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transcribed by Ingrid Neale January 1894 Wavendon Nothing received in time for publishing from Wavendon to the Rector of Moulsoe. (See note at the end.) oOo February 1894 Wavendon A capital concert was given on January 3rd, 1894, in the Endowed School, for the benefit of the Heating and Lighting Fund of the Parish Church. There was a very good audience and everything passed off very well. The proceeds were £3 1s 6d., expenses 17s 6d., leaving £2 4s for the Treasurer of the above Fund. Our best thanks are due to all those who assisted in the performance, and especially to those who came from such long distances to help. The new Heating Apparatus in the Church is completed and in thorough going order, so that our Church is now comfortable in this respect. At the same time another defect of our Church has been remedied. The church has hitherto been lit by candles, which although admirable in every other respect, did not give sufficient light, and yet were a great expense. These have been replaced by eight splendid lamps, each one hundred candle power. These lamps possess all the latest improvements, and are, beside, an ornament to the sacred edifice. The old Clothing Club has been re-established on a broader basis, so as to include every family in the parish that chooses to accept its benefits. Weekly subscriptions are received by the Rector every Monday, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The Sunday School is held in the afternoon at 2.30 p.m., as well as in the morning at 10 a.m. We hope that this Parish Magazine, including “The Dawn of the Day,” will soon find its way regularly into every home in the Parish. During Lent, a short service will be held in the Church every Thursday evening, at 7 o’clock, with an address by the Rev. Stephen Phillips, Vicar of Grandborough Burials Wavendon 1894 Dec. 24 George Garner, aged 46 years Jan. 10 Thomas Smith, aged 79 years
oOo March 1894 Wavendon The Lenten Services on Thursday evenings have been well attended, and the plain and practical course of sermons by the Rev. S. Phillips much enjoyed. H.M. Inspector has ordered us to add a new babies’ room to our school, and we trust shortly to be able to commence work. The Diocesan societies have kindly voted us a grant of £35 towards the £120 required. We would wish all our readers a joyful Easter. If we would know the Easter joy we must first know the sorrow of the Man of Sorrows for sin. Let us all mourn for our sin on that most solemn of all days, Good Friday, and let us remember each of us that it was our sin which wrung that exceeding bitter cry from the Sinless Sufferer, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” We do trust that many will keep the Death day of our Blessed Lord in our dear old Church and watch beside the Crucified. Marriages Wavendon 1894 Jan. 22 Thomas Ambridge and Sarah Anne Butcher. Burial Wavendon 1894 Feb. 8 Annie Smith (Woburn Sands) aged 28 oOo April 1894 Wavendon The parish meeting summoned by the church-wardens and overseers to meet at the School on Wednesday, February 28, at 7 o’clock, was very largely attended. The subjects for consideration were the enlargement of the school and the making of a new approach to the allotment ground. Mr. Hoare, on being voted to the chair, laid clearly before the meeting how it was proposed to raise the £220 required for the alterations and enlargement, namely, to use the sum of £135, with the sanction of the Charity, Commissioners, to accept the grant of £35 kindly voted by the Diocesan Societies, and also the grant of £20 from another society, making a total of £190, leaving the sum of £30 to be raised from some other source. After some discussion , this was passed unanimously. It was then proposed that three members should be elected by the meeting to assist the four trustees of Well’s Charity, in the management of the school. An amendment was, however, carried that the meeting should elect five members. The five members elected were Messrs. C. Tite, C. Collins W. Brazier, W. Poole, and E. Boyes. The question of the new road to the allotments provoked much discussion, and so it was settled to let things remain as they were. Baptism Wavendon 1894 March 3 Rhoda Agnes, daughter of William Henry and Sarah Ann Payne. (Privately) Burial Wavendon 1894 March 6 Rhoda Agnes Payne March 10 Elizabeth Sophia Smith oOo The Easter Festival passed off very brightly. The congregations were good and the singing very hearty, and there were twelve more communicants than last year. We all desire to thank those poor as well as rich who sent offerings of flowers. The annual Easter Vestry Meeting was held on Thursday, March 29th. There was a crowded attendance, and considerable interest shown in the proceedings. The same parish officers were elected as last year, to serve until the election for the Parish Council takes place in November. There was a change this year in the office of Churchwardens. The rector selected as his warden Mr. H.H.A. Hoare, and the people selected as their warden, Mr. William Bliss. Mr. Henry King was most heartily thanked for the way he had carried out the duties of Rector’s warden for nearly twenty years. The Church accounts were read, which showed a balance to the bad of 18s., but this has since been wiped out. We have just lost a very old parish land mark which speaks of the great changes that are taking place among us. The trunk of the old Stocks’ tree which stood close to the school, has been cut down. Underneath this tree the old Stocks stood, and the village tradition says that the last time there were used was on the Queen’s Coronation day, June 20, 1837, when a drunken man from, Woburn Sands was confined in them. It does not seem too much to hope that by June 1937, we may have the great blessing of total prohibition, and so have no possibility of having a drunken man. What a blessing it will be for Wavendon and for the country if this happens to be the case, yet stranger things than this have occurred. Baptism Wavendon 1894 March 22 Jesse Reeves son of Emma King March 22 Elizabeth Ethel daughter of Peter and |Harriet Jackman March 22 Elsie Jannette daughter of Alfred and Julia Fanny Devereux March 22 Cyril Frederick, son of Frederick and Elizabeth Brawn March 22 Rhoda, daughter of Joseph and Anna Maria Lunnon March 22 Edwin John, son of Joseph and Anna Maria Lunnon March 22 Henry, son of Joseph and Alice White. March 22 Philip, son of Joseph and Alice White. Marriages Wavendon 1894 March 26 Thomas England, and Elizabeth Hill April 16 Thomas George Prudden and Martha Jane