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transcribed by Ingrid Neale

January 1894 Sherington

This village, said lately by an enemy to be “ a sleepy village of North Bucks,” showed itself to be “wide awake” on November 24th. When a jumble sale took place under the superintendence of the Rector and Mrs. Elton. It proved a thorough village entertainment, and although it was the result of three weeks of quiet pains and trouble, it appeared from the time of its opening, to have sprung up as if by magic; and to be the simplest way of bringing people together for mutual greetings as well as for the provision of their wants. From first to last it was a scene of cheerfulness and even merriment, which will be long remembered. Many ladies in the neighbourhood contributed most kindly, specially Mrs. Higgins, (Turvey House ), Mrs. Williams, the Misses Maul, Mrs. Tarver, Mrs. Allfrey, Mrs. Sams, Mrs. Wellesley Taylor, Mrs. Powell (Westbury) Miss Tatham, Miss J. Selby Lowndes, Rev. H. Mawson, Mrs. Grant, Miss Goodrich, Mrs. Terry, Mrs. Tomkins, and Mrs. Bright (Sherington Bridge), Miss Line, Mrs. Lord, Mr. Odell and Mr. Vincent. The room presented the gay appearance of a bazaar, and rivalled Whiteley’s shop.

The work was most admirably carried out by a staff of 24 helpers, as follows: - Stall 1 Miss Elton, Miss Storer, Miss C. Rogers, and Miss Jefferson made £1 4s. ; Stall 2 - Miss Tomkins, Miss. E. Field, Miss. Lucas, , and Mrs. Lucas, £2 9s.; Stall 3 - Miss Tarver, Miss. M. Tarver, Miss Selby -Lowndes, and Miss Cave. £2 5s. 4½d,; Stall 4 - Mrs. Wellesley Taylor , Mr. Tatham, Miss. Rogers, and Miss Stanton. £2 17s. 6½d,; Stall 5 - Miss. Tatham, Mr. Sullivan, Miss. Graves, and Miss. Burchell, £2 17s 10½d. ; Paper stall - Mr. Frank Field, 4s 4d.,; Door-keepers - Mr. J. Field, jun., and Mr. G. West, 19s. 6d. Much amusement was afforded by the Rev. H. Mawson, who worked a galvanic battery and took 3s 11½d. The rooms were crowded, and latterly there was a great deal of fun. At 9 o’clock a spirited Cheap Jack Auction was held by Mr. J. Fiennes Sullivan, assisted by Mr. Rose and Mr. J. Field, jun. Merriment rose to a high pitch towards tea, when Mr. Crewe, who had given his services throughout the day, brought things to a conclusion.

Baptism Sherington 1894

Nov. 30 Priscilla Ann, daughter of Edward John and Martha Kate Pateman

Nov. 30 Walter Henry Willy, son of John William and Elizabeth Sarah Ingram

Nov. 30 Bessy Louise, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Mustall


Sherington 1894 February

On Tuesday evening, January 2, the children of the Sunday School had a pleasant entertainment, when a distribution of prizes was made to those who had been most attentive. The first part of the evening we spent in various games, which called forth much amusement. Among others, an elephant appeared, who carried children on his back. A giant, also nearly eight feet high, and a dwarf apparently devoid of legs, created much amusement. After this, the prizes were given, a careful statement having been previously made by Mrs. Elton, as to the number of marks earned by each child. The prizes consisted of work boxes, clocks, books, desks and various other articles, such as will be of lasting use to the possessors. An abundant supply of tea, cake, and oranges followed, after which a few words of good advice were given by the Rev. H. Gresley Elton, and a happy evening was brought to a close by singing the Evening Hymn.

The school work has gone on steadily with much better attendances, as Mr. Collett is strict in his inquiries, when any children are absent.

We are sorry to notice less interest on the part of the children in bringing money in the Savings Bank. Parents should remember that such payments, in order to be of any real service to their children, must be continuous - A few pence given weekly during the whole time of school attendances will produce not only a valuable sum, but this is the least part of the benefit which will be found in the habits of prudence and thrift which are thereby formed. - Nor is it in this matter only the care of the parent should be exhibited; it would be infinitely for the benefit of parents and children alike, if the former would take more personal interest in the progress and welfare of their children, whilst at school. Neglect of this kind has been more observable since the existence of the fee grant; before this the call for pence was a reminder of a responsibility, which is now too much forgotten.

Our Christmas decorations were much admired the produce of many willing helpers; among which we must notice the most graceful twining of ivy and other leaves on the screens and pillars, for which our thanks are due to Mr. Joseph Field.

