Living Archive Milton Keynes
You are invited to take part in LAMK’s latest project, Lockdown Life MK, which will create a COVID-19 archive documenting the lives of MK’s citizens at this time.
They want to hear about your experiences. Ae you still working? Have you been furloughed? They will be conducting interviews via Zoom to find out how COVID-19 has affected you. Calling all teachers, doctors, nurses, shop workers, delivery drivers, home-schoolers, homeworkers, exam-sitters, school leavers, shielders – please share how your life has changed.
This work is being supported by funding from MK Community Foundation.
If you are interested in taking part and giving a Zoom interview please email rachel@livingarchive.org.uk in the first instance and they will let you have more details. Please include a brief description of your experiences during lockdown in your email message.