Wilson Burials Wavendon 1894 April 13 John Lane, aged 30 years. oOo June 1894 Wavendon A meeting was announced by handbills for the evenings of Tuesday, May 1st, to see if something could not be done in Wavendon to awaken an interest in Technical Education. The village prophets prophesied that very few of the labouring men would care to attend, or take any interest in the meeting. The prophets of failure were wrong for once. The men attended in large numbers , and showed the greatest interest in the good cause. The Rev. J. B. Higham delivered a most interesting , instructive, and entertaining address, which was enthusiastically received. He proved as clear as A. B. C., that Technical Education was a friend of the working man, and that he must have it to enable him to rise and take his proper place as a citizen. He asserted an obvious fact , that the working men of Continental countries were cutting out the English working man, owing to their superior technical education. At the close of the meeting , the Rev. B. Phillpotts, Mr. N Sturgess and Mr. C. Collyns were elected as representatives to arrange for classes for the parish during next winter. The Churchwardens attended the Schoolroom, Saturday evening, May 12th , to receive the rents of the town lands allotments. Money seemed very scarce, and many men were slow in coming, but perhaps it was rather a bad time-the Saturday before Bank Holiday. The crops are splendid, and most of the ground well cultivated. It is a great pity that more do not pay up, as if they did the rents of the whole might be lowered, and so all who hold the land would be benefited and have the land cheap. Perhaps those who are very slow with their rent do not think they are robbing the rest, and making it harder for all the rest to get on, or they would pay up. Our Schools are looking very bright with their new paint and thorough cleaning. The new Babies’ Room is a great success, it is the brightest of the three rooms, and the babies are to be envied as they will have a good start with a bright room. We only hope that the brightness will continue all through life. The only drawbacks to all the improvements is, that we must pay the bills. We have to find £40 somehow. Where ? In a jumble sale. We must have a sale either the end of July or the end of September. There will be wonderful bargains to be had in old furniture, old china, and clothes, and we trust we shall have crowds of buyers from far and near. We should be so glad if all who cannot give us old treasures themselves, would ask their friends and get their help for us. We all can do something. Let us all do a little, and the sale must be a great success. Will each reader of the magazine do something. Baptism Wavendon 1894 April 22 Elizabeth Ann daughter of George and Mary Ann Wrench April 29 Hilda Selina, daughter of William of Lydia Johnson April 29 Sarah Emily, daughter of Louisa Butcher oOo July 1894 Wavendon It has long been felt that the young men and lads of our village needed a Cricket Club to enjoy their leisure hours during the summer months, so the Rector called a meeting of men and lads on June 8, in order to form one. A very good number attended the meetings, and all seemed very anxious for a Club. It was decided to send a subscription list to the principal residents, asking for their kind support. Mr. H. A. Hoare., was elected president; the Rev. B. A. Philpotts, vice -president and treasurer: H, Buxton, secretary; with a committee of seven members. The subscription for the season is 2s., to be paid her in advance, or 6d a month. About twenty have joined already and many more are expected to do so as soon as the Club is well established. Rules have be made and the materials ordered that everything promises a complete success. H.M. Inspector has fixed the date of the examination for July 11 and 12, so that it is close at hand. We do hope that parents will help the teachers by sending their children regularly to school, so that the children may be a credit to themselves, their parents and teachers. We all know how painstaking Mr. and Mrs. Buxton are with the children, and how lovingly they labour for the children’s highest good, so let us all do our best to help them in their noble work. The school treat will be held shortly after the examination, and the Squire has kindly invited us all, and given us the use of his grounds, and the young Squire is looking forward very much to the day. On Tuesday, the 17th, Mr. W. R. Anthony, from London, will give us an interesting lecture in the Schoolroom, on the subject of the Church. We hope that many will be able to attend and learn something new about the history of our grand old Church, for let us remember that our Church was the Church of John Wesley, and of many other bright Christian Saints. A special sermon will be preached on Sunday morning, July 15, and a collection made on behalf of the Additional Curates Society. We hope to have the Jumble Sale early in September, and have had several fresh promises of help, which show that everyone is trying to do what they can. September seems to be the best time, as it will give us more time to collect and to to make it known. Baptism Wavendon 1894 June 10 William George, son of Henry Joseph and Catherine Elizabeth Line Burials Wavendon 1894 June 2 Lucy Pratt, daughter of Hillside Darbey aged 33 oOo August 1894 Wavendon A meeting for Church Defence was held in the Schoolroom on Tuesday evening, July 19. The attendance, considering all things, was very good, though we should have liked to have seem more of the working class present. Mr. W. Bliss presided, and introduced Mr. Anthony, the principal speaker, from London. Mr. Anthony spoke for an hour against the Disestablishment and Disendowment of the Church in Wales. He gave four reasons why the Church in Wales ought not to be disestablished . (1) All who held property would never be safe from having their property confiscated, if such a confiscatory Bill were passed. (2) The desecration of the Welsh cathedrals. (3) The sweeping away of the remuneration of the clergy, who had more than doubled in the last seventy years. (4) The depriving the poor of their sacred right and heritage by taking away from them their ministers and the means of grace. He then gave five reasons why the Church should be preserved as it was. (1) Because of its great antiquity. (2) Because of its present work and progress, greater even than the Church in England, the increase in Sunday scholars during the last eight years being 80 per cent. And increase of communicants 50 per cent. (3) Because property left for the use of