Yardley Gobion history
The material on the Yardley Gobion History site is researched and prepared to widen the knowledge of people worldwide who may have ancestors from Yardley Gobion.
Yardley Gobion Local History Group
The name Yardley meant a clearing in woodland from where yards or spars were collected. About 1160, Hugh Gobion from Northampton was granted some land at Yardley. The hamlet took on the family name to distinguish it from another Yardley (i.e. Hastings). History Group meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at Yardley Gobion Village Hall.
Yardley Hastings Society
The object of the Society is to produce a pictorial and factual history of Yardley Hastings based on maps, buildings, people, records, publications, family history, etc. pertaining to the history of the village.