The contents on this page remain on our website for informational purposes only.
Content on this page will not be reviewed or updated.
These web pages have been set up because we know that people living and working in and around Woughton are proud of this area and its heritage and history. You will have looked around this site and seen information on the area, people and places that make up Woughton. You will have seen that it is not just about the history of the area that makes Woughton, but its people too, including new residents bringing their heritage with them from other areas in the UK and the World. We hope that having seen these pages, you want to help us and get involved. We can offer you training in I.T. and website skills to help you put your photos, stories, memories and views of Woughton on these web pages. The training is simple and fun and you will meet other people like you wanting to tell their stories and show their photos over a period of ten weeks. Interested? To find out more click here |