the Church ought to be kept only for that use. (4) Because the Church provides for the poor without cost. (5) Because the church educates numbers of children. The lecturer was listened to with great attention and his remarks frequently applauded, Mr. J. Courtney Lord and Mr. E. Elford made two capital speeches, showing great knowledge of the subject, and the meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. On Wednesday , July 11, H.M.I. examined the children attending the day schools. The children passed a very satisfactory examination, but the Inspector complained they showed a lack of intelligence. On Sunday morning, July 15, a special sermon was preached on behalf of the Missions to Seamen, and the needs of poor Jack seemed to open the purse strings better than the morning’s sermon, but still not so wide as one would have liked. The Squire and Lady Hoare kindly invited all the Wavendon and Walton schoolchildren to have their annual treat and sports in the Park, on Tuesday, the 17th. At half-past two Mr. Negus appeared with his trolley, which was soon packed with the little ones, with their bright faces and flags. The little ones in the trolley led the way, and the elder children followed behind, and the Park was reached a little after three. Here we found plenty of amusements had been provided, and some boated, and some fished till tea time. An excellent tea was laid in the servant’s hall , which was soon done ample justice to. After tea the prizes, including a number of special ones given by Lady Hoare were brought out, and the youngsters ran for them. There were obstacle races, sack races, and egg and spoon races, which were eagerly contested. To wind up, Mr. Buxton put on the coat of many colours which Mr. W. Sturges had made, but was soon run down and the coat stripped of its contents. Mr. Buxton drew up the children in lines and they sang a few hymns very sweetly. Mr. N. Sturges proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Squire and Lady Hoare, and the children gave hearty cheers for the Squire and Lady Hoare and the young Squire, Mr. and Mrs. Buxton, Mrs. Philpotts, and Mr. Negus. And so ended a very happy day. Our best thanks are due to the many kind helpers who helped to make the children happy, and helped in so many ways. No Baptisms, Marriages or Burials oOo September 1894 Wavendon On July 23 the members of the church choir held their annual trip. The place chosen this year for the trip was Yarmouth. In the early morning the rain poured in torrents, and all anticipated a dismal wet day. By the time Yarmouth was reached, the weather cleared up and was quite fine. After making acquaintance of the beach, the choir, numbering 32 sat down to an excellent dinner at the Royal Aquarium, where tea was also obtained. Most of the choir went out for a sail, and everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly, and returned home in the early morning, after a most enjoyable day. The Rector was unfortunately unable to make one of the party, owing to his being away in Devonshire for a rest. We are glad to state that the Day School was marked “Excellent” for Drawing this year. We have also received H.M.I.’s Report on the Day School, which is as follows;- Mixed School- The children are well behaved and do their work, as a rule, well. The second standard did not succeed in arithmetic this year, but the other classes’ sums were correctly worked including a fair proportion of problems. An effort is being made to improve the children’s intelligence, but the progress, especially as regards the girls, is slow. The answering in geography (boys) is fair; the girls sew well, and note singing is satisfactorily taught. Infants’ Class- The infants form a good division. They are being well prepared in the elementary subjects and show intelligence generally. The new rooms are very successful.” the School earned the largest grant it has ever earned from the Government of £100 4s 6d. The Jumble Sale will be held on Thursday, September 20. Will all those who kindly help send in their contributions to the Rectory the end of the week before. Marriages Wavendon 1894 Aug. 13 Thomas Charles Hanley, of Wavendon, and Agnes Emily Collyer or Tringford Oxon. Burials Wavendon 1894 Aug. 8 Henry Ringwood aged 62 oOo October 1894 Wavendon On Sunday, Sept.2, there was a short special service after morning prayer, with a few special collects, and the beautiful new window, given by the late rector’s children, in memory of their father, was unveiled. The window is in every way a most fitting memorial of the late, kind, charitable, and good Rector, who was beloved by all that knew him. One panel of the window has a beautiful representation of the Good Shepherd, the other panel has the representation of a saint feeding the hungry with loaves. The window will always serve to remind us of one who loved the church which he did so much to beautify, and of one who showed charity not only in his actions, but also by never saying an unkind word of any one. The tints of the glass are very light, so the church is not darkened, and the artists, Messrs. Burlison and Gryles, are to be congratulated on the happy result of their labours. The Jumble Sale on Thursday, September 20th, was a great success. Mr. W.W. Carlile most kindly lent us his large marquee, which Mr. W. Bliss kindly allowed us to pitch in his field just opposite the school in the very heart of the village. The entrance to the tent was prettily decorated with maize and creepers. At 2.30 visitors began to arrive, not withstanding the soft soaking rain which prevented many others coming from a distance. At 4. the tent began to fill up well, and the stall-keepers had as many customers as they could possibly serve. There were seven stalls which were very prettily decorated with draperies and flowers. The first stall was presided over by Mrs. Bliss, assisted by Miss. Freeman; the second stall presided over by Mrs. Philpotts, assisted by Mrs. Farmborough, Mrs. Buxton, Miss. Jackson and Miss. Thorn; the refreshment stall presided over by Mrs. N. Sturges, W. Sturges, and Mrs. Bird, assisted by Lady Hoare and Miss. Burney; the fourth stall presided over by Mrs. And the Misses Thomason, assisted by Miss. Whiting; the fifth stall presided over by Mrs. G. Holmes, assisted by Miss. Lane; the sixth stall, for fruit, vegetables and live stock, was presided over by Miss. M. Bliss and Miss. Jessie Freeman , this stall was most artistically decorated, and a very good business was done. The seventh stall a boot and shoe stall, which was kept by Mrs. Yates. Business was very brisk at all the