The Manor of Great Crawley heretofore Broughtons Court Roll 26th October 1778
This is a view of Frankpledge of our sovereign Lord the King with Court Baron of William Lowndes Esq., Lord of the said Manor holden at North Crawley, in and for the Manor foresaid on Monday the twenty sixth day of October in the nineteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight before Thomas Holt Gentleman Steward there.
Essoins – None – None – None
Pleas – None – None – None
The Jurors of our Sovereign Lord the King with the homage:
Thomas Barratt Richard Marks
William Foskett Robert Cowley
John Kightley Sworn John Taylor Sworn
William Somerlin Edward Blewett Ambrose Reddall William Ward
John Goodman James Jilcroe
At this court it is presented by the Jury and homage aforesaid upon their Oaths that Richard Lowndes Esq., held to him and his heirs freely of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the several yearly rents following (that is to say)
One Messuage formerly Franklins with a close thereunto adjoining and diverse lands allotted to him upon the furclosure by Act of Parliament in lieu of certain acres of arable land thereunto belonging by the yearly rent of two shillings and two pence, one pound of pepper and ten ounces of pepper and one pair of gloves AND ALSO one close of pasture lying in Church End called Rolls and diverse other lands allotted to him by the said Act in lieu of thirteen acres of arable land by the yearly rent of ten pence halfpenny AND also certain parcels of land with the Appurtenances formerly ROWS by the yearly rent of three pence halfpenny AND also a parcel of land in the fields called Chicheley field and Little Crawley field heretofore Pestils by the yearly rent of three pence and Also three acres of land with the Appurtenances by fealty and Suit of Court only AND also certain Lands and Meadows in Little Crawley aforesaid and a parcel of land heretofore Perkins’s by the yearly rent of an halfpenny AND also a parcel of land heretofore Styles and formerly Worrals purchased of Richard Page by the yearly rent of three pence halfpenny ALL the Lands and Tenements of William Lowndes Esq., his grandfather deceased and formerly of Nicholls Hackett Esq., deceased since the last Court died seized thereof and that the same descended and came to William Lowndes Esq., his son whereby there is due to the Lord a relief of three shillings and eleven pence, one pound and ten ounces of pepper and one pair of gloves who by James Jilcroe paid here in Court the said relief and all arrears of rent for the same premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Charles Chester Esq., held of the Lord of the Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one penny One acre of Land in a field called Dean Field in Chicheley aforesaid heretofore the land of the said Nicholls Hackett deceased which said Charles Chester not being present here in Court to pay the arrears of rent and do his fealty etc., therefore the Bailiff is commanded etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Thomas Hartwell holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one penny halfpenny One Croft with the Appurtenances in Little Crawley aforesaid upon which a House hath been lately built formerly John Vaux’s late Sarah Hartwell’s widow which said Thomas Hartwell not being present here in Court to pay the arears of and do his fealty etc. therefore the Bailiff is commanded etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Mary Nichols widow holds for the life of Alice Turpin of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one halfpenny. One Cottage and part of a Croft lying in Hurst End called White Bread and Milk late Thomas Turpin’s since Alice Turpin’s heretofore purchased of John Taylor which said Mary Nichols not being present here in to pay the said arrears of rent and do her fealty etc. therefore the Bailiff is commanded etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that John Brownsall holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one penny halfpenny certain lands allotted to Samuel Wright by the said Act in lieu of three acres of land formerly purchased of the Trustees of the Lady Carew heretofore Farey’s since Denis Wright and late the said Samuel Wright which said John Brownsall not being present here in Court to pay the arrears of rent and the arrears of alienation and do his fealty etc.. Therefore the Bailiff is commanded etc.
