The Award to William Cooke

1 ACRE equals A FURLONG (220 yards) x A CHAIN (22 yards) equals 4840 square yards equals 1 strip of a ridge and furrow field


1 ACRE equals 4 ROODS

1 ACRE equals 160 PERCHES

1 ROOD equals ¼ of an ACRE or 1210 square yards

1 ROOD equals 40 PERCHES

1 PERCH equals 30.25 square yards



In lieu of all his lands and Right of Common and a deduction for discharging all his old inclosures from Tithes and added to and comprised in the allotment to THOMAS LOWNDES a parcels of land

A parcel of land situated in several fields called MATTHEWS FIELD, HURST FIELD & MOORS FIELD containing 44 ACRES – 1 ROOD – 37 PERCHES including all roads and ways bounded on several parts of the EAST and NORTH by lands allotted to LORD TREVOR on part of the NORTH or NORTH WEST by lands allotted to the TRUSTEE & FEOFFEES of CRAWLEY CHARITY on a small part of the WEST other part of the NORTH and other part of the WEST by lands awarded to JOSEPH PAGE on other part of the WEST by an old inclosure of JOSEPH PAGE at HURST END and by the allotment to WILLIAM BARRATT on other part of the NORTH by the allotment to WILLIAM BARRETT on other part of the WEST by old HOMESTEADS at HURST END of WILLIAM BARRETT, WILLIAM COOKE & WILLIAM FOSKETT on part of the SOUTH by an allotment to WILLIAM FOSKETT on other part of  the EAST, SOUTH and SOUTH WEST by inclosures to WILLIAM FOSKETT called the NEW CLOSES on remaining part of the EAST on other part of the SOUTH and remaining part of the WEST by old inclosures belonging to JOHN GOODMAN and on the remaining part of the SOUTH by certain old inclosures of WILLIAM COOKE called the THIRFY


The hedges, ditches and fences on the EAST and NORTH at SKINNERS LEYS and POTTERS CORNER next to the allotment of LORD TREVOR on the NORTH and WEST next to the allotment of JOSEPH PAGE on the WEST next to the allotment to WILLIAM BARRETT and one half of that part of the NORTH next to the allotment to WILLIAM BARRETT beginning at the EAST END shall be maintained by WILLIAM COOKE