stalls till 7 o’clock, and everyone found something to suit their taste amongst so varied an assortment of goods. Mr. Buxton acted as showman to an art exhibition, held in the Schoolroom, and Messrs. Willie Bliss and A. Sturges registered the height and weight of many visitors. The miscellaneous collections of old furniture, outside the tent, brought in the good sum of over £3 10s. We most heartily thank all the kind friends who worked so hard to make the jumble sale a success, and also all those who so kindly sent us gifts for the stalls. Amongst the many contributors were the following names’ Burney, R. Bowler, Burgess, Burgess, E. Birch, S. Butcher, Butcher, R. Bird, Bliss, Bliss, Boon, Crofts, Cavill, Cook, A. Cook A. Claridge, Carter-Smith, Field, Fairclough, Farmborough, Hoare, Hands, Hanley, Holdom, G. Holmes, E. Holmes, S. Holmes, W. Going, Inglis, Johnson, Jackson, H. King, Lightfoot, Luxmore Negus, Readman, Rodwell, Poole, Payne, Philpotts, Sturges, N. Sturges, W. Somers, Spreckley, G. Spreckley, Stubbs, Thomason, M. Thorn, A. Thorn. It is too early yet to give the exact amount of the sale produced, but it is over £35 so that the debt on the school is nearly wiped out. It is hoped to hold the harvest festival on Sunday, October 7, and the collections will be for the Bedford Infirmary. Baptism Wavendon 1894 Sept. 16 Mary daughter of Frederick John and Mary Holmes. Marriages Wavendon 1894 Sep. 10 Thomas Butcher, widower , and Emma King oOo November 1894 Wavendon Our Harvest Festival, which took place on Sunday, October 7th, was a great success. The church was very prettily decorated for the occasion. Mrs. Bliss undertook the pulpit. Miss Thomason and Mrs. W.W. Sturges the chancel, and altar Miss Jackson the font Mrs N. Sturges, the lectern, litany stool, and chancel walls, Miss C. Thomason, the windows Mrs. Buxton, and Miss. Burgess the pillars. The taste displayed by the ladies reflected great credit upon them. We believe that the church never looked prettier. Our best thanks are due to all those who so kindly sent so many beautiful flowers, fruit and vegetables. The services commenced with special celebration of a Holy Communion at 8 a.m. And two very able sermons were preached by the Rev. Dr. Morgan, of Fenny Stratford. Many friends walked over from Woburn Sands and Fenny Stratford. The services were very bright and fully coral and the harvest anthem was “The harvest is the end of the world” by the late W. Spinney, The collections, including a donation of £1, amounted to £9 10s 6½ ., were sent to the Bedford Infirmary. All offerings of fruit and vegetables, and bread, were sent to be given to the poor of a large London parish. On Monday evening, Nov. 26, there will be a meeting held in the Schoolroom on behalf of Missions to the heathen, and Canon Denton, Vicar of Ashby-de-las Zouch and others, will address the meetings. We hope that as many as possible will attend. During the winter it is hoped that some Church History Lectures may be given in the Schoolroom, illustrated with lantern views. It is hoped that twenty men may be willing to attend a class to be held for instruction in “first aid” to the wounded. The class will be held either the end of December or the beginning of the New Year. No baptisms, weddings or burials oOo December 1894 Wavendon The Rev. S. Phillips, vicar of Grandborough, has most kindly consented to give us a course of addresses on Wednesday evenings in church. On Wednesday, December 5, the subject will be " Advent calls." On Wednesday, December 12, "Our work in the interval" On Wednesday, December 19, "The final meetings." We hope that all who possibly, can will attend these services, as we all enjoyed and profited by the Lent addresses. On Monday, December 10, a temperance meeting will be held in the Schoolroom, at 7 o'clock, when addresses will be given by the Rev, Langton Douglas, Diocesan Secretary of the Church of England Temperance. Society, and the Rev. W. B. Banting, vicar of Little Brickhill. The Diocesan Inspector of Religious Knowledge has given us a most favourable report, saying that the whole school has made great progress since last he examined it-, and had passed a most creditable examination in religious knowledge. The Carpentry Classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays are in full swing, and seem to be much enjoyed and appreciated. The meeting in the Schoolroom on Thursday, November 8, to listen to the exposition of the new act by the Rev. S. Phillips, was very well attended. The difficulties of the Act were pointed out, and many points which were before doubtful were cleared up. Questions were invited by the speaker at the end, but only two were put. We do trust that the advice of the speaker may be acted on, and the best men elected on the Parish Council, irrespective of party. The best men are those who will put the interest of the whole parish, before the interest of then- own class, and will fry and enable all to live truer and happier lives. On Saturday, November 17, God called to Himself Jane Harris, aged 88, the oldest inhabitant of the village. May we imitate her in her love of prayer and in her firm faith in Her Saviour. Baptisms Wavendon 1894 Oct 28 Daisy Capon, daughter of Francis Joseph and Fanny Elizabeth Negus. Nov 18 Florence Margaret daughter of Thomas and Rachel Bowler. oOo January 1895 Wavendon The concert which Miss. Burney so kindly got up on November 27 was a great success in every way. A most excellent programme was gone through with great spirit. Our special thanks are due to the Rev. C. W. and Miss. Streatfield, Mrs. Groves, Mr. Garrard, Miss F. Fisher, and Col Burney. The net proceeds of the concert, £2 3s., will be expended in the purchase of books for the library. On Monday, December 3rd, a meeting on behalf of the Foreign Missions of the Church was held in the Schoolroom, and capital addresses were given by Canon Denton, vicar of Ashby-de-la-Zouche, the Rev. F.F. Field, and the Rural Dean, the Rev. G.W. Pearse. Unfortunately there was only a small attendance, but this may be partly accounted for by the badness of the night, and also the epidemic of measles from which we have been suffering. The collections for S.P.G. are more than double those of last year, but still are miserably small. Mr. Phillips has again kindly visited us this Advent, and delivered three searching addresses on the Wednesday evenings, and we trust that he may be persuaded to deliver another course of addresses during Lent, which may be better attended than even last Lent. The Bishop proposes to hold a Confirmation at Broughton on Thursday, February 