There is a Bible Class held on Sunday evenings at the school room at 6 o’clock. We would gladly welcome any persons who really value such instructions. The Bible Reading is followed by some other reading. Applications of those who would like the service to be made to the Rector.

No baptisms marriages or burials for Sherington 1894


Sherington 1894 March

The contract for the School Improvements has been taken, and we hope shortly to see the work well completed. We trust that those who benefit so much by good education for their children will properly appreciate the efforts which are being made by friends in order to secure it.

Since our last, we notice the removal of the materials which had been laid down for the unfortunate tramway. It would seem as if the towns of Newport and Olney are not destined for closer union, the projects of the railway and of the tramway having both failed, even when in each case the work was half done. Meanwhile, we hail with pleasure the good footpath which is in course of completion on the site of the latter.

Baptism Sherington 1894

Feb. 4 Bernard John, son of John and Rose Crewe

Burials Sherington 1894

Jan. 16 Martha Coleman, aged 73


Sherington 1894 April

Our Easter service was bright and pleasant, although the decorations from the want of flowers was somewhat meagre, but in this we have many fellow sufferers. We were glad to notice an increased number of communicants. Miss Elton presented two very nice alms bags.
The illness of the architect has delayed the beginning of the alterations in the School, but a start will be made in a very few days.

On March 27 the annual ceremony took place in connection with Mr. Fuller’s Charity. He was one of those supporters of the Church, who connect their bequests with some notice of Religion . After morning service and the delivery of a sermon by the Rector, in the presence of the recipients, half-a-crown was given to 30 old persons selected on account of their age and poverty.

Baptisms Sherington 1894

March 7 William George Henry, son of Joseph and Kate Jones.

Marriages Sherington 1894

Jan. 19 Joseph Norman and Mary Chapman

Burials Sherington 1894

March 4 William Rainbow, aged 51

Sherington 1894 May

The Church Schools were examined on the 11th inst., by the Rev. W. J. Harkness, Diocesan Inspector, who reports as follows : - “This School has done itself credit. The Infants passed a good examination, and were in good order. The middle group was rather weak, though some displayed a good knowledge of all subjects. The repetition in this group was not very well known. In the upper division the children had been most thoroughly and conscientiously taught; they answered capitally in all subjects, and took a lively interest in the examination. A full syllabus has been taken. Most of the written work was neatly and carefully done. The tone of the school is excellent. The Diocesan prize was awarded to Kate Mint. Mollie Gardner, Agnes Proctor, and H. Pikesley were also mentioned by the Inspector at his visit, as having done particularly well, Mollie Gardner running Kate Mint very closely for the Bishop’s prize. The above is the best report the School has ever had in religious knowledge, and is most gratifying to all concerned, reflecting the greatest credit upon Mr. Collett and Miss Birchell. The endorsement on Mr. Collett’s Archbishop’s certificate is :- “ This School especially the upper Standards, has passed an excellent examination.

No baptisms marriages or burials for Sherington 1894


Sherington 1894 June

It is with great pleasure that we announce the success which has attended the drawing instruction even in the Evening Continuation Schools, held by Mr. F. Collett, during the past winter months. The report from the Science and Art Department, London is to hand, and my Lords have awarded the mark “Good” to the School. It may be pointed out that the boys had no previous knowledge of drawing, some being unable to draw a straight line at the commencement of the series of 20 lessons, the minimum number prescribed by the Department. The result is, therefore, a source of mutual gratification to teachers and taught.

No baptisms marriages or burials for Sherington 1894


Sherington 1894 July

The report of Her Majesty’s Inspector on the Evening Continuation Schools of this parish has been received, and is most gratifying to the master, Mr. F. Collett, and his scholars. The following is a verbatim copy of the report: - The Evening Continuation School is under excellent discipline, and has passed a very creditable examination.” The highest grant has been earned, and on account of their excellent attendance all the lads have received back their fees. Mrs. Elton, who took a great interest in the school, empowered the master to give a prize for good conduct and regular attendance. This was won by James Nursaw.

No baptisms marriages or burials for Sherington 1894


Sherington 1894 August

The new buildings required at our school by the Education Department have now been completed, and the work has been well done, at considerable cost, by Mr. H. Rose, builder, according to the design of Mr. Branson. The parishioners are now in possession of a first-rate school, complete in all respects (under a first - rate master), to which their children have access, without charge of any kind, whilst some of our neighbours will pay heavy and frequent school board rates. The above fact will explain some of the advantages which a voluntary school possesses.

We understand a promised visit of the Bishop of Lincoln at the Rectory will enable his Lordship to preach on behalf of the school funds. A name such as his cannot fail to command wide attention and interest throughout the neighbourhood.

