 1895 Newnton Longueville Mr. W. J. Fox, of Finsbury, hot water engineer, after a personal inspection of our Church, has sent us plans and estimates for warming the building. It may be mentioned that Mr. Fox’s apparatus is already in successful operation at Great Brickhill, Stewkley, Swanbourne, and Little Horwood. His charges for our church will be £71. As there will also be the cost of the furnace, outside the church, to provide for; the cost sum to be collected is a heavy one. We need not, however, surely, despair of ultimate success, when we think of what has been done for our church in the past, and what great difficulties have been overcome, and, moreover, that we have already received subscriptions to our fund, and contributions towards stock for our bazaar, to be held, all being well, in the coming summer. Still, hopeful as we are, we earnestly beg our readers themselves to lose no opportunity of promoting the undertaking before us. The Rev. F. F. Field , Rector of Woughton, and Diocesan Inspector, examined our School in religious subjects on Thursday, May 16, his visit lasting three full hours. The prize, usually given by the Diocesan Inspector, was well deserved by Harry Young, but, as he had won a similar award at a previous Diocesan examination, he was debarred, by custom, from receiving it again. It was, therefore, awarded to Lily Hopkins, The Rector giving the second prize to George Dickens. Ethel Brown, Kate Dickens, and Sarah Copperwheat were also highly praised for their intelligent answers. The offertories on the four Sundays in April last amounted to £3 3s. 1d. We greatly regret that the Rev. F. F. Field’s own report of our school having arrived just too late for insertion this month, has unavoidably, to be reserves till July. Burials Newnton Longueville 1895 May 10 Elizabeth Stevens, aged 26 oOo July 1895 Newnton Longueville According to our promise, we transcribe the Report of the Rev. F. F. Field, after his inspection of our School in Religious Knowledge in the month of May. “The two eldest groups of children passed an excellent examination in the subjects which they had prepared, and reflected much credit on their teachers. The repetition of Holy Scripture and Hymns was accurate. The Infants did well in Old Testament, and fairly in New Testament. They were rather weak in Church Catechism ,but they had been well prepared in Bishop Forbes’ Simple Catechism. They repeated Psalm 46, and a number of texts quite correctly, but somewhat too rapidly. Private Prayers were reverently said throughout the School. On the whole, I was much pleased with the work prepared. The following children gave the vest answers: - Class 1 - Harry Young (who had the prize last year), Lily Hopkins (to whom I gave the Bishop’s Prize), George Dickens (to whom the Rector gave a Bible), Kate Dickens, Ethel Brown, Kate Pratt. Class 11 - Sarah Copperwheat, Arthur Dickens. Infants - Hedley Lovell, Florence Brown, George Atkins. (Signed) F. F. Field.” The Flower Service, held on the evening of Holy Thursday, will, we are sure, be felt to have, as in former years, left behind it a sort of pleasant fragrance. The reverent, devout behaviour of those who brought their offerings of flowers was very touching. We are very glad that this service has not lost its attractiveness here. In the recent absence of the Rector for a much needed holiday, the Rev, Ernest J. Towne, whose name will be familiar to very many, was the officiating clergyman in church on the Sunday. Miss Blagden, who is so rarely absent from her seat at the organ, had her place most kindly and ably filled by Miss Roling. The offertories in May amounted to the sum of £2 11s. 10½d. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Newnton Longueville 1895 oOo August 1895 Newnton Longueville The annual examination of the boys in drawing was conducted at the School by Major General Ruddell, on Thursday, June 27. The general examination of the whole School, due from Her Majesty’s Inspector in the month of July, is this year dispensed with. The usual statement of accounts, attendances of scholars, and other matters has, however, been duly presented by the managers to the Education Department. The Rev. J. E. Sewell, D. D. , warden of New College, Oxford, attended by S. R. Wickham, Esq. Steward, and H. W. B. Joseph, Esq., Fellow of the College, visited this parish on July 3rd, in order to hold the College Manorial Court. We regretted that owing to the difficulty , at a busy season, of getting ringers together, these dignitaries were not greeted, as heretofore, with a peal of welcome from our church bells. Many, we feel sure, will be interested in hearing something once more of Miss. S. A. Whitbread, who