21, at 11a.m and all those who are desirous to be confirmed are requested to give their names to the Rector, so that the classes may be made up as soon as possible. The first parish meeting to select candidates for the Parish Council, was held in the Schoolroom on Tuesday, December 4. Sir Henry Hoare was unanimously voted to the chair. Twenty candidates were nominated for the 9 seats on the Parish Council. A show of hands was taken, but a poll was demanded by Mr. T. Hall. The polling took place at the Institute, Woburn Sands, on Tuesday December 18th, and the result was declared at 12 o’clock the same night. The following are the names of the councillors and the number of votes:- Messrs. Luttmann (158), Down (146), Foster (138), Inwood (132), Bliss (126), Wingrave (118), Brazier (112), N. Sturges (112) Jackson (103), were elected. For the District Council Messrs. Down (134), Inwood (122), were elected. The Council is a representation of all the interests of the parish, and we trust that much good will be done. Marriage Wavendon 1895 Nov. 26 Thomas Garner and Hester Holmes Burials Wavendon 1895 Nov.21 Jane Harris, aged 88 Dec. 6 Annie Grattan Fairtlough, aged 65 Dec.12 Zilpha Collins, aged 83 oOo February 1895 Wavendon On Friday, December 21, Mr. and Mrs. Thomason kindly entertained her district to tea at her residence, and an enjoyable evening was spent by all present. After tea, music and singing were indulged in, after which Mrs. Thomason gave to each guest a very useful present, which came as a surprise and welcome gift to all. On Thursday, December 27, we tried the experiment of a parochial tea and entertainment, to enliven the Christmas season, which was very successful. Over 150 sat down to tea at one time, and more had tea afterwards. After tea the choir, assisted by friends, kindly provided a capital entertainment, consisting of song, recitations, and some character sketches by Mr. George Phillips, in costume. Mr. Edwin Hammond was encored again and again for the Wavendon Hunting Song, and a pleasant evening was brought to a close at 10 o’clock, by singing the National Anthem. On Wednesday, January 9, the children attending Sunday School had their Christmas Treat, preceded by tea. After tea , Mr. Ernest Elford kindly exhibited a number of slides, with his lantern, to the scholars and their parents. A table was then brought in, covered with a number of prizes, which were given to those who had earned the highest number of marks during the past year. After the prizes each child received a New Year’s present, which it picked for itself, those who had the highest marks having first choice. On Tuesday, January 15th the Schoolroom was packed to hear an interesting lecture by Mr. E. Elford, on the subject of “The prosperity and revival in Church in the18th century.” The lecturer brought out most clearly that even in that darkest time of church history there were still many bright and shining lights in the church, and that John Wesley was not the only, though the greatest, revivalist of those days. The lantern slides were very good, and they and the lecture was much appreciated by all, and a most hearty vote of thanks were passed to Mr. Elford. The Mother’s Meetings started Monday, January 7, and over twenty attend regularly every Monday. We trust that these meetings will do good and promote unity. The soup is given away twice a week, and seems to be appreciated this year. Burials Wavendon 1895 Jan 2 Elsie Janette Devereux aged 10 months. oOo March 1895 Wavendon Thursday, January 31, Miss Bella Deyns commenced a course of six lectures on “Sick Nursing” to women at the Rectory, at 2 o’clock. The lectures have been found to be most interesting and instructive, and the attendance has improved, but we should like to see many more attend who could if they had the least desire. On Monday, February 4 at 7 o’clock, 37 men assembled to listen to the first lecture by Dr. Denys, on “First Aid” to the wounded. The men were greatly interested in all they heard, and more than 20 joined the class. The bandaging has been much enjoyed, and the two hours’ lecture and practice seemed all too short. Many have given and taken extra lessons at home, and this by general consent the most successful technical class held in Wavendon. On Tuesday, February 5, Mr. Wetherill, of Oxford lectured in the Schoolroom on the Local Veto. The meeting was very well attended, especially by those interested in the great temperance question, and the lecturer’s remarks were frequently applauded. The lecturer showed that the present state of the law is Prohibition, with exceptions, and that we already have the veto, only it is a veto, not of the people, but of the magistrate. He then dealt with various objections to the veto and answered the objections satisfactorily, and showed by Board of Trade returns that the brewer’s profits were five times more than the wages of the workers; but in the coal trade wages were three times more than the owner’s profits. On Wednesday, February 6, the senior members of the choir had their annual supper at Mr. Buxton’s and a most enjoyable evening was spent. Hearty cheers were given for Mr. and Mrs. Buxton and Mr. and Mrs. Negus for their kind help. On Saturday, February 9, our Sunday School teachers gladly accepted the Rev. G. Trevelyan’s invitation to lunch and to attend a meeting at Wolverton St. Mary, for the purpose of founding a North Bucks Sunday School Union, and hearing an address on Bishop Dupaulop’s method of catechising by the Rev. Spencer Jones, rector of Moreton-in-the-Marsh. The Bishop of Reading presided over a very large meeting, and spoke strongly on the subject of the confederation of Sunday Schools. The Rev. Spencer Jones delivered a most interesting address, in which he showed most admirably how much could be effected by a proper system of catechising. At the close of the meeting it was determined to found a federation of Sunday Schools for North Bucks. The cold and snow has caused a good deal of distress in the village, and has thrown some out of work, but when we read the accounts of the distress prevailing in other parts we have every reason to think ourselves highly favoured. We are all so sorry to lose Sir Henry and Lady Hoare, who left the parish on Thursday, February 7, to reside in their new home in Wiltshire, but we shall still hope to see them from time to time, and we all wish them many years of life and happiness in their new home. The Rev. S. Phillips has again kindly consented to give us a course of Lent addresses on Wednesday evenings during Lent, at 7 o’clock. We trust that the services