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transcribed by Ingrid Neale

January 1894 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows: - January 7, 11 a.m.,; Jan., 14, 8a.m; Jan.21, 11a.m.; Jan. 28, 8a.m.

The offertories for church expenses have been: - Nov.26, 11 a.m 8s 0½d., 6.30 p.m. 18s 8d.; Dec. 3. 8 a.m. 3s.; Dec. 17, 8 a.m. 4s 8½d. For Foreign Missions:- Dec. 10, 11 a.m. 12s 0½d., 6.30p.m. 13s 0½d. At the Sunday School Teachers’ Service 4s 10d.

Our Editor - the Rector of Moulsoe, who so kindly manages this magazine for us, and to whom all our readers must be very grateful, expects the correspondents to forward him the parochial news of each village on the 20th of the month; this will explain why no mention can be made in this number of our doings at Christmas. What with the influenza and a whole week’s holiday at the works, it is to be feared that this festive season will not be so bright as we should wish; let us hope for better things in 1894, at any rate, we may at least begin by wishing each other a happy New year.

The social gathering for members of the congregation is fixed for Thursday, January 4th; ticket can be obtained from the Church officers.

The Confirmation was held by the Bishop of Reading on December 13. It is much to be regretted that more young men had not the courage of their opinions to come forward as the Church directs; that it does require courage is certain, and this the bishop quite understood when he reminded us of the words of our Lord, “whosoever shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.” The number of males who were confirmed was 6, of females 16.

The entertainment given by the children in the day school, as we anticipated last month, proved a splendid success. The children, teachers and audience all evidently enjoyed themselves, and the applause was enthusiastic. The cash statement below shows how profitable was the entertainment, for a sum of £11 1s. 8d. Has been handed over to the Church Enlargement Fund. Our best thanks are due to the teachers and children who arranged and carried through successfully so enjoyable and so profitable an evening’s amusement.

Afternoon performance
Evening performance
Sale of flowers

Printing, Drapery, etc

Those who have been able to face the bad weather on Tuesday evenings have been rewarded by listening to Mr. Holdsworth, whose lectures on English Church History have been most interesting. He has in three lectures brought his hearers down to the end of the Reformation, commencing in those times when the Romans ruled in Britain. In the new year it is to be hoped he may give us the concluding lecture, which deals with the rise of the Nonconformist bodies, and the wonderful development of church work in the present century.

The Literary and Debating Society has made a start; on Monday, December 11, about 25 members assembled to discuss “Our aims in forming this Society.” The Vicar opened the discussion, in which the following members took part: - Mr. E. Abbott, Mr. G. H. Howitt, Mr. E. Jones, Mr. W. Ward, Mr. C. Barley, Mr. A. Oxley, Mr . J. White and Mr. G. Ribchester. This month there will be two meetings of the Society : on January 8, Mr. G. H. Howitt will read a paper entitled “The Georgraphy of the British Empire”; on January 22, Mr. T. Arkwright will read a paper on “Thomas Simpson-An example.” All particulars of the terms of membership and the rules can be obtained from Mr. G. Ribchester, Honorary Secretary, 74, Middle Street.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1894

Nov. 27 James, son of James Thomas and Sarah Jane Hepworth (privately

Dec. 9 Alfred Thomas, son of William and Hannah Grassam

Dec. 17 Florence, daughter of George Frederick and Alice Masters

Dec. 17 Arthur, son of Edmund and Sarah Ann Wilcox

Marriage Stantonbury 1894

Nov. 27. Albert Pulley and Ellen Elizabeth Wesley

Burial Stantonbury 1894

Nov. 28 Ann Rigby, aged 73


February 1894 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday, at 3.45 p.m. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- February 4, 11 a.m.; February 11, 8 a.m.; February 18, 11 a.m.; February 25, 8 a.m.

The offertories for Church expenses have been :- Dec. 31, 8 a,m,, 2s 10d.; Jan. 7 11 a.m., 10s 1d.; 6.30p.m., 13s 6¼d.; Jan. 14, 8 a.m., 3s. 10½d.

Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, falls this year on February 7. The special services for this solemn season will be announced on February 4.

Our Christmas Festival began at the Sunday Evening Service, when we sang some carols which so quaintly describe the “Old, old story”; some of the carols were very nicely rendered by the choir only, whilst others were sung most heartily by the congregation. The Church was very prettily decorated with evergreens and texts, which our willing lady workers had so kindly prepared. At the 8 a.m. Celebration we had 56 Communicants, and at midday 17. The offertories on Sunday, December 24, and Christmas Day, amounted to £4 2s 7d., and were made a special gift to be distributed amongst the poor of the parish.

On New Year’s Day there was a Celebration at 7 a.m. and as the works did not open till 9 a.m., we had 29 Communicants, who thus gladly availed themselves of the opportunity of starting the New year in the good old fashioned way. The offertory was given to the Church Enlargement Fund, and amounted to 6s 8½d.

The Social gathering of members of the Congregation was held in the schools on January 4, when about 350 responded to the invitation which had been issued by the Church officers. During the evening, tea, coffee, bread and butter and cake were handed about by the stewards; in the unavoidable absence of Mrs. Woodhouse, through illness, Mrs. Howitt most ably superintended the arrangements of the refreshment department. Under the direction of Mr. Hewitt a capital musical programme was performed. Many enjoyed themselves with the games and books which were provided. All agreed that it was a most successful evening, having answered its purpose, to bring people together and be sociable. The thanks of all who enjoyed the evening are due to those who, in various ways, helped to make it so pleasant a gathering.

The Literary and Debating Society met on January 8, to hear Mr. Howitt read his paper on “The Geography of the British Empire.” It was listened to with marked attention, and proved most interesting and instructive. Our space will not allow us to give even a summary of the facts which the lecturer marshalled in order, which proved the widespread influence the English Empire now exercises in every part of the world. The Society is young, and at present numbers only about 40 members but if this evening’s debate can be taken as a specimen of what we are to expect on future occasions, the influence which it will exercise must be of an high order. The arrangements for their month are as follows:- Feb. 5, “Is compulsory Vaccination right ?” opener, Mr. W. Ward; Feb. 19, “Self culture,” opener Mr. W. Martin. All particulars of membership and the rules can be obtained from Mr. G. Ribchester, Hon. Sec., 74 Middle Street.

The annual distribution of prizes in connection with the Sunday Schools took place on December 27, when Canon Wood and his sisters, Mrs. Searancke and Miss. Wood together with Mr. R. Wylie, were on the platform. The Superintendent Mr. T. Arkwright, gave an interesting record of the year’s work, and then the Vicar called upon Canon Wood who spoke most warmly of the importance of Sunday School, saying that the idea of a system of National Elementary Education which had been called into existence during the last 100 years owed its origin, in a great measure, to the persevering efforts of those who were instrumental in founding Sunday Schools. As an illustration of the importance of correctly learning the teaching of the Church he remembered a member of the House of Commons saying in a speech, that the Church teaching was against the improvement of a person’s position in life - mis-quoting a portion of the duty to our neighbour, in this way;- “The Church teaches,” he said “that we should do our duty in that state of life, unto which it has pleased God to call me,” and it was not corrected. Turning to the boys, Canon Wood asked where the omission was and he was promptly answered - “shall please,” which made all the difference. Speaking to parents, he said school teaching was of little avail unless the home influence was good, and he spoke strongly of the mother’s power in shaping character.

In Christmas week, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the Teachers entertained the children in the schools in 3 sections, so as to enable them to have a good romp. Various games were indulged in, and, by way of refreshments, buns and oranges were provided. That the children enjoyed themselves there is no question we are sure that the parents and children must be very grateful to Mr. Arkwright and his colleagues in thus devoting four evenings of their holiday week to the children’s happiness.

On the last day of the Old Year, the children sang in church their carols which they had already sung at the prize distribution; after the service the Vicar distributed a card of daily prayers, and a motto picture card, bearing the text, “God is our Refuge and Strength,” which he had made the text of the Sermon.

In the Day School, Mr. Howitt has lost the services of Mr. Whetton, who recently obtained a high place in the Civil Service Examination. As a token of their good wishes, Mr. Whetton received from his colleagues two parting gifts, a dressing case and a travelling rug.

The Juvenile Branch of the Church of England Temperance Society continues its useful work. At the last meeting in December the following children received books for good recitations:- Alice Allen, Alice Millyard, Annie Embleton, Evelyn Warner, Eustace Wilmore. The Society meets this month on Thursday, February 8. and Tuesday, February 20.
Mr. Holdsworth comes to give us his 4th, and concluding lecture on English Church History, in the Schools, on Monday, February 12, at 7.30 p.m.

Baptism Stantonbury 1894

Dec. 24 William Henry, son of William and Ellen Cross

Dec. 31 Harold Percy Charles, son of Percy Charles and Susan Jacques

Jan. 2 Nelly, daughter of Thomas and Eliza Jervis (privately)

Marriage Stantonbury 1894

Jan 16 Thomas Moreton, of Lutterworth, and-----Mary Sutton

Burials Stantonbury 1894

Jan. 3 Mary Baker, aged 66 years

Jan.13 Josiah Rose, aged 75 years

Jan.16 Ann Usher, aged 25 years.


March 1894 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45 p.m. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- March 4, 11 a.m.; March 11 , 8 a.m.; March 18, 11 a.m.; March 25 (Easter Day), 8 a.m and 11 a.m.

The Offertories for Church Expenses have been;- At the Early Services, Jan. 28, 5s. 5½d.; Feb. 11, 5s 5½d.; on Feb. 4 at 11 a.m. , 15s 2d. - at 6.30, 18s. 7¾d. For Poor Relief, Jan. 21, 11 a.m., 12s 3d., 6.30 p.m. - 3s 4d,; Feb. 18., 11 a..m., 18s 1d.; 6.30 p.m., 19s. 11d.

During Lent there is a service on Thursday evenings at 7.30 p.m., and a Children’s Service on Sundays at 2.45 p.m.

On Sunday, February 18, the Rector of Loughton, the Rev. J. T. Athawes, kindly came to the evening service and gave us a sermon.

The Rev. C. E. Adams. The Diocesan Inspector of Schools in Religious Knowledge, accompanied by the Rev. J. T. Athawes, paid us a visit on Feb. 12, and has sent the following favourable report;- Boys’ Department:- “The teaching has been earnest and good, and what had been prepared was well known. The lowest division, especially, showed a very good knowledge of their subjects, and their answering was general and intelligent. In the two higher divisions the Scripture subjects were well known, and the Catechism was, as a rule, well explained.” The Bishop’s Prize was awarded to Charles Morgan. Certificates were given to Wm. Pakes, A. Jenks, Alf. Martin, R. Ogden, P. Buck. H. Tyson, Albert Russell, H. Clark, Wm. Berry, Albert Mould. C. Fay, J. Campion, Raymond Facer, Eustace Wilmore, E. Gascoyne, A. Roberts, C. Coleman, Felix Wills, G. Cox, Aubrey Towensend, T. Bardell, E. Taylor, J. Parsons, G. Thompson, T. Grant, Ernest Woods, and T. Hewlett.

Girls’ Department:- 2 The Girls have, all thing considered, passed a very creditable examination. The Scripture subjects, and more especially those of the Old Testament, had been prepared with great care, and were intelligently known. The Catechism, so far as it had been learnt, was very accurately repeated, and was well explained. The tone of the school appears to be thoroughly good, and the girls in each division showed great interest in their work.” The Bishop’s Prize was awarded to Kate Berry, but as she had already carried this distinction last year, she could not receive the Prize, which was given to Annie Blunt. Mrs. Woodhouse presented Kate Berry with a Bible, in memory of her success. Certificates were given to Eva Wesley, Ada Derrick, Evelyn Warner, Lilian Gregory, Caroline Pedley, J. Robinson, Ethel Pakes, Ethel Sherwood, Nelliw Wilson, Clara Meades, Ada Cosby, Lizzie Brandon, J. Ogden, Rose Bardell, Ada Fox, V. Dormer, Lizzie French, M. Tranter, Mary Wesley, Lizzie Simms, Matilda Gaskin, Lizzie Mac Caughan, Beatrice Hensman, and A. Letting.