No baptisms,marriages or burials for Sherington 1894


Sherington 1894 September

The Schools were examined on the 27th and 30th of July by Her Majesty’s Inspector. The report is not yet to hand, but the examiners expressed themselves well satisfied with the progress of the scholars.

Our readers are reminded of the special sermon to be preached on “Christian Education.” by the Bishop of Lincoln. Service at Sherington Church on September 14, at 3 o’clock. A collection will be made towards supplying the deficiency in the school funds.

No baptisms marriages or burials for Sherington 1894


Sherington 1894 October

On Monday, September 3, the Church workers and other friends were invited to a garden party at the rectory, by the Rector and Mrs. Elton. The weather was glorious, and some closely contested games of croquet and lawn tennis were played. Among those present were Miss. Lowndes, Mrs. E. Elton, Mr. Ed. Elton, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. F. J. Field, Miss Ella Field, Miss Graves, Mrs. Jefferson, the Misses Rogers, Mrs. Bright, Mrs. Tompkins, the Misses Tompkins, Mademoiselle Loisette, Mr. Stanley Gardner, and Mr. Frank Collett. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent, the Rector, and Mrs. Elton spring no pains to make their guest happy.

On Thursday, August 30, the village was again en fete, the occasion being the Annual Sunday School Treat, kindly given by Mrs. Elton. The children assembled at 3 p.m., at the school, and, having duly deposited their drinking vessels, proceeded to the rectory grounds, where various games were indulged in, including Twos and Threes, Tipping the Basket. Here we come gathering Nuts and May, races, swinging, on the real regulation swings as used at fairs, &c.

The white pony Jill was requisitioned, and afforded great delight to the youngsters, indeed we may say that Jill had a monopoly. Tea was drunk, and delicious lumps of cake and bread and butter were devoured at 4.30, when play was again resumed till about 7, when all reassembled in the school for song singing &c. After a quantity more of cake, &c., had disappeared, the rector made some very useful remarks upon Sunday School work. Cheers were then given for all friends who had helped, and for the Rector and Mrs. Elton. Buns and sweets were distributed and the scholars dispersed, having spent a most happy day.

The Church of England Schools in this parish were inspected on the 27th and 30th of July, by E. M. Kenney Herbert, Esq., and H. Martin, Esq., Her Majesty’s Inspectors of schools. The Government report is now to hand, and is excellent in every respect, reflecting the greatest possible credit on Mr. F. Collett, the master, and his staff. The highest possible grants have been received in all subjects including that for geography, which was taken for the first time. The following is an exact copy of the report: Mixed School - “The school is now a very good one. All the subjects taught, are taught thoroughly and the children are being handled with ability and good sense. The answering in English and Geography, the note singing, the musical drill, recitations, also the work of all the standards, in the elementary subjects, do Mr. Collett great credit.” Infants’ class - Miss Birchall has improved this division considerable. Its general condition is now distinctly good, and does her credit.” Miss Stanton and Miss Birchall are recognized under article 68 of the New Code. It may be stated that the above is far and away the best report the school has ever received. The grant has largely increased upon last year, notwithstanding a lower average attendance caused by whooping cough.

As notified in the last issue of this Magazine, the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, who is a friend of the Rector, the Rev. E. Elton, preached a sermon in the Parish Church, on the 14th inst., on behalf of the Parish Schools. The Church was well filled by an attentive congregation from the various towns and villages in the vicinity. The Bishop took his text from the words: - “Now we believe not because of Thy saying: for we have heard Him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ the saviour of the world,” S. John, 1v., 42. The complete text of the sermon was reproduced in the Bucks Standard of the 22nd inst., and is well worth a more than passing perusal by those interested in Christian Teaching, both clergy and laity. There was a procession before the service, the hymn being “The Church is one Foundation,” the office hymn was “O Jesus I have promised,” the offertory hymn was “The sower went forth sowing.” and the recessional hymn was “Onward Christian Soldiers.” The collection was £11 11s. 1d. On Friday morning the Bishop visited the schools and was conducted over the premises by the Rector and Mr. Collett, the master. His Lordship expressed himself pleased with all that he saw including the last excellent report of the school, and signed the Log Book on leaving. It may be interesting to note that Bishop King was for four years curate of Wheatly under the Rev. E. Elton, and during that time took a great interest in the Day and Night School work of the Parish.

The Evening Continuation School re-opens on October 1. This year, Mr. Collett intends conducting a class of girls as well as boys. He also resumes his work in the Filgrave Evening Schools, on Tuesday, October 2. It is hoped that there will be a good attendance at these schools, and that no young person in these parishes will neglect their opportunity for improvement.