will be well attended. On Saturday, February 9, after years of suffering, most patiently borne, there passed away from our midst, Elizabeth Facer, a thorough churchwoman, and one of a regular church family , her father being a Sunday School teacher 50 years, and his sister 40 years. Burials Wavendon 1895 Feb. 6 Maria Joyce aged 60 Feb. 12 Elizabeth Facer aged 73 oOo April 1895 Wavendon On Thursday, February 21 the Bishop confirmed 9 candidates from this parish at Broughton Church. The Bishop’s address to the candidates was most helpful. A capital magic lantern lecture on Church History was given in the Schoolroom, on Tuesday, February 26 by Mr. E. Elford. There was a very fair attendance. The portion of Church History taken was the Victorian age. The able lecturer began with the Queen’s coronation by the Archbishop of Canterbury showing the national acknowledgement of religion, which the Act implied. He showed, too by means of slide, the improvement made in church architecture, and how the old-fashioned pew system was displaced by the modern system of seating in churches. He explained what large sums Churchmen had spent on their churches and National Schools. He further showed the growth of the Church in other lands, especially in our Colonies. Thus by facts, figures, and picture, the lecturer showed that the Established Church was doing a great and good work for God. At the conclusion, a hearty vote of thanks was proposed to Mr. Elford by Mr. N Sturges. We hope to hold another Jumble Sale about Whitsuntide, and have already received a number of promises of help, and a number of useful articles are being made. All contributions of useful and saleable articles will be thankfully received at the Rectory. The money raised by the fund will go towards re- roofing the church tower which will cost about £40. We are very sorry to notice that the Attendance at the Lent Services on Wednesday evenings has fallen off considerably this year, which is a disappointment to the special preacher, who comes from a long distance, and at considerable inconvenience, Baptism Wavendon 1895 March 17 Ivy, Agnes and Emily daughter of Fred and Helen Louisa Jackson Burials Wavendon 1895 March 1 Hannah Lane, aged 73 March 16 Rebecca Brazier, aged 83 March 19 John Bowler, aged 74½ OOo May 1895 Wavendon On Monday, March 25, Dr. Bull held an examination of the “first aid” class. Twenty men offered themselves for examination, and sixteen were successful in gaining certificates. Dr. Deyns’ kindness in presenting each member of the class with the text book was much appreciated. Both Dr. Deyns and Dr. Bull expressed great satisfaction with the interest shown by the class in their work. On April 3, the class attended Dr. King’s interesting lecture at the Fenny Stratford School, but unfortunately the certificates had no arrived in time to be distributed. The vacant Alms House has been given by the Feoffees to Mrs. Goford. We were glad to see that both the Good Friday services were better attended this year. The Annual Easter Vestry Meeting was held at the School on Thursday, April 18. The Rector nominated Mr. N Sturgess as Rector’s Warden and Mr. W. Bliss was unanimously chosen People’s Warden. Our church accounts for the past year was read and passed. Some dissatisfaction being expressed with regard to the rent of the Town Land,-the three trustees expressed their willingness to meet three representatives of the allotment holders in friendly conference. The Church was as usual prettily decorated at Easter, and the services were bright and hearty. It is proposed to hold the Jumble Sale on Wednesday, May 22, and we hope all that can, will collect something for it. We are very glad to welcome a number of new friends who have filled up the vacant houses in the parish. Baptisms Wavendon 1895 April 12 Sarah Ann, daughter of William and Sarah Ann Payne April 14 Dorothy Mabel, daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth Brawn. Burials Wavendon 1895 March 21 Joseph Goford aged 86 March 29 Joseph Eaton aged 77 March 31 Sarah Payne, aged 39 April 2 Mary Benbow, aged 89 OOo June 1895 Wavendon On May 6, the members of the Mothers Meeting had a bright and pleasant tea in the schoolroom. All were present except one. After tea, hearty votes of thanks were proposed to the ladies for all the pains they had taken to make the meetings a success, and also to the eight subscribers of half-crowns to the bonus fund. The names of the subscriber were Mrs. N. Sturgess, Miss. Burney, Mrs. Bliss, Mrs. W. Sturges, Miss Thomason, Mrs. Readman, Miss Bliss, and the Rector. The meetings were very well attended, and some desired their continuation through the summer. We shall be glad to welcome Sir Henry and Lady Hoare amongst us again at Whitsuntide. On Whit Monday, Sir Henry will preside at the Oddfellows Club dinner at the Leathern Bottle, and fill his accustomed place as if he had never left us. Whit Tuesday, tea will be held at the schoolroom at six o’clock, and after tea, Sir Henry and Lady Hoare will be presented with the beautiful travelling clock subscribed for by tenants and friends. Following the presentation Lady Hoare will distribute the certificates to the successful “first aid” candidates. Baptisms Wavendon 1895 May 19 Martin son of Joseph and Alice White May 19 Alfred John son of Alfred and Ellen Prior Marriages Wavendon 1895 May 15 Samuel Slater, and Mary Jane Read Burials Wavendon 1895 April 21 Sarah Ann Payne aged 1 month oOo July 1895 Wavendon The Jumble Sale, held on May 22, in the Schoolroom, was fairly successful, but the receipts showed a great falling off as compared with the sale last year. The net amount was £18, which we hope, with the aid of a subscription, and the sale of some odds and ends, to make up the amount of £20 towards building a Parish Room. The Oddfellows Club Dinner took place as usual at the Club Room of the “Leathern Bottle.” Sir Henry Hoare presided and made a capital speech, congratulating the members on the flourishing state of the Club as shown by the most favourable balance. Mr. Lightfoot, the secretary, proposed the toast of Sir Henry and Lady Hoare and the young Squire which was drunk with musical honours. On Wednesday, June 5, from early in the morning, many busy fingers were at work decorating the school room with flowers, in honour of the presentation of the splendid travelling clock to Sir Henry and Lady Hoare on their leaving the parish, as a remembrance of their many friends at Wavendon. Punctually at six over 100 of the subscribers sat down to a most excellent and tasteful tea. Tea over, Mr. N Sturges stood in the