Our old website grew over the years and more and more data files and transcriptions were added over time.
A huge amount of transcription work was completed by the members in the early 2010s.
The Church records were transcribed up to 1912.
At the relaunch we have tried to put an easier-to-use structure in place.
As you use the site, please let us have your feedback by email on any areas that you found difficult to navigate.
If you are looking for information for a particular person or name, you may wish to use the search facility.
This returns all relevant pages on the SHS website, not just the records listed.
Please note: literacy levels in the past were not as good as they are today, so the spelling of names can be very varied,
eg: Fazey, Feasey, Feazey, Feasy, Fossey, Fezey, Vezay, Vezey all appear in the Census and Parish Register transcriptions.
Church Records
- St Laud’s – General
- Parish Register Transcriptions – Includes: Births (1576 – 1912); Marriages (1576 – 1912); Banns (1823 -1899); Deaths (1576 – 1912) and Bishops Transcripts (1576 – 1812) & Marriages of Sherington residents recorded in Tyringham (1576 – 1836)
- Monumental Inscriptions – 1770-2004