North Crawley 1773 Appointment of Commissioners
To all people to whom these presents shall come we John Lord of Drayton Parslow in the
County of Bucks clerk Thomas Harrison of Stoney Stratford in the County of Bucks and John
Rogers of Carlton in the County of Bedford Gentlemen Commissioners appointed in and by
an Act of Parliament passed in the twelfth year of the reign of His present Majesty King George
the third intitilled. An Act for dividing and inclosing the open or common fields, meadows and
waste grounds within the Manors and Parish of North Crawley in the County of Bucks and also
The Right Honorable Robert Lord Trevor, Charles Chester Esquire Richard Lowndes Esquire
Catherine Lowndes Stone William Lowndes Esquire The Reverend Thomas Lowndes and
Michael Nash Yeoman send greeting and first know ye that we the said Commissioners having
in pursuance of the said Act of Parliament and according to the directions thereof caused Public.
Notice to be given in the Parish Church of North Crawley our first meeting for putting in
execution the power and powers thereby vested in us at least seven days before such Meeting
and having each of us at such our first Meeting before we executed any other such power or
powers taken and Subscribed the Oath by the said Act directed to be by us taken and subscribed
which Oath so by us respectively taken and subscribed is hereunto annexed to the intent the
same may be enrolled in the same place that this our Award or Instrument of Allotment is in
and by the said Act directed to be enrolled and having also caused six days like notice to be
given of all our subsequent Meetings for putting the said Act in execution(Meetings by
adjournment only excepted) and the lands and grounds by the said Act divided to be inclosed
And also the old Inclosures intended to be exonerated from tithes having been qualified valued
and appraised by John Rogers one of the said Commissioners and by John Buckwell of Dunton
in the County of Bucks which said John Buckwell before he proceeded to qualify value or
appraise any of the said lands or grounds did take and subscribe the Oath by the said Act
directed to be taken and subscribed which said Oath so taken and subscribed by the said John
Buckwell is also hereunto annexed to the intent that the same may be inrolled in the same place
that this our Award or Instrument of Allotment is by the said Act directed to be inrolled And
for the more just and regular divisions and distribution of the lands and grounds intended to
be inclosed a true and perfect Survey and admeasurement having been made of all the said
lands and grounds by James King and Joseph Perks of Daventry in the County of Northampton
Land Surveyors by us appointed for that purpose and such Survey and Admeasurement reduced
into writing and the number of acres roods and perches belonging to each proprietor at the time
of making there same thereon set forth and such Survey having been verified on the Oath of
the said James King and Joseph Perks and laid before us at several of our Meetings held in
pursuance of the said Act and having often viewed the said lands and grounds and upon proper
enquiry evidence and satisfaction heard determined and finally settled all differences and
disputes which have arisen between any of the parties interested in any of the said lands and
grounds and carefully and duly considered the claim of each proprietor and all other matters
and things by the said Act committed to us Have set out ascertains and allotted and by these
present do set out ascertain allot award and confirm the said lands and grounds so to be divided
and inclosed unto and amongst the several persons intitled to the same or to any rights or
interests therein according to the directions of the said Act and in manner following (that is to say)