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that John Goodman holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of two pence three farthings One Messuage in Brook End purchased of John Burge formerly Thomas Marshall’s and afterwards Denis Wright’s deceased and since Sarah Wright’s deceased which said John Goodman present here in court paid all arrears of rent for the same premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Thomas Smith who held of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one shilling and two pence One Close called Bulls End Close purchased of Doiley Marks and Joshua Wheeler and formerly of the Co heirs of Rowland Foster deceased and late his uncle Thomas Smith deceased hath since the last Court alienated the same to Robert Chibnall whereby there is due to the Lord a fine of alienation of one shilling and two pence which said Robert Chibnall by John Stanton Tenant and Occupier of the said premises paid here in Court the said fine of alienation and all arrears of rent for the same premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that John Roberts holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one halfpenny One Close called Tapps purchased by one James Brierly formerly the husband of Thomasin Oliffe of Ralph Smith Esq., and late the said Thomasin Oliffe’s which said John Roberts by William Somerlin Tenant and Occupier of the said premises paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the same But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that the Trustees of the late Lord Trevor hold of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of two shillings and four pence halfpenny One Close called Dryleys purchased of John Thurloe Brace Esq., who purchased the same of William Aspin Esq., deceased which said Trustees by George Bettle the Tenant and Occupier of the said premises paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the same But their fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Liddall a Minor who holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of ten shillings One Close called Brittains heretofore Mary Coneys Widow afterwards Silvanus Perrotts and since of James Buchanan Esq., deceased since Samuel Crichton deceased and late Archibald Buchanan’s Esq., deceased which said Liddall by William Somerlin Tenant and Occupier of the said premises paid here in Court the all arrears of rent due for the same But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that David Mortier holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of two shillings and ten pence One Messuage in Hurst End with the Close Barn and certain land allotted to him by the said Act in lieu of divers parcels of land to the said Messuage belonging purchased of Henry Sibthorp late his mother Esther Mortier’s which said David Mortier not being present here in Court to pay the arrears of rent and do his fealty etc.. Therefore the Bailiff is commanded etc.
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that the said David Mortier also holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one penny halfpenny One Cottage with the Appurtenances in Hurst End aforesaid formerly Thomas Church’s which said David Mortier not being present here in Court to pay the arrears of rent and do his fealty etc.. Therefore the Bailiff is commanded etc.
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that the said David Mortier holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty and Suit of Court and the yearly rent of two pence One Messuage or Tenement in Hurst End aforesaid heretofore John Halls and late Thomas Church’s which said David Mortier not being present here in Court to pay the arrears of rent and do his fealty etc. Therefore the Bailiff is commanded etc.
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Thomas Sandon holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of two shillings certain lands allotted to him by the said Act in lieu of one Yard Land with the appurtenances in Brook End formerly Charles Coleman’s since William Cooke’s and lately purchased of Ann Cooke and Thomas Cooke with said Thomas Sandon not being present here in Court to pay the arrears of rent and do fealty etc. therefore the Bailiff is commanded etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Benjamin Wadsworth holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of five pence One Messuage with the appurtenances in Brook End formerly the said Charles Coleman’s since the said William Cooke’s and late the said Ann Cooke’s and Thomas Cooke’s and lately purchased of the said Thomas Sandon which said Benjamin Wadsworth hath paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the said premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Benoni Cuthbertson holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one penny halfpenny certain lands allotted to him by the said Act in lieu of half an acre of land on Berrystead late Sybil Carter’s deceased purchased by her late husband John Carter deceased of Thomas Kellow who purchased the same of Robert Nash who purchased the same of Ann the relief of Thomas Dudley deceased which said Benoni Cuthbertson paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the said premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Edward Shaw, Sarah Marshall widow, Dorothy White widow and Ann Marks spinster held of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one shilling and sixpence One Pightle of Pasture called Ringtail Yard with a house thereupon built and another Pightle called Kings Pightle heretofore Rowtons late the land of Edward Burge at that the said Sarah Marshall, Dorothy White and Ann Marks since the last Court died seized of three fourths parts thereof and that one fourth part thereof on the death of the said Sarah Marshall descended and came to Thomas Marshall her son whereby there is due to the Lord a relief of four pence halfpenny and that the