Infants’ Department:- “The school has been suitably and carefully taught, and the children, as a rule, answered brightly and well. The repetition was very .” These children were commended:- Gertrude Roberts, Arthur King, Alfred Sturges, Nellie Clamp, Wesley Ribchester, Charles Giltrow, George Adams, Alice Parkes, Nellie Tyson, Annie Brightman.

An Association has been formed for the children called the Bible Reading Union, which encourages the Members in regular and systematic Bible reading. The cards of membership have a passage marked for each day in the year, and a magazine is circulated amongst the children with short comments on the passages selected. Any parents who would like their children to join the Association should let the Vicar know.

The Juvenile Temperance Society spent an enjoyable evening last month, after games then followed a “Coffee supper.” Mr. Oxley, the Secretary, has left Wolverton works for the North; his place had been filled by Mr. Adams who will be assisted by Mr. Parkes. Before leaving us, Mr. Oxley received a book from the Vicar as a parting gift, in remembrance of his work here among the children.

The Literary Society continues to increase in members. There have been two interesting meetings. At the first Mr. Arkwright gave us an excellent homily on Perseverance, taking as his text, the career of the self taught Mathematician Thomas Simpson; at the second Mr. Ward read a paper on Vaccination, deprecating the clause of the Act of Parliament which make it compulsory. On both occasions a friendly discussion followed.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1894

Jan. 21 George Charles, son of Charles Warren and Rebecca Daress

Jan. 21 Dorothy, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Jenkins.

Jan. 28 Ethel Mary, daughter of George John and Sarah Jane Williams

Jan. 28 Donald William, son of William and Flora Margaret Moltrom

Jan. 28 Alfred Sidney, son of Amos Thomas and Elizabeth Ann Green

Jan. 28 Beatrice Constance, daughter of Richard and Eliza Lloyd

Feb. 11 Frederick Charles, son of Harry and Elizabeth Emma Martin

Feb. 11 Levi, son of Harry and Elizabeth Emma Martin

Feb. 18 Samuel Benjamin, son of Samuel and Annie Bissell

Feb. 18 Harry Reginald, son of Nathaniel Joseph and Julia Bellchambers.

Feb. 18 Margaret Alice, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Hayfield

Feb. 18 William Arthur, son of George James and Maria Cross

Burials Stantonbury 1894

Jan. 19 Naomi Turner, aged 56

Feb. 6 Alfred French, aged 2


April 1894 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45 p.m. There is no fee of any kind.

The sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- April 1, 15, 29 at 11 a.m. April 8 and 22 at 8 a.m.

The offertories for Church Expenses have been :- At the early services Feb. 25, 3s 5d.; March 11, 3s 1d. March 4, at 11, 12s. 2d., at 6.30 p.m. 18s 4½d. For Poor Relief, March 18, 11 a.m., 16s 1d.; 6.30 p.m., 15s 5d. At the childrens’ service. March 11, for Window Fund, 10s 1d. At the Sunday School Teacher’s Communion, 6s 3d.

On Sunday, February 25, the Rev. L. Joyce assistant curate of Wolverton S. Mary, kindly came over and preached at the evening service and the Vicar, the Rev. G. P. Trevelyan, came over and kindly preached at the evening service on March 11.

The Bishop of Reading, Canon Wood, and the Diocesan Architect have been down to advise with us about the plans for our Church Extension, and we hope now to know what sum will be required to add the new aisle and vestries.

Those ladies and gentlemen who kindly undertook to collect from those of our own people who had promised to pay a penny a week have completed their year’s work and have handed into the fund £100.

This is a large sum to be raised by pennies and it is a most pleasing proof of the goodwill of so many of our own people who are willing to do something towards the completion of their Church. From all sources we have now in the Bank £136 15s 9d.

Mr. Howitt has secured the assistance of Mr. Frearson, to take the class which was till lately under the direction of Mr. Whetton

The Literary Society continues its fortnightly meetings. The papers are always most interesting. Mr. Stanley read one on “Child labour;” Mr. Martin one on “Self culture.” One evening five short papers were read by various members.

Baptism Stantonbury 1894

Feb. 25 Donald, son of Thomas and Catherine Giltrow

March 3 Charlotte Grace, daughter of Joseph James and Mary Ann Mill(Privately)

March 7 Ermyntrude, daughter of James Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Robbins. (Privately)

March 18 Norah Elizabeth, daughter of Edward and Lavinia Winifred Cobley.

Burials Stantonbury 1894

March 12 Ermyntrude Robbins, aged 1 month

March 19 William Usher, aged 17 months.


May 1894 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptist is administered every Sunday at 3.45 p.m. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated as follows:- May 6, 8 a.m.; May 13 (Whitsunday) 8 a.m. and midday: May 20, 11 a.m.: May 27, 8 a.m.

It is proposed that the celebration of Holy Communion on Whitsunday, at 8 a.m., shall be choral. There will be no distinct choir at this service. The whole congregation will be the choir, During April, on Sunday evening, Mr. Howitt has been kindly teaching the music to the people. There will be a final practice on Sunday, May 6, after the evening service.

Copies of the Service Books may be obtained from Mr. Pidgen’s paper covers four pence-halfpenny; cloth cover 9d.

Ascension Day falls this year on May 3: there will be an evening service at 7.30.

On Easter Day, to give everybody an opportunity of keeping the Feast, there were three celebrations of the Holy Communion; at 7 a.m. , we had 41 communicants; at 8 a.m., we had 33; and at midday 32, making a total of 106. We had some nice white flowers given to us, which, with ivy, moss, primroses, and daffodils made the House of God beautiful, the decorations suggesting the brightness of the glorious Resurrection of which the spring flowers are a type.

At the Easter Vestry the Churchwardens submitted their accounts, which, owing to the expenses of re leading the window of the church, and the falling off in the receipts , showed a deficiency. Now that the Works are on full time again we may hope to have an improvement in the offertories; the least we ought to do in the matter of Church Expenses, is to pay our way.

At the Easter Vestry the Vicar nominated Mr. Millwood as his warden, and the people re-elected Mr. Wylie, C. C. To the office of sidesmen the Vicar nominated R. Sykes and Mr. Allen. As people’s Sidesmen, Mr. Child was unanimously re-elected, but to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Stimson’s removal from Stantonbury, two names were proposed. Mr. Pedley and Mr. Buttfield. On a show of hands the voting was equal, so a ballot was taken, when 10 votes were given to Mr. Pedley against 8 for Mr. Buttfield, so the former was declared to be Mr. Child’s colleague as People’s Sidesmen.

Now that the flower season has begun again, Mrs. Woodhouse hopes that she may have gifts of flowers for the vases on the altar; they should always be sent to the Vicarage on Friday evening. The other day we heard of a wedding where the bride gave special directions that her bouquet should be sent to the church so that the flowers might be used for the vases on the following Sunday. The more we can associate our church with our pleasure, our gardens, and our everyday life, the less likely we shall be to restrict our religion to Sundays and church-going.

During Lent, the Vicar preached to the children on Sunday afternoons, taking “the boy Samuel” for his subject. He invited the children to write out the texts each Sunday, and on Easter Day gave an Easter card with a picture of Samuel, to the following children who had taken special pains to be accurate:- D. Pugh, Alb. Morgan. H. Walton, L. Hillyer, E. Pakes, K. Berry, W. Pakes, A. Veasy, A. Burgess, D. Burgess, H. Parkes, G. Allen, E. Sherwood, J. Robinson, A. Embleton, E. Green, M. Barnes, A. Allen, E. Burgess, L. Marriot, P. Allen, C. Sherwood, N. Miles, J. Parsons, A. Norman, H. Bellchambers, E. Giltrow, C. Morgan, D. Woodhouse, E, Woodhouse, A. Millyard, A. Martin, B. Carroll, L. Child, E. Bellchambers, H. Barnes, M. Bellchambers, A. Morgan, A. Fay, W.H. Ellis, B. Ellis, B. Walton, L. Fay, E. Williams, and A. Showler.

A Financial Statement was sent by the Vicar, signed by the churchwardens, containing not only the Church Accounts, but the Receipts of the Enlargement Fund (£141 15s 9d.) to all regular churchgoers as a reminder of the Easter Vestry Meeting; for this reason we publish nothing more than our usual monthly statement.

The offertories for Church Expenses have been :- March 25, 7 a.m., 11s 4¼d.., 8 a.m., 9s. 1½d., 11 a.m., £1 0s 9½d., 6.30 p.m., 15s 7d.; April 1, 11 a.m., 18s 5d., 6.30 p.m., 16s 9d,; April 8, 8 a.m.., 1s 8d.; for Poor Relief, April 15, 11 a.m., 18s 2½d., 6.30 p.m. 18s 7½d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1894

March 25 Paul, son of Thomas and Clara Willes.

April 15 John William Prince, son of John Seeley and Harriet Lydia Prince Oldham

Marriages Stantonbury 1894

April 11 Tom Ridge, of Potters Bar, and Mary Jane Amelia Roddis


June 1894 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45 p.m. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated as follows: June 3, 8 a.m., we had our first choral celebration, rather more than 50 communicants being present. The Rev. E. Wallace kindly walked over from Old Wolverton to assist in the administration. The large number of worshippers was an evidence of the interest which the new departure had aroused; we believe that all who were present were pleased with our efforts to make this service as worthy as possible, and we hope from time to time that our Choral Communion may be repeated.

A Bible has been presented to the Church for use in the pulpit, by one of the children who regularly worship in the Church. The money was earned by the little boy in play hours, so it is his own personal gift. The book was used for the first time one Ascension Day.

Mrs. Green, who assisted the Vicar in his parochial work for the last two and a half years, has left us. Her departure is a loss to the Vicar, and to many others, for she was regular in her visits among the sick and aged, and did all in her power to bring into touch with their clergyman any who were in distress in mind or body. In so large a place as Stantonbury, it is difficult for the parson to get to know all who want to be acquainted with him, and house to house visiting is an impossibility; her ministrations have been much appreciated, and it is with sincere regret that we have to record her departure. In the autumn we expect that a deacon will be ordained to serve as Assistant Curate in the parish.

Mr. Millwood, the Churchwarden, assisted by some half-dozen willing helpers, have been busy-as every good housewife ought to be at this time of the year- “spring cleaning.” The church walls have been brushed down, the windows cleaned, kneelers dusted, curtains shaken. There are some who believe that “Cleanliness is next to godliness” is a text to be found in the Bible. This is a mistake, but not so bad a blunder as some make who act as if the proverb were “Cleanliness is a substitute for godliness.” When we see men willing to give up their time to make God’s House clean, we may assume they understand the proverb as meaning “Cleanliness is a help to godliness.”

The annual meeting for the appointment of a Local Committee for the parishes of Bradwell and Stantonbury, and for the election of Delegates to serve on the District Committee, in connection with the Technical Education Scheme, took place in the Schools on Monday, April 24. In speaking of the future, Mr. R. Wylie, C. C., announced that a scheme had been drawn up by which scholarships were to be offered to boys and girls under 14, to enable them to continue their studies for three years at the Bedford Grammar School; also a course of lectures is being arranged on ambulance work. We give the names of those appointed to serve on the Local Committee: Mrs. Edwards, Miss. Williams, Miss. Cook, Rev. K. C. Baily, Rev. A. C. Woodhouse, Mr. Punter, Mr. Selby, Mr. Toogood, Mr. Howitt, Mr. Ison, Mr. Saunders, Mr. Pidgeon, Mr. Ribchester, and Mr. Ward (hon. Sec. and correspondent). The names of the delegates are: Rev. K. C. Baily, Rev. A. C. Woodhouse, Rev. J. Matthews, Mrs. Edwards, Mr. Punter, and Mr. Ribchester.

The Chess and Draughts Club wound up their season on the last Saturday in March with a tea, concert and dance. During the course of the evening Mr. R. Wylie, C. C. , distributed the prizes to the successful competitors in the various tournaments; out of 57 members, 33 had taken part in these contests. Mr. Thos. King and Mr. H. Tompkins tied for first place in the first division, Mr. G. West coming third. In the 2nd division, the prize winners were Mr. C. Moore, Mr. H. Walton, Mr. T. Bressett, Mr. G. Fox, Sen. In the 3rd Division the prize winners were Mr. R. Wesley, Mr. G. Fox, Jun., Mr. A. Watson, and Mr. W. L. Carter. The amount spent in prizes was £1 18s. Mr. Tregenza (the Hon. Sec.) presented a very satisfactory report of the past season, showing that the Club is a flourishing institution. A vote of thanks was recorded to Mr. Wylie, Rev. A. C. Woodhouse, and Mr. Edward for gifts to the prize fund. Additional prizes next year have been promised by Mr. Howitt and Mr. Tregenza.

