I am sure many of our members remember that one of our greatest achievements last year was our archives project funded by a significant grant from MK Community Foundation. We undertook to maintain this work in future and offer support to all of our smaller members who hold archives of their own. Several of you attended a meeting on 19th November and we now need to follow this up to discuss in detail how you can be assisted over the coming years. With this in mind we are proposing to hold a training and discussion session on Friday 22nd April at Rectory Cottages, Church Green Road, Bletchley MK3 6BJ. A draft programme is attached. Such a meeting will only be worthwhile if at least a dozen people are able to attend. So I would like anyone interested in attending this to let me know as soon as possible at excellheritage@outlook.com.
Oral and video cassette recordings were identified by our consultant archivist Ellie as a recording format most at risk. MKHA will be offering grants using some of our Council funding to support our members in copying oral and video cassettes over the coming year. It would be useful for any groups having any such tapes to start by listing the number, type and length of tapes they might like to have copied as soon as possible, so we can get an idea of how much material of this type needs to be copied.
After Ellie’s report, there are also prospective developments at CMK library with some possible space in the library at CMK for storage of archive material currently in the possession of our members. If you would like to transfer your material at some time in the future please let me know at excellheritage@outlook.com.
Friday, 22nd April 2022
Proposed Archives Workshop Programme
Attendees are encouraged to bring individual objects for advice on handling, cleaning or repair and if possible catalogues or lists of their material – whether physical or on laptops.
10am Workshop recapping on the on past presentations on handling, storage and cataloguing with some practical experience handling fragile or difficult material. What to do with tightly rolled maps, books with damaged spines or loose pages, flattening curled items, cleaning, handling large or heavy items, putting items in polyester sleeves, torn or delicate paper, esp. old newspapers or cuttings etc.. Viewing recordings of Ellie’s presentations and information sheets.
11.30 Audio & Video Cassettes, how to look after them and get them copied into more durable formats. Planning the copying of your oral and video cassettes.
12.45 Sandwich lunch (bring your own)
1.30 How do we wish to proceed? Do we want to have regular gatherings say every fortnight in the LAP hut at Wolverton sharing our experiences or less frequent training sessions reviewing Ellie’s presentations?
2.30 1 to 1 Sessions about any particular issues and advice on care or repair of any particularly delicate item or other matters Please bring any items you may wish to talk about. (During this time there will be an opportunity for a refreshment break – tea and cakes)
3.30 Other developments relating to archives at CMK library.
4pm Finish
if you would like to ensure a place and have not already done so please contact Robert Excell at excellheritage@outlook.com.