middle of the room, and, in the name of all the subscribers, asked Sir Henry and Lady Hoare kindly to accept the clock as a slight token of the esteem in which they and the family were held by the parish. Sir Henry replied, thanking them for their gift, which would always remind him of his friends at Wavendon, though he needed no clock, or anything else to remind him of them, as he never could forget them, and it was only because he felt it his duty that he had left the parish; but he should often return, and even when not there , would be often present in spirit. On Sunday, July 14th, a Special Sermon will be preached in the morning by the Rev. C. S. Turner on behalf of the Home Missions of the Church and a special collection made for that object. Burials Wavendon 1895 June 2 George King aged 63 oOo August 1895 Wavendon The Rev Hoskin, late Curate of Cockington, Torquay, has joined the Rector as fellow worker in our parish. He has had good experience of town and country work amongst young men, and is sure to make himself popular. The following is a cutting from the “Torquay Directory”: “The Rev Hoskin curate of Cockington, preached his farewell sermons on Sunday-in the morning at St. Matthew’s and in the evening at the Parish Church. On Saturday afternoon in the National Schoolroom, Major Woolcombe presented to him, on behalf of the choir and a few friends, a valuable gold keyless lever watch, and a substantial gold open curb chain, with an ornamental gold cross attached. Upon the back of the watch, in monogram form, were engraved the recipient’s initials, and surrounding them was the inscription, “The Rev. H. Hoskin, from the choir and a few friends, on his leaving Cockington, June 1895. Short addresses were delivered by the Vicar, Major Woolcombe, and others, and Mr. Hoskin returned thanks.” On Monday, July 8th, the member of St. Mary’s Choir joined the Good Templars’ trip to Brighton. The start was made from the Station at 5.45, and Brighton was reached soon after eight. There a capital breakfast was ready, which was done justice to. The rest of the day was spent in trips on the water, and in doing the sights of the “Queen of Watering Places.” The start for the return journey was made at 9.30, and home reached at 1.30. The weather for the whole day was perfect, as a gentle breeze prevented it being too hot. On Monday, July 15, several parishioners attended the garden meeting held at Broughton Rectory in aid of the Home Missions of the Church of England. All enjoyed the plain and practical speech of Father Wainwright of St. Peter’s, London Docks. Thursday, the 18th was chosen for the annual treat to all the children of Wavendon-cum-Walton, attending the Day School. At 4, the children marched from the school to the grounds of the Towers, where Col. Burney was waiting to receive his young friends, After a good tea on the lawn, races and sports were indulged in for prizes until 8 o’clock, when a heavy shower put an end to the proceedings. Hearty cheers were given for the Col. and Miss Burney, Mrs. Philpots and Mr. and Mrs. Buxton. Our best thanks are due to the many kind friends who helped to amuse and entertain the youngsters. The School did well in the examinations last year that the Governors have consented to give the same grant as last year, without examination. Her Majesty’s Drawing Inspector report has just been received and the school again earned the excellent grant for drawing. Our best thanks are due to our hardworking master and mistress for this result. No baptism, weddings or burials Wavendon 1895 oOo September 1895 Wavendon On July 4, amid tokens of regret the remain of Mary Caroline Prince were laid to rest in the churchyard of the place she loved so well. Miss Prince and her sisters, Miss Fanny and Mrs. Georgina Hoare, 50 years ago were foremost in every good work for the benefit of the village. To them we are indebted for the gift of the school buildings which were built at their expense. Miss. Prince and her sisters were most diligent Sunday School teachers and the faces of many of the old people brighten up at the mention of their name. The day was bright with sunshine, which spoke of the new life. The Sunday School scholars now grown old and grey joined heartily in the responses over their beloved teacher, and made the glorious service of the church breathe the spirit of restful hope instead of gloomy despair. We have, we are glad to say, been able to start a cricket club in our parish. As we have begun late in the season we must not expect to arrive at any very high state of proficiency this year, but we can comfort ourselves with the thought that the practice we get this season will make us better for the next, when we hope to have the pleasure of meeting some of the neighbouring clubs. We are extremely obliged to Mr. Gadsden for kindly allowing us to play in his field, and we will do the best to prevent any damage being done either to trees or fences. The School holidays have begun and will be welcomed by both teachers and children. We have received the report of the examination by the H.M. Inspector, and though sickness has prevented the children making the progress they might have done, much good work has been accomplished and the report on the whole is very satisfactory, and highly creditable to Mr. Buxton and the assistant teachers. A children’s service will be held in the church on the first Sunday of every month at 3 o’clock, commencing in September. Parents as well as children are invited to attend. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism will be administered, notice to be given to the clerk, Marriages Wavendon 1895 June 17 Harry Claridge and Mary Payne Burials Wavendon 1895 July 4 Mary Ann Caroline Prince Aug 1 Jane Harris Aug 4 Hayel Rosanna Collins oOo October 1895 Wavendon On Wednesday , September 11th, the children of the Sunday School and their teachers, were most kindly entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Hetherington, of Wavendon House. The Scholars, numbering between 70 and 80, sat down to a sumptuous repast at a long table in front of the house. After tea, numerous games were played in the Park, kindly lent by Mr. W. Sturges, in which many of the mothers, who had now arrived, joined with great delight. The sports provided for the elder children caused much pleasure, not only to those who actually, took part, but also to the onlookers. The prizes, given by Mr. and Mrs. Hetherington, were most suitable, and gave great satisfaction to the fortunate winners. Mrs. Hetherington also very kindly gave special prizes to the 12 children who had made