The offertories for Church Expenses have been - April 22, 8 a.m., 4s 4d.; April 29, 11 a.m., 17s 9d., 6.30 p.m., 13s. 0½d.; May 6. 8 a.m., 4s 6d. For Poor Relief, May 13. 8 a.m., 14s 3½d., 11 a.m., 13s 10½d., 6.30 p.m. 8s 5d. For Window Fund, 6s. 8¼d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1894

April 22 Sidney and John William, twin sons of John William and Letitia Foster (privately).

April 22 Frederick Arthur, son of George and Annie Elizabeth Willitt

April 29 Winifred, daughter of Walter and Mary Ann Fay.

May 6 Ernest, son of Joseph James and Sarah Bennett

May 6 William Cyril, son of James Richard and Mary Brassett.

May 6 Florence Daisy, daughter of John Henry and Elizabeth Clamp

May 6 David, son of Samuel and Harriet Johnson

May 13 William Harris, son of Henry Harris and Emily Catherine Hurst

May 13 Ada Florence, daughter of Walter Albert and Ellen Elizabeth Pulley

May 13 Walter, son of James and Elizabeth O’Brien

May 13 Gertrude Emily, daughter of Edward and Louisa Brown

May 16 David James Pugh, son of William and Sarah Gardiner

Burial Stantonbury 1894

May 17 George John Pugh, aged 71

May 17 James Hepworth, aged 6 months.


July 1894 Stantonbury

The sacrament or Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45 p.m. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated as follows:- July 1, 8 a.m.; May 8 11 a.m. ; July 15, 8 a.m. July 22nd. 11 a.m.; July 29, 8 a.m.

On Friday, June 15, the Vicar distributed the prizes in the Boys’ and Girls’ Department of the Schools. The Vicar gives a book to any child who was never absent morning and afternoon during the school year. Mr. Howitt and Miss William gave books to those who have made very good attendances in their several standards. The following names of those who received the Vicar’s prize:- Walter Carroll, Ernest Smith, Albert Russell, Geo. Cook, Walter Ball, J. Parsons, Lionel Buck, William Bull, Herbert Cook, Henry Carter, Kate Berry, Evelyn Warner, May Fewtrell, Kate Pendlebury, Ethel Clarke, Winifred Bentley, and Lilian Sanders. These received books provided by Miss Williams:- Jane Mills, Annie Embleton, Annie Miller, Bertha Carroll, Annie Berry, Sarah Clarke, Amy Allen, and Beatrice Barnes.

Since our last notice of the Literary Society, the following subjects have been introduced at the fornightly meetings : “Strikes, their cause and cure,” by Mr. E. Jones: “The Commerce of India, Australia and Canada,” by Mr. Howitt; “Betting and Gambling,” by Mr. Ribchester. At the general meeting, the officers for the next Session were elected, their names being:- Rev. A. C. Woodhouse (President), Mr. G. Ribchester (Hon. Sec.), Mr. E. Jones (Hon. Treasurer). Mrs. Woodhouse, Miss Williams, Miss A. Williams, Mr. F. Edgington, Mr. G. H. Howitt, Mr. laing, Mr. W. Ward (Committee.) The balance sheet shewed that the receipts had amounted to £1 3s 4d., and the expenses to £0 16s 1d. A vote of thanks to the Hon. Sec., Mr. Ribchester, for his exertions on behalf of the Society terminated the proceedings.

The Good Samaritan Society have invested some of their money in the following articles, which are to be lent to sick persons, free of charge, on the recommendation of their medical adviser:- Bed rests, bed pans, bronchitis kettles, baths, air cushions, inhalers, hot water bottles, ice bags and caps, feeding cups, thermometers, crutches, and a bath chair. Any person receiving the load of any article must sign a paper, and return the article in good condition. Application to be made to Mr. Sykes, at the Post Office.

The offertories for Church Expenses have been: May 20, 11 a.m. 11s 0½d.; 6.30 p.m., 10s 5½d. May 27, 8 a.m., 2s 4½d. June 3, 11 a.m., 12s 11d,; 6.30 p.m., 11s 6½d June 10, 8 a.m., 3s 11d For Poor Relief. June 17, 11 a.m., 14s 2½d.; 6.30 p.m., 9s 4d. At the Sunday School Teachers’ Holy Communion, 6s.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1894

May 27 Jessie, daughter of Arthur and Alice Toogood

June 3 Lucy Alderson, daughter of Harry and Ellen Mills

June 3 Alice Maude Mary, daughter of Thomas and Annie Scars

June 10 Ethel Madge, daughter of William and Annie Elizabeth Gazley

June 17 Willie Cyril, son of Alfred and Julia Mary Ann Markham


August 1894 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday, at 3.45 p.m. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- August 5, 11 a.m.; August 12, 8 a.m.; August 19, 11 a.m.; August 26, 8 a.m.

Instead of the ordinary Children’s Service on the first Sunday afternoon, we had last month a Flower Service. The children presented their flowers at the chancel step as they came into the church. Although the church was very crowded there was no confusion, and the behaviour of all concerned was admirable. Eight boxes had been specially prepared to take the flowers to Northampton Infirmary, but these proved insufficient, so a large extra case was filled and dispatched to the Middlesex Hospital.

Some of our Sunday School Teachers have been reading during the winter in preparation for the annual examination conducted by the Church of England Sunday School Institute. The papers were taken, on Act I-XII, the other on the Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer. The following obtained a first class certificate;- Mr. T. Arkwright, Mr. T. Arkwright Jun., Miss. A. Arkwright, Mr. W. Walker, Mr. R. Adams, Miss K Pidger, Miss M. Face, Mr. W. Spencer (Wolverton), Mr. A. Lang (Wolverton) Mr. T. Sephton (Newport).

The annual excursion to Blisworth was favoured with lovely weather, the children’s pleasure therefore was complete. Unfortunately for the happiness of the teachers and friends, two little ones wandered out of the gardens and caused much anxiety, for one of them was not found until it was time to return home. The party numbered about 500 in all. We desire to convey our thanks to all who contributed towards the arrangements and payment of their treat.

A party of 20, the members of the Vicar’s Bible Class and their wives, went to Cambridge for the day on July 7, and greatly enjoyed a ramble amongst the grand old colleges and beautiful “Backs” as the gardens are called.

A public meeting in support of the Home Missions of our Church has been held in our schools, when Mr. Turner gave us a sketch of the work of the Society in supplying additional Curateds in large parishes, and Mr. Everitt spoke of the needs of his particular parish in Hoxton, which parish is helped by the funds of this Society. A sum of 15s 6d. was collected for the Society.

The offertories for Church expenses have been:- June 24, 8 a.m.. 5s. 8d.; July 1, 11 a.m., 12s 10d., 6.30 p.m. 9s 9½d.; July 8, 8 a.m., 3s 2d. For Poor Relief, July 15, 11 a.m. 11s 9d., 6.30. P.m., 11s 5d. At the Flower Service 13s. 2½d., of which 3s 11d was spent in sending the flowers by train, and 9s. 3½. was devoted to the Blisworth excursion fund.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1894

July 1 Thomas Henry, son of Henry John and Harriet Singleton.

July 1 Mary Harriet Redden, daughter of Joseph Redden and Helen Jerkins.

July 15 Arthur Herbert, son of Esau Jones and Annie Tyson.

Jul 13 Olive, daughter of John Thomas and Anne Rawlinson.

Marriages Stantonbury 1894

July 9 Frank Thomas Coleman, of Allesley, and Julia Fincher, of Stantonbury.

Burials Stantonbury 1894

May 19 Henry Parry, aged 57

June 20 Joseph Keegan, aged 1 month

June 20 William Arthur Cross, aged 5 months

July 2 Edmund Willcox, aged 51

July 12 John Gibbs, aged 60.


September 1894 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45 p.m. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- Sept. 2, 8 a.m.; Sept. 9, 11 a.m.; Sept. 16, 8 a.m.; Sept. 23, 11 a.m.; Sept. 30, 8 a.m.

Mr. Newbutt, who is leaving the neighbourhood has been obliged to resign his post at the organ. Mr. Sidney Pidgen has been appointed as his successor; he commenced his duties last month.

The offertories for Church Expenses have been :- July 22, 8 a.m., 7s 6½d.; August 5, 8 a.m.., 3s.; Aygust 12, 11 a.m., 15s 3d., 6.30 p.m., 10s 1d,; August 19, 8 a.m., 4s. For the Choir- July 29, 11 a.m., £2 14s 2d., 6.30 p.m.., £1 5s.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1894

July 24 Frederick Albert, son of Albert and Annie Dewberry (privately).

Aug. 5 Ada Mary, daughter of Arthur George and Emily Tucker.

Aug. 5 Emily Elizabeth, daughter of Frederick William and Annie Sear

Aug. 17 William Arthur, son of John James and Matilda Simpson.

Burial Stantonbury 1894

July 28 Frederick Albert Dewberry, aged 4 months.


October 1894 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45 p.m. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows;- Oct. 7, 11 a.m.; Oct. 14, 8 a.m.; Oct. 21, 11 a.m.; Oct. 28, 8 a.m.

Our Literary Society re-commences its meetings this month. On October 8 the Vicar reads a paper entitiled “What we owe to the monks;” and on October 22 the Rev. G. P. Trevelyan gives a lecture, illustrated by lantern slides, on Italy. Last year the Society spent some very enjoyable evenings, and the only regret was that more did not come to support the efforts of the committee. Perhaps this year, now that the aims of the Society are better understood, we may have more representative gatherings.

A lending library in the parish has often been mentioned as a desirable thing. Members of the Literary Society this winter can have this privilege, for the committee are making terms with a London library to supply them with books, which members can borrow at the rate of one penny a week. The subscription to the Society for the winter is one shilling.

We have had a variety of treats this month. The choir boys have been to the Earls Court Exhibition; the members of the Bible Reading Union had tea and a romp in the Vicarage Garden; the Band of Hope have had tea and a recitation competition; and the senior members of the choir and church officials have had a dinner, and afterwards spent a social evening together in the Schools.

There was some reciting in the Band of Hope contest; we give the names of those who won prizes; - The boys’ medal was won by Robert Millyard; books were given to G. Scrivener, E. Willmore, C. Morgan, A. Martin, C. Fay, and G. Tyson. The girls’ medal was won by Ellen Tue, an additional medal being given by Mr. Arkwright to Annie Embleton; books were given to A. Allen, E. Sherwood, A. Millyard, J. Robinson, A. Frost, A. Showler, B. Ellis, and A. Fay.

By the removal of Mr. R. Adams, jun., to Birmingham, the Band of Hope has lost an excellent secretary, and the Sunday School an energetic worker. It is unfortunate that he should be taken away just now, when the Sunday School teachers and children are so busy preparing their entertainment. We wish him all happiness in his new life, and hope that he may find opportunity to make himself as useful a Church worker elsewhere as he has been here.

The offertories for Church Expenses have been:- Sept. 2 and 16. at 8 a.m., 7s 10d.; Sept. 9, 11 a.m., 16s 11d., 6.30 p.m., 8s 9½d. For the Poor Relief- Aug. 26, 11 a.m., 11s 8d., 6.30 p.m., 13s 3d. Sept. 9 Window Fund, 7s 4¼d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1894

Aug. 26 Alice Maud, daughter of William and Alice Parker.

Aug. 26 Dorothy Marianne, daughter of Edwin Thomas and Marianne Ives.

Sept. 2 Cyril James, son of James William and Mary Elizabeth Ann Paterson

Sept. 9 Arthur Reginald, son of Arthur Ernest and Emily Barnard

Sept 9 Ethel Louisa, daughter of Harry and Ellen Lack

Sept 16 John, son of John and Rhoda Wood

Burials Stantonbury 1894

Sept. 4 Arthur Willcox, aged 9 months

Sept. 12 Sydney Foster, aged 4 months

Sept. 18 Frederick George Scar, aged 14 months


November 1894 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45 p.m. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- November 4, 11 a.m..; Nov, 11. 8 a.m.; Nov. 18, 11 a.m.; Nov. 25, 8 a.m.