No baptisms marriages or burials for Sherington 1894


Sherington 1894 November

The special thanksgiving service for the harvest was held in the Parish Church on Sunday, Oct. 7, at three o’clock in the afternoon. There was a large and attentive congregation from the village and surrounding district. The service was fully choral, and thoroughly congregational in character. Specially appointed psalms were nicely rendered by the choir, viz., the 65th , 147th, and 150th. The chants used to these were Woodward in C, Robinson in E flat, and Grand Chant respectively. The anthem was by C. Simper, “I will feed my flock in good pastures,” and was carefully and sweetly performed. A processional hymn was sung , “Come ye thankful,” also a recessional, “Praise, O praise,” The service was intoned by the Rev. C. H. Spurrell, who also preached a suitable harvest sermon. The Church was very effectively decorated, and this part of the “function” reflects most creditably upon the following ladies and gentlemen: - The Misses Rogers, who did the pulpit cross and the door cross ; Mrs. Taylor, who made a beautiful effect in the sanctuary; Miss Tompkins, whose care was a chaste adornment of the font. Mr. Joseph Field, who outshone any former attempts with a lovely screen of plaited oats, surmounted by bunches of wheat, with a real sickle thrust in, and floral decorations. Mr. William Collett did the bases of the pillars, and Miss. Ella Field the choir stalls. Mrs. Elton superintended as usual, and Miss. J. Selby - Lowdes also gave a helping hand. Fruits and vegetables were willingly offered by many of the parishioners. The offertory was very good, and devoted to the Church Fund and the Agricultural Benevolent Society.

A Meeting of the Technical Education Committee was held in the Schoolroom on Saturday evening, at 8 o’clock, to arrange for the course of Ambulance Lectures to be delivered by Mr. W. R. Chantler, of Newport Pagnell. There were present: Mr. D. Feasey (chairman), Mr. Frank Collett (Hon. Sec.), Mr. Hickson (delegate), Messrs Petts, J. Feasey, Joyce, A. Coleman and Miss. Lucas, Committee. The delegates reported that Mr. Chantler said it was desirable to limit the age to sixteen, and the size of class to 30 members, who would be admitted on payment of a fee of 6d., this to include the book of rules, &c., and the bandages. It was thereupon resolved that the first meeting be held on the first of November, at 7.30 p.m., and continued fortnightly till the course is finished. A dsicussion then followed upon the Horticultural Lectures by Mr. Whiting now in progress, and it was at lenth proposed by Mr. J. Petts, seconded by Mr. Joyce, that these lectures be discontinued after the course had run out.

With regard to the Ambulance Class, all agreed that it would be a capital thing, and likely to take on in the parish, and the committee wish Mr. Chantler every success in his good work; and as a help to him it was proposed by Mr. Collett that a select committee, consisting of Miss Lucas, Messrs. Collett, Hickson, Feasey, and Joyce be appointed to take names of persons who wish to join, and that this committee submit such names of another committee meeting, to be hld on Saturday evening next, the 27th inst. At 8 o’clock. It was also resolved that Mr. Collett (sec,), should print some circulars and distribute the same to his scholars, so that the whole parish might get to know, the committee undertaking to defray the expense of this advertising. In accordance with this request Mr. Collett has drafted a circular and published the same. It is hoped that these lectures will be well attended, as their utility is obvious, many painful experiences being recorded by medical men of death resulting through an absence of the kind of knowledge whish our friend Mr. Chantler is so well able to impart.

No baptisms marriages or burials for Sherington 1894


December 1894 Sherington

No articles or baptisms, marriages or burial for Sherington printed in December


January 1895 Sherington

The day of Intercession was observed in this parish, and the alms devoted to the fund for maintaining of a missionary student in St. Augustine’s College. We were sorry to notice a small attendance. Interest in Christian Missions is the natural result of spiritual life, and we hope to notice an increase of both in this parish.

The Rector and Mrs. Elton, aided by Mr. Nelson and the Mercers’ Company, have given as they yearly endeavour to do, flannel to 33 old people, whose gratitude makes it a pleasure to help them. The Rector also gives beef to many aged people, and Mr. Makeham supplies coal and beef to a considerable number.

The services at the parish church on Christmas Day were very bright and hearty. In order to make the services as congregational as possible there was no anthem at either service, but good old hearty hymns were selected and performed with zest by the choir and congregation. Evensong was sung at six p.m. instead of an afternoon service, and was well attended. The church was effectively decorated.

