6th September.
“Bog Bodies: Face to Face with the Past.”
Dr Melanie Giles, Landscape archaeologist, senior lecturer at University of Manchester, prize winning author (with the book of the same title as the talk), an expert on the Iron Age. Zoom
20th September.
“The Ice Age.”
Dr Jill Eyers, Regular OAS speaker, geologist, palaeontologist, archaeologist, author and cruise ship lecturer. Olney Centre and Zoom
4th October.
“The Chedworth Roman Villa.”
Dr Martin Papworth, National Trust Archaeologist, has worked on the luxurious villa with its unusually late, 5th Century mosaic. He has also worked on many NT sites in the SW area, including Avebury. Zoom
18th October.
“The Wartime Films of Britain and Hollywood.”
Dr Colin Shindler, Author, broadcaster, Cambridge lecturer. Bafta award winning TV writer and producer. Olney Centre and Zoom
1st November.
“Sir John Schorne: The Rector Who Conjured the Devil into a Boot.“
Wayne Perkins, former Oxford Archaeology Field archaeologist, also worked on sites in France for INRAP, Historic Buildings surveyor, has excavated in the City of London and SE England. Zoom
15th November.
“L.T.C. Rolt, pioneer of Canal and Railway Preservation.”
Julian Hunt, President of the Bucks. Archaeological Society, local historian, archivist and author, a regular OAS speaker. Olney Centre and Zoom
6th December.
“The Emergence of the English.”
Prof Susan Oosthuizen, Emeritus Professor of Medieval History at the University of Cambridge, focusing on landscape archaeology, approximately 400-1300 AD. Author of many books, one of the same title as the talk. Zoom
20th December.
“To Drive the Cold Winter Away.”
Michael Brown, MA in Horticulture from Birkbeck College and has published a book on dangerous plants called Death in the Garden. Olney Centre