This year there are twenty-seven Sundays after Trinity, and as there is provision made in our Prayer Books in the regular way for only twenty- five Sundays after Trinity, the rubric which is printed after the Gospel for the twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity comes into force. On November 11 we shall use the Collect, Epistle. and Gospel for the fifth Sunday after Epiphany, on November 18, those for the sixth Sunday after Epiphany, and on November 25, the Sunday before Advent, those for the twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity.

Our Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held the last day of September. It would form a long list were we to print all the names of those who gave gifts of corn, flowers fruit and vegetables, they will be pleased to know that their kindness gave ----- pleasure , for on Monday the gifts were distributed amongst 40 families of the sick and needy. The thanks of all who took part and enjoyed the service are due to the members of the choir, the decorators and church officials, who all contributed a share to making the day a happy one, as expressing in act and word our hearty thanks to Almighty God for his many temporal mercies.

The Vicar opened the new Session of the Literary Society with a paper, in which he dwelt on the good sides of the monastic system, and protested that the popular verdict against the monks, was on whole scarcely a fair one. At the second meeting the Rev. G. P. Trevelyan gave a very attractive lecture on Italy, which he illustrated by many charming views thrown on the sheet by a powerful lantern.

This month on Monday, Nov. 5, we have a paper by Mr. Howitt on the important topic. “The influence of education on crime,” and on November 19, a series of short papers prepared under the Editorship of Miss Williams, Our lending library in connection with the Literary Society is in full swing, the books are at Mrs. Parkes’ shop, where they may be seen, and particulars of membership can be obtained from her.

We have to record a change in the Infants’ Department of the Day Schools. Miss Stoker has left us, and Miss Heacock is now Head Mistress, she comes from a large and flourishing Infants’ School at Marlow, we wish her all success in her responsible work with our little ones in starting them on the road to knowledge.

The Rev. R. Langton Douglas has promised to visit our Juvenile Temperance Society on Tuesday, November 27, and give them a magic lantern entertainment.

The offertories at the Harvest Festival amounted to £4 8s 5d., of which £1 15s. 9d.was devoted to the Diocesan Spiritual Aid Society, 18s. 9d. was the children’s offertory for the Window Fund, and £1 13s . 11d. (the evening offertory) for the Sunday School Fund. The offertories for Church Expenses have been :- October 7, 11s 2d.; 6.30 p.m. 10s 10d., October 14, 8 a.m. 3s 8d. The Poor Relief, September 23, 11 a.m. 14s 2d; 6.30 p.m. 14s 7d. The offertory at the Sunday School Teachers Holy Communion 5s 1d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1894

Sep. 23 Elsie Sarah, daughter of Frank and Emma Walden.

Sep. 30 George Eric, son of Robert John and Margaret Elizabeth Galtress

Oct. 14 Frederick William Thomas, son of Frederick and Selina Clarridge

Oct. 14 Gilbert William, son of Gilbert and Mary Ann Locke

Oct. 14 John, son of Alexander and Emma Mary Bentley

Oct. 14 Elsie Maud, daughter of David and Charlotte Louisa Bandy

Oct. 21 Amy Ada Emily Faithful, daughter of Percy and Clara Ogden

Burial Stantonbury 1894

Sep. 22 Mary Ann Biggs, aged 53


Stantonbury 1894 December

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3,45. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:—December 2, 11 a.m.; Dec. 9, 8 a.m. ; Dec. 16, 11 a.m. ; Dec. 23, 8 a.m. ; Christmas Day, 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. ; Dec. 30, 11 a.m.

The offertories on December 23 and Christmas Day will be devoted to a fund to provide the sick, aged, and poor of the parish with a Christmas gift of food or coals.

On Saint Thomas' Day, December 21, Mr. Edmund Marshall, of Christ's College, Cambridge, B.A., hopes to be presented to the Bishop of Oxford for admission to the office of a deacon. The ordination will take place in the Cathedral, at Oxford.

The Vicar is most thankful to be able to make the above announcement, he has always felt how much clerical work was imperfectly done owing to the large population, and has long wanted a colleague to assist him in visiting and conducting public worship. Now that the means are provided for the stipend and the man is coming, it remains for us all to give him a hearty welcome, and pray God that His grace may make this fresh development of our church work a blessing to the parish.

The Ember Days (see page 1 of this magazine), when the Church invites all her members to pray for those to be ordained, ought to have a very special meaning for us this month. It would be an act of true Christian charity if all our readers would use the Ember collect as appointed in our Prayer Books.

Much is expected of the clergy; all faults are quickly observed, though we are men of like passions with our people, yet they do expect us thoroughly to have overcome them; and yet how seldom are prayers offered to help us to become such as we are expected to be. How much assistance and comfort of the Spirit in our hours of, weaknes might be obtained through such intercessions!

.The Season of Advent, which the Church bids us observe this month, will be marked by special services on the Thursday evenings at 7.30. The Rev. D. Elsdale, vicar of Moulsoe, has most kindly consented to give us three addresses at three week-day services, which will help us to spend this season with profit to our spiritual lives.

The Bishop of Oxford announces that he intends to hold a Confirmation in February. This is a call from God, reminding parents and god-parents of the words in the Service of the Public Baptism of Infants, " Ye are to take care that this child be brought to the Bishop to be confirmed by him, so soon as he can say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments, in the vulgar tongue, and be further instructed in the Church Catechism set forth for that purpose."

The Confirmation classes are just beginning, any who wish to become candidates should at once send their names to the Vicar/ Special classes will be arranged for the older candidates, so that they need not attend the classes where the younger people are assembled.

The Sunday School- Prize Fund Entertainment has passed off successfully. There were three performances, the receipts amounting in all to £17 Os. 2Jd. We have no space to print the balance sheet which has been duly prepared by Mr. T. Arkwright. The expenditure for-music and dresses, &c., amounted to £3 16s. 4d., and £2 Os. 9Jd. must be devoted'to the payment of the children's Christmas party last year, there is, therefore, a balance in hand of £11 3s. Id. The greatest credit is due to those who arranged the entertainment, which was prepared at the cost of a great deal of time and trouble on the part of the teachers and performers.

The Literary Society continues its fortnightly meetings ; the attendance has improved since accommodation has been arranged in the new Infants' Room. On December 3, Mr. E. Abbott read a paper "Has a man a right to his own opinion?" and on December 17, Mr. W. R. Chantler opens a discussion on the question whether " the regulation of the state of the hours of adult labour is desirable."

In the Boys' and Girls' Department of the Day School, prizes are given at the end of the school year to those who have made very good attendances. Hitherto the Infants' have not been thus encouraged. Mrs. Woodhouse has lately provided Miss Heacock with a large number of pretty cards, which will be distributed on Friday afternoon to those children who have made a full week's attendance.

The offertories for Church Expenses have been:— October 28, 3s. Id.; November 5, £1 Os. 5d., Nov. 12, Is. 5d. For Poor Relief, October 21, £1 8s. l0d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1894

Oct. 28 Mary Agnes, Gilbert, Vivian Frank, and Thomas Allan, children of Frank Adolphus and Jessie Helen Johnson.

Nov. 3 Beatrice Ethel, daughter of William and Emily Lavinia Payne (privately).

Nov. 4 Nora, daughter of Frederick and Rosina Murden.

Nov. 11 Elizabeth Ellen, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Jenkins.

Burials Stantonbury 1894

Nov. 1 Matilda Simpson, aged 29.

Nov. 3 Alice McCaughan, aged 2½ years.

Nov. 17 Charles Walter Green, aged 41.


January 1895 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- Jan. 6 (The Epiphany), 8 a.m.; Jan. 13 11 a.m.; Jan. 20, 8 a.m.; Jan. 27. 11 a.m.

In commencing a new volume of our Magazine, we gladly take the opportunity of wishing all our readers a Happy New Year. No doubt we shall have some fresh subscribers to the Magazine, and they may wonder that we make no mention of our doings at Christmas. This omission will be understood when we explain that it is necessary for all news to be sent in to the Editor on the 20th instant, so that the printer may have time to get all ready for the first of the next month.

By the time this Magazine is in our Readers’ hands, the Rev. Edmund Marshall will have commenced his duties in the parish; he is to have rooms in Mr. Buttfield’s house, in Thompson-street.

We hope that a Social Gathering for the Members of the Congregation will be arranged to take place in January, the date when fixed will be duly announced, and tickets can be obtained by application from the Wardens and Sidesmen.

An important meeting on the question of the maintenance of our Day Schools was held last month, when the Hon. Holland Hibbert, one of the directors of the I. & N.W. Ry. Co., presided, and declared the policy of the Company. Hitherto the Company have paid the whole of the deficit, amounting each year, for the last three years, to about £388 per annum. This is not to be continued. The Company are willing to pay more than their share if the ratepayers will meet them; otherwise there must be a Board. When we know exactly what the Company with the ratepayers to contribute, there will be another public meeting to consider the proposal.

The annual Prize Distribution to children in our Sunday Schools was held last month, when Mr. Arkwright read his Report, which gave a hopeful view of the condition of the schools. The greatest difficulty arises from the constant removal of our young men from home, when they become 21 and are out of their apprenticeship; 8 have left this year; but as 10 have become teachers, our number, 31 in all, is better than last year. Mr. Arkwright also read the various balance sheet relating to the year’s work. To clear up some misunderstandings, the exact figures of the expenditure in connection with the Prize Fund Entertainment referred to in our last month’s magazine, were printed and circulated amongst the parents and friends who were present. Mr. Wylie then addressed a few words of encouragement to the teachers and children, and especially congratulated Mr. Arkwright on the condition of the school, and spoke in warm appreciation of his long service in the work. He apologised for Mrs. Wylie’s absence, who was greatly disappointed that she was too unwell to fulfil the engagement to distribute the prizes. The Vicar then asked Miss Wylie to take her mother’s place. The following is a list of the names of the Prize-winners:-Boys-Ernest Tyson,, R. Edgeington, H. Tyson, F. Campion, W. Pakes, W. Berrill, M. Pedley, A. Jenks, H. Grant, A. Russell, C. Morgan, J. Campion, W. Berry, W. Ellis, F. Wills, A. Burgess, A. Martin, H. Parkes, A. Norman, G. Scrivener, J. Berrill, C. Fay, R. Millyard, A. Smith, J. Stallard, G. Smith , A. Rigby, M. Bellchamber, J Parsons, A. Russell, G. Tyson, A. Ellis, A. Green, S. Hillyer, A. Bentley, W. Green, G. Foweraker, J. Sherwood, C. Jessen, W. Cook, W. Ribchester, T. Grant, and H. Howlett,- Girls- Polly Embleton, A. Gardiner, E. Wesley, I . Parkes, G. Allen, A. Embleton, A. Allen, D. A. , Burgess L. Frost, E., Giltrow, I. Child, J. Robinson , A. Stewart, F. Lines, B. Carroll, F. Elliott, A. Flint, A. Millyard, A. Veasy, K. Berry, A. Shouler, E. Pakes, E. Williams, N. Smith, E. Green, E. Ribchester, A. Robinson, K. Shouler, M. Wesley, H. Walton, A. Smith, L. Green, W. Bentley, A. Allen, E. Foweraker, l. Fay, A. Parker, V. Meadow, E. Veasy, A. Wilis, N. Russell, M. Veasy, L. Smith, E. Berrill, H. Howlett, A. Parkes, W. Smith, L. Elliott, A. Fay, R. Harding, B. Ellis, B. Walton, M. Ley.

We take this opportunity to acknowledge Dr. Miles’s kindness, who gave half-a-guinea towards our Prize Fund.

The Literary Society meets on January 7 to hear a paper by Mr. E. Jones, on the Science of Phrenology; and on Jan. 21 there is to be a debate, “Is war justifiable?” the opening speakers being Mr. G. Wood and Mr. G. Mclsaack.

