“To The Front And Back –
four and a half years in the life of an infantryman”
by Peter Kent, WFA-MK member
ISBN: 9780955489105 – £9.99 (paperback) – 92 pages – published 2007 – illustrated
Cover photo Q70167 Courtesy of The Imperial War Museum, London
Review published in The Great War magazine:
This fine little A5 book has been both written and published by the author who has recorded the story of his father’s – Private George Stanley Kent – wartime service. He served with the 1st Bucks Battalion of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. The book is as much a personal journey of discovery as it is an account of Private Kent’s war and this makes it all the more engaging to read. Such small personal histories make for fascinating reading. A worthy tribute. 8/10. MM
This is a very well produced book with many colour illustrations, maps and diagrams, including five fold-outs. Peter has used many sources: the Battalion and Regimental archives, local history archives, his father’s own diaries and his own research in the field.
Dino Lemonofides, archivist at the Regimental Museum writes in his foreword:
It is a story worth reading not least because it represents the experience of so many men of that war. That it was a labour of love there is no doubt; the dedication ‘For Mum and Dad with love’ says it all.
To purchase a copy, please email the author, Peter Kent: