The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel
The chapel, situated in the High Street, was built in the 1828 and later enlarged; the join can be seen on the sidewall .
The schoolroom was then added, and the pulpit had a back that could be pulled down, so that the congregation could overflow into the schoolroom. The kitchen and water toilets were added in the 1950’s.
Prior to 1828 Methodists met in a room in the building which was later the old, thatched Cock Inn, owned by Mr Panter.
In the is a piece of the panelling from the room where John Wesley preached on his visits to Hanslope on 7th November 1775, 20th October 1778 and 11th October 1779 (details taken from Wesley’s Journal).
Records show that in 1851 two services were held with 100 attending in the afternoon and 105 in the evening.
At the beginning of the 20th Century plans were made for a new larger chapel to be built on the site of Hanslope Treasures Shop (building next to chapel). John Rose, who owned the property, sold it to the chapel at low cost for this purpose. However, it was not needed because people moved north to Derbyshire for employment.
In 1978, after celebrating the 150th anniversary, a restoration scheme was undertaken. A solid floor was put in, pews sold and chairs bought instead. Some of those were bought with a legacy from Mrs Winifred McTavish. A legacy from Miss Lottie Hawkes enabled the floor to be carpeted later on. These alterations made it possible for us to use the chapel to greater advantage.
Gold Street Chapel
The building now known as the Gospel Hall was originally built in the early part of the 19th century as a Baptist Chapel and continued to be used as such into the 20th century.
Plaques inside the chapel provide a poignant record of the dedication of the founders, along with the realities of Victorian life:
‘Sacred to the memory of Emma Hindes, daughter of Richard and Mary Latimer, who died September 29th 1841, aged 11 years and six months. James Joseph and Mary – died in infancy. Lost to sight to memory dear.’
‘In memory of Thomas Hindes who, in the hand of providence, was the founder of the cause of God in this place, and who gave the site of ground upon which this chapel stands. He departed this life July 10th 1844, aged 71 years. Also of Hannah, his beloved wife who departed this life March 8th 1859, aged 71 years. In life their faith in God was one; in death their hope the same. Christ all in all.’