The Vicar, as Chairman of the first parish meeting has just received the official notice of the result of the election of Parish Councillors. Their names are C. Barley, G. Barker, W. Berry, G. Stimson, J.R. Brassett, F. Edgington, W. Ward, W. Fossey, G.H. Howitt, J. Parsons, and J. Pakes.

The District Councillors are the Rev. K. C. Baily, Mr. R. Wylie, and Mrs. Edward.

The Offertories for Church Expenses have been- Nov. 25, 3s 3½d.; December 9, 1s 8d.; December 16

£1 2s 3½d. For Foreign Missions- December 2, £1 3s 9½d. December 16, at the Sunday School Teachers Celebration, 6s 1d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1895

Nov. 25 Ellen Mary, daughter of George William and Thirza Garner

Nov. 29 Alfred, William, and Lizzie, children of Hugh and Emily Rebecca Mc. Caughan

Nov. 29 Florrie, daughter of Charles Walter and Selina Green

Dec. 9 Dorothy Marianne, daughter of William and Rose Bailey

Dec. 16 William Frank, son of Samuel William and Alice Jane Breeden.

Dec. 16 Hilda may, daughter of Robert Thomas and Eleanor Amelia Valentine

Marriages Stantonbury 1895

Nov. 27 Isaac Wolfe, of Newmarket, Co. Cork, and Eleanor Grace Cotter.

Burials Stantonbury 1895

Nov. 20 Elizabeth, Ellen Jenkins, aged 5 weeks.

Dec. 4 William Hawkins, aged 21 months

Dec. 8 George Cotton, aged 66

Dec 17 Thomas Jenkins Smith, aged 53


February 1895 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- February 3, 8 a.m., February 10, 11 a.m., February 17, 8 a.m., February 24, 11 a.m.

Our Church was prettily decorated for the Christmas Festival and looked its best, thanks to the exertions of our lady workers. We had 53 Communicants at 8 a.m., and 22 at mid-day. The offertories on Sunday, December 23, and Christmas Day, amounted to £3 17s 2½d., and were made a special gift to be distributed amongst the poor and aged of the parish.

On New Year’s Day there was a celebration at 7 a.m., at which there were 18 Communicants. At 11 a.m. there was a children’s service, when the Vicar distributed the cards to the members of the Bible Reading Union.

The annual social gathering for the members of the congregation was held in the schools on January 12, cards of invitation were distributed by the Church officials to upwards of 300 people. Mrs. Howitt again most kindly superintended the arrangements of the refreshments, whilst Mr. Hewitt conducted the performance of an excellent programme of music, in which the Choral Society took part. The best thanks of those who enjoyed the evening are due to all who helped in various ways to make it so pleasant and successful a gathering.

On two evenings in Christmas week Mr. Arkwright and his colleagues in the Sunday Schools entertained the children. The benches were moved so that the youngsters could have a good romp; in the middle of the fun, buns, sweets and oranges were distributed, and a little book given to each child. It was a treat not only to the children but to the Teachers, who were thoroughly repaid for their exertions by the evident enjoyment of the children.

On the last Sunday in the old year there was a children’s service, when the Vicar distributed a motto card bearing the text “Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ.” Each child also received a card with prayers for daily use.

In the Day School Mr. Howitt has lost the services of Mr. Grassam. Mr. Marlow has been appointed in his place. The result of the Pupil Teachers’ Examination in religious knowledge has just been published; Eva Quin has a first class, Effie Grant has a second class, and Dora Goyer has a third class.

The Confirmation takes place at S. George’s, Wolverton , on Monday, February 11, at 4 p.m.

The Literary Society meets on February 4, to hear a paper on “Commerce” by Mr. Arkwright. On February 18 there will be another “Miscellaneous Magazine” published, under the editorship of Miss. Williams.

A Public Meeting of the ratepayers was called on January 15, to hear what the L.N.W.R. expected them to contribute towards the maintenance of the school on the present voluntary principle. A letter was read stating that the Company would pay about half, if the ratepayers would find the balance about £185 a year. After some discussion a committee of 12 were nominated to make enquiries into the matter, how far it would be possible to raise the sum, and then make their report to another meeting of the ratepayers. The following are the names of the committee:- T. Barnes, J.R. Brasset, W. Beckwith, J. Cates, J. Child, H. Kemp, H. Shouler, G. Stimson, C. Tarrier, W. Ward, R. Wylie, A. C. Woodhouse.

The offertories for Church Expenses have been:- December 30, 11s 9d, and 16d. 11d,; January 1, 5s 6d., January 6, 4s., January 20, 1s 11d. For the Window Fund December 30, 10s. 2d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1895

Dec. 30 Elsie Clarice, daughter of Robert Court and Martha Frances Russell

Dec. 30 Elsie Jennie, daughter of William and Agnes Ada Thorn.

Jan. 6 Nora, daughter of George Arthur and Lilian Green

Jan. 10 Constance Helena, Alfred Charles, Walter Cyril, children of James William and Annie Marian Buck.

Jan. 10 Muriel, and Walter Bertram, children of Thomas Raglan and Helen Smith.

Jan. 10 Annie Keziah, and Janet, children of Charles and Jane Fancutt.

Jan. 13 Emily, and Amos, children of James and Parmela Adams

Jan. 17 Maggie, daughter of John and Charlotte Dixon.

Jan. 17 Winifred Eleanor, and Florence Emma, children of Frederick and Emma Grace

Jan. 17 Arthur, son of Arthur and Sarah Anne Forrester.

Jan. 20 Elsie Barnes, daughter of Joseph and Caroline Augusta Child.

Marriage Stantonbury 1895

Jan. 3 Harry Maxey Holme, of Roade, and Mable Minnie Jane Bates of Bradwell

Burials Stantonbury 1895

Dec. 20 Ann Susanna Roddis, aged 59

Dec. 29 Gertrude Brandon, aged 2

Jan. 8 Gladys Louisa May Huckle, aged 16 months

Jan. 17 James Smart, aged 78


March 1895 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- March 3, 8 a.m.; March 10, 11 a.m.; March 17, 8 a.m.; March 24, 11 a.m.; March 31, 8 a.m.

The Bishop of Oxford administered the rite of Confirmation on February 11, in S. George’s, Wolverton, to a large number of candidates. There were 36 from our parish, 22 males and 14 females. It has been arranged that these should receive their first Communion on the first Sunday in Lent, March 3, at 8 a.m. A special invitation has been issued to those who have been confirmed in former years to join them in their service.

During Lent there will be a children’s service every Sunday afternoon, at 2.45, and on Thursday evenings a service at 7.30, with an address by the Rev. W. I. Harnett, vicar of S. George’s, Wolverton.

A Guild for young men has been formed, under the supervision of the Rev. E. Marshall, for the purpose of assisting in Church work. It is called the S. Andrew’s Brotherhood, and is conducted on lines similar to branches of the Brotherhood in other places.

There are 15 members. Mr. Arkwright being the lay Director. The members of this Guild have undertaken to supervise a “Boys’ Social Club,” which meets on Mondays and Saturdays from 7.30 to 9 p.m. in the schools. Games and books are provided. There are at present 23 members; a small subscription is paid by each. It is necessary to limit the number of members. It will depend entirely upon the boys themselves whether it proves a success; so far they have shewn themselves thoroughly alive to their privileges and have loyally submitted to the regulations of the Managing Committee.

It is a lamentable fact that so few church people know anything of the English Church, or of the grand Liturgy which is recited in our churches. To help us in this matter, the Rev. E. Marshall has been giving a course of 3 lectures, in which he first dealt with the rise of liturgical worship and early church history: next he spoke of the modern system and liturgies of the Roman and Orthodox Communions, besides giving an account of the mission of S. Augustine and the rise of the old English user; lastly, he gave an outline of the Reformation period and the history of the Reformed Prayer Books, with a short account of Post Reformation events and changes. There has been a good attendance at the lectures, and all present have felt greatly helped by Mr. Marshall’s clear exposition of his subject.

Our Juvenile Temperance Society continues to prosper. Last month the children had a romp one evening, which was concluded with a coffee supper. Another night a speaker came from London Mr. Harris to give them an address. This month Mr. A. C. Thompson, Secretary of the United Kingdom Railway Temperance Union, comes on Monday, the 11th inst., to give an address.

The Literary Society meets on March 4, to hear the Rev. E. Marshall read a paper on “Evolution.”

On March 18th, Mr. Wildman is announced as the opener of a debate on “Capital and Labour.”

The Good Templars gave a tea and entertainment to the widows of the place last month. A large number were present, and all greatly appreciated the kindness which prompted the Society to plan and carry out their charitable work.

The offertories for Church Expenses have been:- January 27, 12s 9d. and 14s. 10d.; February 3, 2s 1d.;

February 17, 1s 5d. For the Poor Relief Fund, February 10, 9s. 7d. and 16s 3d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1895

Jan. 23 Gwendoline Florence Annie, Lily Elizabeth, Violet Phoebe May, Sarah Helena Jennie, William Arthur, Charles Walter, James Henry, Joseph Edward, the children of James and Mary Jane Harding.

Jan. 26 Frederick George, son of William Walter and Annie Stobie

Jan. 27 Frederick George, son of Charles and Annie Hollis

Jan. 29 Mabel, daughter of Oliver and Jane Hale (privately)

Jan. 31 Charles John, Elsie Elizabeth, Marian May, Isabel, children of Chares John and Esther Elizabeth Dormer

Feb. 7 Elizabeth Lily, Florence Fannie, Ernest, children of Samuel and Elizabeth Harris.

Feb. 7 Rose Alice, daughter of Walter Constantine and Sarah Anne Woods

Feb. 9 Harry Ernest, son of William Water and Annie Stobie

Feb. 10 Annie Emma Victoria, daughter of John and Kate Neale.

Feb. 15 Ethel, daughter of Herbert and Phoebe Mathers.

Burials Stantonbury 1895

Feb. 2 Mabel Hale, aged 26 days

Feb. 9 Howard Biggs, aged 9 months


April 1895 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows;- April 7, 11 a.m.; April 14 (Easter Day) at 7 a.m. 8 a.m. and midday: April 21, 8 a.m,; April 28, 11 a.m.

A children’s service has been arranged to take place at the Schools for the younger children on Sunday Mornings, whilst the elder ones are in Church.

The question has several times been asked. “When are you going to robe the choir in surplices ?” Mr. Marshall has supplied the answer, “At Easter.” He asks us to acknowledge the following sums, which have already been paid: Mr. and Mrs. Selby, £1 ; Miss Redden 5s,; Rev. E. Marshall, 10.; Mr. C. F. Sykes, 2s 6d; per Miss Eansor:- The Bishop Reading, £1 ; Mrs. Searancke, £1 1s, The following sums have been collected on cards issued specially for their purpose :- Tom Tyson 2s 6d., W.J. Allen 7s., T.W. Arkwright 6s 6d., W.W. Spencer 2s 6d, Arthur Child 5s 1d., S. Pidgen 5s 9d., Theo. Harrington 10s., Miss Stanley, 4s., Albert Russell 6s 5d., G.A. Ashley 7s., Miss Williams £1 8s 3d., F.H. Tompkins 4s 3d., Rev. E. Marshall £1 5s., S.E.Frost 9s 6d, R. Edgington 1s 6d., C. Walker 1s., A. Hatwell 4s 6d., W. Walker 4s., Fred Grant 5s., E. Buttfield 4s 6d., Miss Pedley 16s 7d., Marshall Pedley £1 6d., W. Parkes 3s 3d., Miss Eansor 10s., C. R. Brassett 1s., total £13 19s 7d. Other sums have been promised, which we hope may make a total sufficiently large to buy cassocks and surplices for the boys, and surplices for the men.

The last regular meeting of the Literary Society for this Session takes place on April 1, when Mr. Ribchester reads a paper, entitled “True Manliness.”

The offertories for Church Expenses have been; February 24, 12s 7½d. and 14s, 11d.; March 3, 17s 3½d; March 17, 3s 4d; for the Poor Relief Fund, March 10, 10s 7d. And 12s 7d.

Baptism Stantonbury 1895

Feb. 20 Effie Gertrude, and Clifford, children of Oliver and Jane Hale

Feb. 20 Ethel Maud, daughter of Eli and Caroline Hall

Feb. 20 Beatrice Mary, daughter of George and Maggie Foster

Feb. 28 Ernest Samuel, Ada Agnes, Phoebe Florence, children of Ephraim and Julia Ann Brown.