many years ago, was such a devoted and conscientious teacher in our School. In the beginning of July she came here to see some who still remembered her before leaving England, on her return to Zanzibar, where she hopes to resume hospital work (interrupted by her having had to recruit in England, after an attack of fever) in conjunction with the Universities’ Mission. Her zeal for what is noble and good is as keen as ever. One formerly well known to the older generation among us, David Young, we regret to say, passed away on June 13 last, after several weeks of suffering, borne very patiently, at the age of 78 years. The sum of £2 13s. 8½d. was raised by offertories in the month of June last. Burials Newnton Longueville 1895 June 17 David Young, aged 78 years. oOo September 1895 Newnton Longueville It will, of course, be understood that we were unable to insert any notice of our Bazaar, held on July 31 in the Rectory Garden in the August number of our Magazine. It is needless to state that W. W. Carlile, Esq., M. P. and Mrs. Carlile, who did us the honour, according to their long-standing promise, of opening our Sale, were enthusiastically received. After a few words of welcome from the Rector, and a short speech from Mr. Carlile, a lovely bouquet , provided by Mr. Vickers, of Fenny Stratford, was presented by Miss Ethel Powell to Mrs. Carlile. Business began punctually at 3 o’clock, and lasted till about 8.30. without, however any recourse to the Chinese lanterns, hung in the tents, and here there in the garden, in case of need. Among our visitors from a distance, were Lady Cottesloe, and Miss Freemantle, Lady Duncombe, Col. and Mrs. Neave, Captain and Mrs. Levi, and Miss Chichester. Mrs. Gould, Miss. Milne, Rev. M. P. Nepean, Rev. W. B. and Mrs. Banting, Rev. W. and Mrs. Bennitt, Rev. Oct. Lowndes, Rev. Arthur Webber, Mrs. Chesterman, Rev. E. A. Milne, Miss Waddell, Rev. C. T. Clark, Rev. F. H. and Miss Tatham, Mrs. and Miss. Pain, Mr. and Mrs.E. Holdom. Of the two tents on the lawn, one was reserved for fancy articles, and the other for provisions and refreshments. In the former the stall keepers were Mrs. Patton, Mrs. Milne and Misses W. M. and B. C. Blagden. In the latter Mrs. T. Powell, Mrs. Clark, Miss Rowling, Miss. Blagden, and Miss Elizabeth Tompkins. Just off the lawn there was an attractive institution called “the village pump,” which was a perennial source of numerous, though miscellaneous articles such as dolls, pen wipers, sweets , &c. to any one who worked the handle, provided a penny had been dropped in a certain little slot. This was a profitable invention. A shooting gallery, presided over by Mr. W. Powell, added to our profit s, and the total financial results of our sale was most satisfactory for the funds required for our Church heating apparatus. Our gatekeepers who kindly served in rotation were thus:- Messrs B. Hall, A. Perry, Joseph Smith. It may be mention that Mrs. Emerson, of Shenley, greatly helped us by lending her large and commodious tent. Some friends , who were unable to be with us on July 31, have since, by their purchases, helped to reduce the small stock of goods left after the sale. The weather was propitious beyond all expectation, and many of us , we feel sure , will long remember our little fete of July 31, 1895 with much pleasure. The recent rain has restored freshness and greeness to the grass, and the old fashioned garden in all its summer foliage was looking its best. We believe that our readers will be gratified to learn that the Rev. Mackwood Stevens, the eloquent Rector of Addinton Bucks, has promised to preach here on the evening of Thursday, September 19th. The day we have fixed for our Harvest Thanksgiving. The sum collected by offertories in the month of July was £2 8s. 1¾d. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Newnton Longueville 1895 oOo October 1895 Newnton Longueville We were, we think, specially to be congratulated on the bright weather of the day (September 1-th) on which our annual Harvest Thanksgiving was held in our church. The day, as usual beginning with a celebraties of Holy Communion at 8 o’clock ending with choral evensong at seven. The elaborate decorations of the church was greatly admired, bearing everywhere the signs of the refined talent of those who so kindly undertaken them. We have, as in former years, to cordially thank Mrs. Powell, Miss Lena Carter, Miss Eliza Shackshaft, Miss. Lizzie Line, and others for all they did towards promoting the festive appearance of our church. We noted particularly the beautiful cross in the east window of the chancel and the floral wreath on the cornice of the belfry screen. The first part of evensong was said by the Rector, the