We are all extremely sorry that on account of the ill - health of Mrs. Elton, who has only lately recovered from a most dangerous illness, the Rector and Mrs. Elton will be obliged to spend sometime in the South of England. The Rectory has, we understand, appointed an efficient locum tenens to act during the absence and to carry on the various classes, &c., in the parish on the same lines as he himself would have done had he been at home.

Another matter on which the people of Sherington are to be much congratulated is that the additional buildings ordered by the Education Department of the Government in the school premises have been completed in a most satisfactory manner (receiving warm commendation from the Inspector) at a cost of nearly £60. This has been accomplished, with barely any aid from the residents, by the Rector, to whom much praise and thanks are due. Sherington School Improvement Fund 1894: Receipts, Bishop’s Emergency Fund £10, Sermon by Bishop of Lincoln £10 19s 4d., Rev. E. Elton (Rector) £12 5s. 4d., The Mercers’ Company £5, Mr. Tyringham £5, National Society £5, Mr. Harris £3 3s., Mr. Nelson £2 2s., Mrs. and Misses Elton £2, Mr. Taylor (Manor House) £1 1s., Col. Fitzgerald £1, Mr. Carlile 10s., Mrs. Seagrave 5s., Miss. Fussell 2s. 6d., total £58 8s. 2d. Expenses: Mr. Branson (Architect) £3 3s., Mr. H. G. Rose (Builder) £53 16s. 8d., Printing 8s. 6d., Sundries £1, total £58 8s. 2d.

Much has been done to cheer and help the inhabitants of this village at this season. On the 21st. inst., £17 8s. 7d., which had been put into the Clothing and Coal Clubs, were returned to the members by Mrs. Elton, aided by some of the ladies of the place, with the addition of a bonus of 2d. on the 1s. Mrs. Elton has been enabled to do this by the kind co-operation of the following : - Rev. E. and Mrs. Elton, Mr. Nelson, the Mercers’ Co., Mrs. Wellesley Taylor, Miss. F. M. Elton, Mrs. Makeham, Mrs. Jefferson, Mrs. Bright, Mrs. Tompkins, Miss. Holton, Mrs. Graves, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Hickson, and Mrs. Oldham. Much gratitude is always expressed and the occasion is one of pleasure to both donors and receivers.

On the afternoon of Christmas Day the Scholars of the Sunday School were invited to the Rectory to receive books given by the Rev. and Mrs. Elton in reward for Bible Lessons, learnt at home week by week, and repeated well on Sunday. Out off the 47 Sundays the highest number of well - said Bible Lessons was 43, several other records following closely on this. This represents a good amount of Scripture learnt. Mrs. Elton began by impressing on the children that her and the Rector’s motive in this was to encourage them to know God’s Word, which alone could make them know Him. Each one then made choice of a book according to marks obtained. Mr. Collett then asked them to express their thanks, enlarging on the importance of committing Scripture to memory early in life. They then partook of cake, coffee, buns, and oranges, and, after singing a pretty carol, left with very happy faces, each carrying a book to his or her home.

No baptisms marriages or burials for Sherington 1895


Sherington 1895 February

The Technical Education Committee met on Saturday evening, January 19, at 7 p.m., to consider a letter from the District Committee on the introduction of a Carving Class. There were present Messrs, Collett, Hickson, D. Feasey, A. Coleman, J. Feasey, and J. Potts. It was decided, after some discussion, to write to the Secretary asking for more information re fees, plant, &c., before deciding finally. Mr. Collett has written to Mr. Warren, and probably will receive a reply in a few days, when the question will be considered at a future meeting.

We are sorry to record the death by accident, of a member of the Evening Continuation School, Arthur Cooper, who was hurt by a fall from a cart, and finally died of an injured spine. He was a quiet little fellow, and Mr. Collett states that he was a good, attentive boy at the classes, and set an example which might be followed by his elder companions with great benefit to themselves.

Baptism Sherington 1895

Dec. 21 James Ingles, 14 yrs.

Dec. 21 Agnes Ingles, 12 yrs.

Jan. 14 Arthur, son of William and Rebecca Cooper

Jan. 20 Edith Olive, daughter of Samuel and Mary Jenkins

Burials Sherington 1895

Nov. 8 John Rose, aged 56

Nov 24 Rosetta Brown, aged 26

Jan. 20 Arthur, son of William and Rebecca Cooper


Sherington 1895 March

No article or baptisms, marriages or burials for Sherington, March 1895


Sherington 1895 April

No article or baptisms, marriages or burials for Sherington, April 1895


Sherington 1895 May

The most solemn week of the year, Holy Week, was ushered in on Palm Sunday by very appropriate services, both in the morning and afternoon. That beautiful hymn, “All glory laud and honour,” was sung by the boys and men alternately at each service. In the morning there was a special Eucharist service after matins. We are very pleased to see our rector in the pulpit again after his enforced absence, on account of the ill health of Mrs. Elton. The reverend gentleman preached an excellent sermon on Sunday afternoon.