Feb. 28 Albert Ernest, Reginald Arthur, children of George and Louise Pollard

Feb. 28 Harry, Elizabeth, and Annie, children of Thomas and Elizabeth Smith.

Feb. 28 Minnie Elizabeth, and Lucy, children of Elias and Susannah Elizabeth Owens

Feb. 28 George Dennis, William Henry, Mary Ellen, and Annie Elizabeth, children of Jarvis and Alice Laura Howard

Feb. 28 Richard Percy, son of George and Mary Jane Shrieves

Feb. 28 Ethel Mary, daughter of George and Eliza Nash

March 7 Albert, Ernest, and George, sons of Elias and Susannah Elizabeth Owens.

March 7 Charles, son of William Henry and Sarah Ann Partridge

March 7 James, Frank, and Charles, sons of Joseph and Elizabeth Palmer

March 10 Charles Henry, son of George Henry and Mary Wilson

March 10 Louie Lilian, daughter of James Edmond and Elizabeth Greaves.

March 11 Oliver, son of Francis and Emma Cook

March 14 Harry Hordley, Frederick Mark, and William, sons of Mark and Elizabeth Walsh

March 14 Herbert John, and Charlotte Elizabeth, children of Francis and Emma Cook

March 17 Reginald Joseph William, son of Jonathan and Amy Compton

Burials Stantonbury 1895

Feb. 27 Rhoda Wood, aged 2½ years

Mar. 3 John Wood, aged 62


May Stantonbury 1895

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows-: May 5, 8 a.m.; May 12, 11 a.m.; May 19, 8 a.m.; May 26, 11 a,m,

For the future there will be a service every Thursday evening at 7.30.

During Lent the Thursday Evening Services were well attended. Many will remember with pleasure Mr. Harnett’s kindness in coming to preach to us, and we may hope that his teaching on “Sin and its Forgiveness,” may be blessed to those who were able to be present.

During Holy Week there was a service each evening; the congregations on Good Friday were larger than last year, but it is sadly strange how many fail to recognise their obligation as church people to observe the Special Fast Day of the Church.

On Easter Day, to give everybody the opportunity of keeping the Feast, there were three celebrations of the Holy Communion: at 7 a.m. we had 48 communicants: at 8 a.m. we had 64; and at midday 34; making a total of 146. We had some beautiful white flowers given to us, which with ivy, moss, primroses and daffodils, made the House of God beautiful; the decorations suggesting the brightness of the Resurrection of which flowers are a type.

The congregations on Easter Day were larger than usual, perhaps the reason being that our choir were Robed for the first time in their surplices. The change seemed to add to the dignity of the service, and the singing was even more hearty than usual. To make the vestry, the organ has been moved nearer to the choir, and new curtains provided to enclose the space.

A handsome new bible for the lectern was used for the first time at Easter, it bears the following inscription:- “Presented to the Church of Saint James, Stantonbury, by the members of the Men’s Bible Class, Easter Day, 1895.” The wives of the members have collected enough to provide a beautiful white silk marker. In addition to these gifts heavy red plush curtains have been presented to hang in the sanctuary.

The cost of the surplices and cassocks has been £17 18s 10d., and 4s 6d was paid for the collecting cards, making a total outlay of £18 3s 4d. Last month we acknowledged £13 19s 7d. The remainder of the money has been subscribed as follows:- Mr. and Mrs. Wylie £1, Mr. Bruce Wylie 10s., per Miss Eansor 1s 6d., per Mr. G. Martin 1s., the Rev. A. C. and Mrs. Woodhouse £2 11s 3d. In the April Magazine the sum collected by Mr. Pedley ought to have been £1 6s.

During Lent the Vicar preached on Sunday afternoons to the children, taking the early years of David for his subject. In response to his invitation, many of them wrote out each week certain verses which they brought to him on the following Sunday. On Easter Day afternoon Mrs. Woodhouse distributed to more than a hundred of the children an Easter card with a picture of David, as a reward for those who had taken special pains to be accurate.

For the second time within a few years our boys and girls’ schools have received a notice that H.M. Inspector will excuse them their annual examination. It reflects the greatest credit upon Mr. Howitt, Miss Williams, and their colleagues, that their work should be so highly appreciated by the Education Department, thus to be singled out for this special mark of honour.

The Diocesan examination in religious knowledge was held last month by the Rev. J. T. Athawes who was much pleased with the work of the children, as the following words of the Report shows:- Boys Department,- “No less than 279 were present, which were divided into three groups; the youngest boys passed an excellent examination; those in the middle division did very well, but were somewhat behind in knowledge of the Old Testament. As regards the senior section, containing 124 boys, it was next to impossible to examine with satisfaction to oneself without so many pupils without the aid of written exercises, but the best was done with the results that I consider the Old Testament has been exceedingly well taught ; the knowledge of the New Testament is certainly good, singing of hymns reverent as well as careful. Girls’ Department. Throughout the School the knowledge of the Old Testament is very good; the New Testament also is accurately known. In the highest division I was especially pleased with the answers given to questions on the Christian year. Infants Department.- Much real good work is being done under the superintendence of the new head mistress. I consider that, looking to the age of the children, and the limited time at the disposal of the teachers, the general quality of the religious knowledge is decidedly good. The private prayers were well and reverently said.” We give below the names of the children who distinguished themselves in the examination:- Boys’ Department.- Bishops’ Prize. Arthur Jenks. Certificate of Merit were awarded to Henry Clarke, W. Whitney, Al. Russell, Howard Grant, Ewart Jones, A.C. Symonds, W. Berry, T. Pimbley, A. T. Morgan, A. Frost, S. Miles, C. Fay, J. Campion, Raymond Facer, Al. Inwood, Al. Brown, A. Child, - Cope, Aubrey Townsend, A. Smith, J. Stallard, -Wills, R. Kettle, B. Swann, H, Shackleford F.Norman. F. Ashley, A Hitchman, T. Gand , E. Woods, G. Thompson, H. Carter, O. Willes, J. Hewlett, A. Hitchman, Francis Gregory, W. Dyball, J. Berry , E . King,

Girls’ Department.- Bishop’s Prize, Beatrice Jones, Grace Fossey, and Jane Robinson were all very good, and were examined separately by the Inspector, who, at last decided that Beatrice Jones should have the prize; the other two girls have received reward books in recognition of their merit. Certificates were awarded to B. Lennard, E. Warner, E. Sherwood, L. Bates, A. Bavington, M. Elliott, A. Embleton, E. Brandom, E. Pakes, A. Flint, A. Millyard, L. Meecham, E. Hawkins, E. Buck, L. Dewick, A. Berry, N, Smith, E. Williams, E. Brewin, M. Tranter, M. Gascoigne, W. Ward, T. Payne, E. Lennard, S. Willett, A. Allen, V. Warner, E. Cobley, E. Jones, A. Letting, A. Brownsell. Infants Department.- Certificates were given to W. Smith, W. Ribchester, W. Wilcox, Ethel Wilson, Annie Brightman, Bessie Hyde, Ethel Preston, Percy Sherwood, Maud Lee, Win. Grant, T. Scott F. Bassett, F. Giltrow, Jessie O’ Brien.

There was a meeting of the S. Andrew’s Brotherhood last month, when Mr. Harnett gave a short but instructive address on the Holy Communion. Besides the members, there were present the older lads of the Boys’ Club and some friends, about 35 in all. A sum of 5s was collected, which will be devoted to a fund for purchasing an ewer to hold the water in church required for Holy Baptism. The next meeting will be on Saturday, May 4, at 8.30 p.m., when it is hoped more may be present.

The offertories for Church Expenses have been:- March 24. 6s 4½d. and 13s 3½d.; March 31, 2s 11d.;

April 14, 15s 4d. Nd 15s 4d. For the Poor Relief- April 7 10s 5½d. and 16s 3½d. For te Window Fund- March 31, 9s 2½d.

The Diocesan Society, called the “Spiritual Help Society.” makes our parish an annual grant of £30 towards the Curate’s Stipend; it is our duty to send the society an offertory once a year. It is an old custom to devote the Easter offerings to the maintenance of the clergy, so this year our Easter offertories at midday and evening, 18s 10d, and 17s 2d., were given to this Society.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1895

Mar. 23 Hypatia, daughter of Frank and Sarah Little

Mar. 31 Alice Maud Maria, daughter of George James and Maria Cross

Mar. 31 Winifred Annie, daughter of George Robert and Gertrude Ives

Mar. 31 William Frederick, son of John and Sarah Bailey

April 4 Cyril Charles Frederick, son of William Thomas and Louisa Poynter

April 4 Percy, son of Amos Thomas and Elizabeth Ann Green

April 7 Florence Rose, daughter of Charles Herbert and Lizzie Ann Elliott

April 7 Arthur William, son of Horace and Harriet Showler

April 11 William, Annie, Elizabeth, Kate, Rosa Lilian, and May, children of William John and Rosa Leah Pidgen.

Burials Stantonbury 1895

Mar. 30 Douglas Llewellyn White aged 6 months

April 4 Maria Tayburn, aged 65


June 1895 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- June of ( Whit Sunday ) 7 a.m. , 8 a.m. and midday; June 9, 8 a.m. June 16, 11 a.m.; June 23, 8 a.m.; June 30, 11 a.m.

There is a service every Thursday evening at 7.30.

On Sunday afternoon, May 12 a service was held in the old parish church of S. Peter, Stanton Low.

The beautiful summer weather and the novelty of the thing (no such service has been held for upwards of 30 years ) drew a large crowd of people , not one half of whom could get inside the building. Thanks to the good arrangements made by the Church officials, there was no confusion and the behaviour of the people both inside and outside was quiet and orderly. Care had been bestowed upon the old place by willing workers during the previous week. Mr. Selby had kindly sent a cart to convey extra benches, kneelers, and a harmonium from New Bradwell, so the church was made as clean and attractive as possible. The service was conducted by Rev. E. Marshall, and consisted of shortened evensong, followed by the administration of Holy Baptism and a sermon. After alluding to the antiquity and interest of the church, the preacher dwelt upon the duty of prayer and the continuity of the Sacraments and worship of the Church of England for many hundreds of years. There was a full choir in attendance, and with the help of a harmonium (kindly lent by Mr. Grant) the service was thoroughly congregational and very heartily rendered.

At our Annual Church Vestry Meeting, those who were present learnt with much regret that Mr. Joseph Millwood, who has been so long and so intimately connected with the Church, felt himself obliged to withdraw from the office of churchwarden, which he has virtually ( if not officially ) held for many years. It was unanimously resolved that a letter should be written to him by the Vicar, in the name of the parishioners, thanking him most heartily for his services in connection with the Church during the many years he has been a worshipper in the Church.

Having lost the valued assistance of Mr. J. Millwood, the Vicar had to find a new warden, and he naturally looked to Mr. C. F. Sykes, who has always been one of his sidesmen, and in many ways had already proved himself a good friend to the Church, to fill the vacancy. The people re-elected Mr. Wylie, C.C. To the office of sidesmen, the Vicar nominated Mr. Allen and Mr. J. J. Clewitt. As people’s sidesman Mr. Pedley was unanimously re-elected, and to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Child’s retirement (an event which all present at the meeting much regretted.), Mr. Elmes was chosen.

There is an old saying about “New Brooms,” we have just seen an excellent illustration of the proverb, for no sooner were Mr. Sykes and his colleagues in office then they set to work and organised a church spring cleaning- Ladders and planks were kindly provided by Mr. Kemp, brushes borrowed from somewhere, and with the help of a strong band f volunteers the walls were brushed down from the wall-plate to the floor, and the whole place thoroughly cleansed. Unfortunately on the Sunday after, the sun did not shine, so the Congregation were not able to appreciate properly the change in the colour of the church but all the same, we are sure they are very grateful to those who took so much trouble in the matter.

