1st September

“Death and Entering the Afterlife in Anglo-Saxon England”
Prof. Stephen Upex, a regular speaker, landscape archaeologist, Cambridge ICE tutor, FSA , author.

15th September

“Vikings: Raiders or Traders?”
Dr Jill Eyers, a geologist, palaeontologist and archaeologist, regular speaker.

6th October

“City of Marble: Rome, the Pantheon and the Arch of Constantine”
Dr Steve Kershaw, a classics lecturer at Oxford, USA universities and author.

20th October

“Blick Mead – a Mesolithic site, Stonehenge origins”
Prof. David Jacques, a Professorial Research Fellow, University of Buckingham, author, Fulbright Alumnus, FSA.

3rd November

“Decoding the Mycenaeans: the story of Linear B”
Charles Baily, an OAS member, classicist, archaeologist.

17th November

“The Origins of People and Animals found near Stonehenge”
Prof. Jane Evans – discoveries relating to the Amesbury Archer, the Bowmen and the Animals of Durrington Walls, by a research scientist at Nottingham University.

5th January

“A Blessed Punishment: the medieval leprosy hospital of St Mary Magdalen, Winchester”
Dr Katie Tucker, Osteologist and Archaeologist at Transylvania Bioarchaeology, Berlin, author.

19th January

“Durobrivae, Hoards and the Quest for Early English Origins”
Prof. Stephen Upex, Landscape archaeologist, MCIfA. FSA. Cambridge lecturer, author, regular speaker.

2nd February

“Between the wind and the water: the late neolithic in the Outer Hebrides and Orkney”
Prof. David Jacques, Professorial Research Fellow, University of Buckingham, author, Fulbright Alumnus, FSA.

16th February

“The Archaeology of Lawrence of Arabia’s War”
Dr Neil Faulkner, Archaeologist, FSA, author, Arts Society lecturer and Andante tour leader.

2nd March

“In the Footsteps of Roy Chapman-Andrews: Archaeology and Dinosaurs in Mongolia”
Prof. Paul Nicholson, Cardiff University archaeologist, specialising in Egyptology, author.

16th March

“You Rang M’lud? The Architecture of Household Staff in Late Mediaeval Castles”
James Wright, Architectural Archaeologist, author, lecturer, FSA.

6th April

“An Introduction to Ancient Egypt’s History and Culture”
Lucia Gahlin, Egyptologist, Hon. Research Associate UCL, Arts Society Lecturer, holiday tours leader.

20th April

“Origins on Andean civilisation and its Apogee under the Inca Empire”
Dr David Beresford-Jones, Cambridge lecturer, Heinz Heinen Centre for Advanced Study, University of Bonn, author.

4th May

“Growing Flax for Aircraft Cloth: a little-known story from The First World War”
Dr Paul Stamper, Landscape archaeologist, FSA, author, ICE lecturer.

18th May

“Lords Austin and Nuffield, Giants of the British Motor Industry”
Julian Hunt, Local historian, FSA, author and co-author of many books especially of sites in Buckinghamshire.

1st June

followed by
“Archaeology for All: The Work of the Council of British Archaeology in Championing our Heritage”
David Ingham, FSA, MClfA, Albion Archaeology, secretary of CBA, S and E Midlands.