(Illegitimate son of Robert 4th Baron Trevor of Bromham)
This is the last Will and Testament of me Robert Trevor, Receiver General of the Post Office Revenue that is to say whereas I am entitled to the reversion in effect expotent? Upon the death of the Right Honourable Robert Lord Viscount Hampden of and in all that Messuage or Tenement and Farms at North Crawley in the County of Buckinghamshire in the Tenure or occupation of George Smith.
Now I give and devise and bequeath the same and all other Estates and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever except what is specifically by me hereinafter disposed of to my Executors hereinafter named upon Trust that they or the survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor do and shall receive the rents and profits of the said farm and clear out the whole of my personal property in Government or real securities and pay and apply the rents and profits to arise from the said farm and also the dividends and interests of all my personal estate unto my Dear Virtuous and Affectionate Wife for her own use and the maintenance, clothing and education of our children.
But—————– to pay assign and transfer to all and every any Sons or Sons which they shall respectively attain the age of 21 years and to every my daughter or daughters when they shall respectively marry with the approval and consent of my said Dear Wife as is —— and their full share proportion of in one moiety or half part of all my Estates and Effects so devised and bequeathed by me, to my Executors in Trust as aforesaid the said moiety or half share past of my said Estates and Effects being equally divided into so many parts or shares as I shall leave children then living and I direct my eldest son shall take the said Messuage or Tenement and Farm at North Crawley as part of his share and proportion of the said moiety of my Estate and Effects at and for the valuation of £2000 and from and after the decease of my said Dear Wife I give to such of my children as shall not then have received his or their shares and proportions of the said moiety of my said Estates and Effects as is her and their shares and proportions of the same respectively and as to the remaining moiety and half part of my said Estates and Effects I give the same from and immediately after the decease of my said Dear Wife to be equally divided between and amongst such of my children as shall be living, share and share alike but my intent and meaning is that in case any of my children be then dead and have left issue such issue shall be entitled upon the decease of my Dear Wife to such benefit and advantage and distribution as my said child or children so dying before my said Dear Wife and leaving a child or children as aforesaid would have credit respectively entitled to have should he or she or they been living at the time of the decease of my said Dear Wife and in case my said Dear Wife shall happen to survive all our said children or and their portions shall not have become payable in her lifetime I do direct that my Executors or the surviving of them or the Executors or Administrators or such surviving Executors shall pay one moiety or full half part of my Estates and Effects to my said Dear Wife for her own and own sole use and benefit and pay interest dividends and proceeds of the remaining moiety of my said Estates and Effects to my said Dear Wife for her own use during her life and from and after her decease and shall be paid and transferred to the Right Honourable Robert Viscount Hampden for his own use and benefit in case he shall not then be living then I direct that the said last mentioned moiety shall be equally transferred paid to and divided between the Honourable Thomas Hampden and the Honourable John Trevor, and in case of either of their deaths to their respective children lawfully begotten and in equal proportions and in case of the death of either of them the said Thomas Hampden or John Trevor without such issue I direct the share and proportion of him so dying without issue to be paid to the survivor of them and in case of the death of both of them the said Thomas Hampden and John Trevor without issue then I give the said last mentioned moiety to my Dear Wife absolutely for her own use and benefit and in case of her death to such person or persons and in such proportions as she shall by any deed or writing or by her last Will direct and appoint and I give and bequeath to my said Dear Wife absolutely and for her own use all my furniture, trinkets, linen and liquors and I do hereby nominate and appoint my said Dear Wife and to the said John Trevor to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal and have this 4th day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight.
Rt. Hon Lord Trevor signed sealed and published and directed by the said Robert Trevor as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his preserve and in the presence of oath other leave hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
I Nelson J Brooks Geo Brooks
Will proved Twenty Ninth day of October 1785 in London