said other two fourths parts of the aforesaid premises on the deaths of the said Dorothy White and Ann Marks descended and came to William Patterson whereby there is due to the Lord two relief’s of four pence halfpenny each which said Thomas Marshall and William Patterson present here in Court paid there several and respective relief’s and all arrears of rent for the same premises But their fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Thomas Bass holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of two pence One Close called Palmers Croft late Alice the wife of John Garrett formerly of Thomas Edwards Gentleman which said Thomas Bass by Ambrose Reddall Tenant and Occupier of the said premises paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the same But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that William Cook holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of three pence halfpenny diverse lands allotted to him by the said Act in lieu of certain lands heretofore Joseph Woolstones formerly purchased of John Foster and late George Thompsons which said William Cooke not being present here in Court to pay the said arrears of rent and do his fealty etc. therefore the Bailiff is commanded etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that William Foskett holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one shilling and eleven pence One Messuage and certain lands allotted to him by the said Act in lieu of diverse parcels of lands to the same belonging lying in Hurst End and one Barn called Turnalls and one Pightle called White Bread and Milk which descended and came to him from his late father John Foskett formerly his Uncle William Foskett’s deceased and heretofore his grandfathers which said William Foskett present here in Court paid all arrears of rent for the same premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that William Foskett holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of four pence certain lands allotted to him by the said Act in lieu of Two Roods of Land abutting upon Hollows late his said fathers formerly his said Uncles William Foskett and heretofore his said grandfathers which said William Foskett present here in Court paid all arrears of rent for the same premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that John Kightley holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of four shillings and seven pence halfpenny One Messuage and Croft adjoining in Broadmead End lately purchased of George Burge formerly his grand-fathers George Burges deceased who purchased the same of the said Nicholls Hackett deceased and late his father George Burges deceased which said John Kightley present here in Court paid all arrears of rent for the same premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that the Sarah the wife of the Reverend Thomas Birt (late Sarah Gregory widow) holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of four shillings One Croft of land called Ugineers Croft now Wheelers and also One Close called Louis otherwise Arders Croft by fealty and Suit of Court only late Dixey Gregory’s her late husband deceased before his father Dixey Gregory deceased and formerly his grand-father Thomas Gregory’s which said Thomas Birt by James Goodman Tenant and Occupier of the said premises paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the same But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Plowman a Minor holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of twelve pence One Close called Cloverbed and one other Close called Longlands with a wood adjoining by the yearly rent of ten pence halfpenny late his father’s William Plowman’s deceased before William Chibnalls heretofore purchased of John Sheppard before the land of Thomas Gregory which said Plowman by George Burnham his Trustee paid here in Court the all arrears of rent for the said premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by jury and homage aforesaid that the Reverend Francis Atterbury doctor of laws held of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of two pence halfpenny One Close which descended to him on the death of Osborne Atterbury Clerk his late father deceased heretofore Francis late Lord Bishop of Rochester his late Grandfather deceased hath since the last Court alienated the same to William Lowndes of Winslow Esq., whereby there is due to the Lord of this Manor an alienation fine of two pence halfpenny which said William Lowndes by the said James Jilcroe paid here in Court the said fine of alienation and all arrears of rent for the same premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by Jury and Homage aforesaid that Robert Cowley holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one shilling and six pence halfpenny late his father Robert Cowley’s and before Robert Cowley’s his Grandfather and before that Robert Cowley’s his Great Grandfather and also one Pightle called Birdshine late Robert Cowley’s his fathers and before Robert Cowley’s his Grandfather heretofore Ormonds by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of five pence in (all one shilling and eleven pence halfpenny) which said Robert Cowley present here in Court paid all arrears of rent for the same premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that William Lowndes Esq., formerly Lord of this Manor who held of the late Lord of this Manor One Acre of Land at Hitchley Yard Corner by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of two pence and also one acre of land in Ley Field by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one halfpenny (in all two pence halfpenny) late Anthony Chapmans Gentleman and before Roger Chapmans father of the said Anthony Chapman hath alienated the said premises to the late Lord of this Manor and that the same premises hath since been alienated to William Lowndes Esq., the present Lord of this Manor whereby the said rent is merged.