We take this opportunity to remind our readers that Mrs. Woodhouse will be always grateful for gifts of flowers for the altar vases; they should be sent to the Vicarage not later than Friday evening. The custom of decorating the altar is a very old one, it is mentioned by Christian writers as being the rule as early as A.D. 420. In our own homes we always like to beautify our tables with flowers when we are expecting any special friend, in the same way we should like to beautify the “Lord’s Table,” in honour of that Holy Feast which he Himself ordained,, and in which we not only commemorate his death, but are also made “partakers of His most blessed Body and Blood.”

The Boys’ Club concluded their first season with a coffee supper, which the members enjoyed all the more because it cost them nothing, and did not encroach upon the funds of the club. The arrangements were superintended by some ladies and five members of the S. Andrew’s Brotherhood, and were excellent; so was the address given afterwards by Mr. Arkwright. To increase the funds, a Christy Minstrel entertainment has been given by some of the members, and proved an entire success, a net sum of £2 15s. 5d. Being the result of the double performance, for, in addition to the evening performance there was an afternoon one for the children. With the money a cricket club is to be started. Mr. Wylie having kindly consented to lend the club one of his fields. Mr. Marshall wishes to avail himself of this opportunity of thanking all those who have so willingly assisted him in the successful management of the club.

There was a special devotional meeting of the St. Andrew’s Brotherhood in the School on May 4, when the Rev. W. K. Vaughan kindly came from Wolverton to given an address.

A financial statement was sent by the Vicar, signed by the charades, containing the Church accounts for the year, to all regular church goers before the Easter vestry: for this reason we publish nothing more than our usual monthly statement.

The offertories for church Expenses have been:- April 21, 3s 5d.; April 28, 11s 8d., and 16s. 6d.; May 5, 6s 3d,; May 12, £1 10s 3d. and 10s 9½d.; May 19, 3s 8d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1895

April 21 Joseph Henry and Arthur John children of Joseph and Annie Letting.

April 24 William Walter and Charlotte Edith children of Walter Arthur and Olivia Ann Trodd

April 24 Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Isabella Brewin

April 24 Margaret Anne, Thomas, James William, Ada, and Edward, children of Thomas and Sarah Barton

May 2 William John, and Annie Victoria, children of William and Elizabeth Tilley

May 9 Beatrice Maud, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Walton

May 12 *Ethel Rose, daughter of Richard and Fanny Twigg. *Baptised in the Old Parish Church of St. Peter, Stanton Low

May 12 Jesse, son of Thomas and Eliza Jarvis

May 19 Frederick, son of Frederick and Eleanor Grace

Marriages Stantonbury 1895

May 11 William Barrow and Caroline Eakins


July 1895 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind .

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- July 7, 8 a.m.; July 14, 11 a.m.; July 21, 8 a.m.; July 28, 11 a.m.

There is a Service every Thursday evening at 7.30.

We give below a list of those children who have received prizes in our Day School The Vicar gives a book to any child who is never absent, morning or afternoon during the school year, which always ends on April 30. Mr. Howitt and Miss Williams also gives books to those who have made very good attendances in their several standards. This year in the girls’ department Mrs. Woodhouse gave books to those girls who had made good progress in their lessons.

In the boys’ department the following received the Vicar’s prize: - H. Grant, P. Buck, E. Hardwick, G. Scrivener, W. Berry, G. Clark, Al. Inwood, Al. Brown, J. Campion, G. Smith, T. Adams, Al. Warren, Wal. West, A. Rigby, Herbert Cook, W. Ball, A. Smith, L. Buck, J. Parsons, P. Hardwick, A. Hitchman, H. Carter, A. King, Alex Bentley.

These boys received prizes from Mr. Howitt:- Al. Russel, A. Pendlebury, Ewart Jones, H. Giltrow, L. Ruddlesdin, A. Mills, S. Miles, H. Grice, C. Dixon, A. Frost, Fras. Hitchman, R. Facer, W. Ball, O. Mills, O. Burgess, F. Wills, H. Barnes, R. Kettle, A. Burgess, H. Shackleford, A. Giltrow, H. Lines, F. Puryer, A. Blunt, T. Grant, E. Smith, E. Woods, W. Flint, F. Giltrow, A. Cox, J. Hepworth, B. Lane, F. Walton

In the girls’ department the following are the names of those who received the Vicar’s Prize:- Mary Fewtrell, Louisa Line, V. Warner, B. Vincent, N. Miles, F. Elliot, E. Buck, E. Clarke, C. Carter, A. Fay, Minnie Tranter, Ada Miles, Amy Allen, W. Bentley, Annie Parker, Lucy Smith, Lilian Sanders, Nellie Bailey.

These girls received prizes from Mr. Woodhouse:- J. Robinson, Lydia Hillyer, E. Sherwood, V. Warner, N. Miles, Amy Showler, N, Gardiner, Ada Frost, Amy Allen, K. Showler, Lilian Sanders, Annie Parker.

These girls received prizes from Miss Williams:- Annie Embleton, Jane Robinson E. Warner, M. Barnes, A. Showler, Sarah Clarke, K. Shouler, L. Fay, E. Johnson, Katie Bardell.

It is proposed to hold a Children’s Flower Service on Sunday afternoon, July 7.

The annual excursion for the Sunday School children has been fixed for Saturday, July 27.

The offertories for church expenses have been: Ascension Day 7a.m.; 3s 9 ½d June 9, 2s. 2½d. June 16, £1 3s. 7½d,; for the Poor Relief, £1 7s 1½d.

The Society for Promoting the employment of Additional Curates had made our parish an annual grant of £20 towards the Curate’s Stipend; it is our duty to send a contribution from the offertory once a year. The offertories on Whit Sunday were devoted to this purpose amounting throughout the day to £2 0s 11d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1895

May 26 Annie, daughter of George and Sarah Clarke,

May 26 Frederick Arthur, son of Charles and Elizabeth Hayfield.

June 2 John Thomas, son of Henry and Harriett Bodley

June 6 Henry, son of John and Mary Ann Wood

Marriages Stantonbury 1895

June 3 Arthur Beach to Annie Barrington

June 4 William Sinfield to Annie Ball

Burials Stantonbury 1895

May 21 Lucy Ley, aged 71

May 25 Richard Arthur Kettle, aged 11 months

May 25 Thomas Hillyer, aged 37

June 13 Peter Pimbley, aged 50


August 1895 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind .

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- August 4th, 8 a.m.; August 11th, 11 a.m.,; August 18th, 8 a.m,; August 25th, 11 a.m. There is a service every Thursday at 7.30.

The great change in the management of our Day School which has been occupying our minds so long, will now soon be accomplished. By the time this magazine is in the hands of our reader, they will know the names of those chosen to form the first School Board for the parish of Bradwell.

Mr. Howitt is losing two of his assistants in the boys’ school. Mr. Shone has obtained a Queen’s Scholarship and enters the Chester Training College in the Autumn. Mr. Marlow has taken a high place (he was 25th) in the recent examination by which he obtains a post shortly in the Excise Department of Civil Service.

Some of our Sunday School Teachers have been reading during the winter, in preparation for the annual examination conducted by the Church of England Sunday School Institute, which was held at the end of April. There was a paper on Holy Scripture Acts xiii.-xxviii., a second paper was on the Sacraments as explained in the Church Catechism, and thirdly an hour was spent in writing out a sketch of a lesson. The following have obtained first class certificates:- Mr. Arkwright, Miss. A. Arkwright, Mr. W. Spencer,(Old Wolverton), Mr. W. Sephton (Newport); second class:- Mr. Arkwright jun. Mr. W. Walker, Miss R. Pidgeon, Miss M. Face-, and Miss. Pedley.

Instead of the ordinary children’s service on the first Sunday afternoon, we had last month a flower service. A great many children availed themselves of the opportunity to send a little gift of flowers to cheer the sick who are unable to gather them. The Church officers and Sunday School Teachers most kindly stayed after the service to pack up eight boxes full, four of them which were sent to Northampton Infirmary, and four to the Middlesex Hospital.

Mr. Walter Walker who has been a Sunday School Teacher for five years, has left us for Australia. Not only does he take with him the good wishes of his many friends in Stantonbury, but as a token of regret at his departure, and good wishes for his future, he has received several handsome presents among which was a gift of books from his colleagues in the Sunday School.

The offertories for church expenses have been:- June 23, 5s 6½d.; July 7, 4s 1d,; July 14, £1 6s 2½d,; Sunday School Teachers’ Communion, 5s 7d. At the flower Service, 16s 6½d. of which 5s 3d. was spent in sending the flowers to their destination, and 11s 3½d. was devoted to the Blisworth excursion Fund.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1895

June 30 James, son of John and Jane Elizabeth Pakes

June 30 Florence Kate, daughter of Thomas and Catherine Giltrow

July 8 Eva Mary, daughter of James and Edith Burnham.

July 14 Charles Reginald, son of Charles Warren and Rebecca Davess

July 16 Walter John, son of George and Emma Carroll.

Burial Stantonbury1895

June 25 Edwin Fewtrell, aged 72 years.


September 1895 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind . The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows: - September 1st. 8 a.m.; September 8th, 11 a.m. September 15th, 8 a.m. September 22nd, 11 a.m.; September 29th, 8 a.m. There is a service every Thursday evening at 7.30 p.m.

It is with very great satisfaction that we have to record the election of the first School Board for Bradwell without the expense and excitement of a poll. Fortunately there was a good basis for a compromise:- that Old Bradwell should have one member and New Bradwell four. At the cost of a good deal of self sacrifice on the part of some of those who had been nominated as candidates, the necessary withdrawals were made, leaving Messrs. W. Beckwith (Old Bradwell), E. Thompson, W. Ward, R. Wylie, and Rev. A. C. Woodhouse, members of the Board. The following are the names of those gentlemen who sent in their withdrawals to the Retiring Officer :- Messrs. W. Berry, C. Barley, F. Edgington, W. Millward (Old Bradwell), C. F. Sykes, J. C. Sutton, H. Shouler.- The first meeting of the Board took place on August 22nd. when the following appointments were made:- Chairman- Rev. A.C. Woodhouse, Vice Chairman:- Mr. W. Ward; Clerk - Mr. Nicholson; Treasurer - Messrs. Bassett, Son and Harris, Newport Pagnell: Solicitor for the purpose of negotiating with the London and North Western Railway Company for the transfers of the Schools - Mr. C. W. Powell, Newport Pagnell A Notice has been received to the Board from the London and North Western Railway Company announcing their determination to cease their responsibility for the school management on September 30th 1895. - The following is her Majesty’s Inspector ‘s Report of the Infants’ School.- “ Miss Heacock has re -organised this school and has improved its condition wonderfully, during the short time she has had charge of it. It is evidently going to thrive under her, and become a first rate Infants’ School.” There is this year no report on the boys’ and girls’ department. Last May we were able to announce that her Majesty’s Inspector had excused them their Annual Examination, which is sufficient proof that the Education Department fully appreciates the good work of Mr. Howitt, Miss Williams, and their colleagues.

The Sunday School Children have been taken once again for their annual romp and picnic in the beautiful gardens at Blisworth. The funds are collected by Mr. Arkwright and his energetic staff of teachers. Those who have contributed may be sure that the investment was a good one, for it helped to provide the children, numbering over 400, with a most enjoyable day’s pleasure.

Our Sunday School Teachers, with many others from the neighbouring parishes, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Banting, at Little Brickhill Vicarage, on Saturday, July 20. There was a Service in the Church, when a very helpful address was given; a substantial tea was provided and the afternoon closed with a delightful walk in the woods. Our best thanks are due to our kind host and hostess, who did so much to provide for the happiness of their large company of visitors.

The Choir boys have had a “day out,” and seen the wonderful Tower Bridge, and the still more wonderful wheel at Earl’s Court Exhibition. - The members of the Bible Reading Union has been entertained with tea and games in the Vicarage garden. - The members of the Band of Hope have had a tea party in the schools.

The Men’s Bible Class have had their Annual Excursion and spent an enjoyable day at Leamington and Warwick.

The Stantonbury S. James’ Cricket Club, to which Mr. Wylie kindly lent a field for the summer, have played the following matches:- June 29, v Wolverton St. Mary’s at Stratford. The rain put a stop to the match, and left S. Mary’s with 44 and 4 men to go in, as against a total of 12 for Stantonbury. July 13 v Wolverton S. George’s, played at Stantonbury. This match resulted in a win for Stantonbury by 4 runs, on the result of one innings. August 2 v Stratford Mutual, at Stratford. Stantonbury S. James’ won by 9 runs. - August 10 v Wolverton S. Mary’s, played at Stantonbury. On the result of one innings S. Mary’s won by 9 runs. - August 17 v Wolverton S. George’s, played at Wolverton. The home team gained the victory by 5 runs and 5 wickets.