The Queen of Seasons was duly ushered in at the Parish Church by a bright and appropriate service at 11 a.m. There was a capital congregation, who joined in the service in a most hearty manner. The Easter Anthem was sung to a good chant by Dr. Hayes, the Psalms being read. Holy Communion was administered to a goodly number of the faithful after this service, Evensong was sung at 3 p.m. There was again a very full congregation. The Psalms were sung nicely by the Choir, to chants by Norris and Barnby. The lessons at both Mattins and Evensong were most impressively read by Mr. Edward Elton, M.A., of Wellington College. The Rector preached a stirring and practical sermon from the words “Now is Christ risen from the dead.” Very great praise must be accorded to Mrs. Elton, Miss Summer, Miss Rogers, Mr. Joseph Field, and Mrs. Johnson, for decorating the church so nicely. There is a great scarcity of flowers this year, but where is a will there is a way, and by an ingenious use of immortelles, ivy, daffodils, and primroses, together with pots of flowers from the Rectory, very good effects were obtained. From the Rectory, very good effects were obtained. Specially was this noticeable in the decoration of the screen, the work of Mr. Joseph Field, who always takes this part of the work, and right artistically does he do it, the words “Easter Triumph,” “Easter Joy,” being effectively incorporated in the screen, by the use of immortelles. One dear old face was missing from the accustomed place, viz, that of our genial churchwarden, Mr. William Makeham, who is only just recovering from a dangerous and prolonged illness. Our fullest sympathy is with him, and we are sure, though absent from our services in body, he was there in spirit.

The schools have recently been undergoing a series of examinations. The general examination of the Evening Continuation School (boys and girls) took place on March 29th, and the drawing examinations for the same on the 10 instant, 29 candidates presenting themselves for examination, and there is reason to believe that they acquitted themselves creditable. On the 11th instant the Day Schools were examined by the Rev. W. J. Harkness, Diocesan Inspector of Schools. The report is the best the school has ever had, and is alike gratifying to teachers and scholars. The following is a verbatim copy of it : - “This school has done remarkably well, and I have no hesitation in saying that the result reflects great credit upon Mr. Collett. A full syllabus had been taken, and careful, conscientious instruction had been given in all subjects. The bright appearance of the schoolroom was an outward index of the warm interest taken in the inspection by the children. Infants’ School, - I was pleased with the infants. In most cases good answers were given, especially in the Old Testament. In the New Testament and Church Catechism the younger children were rather weak. Mixed School. - In the School the master has given special attention during the past year to the lower division, and the good effects were at once apparent. This division was the weak part in the school last year, but this year there was quite a keen competition in answering the question put to them, especially in the life of our Lord, which was exceedingly well known. In the upper division the highest mark was gained in all subjects, and the answering was bright and intelligent. I was especially pleased with the thoughtful answers given throughout the school in the Prayer Book subjects. The repetition of scripture was accurately rendered , and a form of private prayer reverently repeated. In the written form, several papers of the elder scholars was very creditable. The tone and discipline of the school was excellent. The diocesan prize was awarded to Mollie Gardiner. The following were commended : - Infants: Alice Graves, Pollie Nursaw, Frank Hickson, Willie Robinson, Tom Rose. Middle group : Kate Labrum, Reginald Fleet, Charles Line, Albert Fleet, John Graves. Upper group: Agnes Ingles, Ann Virtue, Kate Mint, Thomas Robinson. Signed W. J. HARKNESS, Diocesan Inspector.” - The managers made the following entry in the School Log Book on April 23 : “We visited the school this morning, and were greatly pleased not only with the appearance of everything but with the report of the Diocesan Inspector, which was read in our presence. The report speaks volumes as to the care and efficiency of the teachers.”

No baptisms marriages or burials for Sherington 1895


Sherington 1895 June

The Rev. W. H. Hinder, of Barston, Warwickshire, who carefully attended to the spiritual wants of the parish during the Rector’s enforced absence, has left in consequence of the return of the latter, Mrs. Elton’s health having been re-established.