concluding portion by the Rev. - Nepean; the first lesson being read by the Rev. W. B. Banting. and the second by the Rev. E. A. Milne. The sermon, preached by the Rev. Mackwood Steven was most valuable for its timely protest against the modern tendency to ignore our dependency on God, and our weariness of duty and the homely virtues. Our abundant offerings of vegetables and fruit filling two sacks, and two hampers will be a rich present for the poor little sufferers in the Children’s Hospital in Great Ormond Street, London. Beside those clerical friends already mentioned, the Rev. F F. Field, Rev. H. W. Smith, and Rev. C. F. Clark joined in our hearty and glowing service. The alms were collected by Messrs T. Powell, and Thos. Henley. Jun. We are very sorry for the prolonged absence from church of our respected parish churchwarden, Mr. Thomas Smith, through illness. Inadvertently, in the summer months , we omitted to mention the prosperity and vigour enjoyed by our new Cricket Club. The captain is Mr. Hugh Missenden , and the treasurer Mr. George Hopkins. We were rejoiced to hear of the signal victory gained by the members of our Club on Saturday, September 7, over their rivals at the Drayton Parslow Club. The late Mr. Charles Waller having much endeared himself to the parish by his courteous, kind ways, as well as his ever-willing attentions professionally to the poor, whenever he was resident here, the sudden news of his death, has , we are sure, been heard of by all with extreme regret. The amount of the offertories on September 17 was £1 18s. 9½d.; that of the offertories of August was £3 3s. 9¼d No baptisms, marriages or burials for Newnton Longueville 1895 oOo November 1895 Newnton Longueville In spite of other more pressing claims on the Warden and Fellows of New College, as landlords, they have, with their wonted liberality, sent a contribution towards our church heating - apparatus fund, in answer to an application from the Rector. We have cleared a considerable part of our debt incurred in this matter. But, as we have still a balance to find, a concert has been arranged by Miss Blagden, to be held in our school, on the afternoon of Saturday, November 2nd ., at 3 o’clock. Among the performers we expect Miss. Margaret Lambton, Miss. Helen Oglivie, Miss. Beatrice Blagden, Mr. Claude Blagden and others. Tickets may be had at 2s and 1s each. The winter working party at the Rectory for Home Missions is to be resumed , all being well, on the afternoon of Wednesday November 6th. While we shall all be asked to turn our thoughts to Foreign Missions later in the month, it is being proposed to hold our usual intercessory service for such Missions on the evening of Friday, November 29th, the eve of St. Andrew. The offertories made on September 17th last are included in the unusually large total for the month of September - £7 18s, 4½d. No baptisms, marriages or burials for Newnton Longueville 1895 oOo December 1895 Newnton Longueville The concert announced for the afternoon of November 2nd last at our school took place. We are glad to add that it met with considerable success, and that it was well attended by, and seemed to afford much pleasure to, friends from a distance, and residents in the village. The programme, though short, was selected with great care and taste. The vocalist performers were Miss. Margaret Lambton (of Redfield, Winslow), Misses Winifred and Beatrice Blagden, and Mr. Claude Blagden; while the musicians were Miss Helen Ogilvy (pianist) and Miss Gould (violinist). Financially the concert was decidedly satisfactory, bringing in a most addition to our church heating apparatus fund - a fund, we would remind our readers, still short of the full sum required. The tickets for the Clothing Club will, we hope, be ready for distribution at the school, on the afternoon of Thursday, December 5th at 4 o’clock. All the members are requested to make a personal attendance . During the past year, many complaints having been expressed about the quality of the goods supplied. Those who provide the bonus wish to collect the members several opinions about the advisability of continuing the club in the coming year. The Rev. Arthur C. Webber conducted the services at the church on Sunday, November 10th, the Rector being absent from home through indisposition. We hope all our neighbours feel duly grateful to the authorities of the General Post Office for at length according us the long-wished-for second postal delivery of letters to the village. We ourselves think the advantages worthy of special notice and reward. The offertories of October reached the sum of £2 13s. 11d. Burials Newnton Longviile 1895 Nov. 16 Robert King Hall, aged 66 oOo |