Browne Willis and William Cole

2 February 2019 MKHA Webmaster 0

Browne Willis (1682-1760) and The Reverend William Cole, Rector to St Mary’s Church (1753-1768), were good friends, Willis was particularly known for his zealous ‘beautifying of St Mary’s Church’ in honour of his parents.
St Mary’s Church, Bletchley
Sunday, 10th March 2019

Royal Parks

26 January 2019 MKHA Webmaster 0

This talk tells the story of all eight of the parks from the point when they were acquired by the monarchy until the present day, including the major historic moments and events with which they are associated.

Battling The Bolshies

20 January 2019 MKHA Webmaster 0

Governments had a real fear of Bolshevik inspired revolutions, which provoked Britain to a policy of armed intervention against the Reds. This talk by Roger Penny covers the activities of the Royal Navy in the Barents, White, Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas, the newly created RAF in southern Russia as well the Army in all areas including the Far East.