the greatest number of attendances during the past year. Their names we mention in the order of their class: 1st class, Amelia Thorne, Fred Garner, Madeline Cook, Harry Holmes: 2nd class, Beatrice Lane, Charles Fennell, Clara Garner, Cyril Chance: 3rd class, Nellie Buxton, Arthur Guess; 4th class, Maude King, Lillian Buxton. After the above children had received their prizes, and the programme, graces, &c., had been gone through, every one assembled in front of the house, and then sang the National Anthem, which brought to a close an afternoon long to be remembered. The harvest Festival Services will be held on Sunday, October 6, Holy Communion at 8 a.m., morning service and second celebration at 11, children’s service and address at 3 p.m., evening service 6p.m. Gifts of fruit, flowers and vegetables will thankfully be received at the Church on Friday morning. There will be special preachers. The Mother’s Meetings will recommence on Monday, October 7 at two o’clock, and we should be glad if more members would join. A Bible Class for young men will be held on Sunday afternoons, from 3 to 4, commencing on the first Sunday in November. The rector and Mr. Hoskin would be glad to have the names of any young men who would like to join. A Children’s Service will be held at the Church, on the first Sunday of every month at 3 o’clock. Parents of children are particularly invited to attend. Baptisms Wavendon 1895 Sept, 1 Amos Jonathan, son of Alfred and Julia Devereux. Sept, 1 Laura Almanda, daughter of Joseph and Annie Lunnon. Sept, 1 Gertrude Kate, daughter of Thomas and Emma Butcher Sept, 1 Francis Leo Jackman, son of Emily Jane White oOo November 1895 Wavendon On Sunday, October 6th, our Harvest Festival was held. The church has always been famous for the beauty of its decorations, but the decorations this year were more elaborate than ever. The beautifully proportioned chancel was set off for the first time by the addition of a temporary screen, which was lightly and tastefully decorated for the the occasion. The arches were set off with flowers bound on lathes, which was also a novelty. The congregation at the morning service was not so good as last year’s, owing to the rain. The children’s service in the afternoon was very bright and well attended, and the children’s offering amounted to eight shillings. The church was crammed at night with an attentive congregation. The collections throughout the day were given to the Bedford Infirmary and the Hunstanton Convalescent Home, and the fruit and vegetables were sent to the poor London parish of Emmanuel, Kensington, where they were much appreciated. The singing of the Harvest Carol “Holy is the seed time” was a credit to the choir. Two thank offerings have been presented to the church, namely a temporary screen for the chancel the gift of Miss Thomason, also a beautiful globe vulcan lamp for the entrance gate, the gift of Mrs. N. Sturges. The lamp supplies a long felt want as the step is quite dangerous at night for old people. The carpentry class may possibly not be held this year, owing to the difficulty of finding a suitable room to hold it it. If it is not held it will be owing to the misconduct of some members of the class last year, and if it is held new arrangements must be made, and good order must always be kept. We hope to start a juvenile branch of the Church of England Temperance Society this month. The blankets will be given out on Friday, November 1 as usual at the Rectory, but must be returned May 1st or within that week. Persons who do not return them within that time will not be allowed to have them next year. The Clothing Club Tickets will be given out on Monday, November 4th, so as to enable contributors to lay in stock of winter clothing before the cold commences. Baptisms Wavendon 1895 Sept. 22 Ida May, daughter of Stephen William and Edith Jennings. Burials Wavendon 1895 Oct 6 Sarah King, aged 84 Oct. 7 Mary James aged 88 oOo December 1895 Wavendon The Bible Class at the: Rectory for the elder lads and young men has commenced. There are eleven members at present, and we hope soon that number will have much increased, as we feel sure there are many more young men who could come if they would. The class is held every Sunday afternoon from 3 o'clock to 4. At present we are going through the Gospel of S. Matthew. A Foreign Missionary Sermon will be preached in our church in the morning of the 1st Sunday in Advent, and collection made on behalf of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts, and there will be also held a missionary meeting in the Schoolroom on Tuesday, December 3, at 7 o'clock.. Addresses by the Hon. and Rev. W. T. Fiennes and others. Collections will be given to the same society. During Advent there will be a special service on Thursday evenings, at .7 o'clock. Thursday, December 5, the preacher will be the {Rev. J. T. Athawes (rector of Loughton). Thursday, December 12, the Rev. A. Webber, of Fenny Stratford. Thursday, December 19, the Rev; J, Groves, rector of Bow Brickhill The Rev. C. C, Luxmoore, rector of Broughton, has very kindly offered to preach oil the Sunday eyenings of December the 8th, l5th, and 22nd. We hope as many as possible will attend this course of sermons.. The Church of England Day School has just been examined in religious knowledge by the Diocesan Inspector of schools', and the report we have, received I is a decided improvement on last year. The Examiner in his report says. “.On the whole, this school passed an excellent examination. The, children’s were spirited and they seemed to be interested in their work. All the. children repeated their private prayers. Altogether; I was greatly pleased with .the religious knowledge. of. the' school, and it was obvious that much pain had been bestowed by the Teachers” One prize is given by the Bishop of the Diocese and this John Claridge had the great, honour of winning. Prizes given by the Rector for, knowledge of the Catechism were won by Cyril Chance, William Jackman, and Connie Brawn. The children commended are as follows Class I. Millie Underwood, Percy Buxton Ernest Fennell. Class II. Albert Brawn, Rose Underwood, Dorothy Butcher, Elsie Watts. Group II. Ada Rawlings, Nellie Buxton, Elsie Bolton. Group III. Mary Bolton, George King, Constance Brawn. Baptisms Wavendon 1895 Oct. 24 Harrold William, son of Thomas and Esther Garner Oct. 27 Harriet , daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Garner Oct. 27 Violet, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Garner Oct. 27 Ralph, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Garner OOo |