A most successful concert was held in the parish schoolroom, Sherington, on Friday evening. May 10, under the auspices of the Cricket Club. There was a large and very appreciative audience from the village and the neighbourhood. A capital programme of music and recitations was presented, and performed as follows: - Pianoforte sol, Miss Stokes; song “Clementine,,” Mr. Kingscote; song “The rolling wave,” Mr. W. Power; song “The death of Nelson,” (encored), Mr. A. Petts; comic song, “I can’t change it” (encored), Mr. A. Masterman; duet, “The dawning grey,” Misses Rogers; comic duet , “A storm in a teapot,” (encored), Mr. and Mrs. Power; recitation “The Bishop and the caterpillar,” Mr. Kingscote; comic song, “Her golden hair was hanging down her back, Mr. F. Collett; song, “Firelight Fancies,“Mr. G. Salmons; recitation in character, The geese” Mr. Kingscote; song “The white squall" (encored). Mr. Power; song, “Sweet Kildare” Miss Stokes; song, “An anchor watch yarn,” Mr. Collet; comic song. “Plucky” (encored and “Story of a kiss”, given, Mr. Masterman; duet “Carrier John” (encored) Misses Rogers; song “Mona,” (encored), Mr. A. Petts; comic duet, “The Naggletons,” (encored) and “Fa la la” given. Mr. and Mrs. Power; comic song, “Lum dum di diddle um,” (encored), Mr. Collett; song, “The river of years,” Miss Dell , God Save The Queen was sung, and this closed one of the best concerts ever held in this parish. Great praise is due to the concert committee, particularly to Messrs. T. Hickson, J. Jefferson, F. J. Field, W. Groom, and Frank Field; the latter gentleman contributed largely to the financial success of the concert. The platform was decorated by members of the club, and the piano was kindly lent by Mrs. Lucas, to whom the best thanks of the committee are due. Many thanks are due to the performers, one and all, who so ably assisted; also to Mr. Frank Collett, who acted as master of the ceremonies, announcing the items on the programme, &c. The proceeds amounted to about £5. Another concert, we understand, is to be given shortly, by the same party, on behalf of the Parish School Fund.

Baptisms Sherington 1895

Jan. 14 Arthur, son of William and Rebecca Cooper

Jan. 20 Edith Olive, daughter of Samuel and Mary Jenkins

Feb. 27 Dorothy Florence, daughter of William Thomas and Sarah Ann Attwood

April 5 Stanley Oscar, son of Charles and Elizabeth Nursall

April 5 Frederick William, son of Joseph and Ann Watts

Burials Sherington 1895

Jan. 23 Sarah Watts, aged 75

Mar. 12 Percy Brackenridge, aged 12

Mar. 18 William Bourton, aged 1

April 7 Thomas, James Hardwick, aged 52

May 3 Mary Ann Boon, aged 84


Sherington 1895 July

The Evening Continuation School was examined in Drawing on April 10, by J. R. Campbell, Esq., Examiner at South Kensington, and one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools. The Report is now to hand, and the school has gained the “Excellent “ award under the rules and regulations of the Science and Art Department. This is another proof of the excellence of the instruction given by Mr. Frank Collett. Twenty nine scholars were examined, ranging from 14 to 23 years of age.

No baptisms, marriages or burials for Sherington 1895


Sherington 1895 August

No article or baptisms, marriages or burials for Sherington 1895


Sherington 1895 September

We are glad to note the continued progress of the school. The drawing at the recent examinations was pronounce “Excellent,” both in the national and also in the Evening Continuation School. - This completes the list of highest marks for all subjects, a result creditable both to teachers and managers, Her Majesty’s Inspector has, in consequence, exempted the school from the annual examination for 1895. A practice has been established at Sherington by the Rector, which we think would be useful if generally adopted. It is this. He keeps a suitable book of a record of all interesting parochial events. Many of these are of value to be remembered, but without such record, they are in great measure soon forgotten by the parishioners. The present valve is considerable, but it becomes tenfold to coming generations, and would be a love worthy material for parochial and county histories. - During the past month the polling - for the county election has been carried on in our schoolroom, for Sherington, Chicheley, Tyringham, and Filgrave voters. The quiet of the day was in strange contrast to those who remember the violence and drunken orgies which marked elections in former periods.