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that the Trustees of Thomas late Lord Trevor deceased held of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of two shillings and five pence halfpenny One Messuage and diverse Crofts and one Close in Broadmead End and certain land allotted to them by the said Act in lieu of one acre of Meadow in Lake Meadow one acre of land in Berrystead and four acres of land at Beggars Bush and a certain Grove called Millers Grove which they purchased of William Lowndes late Lord of this Manor and before the Estate of John Price Gentleman which said Trustees by George Bettle Tenant and Occupier of the said premises paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the same But their fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Edward Shaw, Sarah Marshall widow, Dorothy White widow and Ann Marks spinster held of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rents after mentioned One Messuage in East End by the yearly rent of two pence halfpenny Three Closes called Leonard Croft, Bray Croft & Hay Croft in East End aforesaid at the yearly rent of five shillings and five pence and one close called Edwins heretofore Harrisons at the yearly rent of one shilling and five pence late Richard Marks’s before his father William Marks deceased and since his brother Doiley Marks deceased and that the said Sarah Marshall Dorothy White and Ann Marks since the last Court died seized of three fourths parts of the said premises and that one fourth part thereof on the death of the said Sarah Marshall descended and came to Thomas Marshall her son whereby there is due to the Lord a relief of one shilling and nine pence and that the other two fourths parts thereof on the deaths of the said Dorothy White and Ann Marks descended and came to William Patterson whereby there is due to the Lord two reliefs making together three shillings and sixpence farthing which said Thomas Marshall and William Patterson present here in Court paid there several and respective reliefs and all arrears of rent for the same premises But their fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Frances Rigg holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of three shillings and sixpence One Messuage with a close adjoining in Hurst End late belonging to the Heirs of George Tight and since of Roger Handabys Esq., which said Frances Rigg by William Foskett Tenant and Occupier of the said premises paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the same But her fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that John Neale who held of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of five pence farthing certain lands allotted to him by the said Act in lieu of Six Acres of land purchased of Goddard Urlin Gentleman late his mother Ann Neale deceased before his father Benjamin Neale deceased since the last Court died seized thereof and that the same descended and came to Benjamin Neale his brother whereby there is due to the Lord a relief of five pence farthing who by Thomas Marshall one of his Trustees paid here in Court the said relief and all arrears of rent for the same premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
ANN the wife of JOHN BOLDING
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Ann the wife of John Bolding holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the several yearly rents after mentioned One Close in East End called Pells otherwise Ewins by the yearly rent of one shilling and eight pence And also certain lands allotted to her by the said Act in lieu of One Acre of land in Bulls End by the yearly rent of three pence And also One Acre at Buffs End by the yearly rent of two pence formerly Richard Smith’s before his mother Ann Smith’s and before Richard Smith’s his father and before that Michael Kilpins’ and late Richard Smith’s the younger which said Ann Bolding by John Taylor Tenant and Occupier of the said premises paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the same But her fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that John Burge and Samuel Burge who hold of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of six pence One Pightle late two Pightles in Church End heretofore purchased of the Trustee of the Lady Carew and formerly the lands of Edward Ditam since of Denis Wright and late of Samuel Wright his son which said John Burge and Samuel Burge by James Horn Tenant and Occupier of the said premises paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the same But their fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Joseph Page holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of two pence certain lands allotted to him by the said Act in lieu of One acre of land lying on Cherry Tree Furlong late Joseph Greenwoods and formerly John Greenwoods deceased which said Joseph Page paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the same premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that the said Joseph Page holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of two pence One Pightle called Over End Pightle heretofore the land of the said Joseph Greenwood and late of Mary the Wife of Robert Church and formerly the Wife of the said John Greenwood which said Joseph Page paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the same premises But his fealty if respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Trustees of William Nash a Minor hold of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one penny certain lands allotted to them by the said Act in lieu of One acre of land in Dean Field in Little Crawley formerly Thomas Nash’s since Ann Leverett’s and late Michael Nash’s heretofore purchased of William Valentine and Mary his wife late the Wife of Robert Odell which said Trustees paid here in Court all arrears of rent for the same premises But their fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Thomas Griggs held of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of three pence certain lands allotted to him by the said Act in lieu of One Acre of land in Butts End purchased by Benjamin Leverett of Elizabeth Goodman heretofore Sarah Naples and before Thomas Naples and late John Richards since the last Court hath alienated the same to Jonathan Abbott whereby there is due to the Lord of this Manor an alienation fine of three pence which said Jonathan Abbott by William Goodman Tenant and Occupier of the said premises paid here in Court the said alienation fine and all arrears of rent for the same But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Joseph Page holds of the Lord of this Manor by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one penny halfpenny certain land allotted to him by the said Act in lieu of Two Acres of land in the late common but now fuclosed fields of North Crawley aforesaid late John Taylor’s before Nathaniel Hobbs’s formerly Heirs of Francis Pickering deceased and before Gilbert Pickering and before that Walter Mabley’s which said Joseph Page paid here in Court all arrears of rent for same premises But his fealty is respited Because etc..
It is also presented by the Jury and Homage aforesaid that Richard Smith of Wilden in the County of Bedford Yeoman who held of the late Lord of this Manor One Messuage with the Appurtenances in Little Crawley aforesaid devised to him by John Brittain formerly the said Nicholls Hackett’s by fealty Suit of Court and the yearly rent of one penny halfpenny alienated the same to William Lowndes Esq., who afterwards alienated the same to the late Lord of this Manor and that the same hath since been alienated to William Lowndes Esq., the present Lord of this Manor whereby the said rent of one penny halfpenny is merged
Examined by me
Thomas Holt
Steward of the said Manor