- The name of the Society shall be “The Sherington Historical Society”.
- The aim of the Society is to preserve the history of Sherington for the people of Sherington.
- To create an archive of matters that pertain to Sherington and its immediate surrounding district.
- To ensure that the archive and property of the Society is formally controlled and kept in safe custody.
- To ensure in the event of the Society’s demise, Sherington Parish Council would be asked to take custody of the archive and its associated property.
- That there will be a meeting available to members at approximately monthly intervals; at least ten meetings per year.
- A committee to be appointed to run the day-to-day affairs and its decisions brought to full meetings of the Society for ratification, if necessary.
- The committee to consist of at least four members and shall include. Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.
- These officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. Various other duties may be assigned by the committee.
- A quorum of the committee shall be three members. The committee shall be empowered to make emergency decisions and to co-opt an additional member onto the committee. Such changes to be submitted at the next AGM for approval.
- Any member shall be eligible to sit on the committee.
- A minute book shall be kept of committee meetings and any other special meetings required by the members.
- Membership shall be open to anyone who has an interest.
- The annual membership fee shall be £8.00 (individual) or £15.00 (dual). The fee to be paid during the first quarter of each year.
- Members are to pay an admission fee for each meeting attended. This fee to be reviewed and set by the committee and agreed at the AGM for the following year.
- Visitors to pay an admission fee for events; this fee to be set by the committee prior to the event.
- At all times the Society will conduct itself in a way that is to the advantage of Sherington as a whole, but will confine itself to matters that are covered by its constitution.
- Changes to the constitution can only be made at the AGM or at an EGM and must be carried by a two-thirds majority. Any member is eligible to institute changes by obtaining two seconders and calling for an EGM and obtaining the necessary majority.
- The Society’s funds shall be managed by the Treasurer; a statement of the current situation to be available at each committee meeting. A bank account to be maintained and there to be four signatories (officers of the committee) but only two signatures required for each cheque. A building society account to be maintained for reserve funds.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually in March. A notice to be given at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
- To receive and approve the reports of the activities of the Society over the past year.
- To receive and approve the Treasurer’s audited accounts for the past year.
- An Auditor to be appointed at the AGM.
- To elect officers and committee members for the coming year.
- To transact any other business.
- The Society shall not be involved in any litigation disputes whatsoever and shall remain neutral at all times.
- That at any time during the year the committee shall, at its discretion, be empowered to bestow an honorary membership. This must be brought to the attention of the members at the next meeting.