The Boy’s Social Club will probably meet for games in the Schools as before, about the beginning of the month.

The offertories for Church expenses have been: July 21, 3s .: August 4, 3s 11d,; August 11, £1 2s 8d. August 18, 5s 9d. For poor relief , July 28, £1 3s.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1895

July 21 Samuel Milford, son of Walter and Sarah Jane Savell

Aug. 4 George Henry, son of John William and Elizabeth Mary Tompkins

Aug. 8 Amy, daughter of Walter and Mary Ann Fay.

Aug. 11 Mary Olive, daughter of George Frederick and Alice Masters

Burials Stantonbury 1895

July 4 Lewis Lyndsey Thompson, aged 4 months

Aug. 3 Mary Bell, aged 76 years.

Aug 17 Agnes Cole, aged 22 years.


October 1895 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows: - September 1st, 8 a.m.; September 8th, 11 a.m.; September 15th, 8 a.m.; September 22nd, 11 a.m.; September 29th, 8 a.m. There is a service every Thursday evening at 7.30 p.m.

The Bishop of Reading has promised to come to Stantonbury and administer the Sacrament of Confirmation in our Church on November 20. The classes of preparation will commence at once, therefore any who wish to be confirmed, and have not already given their names to the clergy should do so without delay.

The Harvest Festival Services will be held on Sunday, October 6. The offertories in the morning will be given to the Diocesan Education Society, in the afternoon to the Children Window Fund, and in the evening to the Sunday School Fund.

The Literary Society will be open on Monday, October 6, when a paper on “Pa;estome” willl be given by the Vicar, illustrated with lantern views. The committee are arranging to have more lectures of the same kind, illustrated by a magic lantern, during the winter. Those who become members will be admitted to these entertainments free, but the public will have to pay a small entrance fee.

The Stantonbury S. James’ cricket club played their last match of the season against old Bradwell, and won the game by 58 runs on the first innings. Allen and Hatwell bowled splendidly for the visitors, the former’s bowling reading 50 balls, 10 runs, 4 maidens, 5 wickets: Allen’s wickets costing him 3 runs each, and Hatwell’s 1.2 each. The best batting was shared between Allen, Wylie, and Harrington. In their second innings the S. James’ had only made 21 for the loss of 8 wickets when stumps were drawn. This concludes this year’s matches in connection with the S. James’ Club, and as this season was their first venture in junior local cricket. It has been fairly successful. As it was impossible to make a commencement before the first week in June, only 7 matches could be arranged, 5 away and 2 at home. Of those away the club has succumbed to Newport Parish Church, Stratford S. Mary’s and Wolverton S. George’s, and have been successful against Old Bradwell and the Stratford Mutual. Of those at home Wolverton S. George’s have been beaten and Stratford S. Mary’s lost. It is hoped that next season the club will be able to arrange matches with more of the local junior clubs, so as to have a fixture list to extend throughout the season, which was impossible this time owing to unavoidable circumstances.

The offertories for church expenses have been - September 1, 3s 8d.; September 8 £1 13s 1d.; September 15, 2s. For Poor Relief, August 25, 19s 9d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1895

Sept. 15 Albert Amos, son of James Thomas Edward and Sarah Jane Hepworth (privately)

Burials Stantonbury 1895

Aug. 23 Ernest William Cole, aged 18 months

Aug. 27 George Tarry, aged 55

Aug. 30 Francis Edward Stantonbury Selby, aged 16 years (The funeral took place at the old Church, Stanton Low.)

Sept. 9 Alfred Shaw, aged 3 months


November 1895 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- November 3, 8 a.m.; November 10. Monday; November 17, 8 a.m.; November 24, midday.

There is a service every Thursday evening at 7.30.

The Bishop of Reading is expected here on Wednesday, November 20, to administer the Rite of Confirmation.

A service was held in the old Church, Stanton Low, on Michaelmas Day in the afternoon, when the little building was well filled with worshippers.

A Church Parade of the Volunteer Corps took place on September 22, when Captain Williams and upwards of 100 men attended the 11 a.m. service.

The Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held on October 6. We gladly record the hearty zeal shewn by all those who assisted; many contributed flowers and vegetables, which made our church decorator busy all Saturday afternoon; our choir maintained their reputation for doing their part well; and the large number of worshippers taxed the energies of the church officials. We believe in every case the labour bestowed was a labour of love, and as such formed part of the thank offerings of the day. On Monday the fruit and vegetables were distributed as far as possible among the sick and aged. The offertories throughout the day amounted to £3 19s., of which £1 5s. 3d, was given to the Diocesan Education Society, 13s 9d. to the Children’s Window Fund, and £2 to the Sunday School Fund.

In connection with the Literary Society we are asked to announce a lecture on November 5, by the Rev. W. L. Harnett, entitled “A Tour on the Continent,” which is to be illustrated by lantern views. On November 22, a debate on “Local Option,” to be opened by Mr. W. R. Chantler.

The Boys Club is re-opened and meets 3 evenings each week. Mr. Marshall has kindly lent the club a bagatelle board.

On November 24, being the Sunday before Advent, the collect for the 25th Sunday after Trinity will be used.

The Stantonbury Revellers Football Club have opened their season well; their first team have beaten L.N.W.R. 3rd, and also Bletchley, and they made a draw with Northampton Crescent; their second team made a draw with S. George’s , and also with Newport Pagnell Church, but were badly beaten by Stantonbury Unity.

The offertories for Church Expenses have been: - September 29, 2s 10d.; October 13, £1 7s 1d.; October 20, - 4s. 4d.; for Poor Relief, September 22, £1 9s 10d. Sunday School Teachers Communion 5s 10d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1895

Sept. 20 Ada Kate, daughter of Walter Charles and Clara Jane Raffe (privately)

Sept. 22 Clara, daughter of Harry and Elizabeth Emma Martin

Sept. 22 Arthur Percy, son of Arthur George and Emily Tucker

Sept. 22 Ada Louisa, daughter of George Edward and Florence Bull (privately).

Oct. 3 John Henry, son of James and Alice Agnes Gardiner

Oct. 7 May, daughter of James Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Robbins (privately)

Oct. 13 Stephen George, son of William Charles and Elizabeth Rogers

Oct. 13 Clara Helen, daughter of Walter Albert and Ellen Elizabeth Pulley.

Oct. 13 Joseph James and Lilian Adelaide, children of Joseph and Phoebe Cosby

Oct. 15 Walter, son of Hiram and Elizabeth Meakins

Oct. 20 William, son of Frederick and Clara Gostelow

Oct. 20 Edith, daughter of Harry Shelmerdine and Anna Dickenson

Oct. 20 Thomas, son of Charles and Anne Gear

Burials Stantonbury 1895

Sept. 24 Charles Reginald Davess, aged 3 months

Sept. 30 Jane Ann Inwood, aged 24

Oct. 5 Ada Louisa Bull, aged 1 month.


December 1895 Stantonbury

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is administered every Sunday at 3.45. There is no fee of any kind.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated this month as follows:- December 1, 8 a.m., December 8, 11 a.m.; December 15, 8 a.m.; December 22, 11 a.m.; Christmas Day, 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. December 29, 8 a.m.

On December 1 (First Sunday in Advent) there will be collections, as in previous years, for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. On December 22 and Christmas Day the offertories will be devoted to a fund to provide the sick, the aged, and the poor, as far as possible, with a gift of food or coals.

On Saint Thomas’ Day, December 21, Mr. Marshall hopes to be presented to the Bishop of Oxford for admission to the office of a Priest. The ordination will take place in the Cathedral at Oxford. We take this opportunity again to remind our readers of the Ember Days, when the Church invites all her member to pray for those to be ordained. We in this parish, have a special interest in this Embertide. It would be an act of true Christian charity for all to use the Ember Collect as appointed in our Prayer Books.

The season of Advent, which forms the annual time of preparation appointed by the Church for the Festival of Christmas, will be marked this year by a series of a lantern services in the church on Thursdays at 7.30 p.m. We cannot allow young children to come unless they are brought by their parents.

There were in all 36 candidates at the Confirmation last month - 5 came from Hanslope, 2 from Stratford, the remaining 20 being from our own parish, of whom 19 were males and 10 females. The Bishop of Reading used his pastoral staff, which was carried before him by the Rev. E. Marshall. We wish there was space to print the substance of the Bishop’s address which was full of good advice for old and young. The Bishop was particularly pleased with the reverence and attention of the candidates and congregation during the service, and personally thanked the choir for their assistance, and the officials for their excellent arrangements.

In connection with the Foreign Missionary work of the Church, the Rev. J. A. Colbeck gave us last month a most interesting account of his experiences in Burmah. The lecture was illustrated by a series of pictures exhibited from a lantern. A collection was made and was sent up to the Society.

We have long needed a Church Clock, and this want has been supplied thanks to the energy of Mr. Sykes, Mr. Allen, Mr. Clewett, Mr. Elmes, Mr. Pedley, who have raised sufficient money to provide the clock which most of our readers will seen ere this. The total amount collected was £4 15s 9d. This was more than enough to pay for the clock as it was purchased by Mr. Pidgen, who obtained for us the trade discount of which the church had the benefit.

We are asked to give the names of those who contributed to the clock fund: - Miss. Adnitt, Miss. Adams, Mr. and Miss. Ashby, Mr. Allen, Mr. J. Adams. Mr. Arkwright, Miss. Boon, Mr. Burkitt, Mr. Berrill, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Buttfield, Mr. Brassett, Mr. Berry, Mr. Baker, Mr. J.J. Bennett, Mr. W. and C. Brooks, Mr. Brown, Mr. W. Brooks, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Child, Mr. Clewett, Mrs. Elmes, Mrs. Edwards, Miss. Elliott, Mr. Evans, Mr. Eld, Mr. Facer, Mr. A. Green, Mrs. Harding,, Miss. Heacock, Mr. Hatwell, Mr. Jeffries, Mr. Kemp, F. L. Mr. and Mrs. Millwood, Dr. Miles, Rev. E. Marshall, Mr. Millyard, Mr. Moore, Mr. Pedley, T. P.. Mr. Pidgen, Mr. Roddis, Miss Redden, Mr. Russell. Mr. Raffe, Mr. Sutton, Mrs. Sharp, Mr. S. R. Smith, Mr. Scrivener, Mr. Shouler, Mr. W. Stimson, Mr. Selby, Mr. Sykes, Mr. Spencer, Mr. H. Tomkins, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Veasey, Mrs. Woodhouse, the Misses Williams, Miss. Walsh, Mrs. Walker, Mr. R. Wylie, and Mr. B. M. Wylie.

In connection with the Literary Society, Mr. F. Littleboy has promised a lecture on December 2, on "Shooting Stars," and on December 16, Mr. Ribchester will give a lecture on “Pond Life.” Both these lectures were illustrated by lantern views.

Stantonbury Revellers’ F.C. have the following record for the past month:- Their first team drew with the Wolverton Wesleyans and defeated Woburn Sands, Albion, and Linslade St. Barnabas. The Reserves routed Wolverton Wesleyan Reserves, but were defeated by Stratford St. Giles’.

The offertories for the Church Expenses have been : - OCT. 27. £1 4S 1D., Nov. 3. 3s 4d., Nov. 17 2s 4d. For Choir Fund, Nov. 10, £3 6s 9d.

Baptisms Stantonbury 1895

Nov. 13 Ella, daughter of Thomas and Mary Durham

Nov. 17 William Cyril, son of Henry John and Harriet Singleton

Erratum of last month : The Christian name of the child of Mr. and Mrs. Munday should have been entered as Sarah Elizabeth.

Marriage Stantonbury 1895

Nov. 18 William Hirons and Mary Burnham

Burials for Stantonbury 1895

Oct .21 May Robbins, 6 months.

Oct. 23 Albert Amos Hipworth, aged 4 months.

Nov 12 Hannah Morgan, aged 47.