No baptisms marriages or burials printed for Sherington 1895


Sherington 1895 October

On Monday, September 9, the choir of the Parish Church went for a holiday to Margate. The party, 20 in number, started from the villlage green at 4.30 a.m. to join the train at Newport Pagnell due to start at 5 a.m. At Wolverton the choir changed into their through carriages, which had been specially charted by Mr. Collett, and proceeded without further change by L & N.W. to Willesden, then by L.C. and D. to Margate. The train ran through Earls Court station, from which point a near view of the Gigantic Wheel of the Indian Exhibition was obtained. Passing over the Thames and leaving London, the entrancingly beautiful scenery of the county of Kent was unfolded to the admiring eyes of the party, some of whom had never seen a hop garden. The ancient city of Rochester with its fine cathedral was the next point of interest, then Chatham noted for its dockyards, presently skirting Herne Bay, Westgate, and Birchington, the destination, Margate was reached about 9.30 a.m. Mr. Collett then took the boys, 15 in number, to a restaurant and regaled them with lemonade and cake; when all made for the Western sands and paddled in the sea for some time to the delight of the youngsters. It may be also stated that the paddling process had charms for the adults as well. Some of the party patronised the bathing machines and indulged in sundry immersions and copious draughts of salt water. It may be mentioned that the latter effort was an involuntary one. The pier was next visited and the fort with its cannon, and a walk along the sea wall to the flag staff. This was followed by a good dinner, which was ordered previously by Mr. Collett, at the King’s Hotel and judging by the mode of attack, Margate is a marvellous appetite improver. After strolling around the town for a while it was decided to take the boys on board the s.s. Conqueror for a trip to the Goodwin Sands and Lightship. The sea being delightfully calm, this trip proved a great success., the party were for some time quite out of sight of land. The North Foreland was sighted , also its lighthouse, the Reculvers, and Kingsgate Castle. There was a fullband on board and a minstrel troupe to enliven the passengers, a few of whom looked anything but lively when a few miles from land, apparently through the vessel, but it is often noticeable how intensely wretched some good people look, and how strangely they act when sailing , but this is a detail uninteresting to many, but affords ample food for reflection. On nearing the jetty on the return journey a shoal of porpoises were sighted gambolling in the sunshine. Whilst landing the band played Hearts of Oak and Rule Britannia to the great delight of the lads who could join in. This trip was much appreciated by the boys, who would have much liked to have gone again they said. Tea was partaken of at 5.30 p.m. The remainder of the time at disposal was divided between the shops, where purchases, many and various, were made, and hunting about amongst the rocks for crabs, shells, and other trophies of the ocean. The return journey was commenced at 9 p.m., and soon after leaving Margate the youngsters were asleep and dreaming of what they had seen and heard. Newport was reached at about 1.30 and Sherington about 2 a.m. (Tuesday). All were delighted with the grand holiday spent and expressed their thanks to the good friends who had so kindly subscribed for their happiness. The thanks of the choir boys are especially due to the Rector, who was the chief subscriber, and to Mr. Frank Collett, who arranged the trip and everything so nicely for the comfort of all concerned. Thanks are also due to Messrs. Thomas Hickson, H. Brown, and H. G. Rose, who assisted Mr. Collett with his little charges

No baptisms marriages or burials printed for Sherington 1895


Sherrington 1895 November

On Friday, September 27, the scholars of the Evening Continuation School were entertained at supper by Mr. Collett. After supper certificates of proficiency were distributed to those who deserved them. Games followed which were kept up with zest till about 10 p.m., when the scholars were dismissed having spent a most enjoyable evening. The school re-opened on Monday, the 30th September, and will be continued during the winter months. Parent should urge the necessity of attending the classes upon their children.

The Harvest Festival Services were held in the Parish Church on Sunday, October 6. There were good congregations at both services and the singing was heartily joined in. The sermons were preached by Rev. Canon Trotman, Vicar of Marshfield and were listened to with intense interest by those present. The Church was well decorated by ladies in the parish; pre-eminent among the decorations were the beautiful cross and floral tributes on the pulpit, the work of Miss Rogers, and the superb altar screen, achieved by Mr. Jos. Field.

The Sherington Branch of the Church Teachers’ league spent a most profitable “Quiet” Day at Wolverton, St. Mary, on Saturday, October 19. The members, accompanied by Mr. Frank Collett, secretary of the Sherington Branch, went to Wolverton by the 1.40 train, thence to Stony Stratford and proceeded at once to the Church, where Nones was being said. An admirable and useful address was delivered by Rev. C. C. Luxmoore, who conducted most of the devotions for the day. Tea was served in the Parish Room at 4.30 p.m., when the Rev. G. P. Trevelyan made some remarks on the work. The thanks of all are due to the Rev. G. P. Trevelyan for the helpful day spent. The members from the parish, are Miss Agnes Rogers, Miss Ella Field, Miss Birchall, Miss E. Stanton, Miss King, Miss Graves and Mr. Collett.

No baptisms, marriages or burials printed for Sherington, November 1895


Sherington 1895 December

No article or baptisms, marriages or burials for Sherington, December 1895
