1. Parish Council Meeting Minutes
The first Parish Council Meeting was held on 5 January 1895.
From then until August 1981 the minutes were handwritten in a set of 4 bound Minute Books. Subsequent minutes have been typed, initially on a typewriter, later using a word processor. From May 2013, the minutes have been published online.
Sherington Parish Council has made its archives available to Sherington Historical Society, and hence a complete set of minutes from January 1895 to October 2015 can now be made available here. The collection includes the Annual Parish Meetings from 1914 to 2014 and the Recreational Field and Amenities Committee Meetings from 1980 to 1997. Transcripts of some of the handwritten minutes are available, but this transcription work is continuing and further updates will be provided when available.
The Parish Council Minutes have been rearranged into two categories:
- Archive – The first 100 years: January 1895 to March 1995
- Recent Times: 1995 to 2017
Each category has three elements:
a) Parish Council Meetings (from 1895)
b) Annual Parish Meetings (from 1914)
c) Committee Meetings (Recreational Field Committee)
2. Other Local Government
11th Century – Moulsoe Hundred – One of the 18 Hundreds in Buckinghamshire. Later (14th C) joined with Bonestou and Sigelai to form Newport Hundred (or Three Hundred).
1835 Newport Pagnell Poor Law Union – Sherington is one of 45 parishes.
1875 Newport Pagnell Rural Sanitary District – The Board of Guardians of the Union becomes also the Rural Sanitary Authority.
1888 Buckinghamshire County Council – Bucks CC is created and takes over the administrative responsibilities of the Quarter Sessions.
1894 Newport Pagnell Rural District Council – Initially this covered almost the same area now covered by Milton Keynes Borough, but the towns of Bletchley, Wolverton, and Newport Pagnell itself, were subsequently split off into separate Urban Districts. The RDC’s history is summarised in 2 publications issued by Newport Pagnell RDC:
Newport Pagnell Rural District Council – 1894-1954 Diamond Jubilee – A Record of Activities – Published in 1954. (PDF file)
A History Of Newport Pagnell Rural District Council – Published in 1974 at the time of its demise. (PDF file)
1974 Milton Keynes Borough Council – The Borough Council is formed through the merger of Newport Pagnell RDC with the Bletchley, Newport Pagnell and Wolverton Urban Districts and a small part of Winslow Rural District.
1997 Milton Keynes Council – The Borough Council takes over the responsibilities of Bucks CC in its area and becomes a Unitary Authority. Bucks CC continues to be responsible for the rest of Buckinghamshire.
3. Village Development Plans
1973 Village Plan – Produced by Buckinghamshire County Council. (PDF file)
1983 Village Plan – Produced by Milton Keynes Borough Council. (PDF file)
1989 Village Survey – Report on the results of the village survey undertaken by the Parish Council in September 1989. 156 residents responded. (PDF file)
1999 Questionnaire – The Parish Council’s questionnaire received 117 responses. These are the individual (anonymous) responses:
Responses 1 – 40 Responses 41 – 80 Responses 81 – 117 (PDF files)
2004 Village Appraisal – Produced by the Parish Council in November 2004. (PDF file)
2017 Neighbourhood Plan Final– Produced by the Parish Council in July 2017 [covers the time frame 2016 to 2031]. (PDF file)
The Parish Council led the development of the Sherington Neigbourhood Plan – an activity that ran from late 2014 to October 2017.
At the time, the Council were led by Chair Mr Bush and Vice Chair Mrs Thatcher. A Steering Group was established and worked in an engaging and consultative manner with the village throughout the process. The referendum resulted in a resounding majority in favour of the Plan and it was formally adopted by MKC in October 2017.
The Sherington Parish Council are the Caretakers and Guardians of the Sherington Neighbourhood Plan
The formal Dates
“Designation of the Plan Area” March 2015
Sherington Parish Council have applied to Milton Keynes Council, in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012, to designate a Neighbourhood Plan Area for the Parish of Sherington. The Sherington Neighbourhood Plan is being led by Sherington Parish Council.
“Made” as part of the Development Plan October 2017
At the referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan that took place on 21 September 2017,
392 of the votes cast were in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan being made part of the development plan for Milton Keynes and 12 were against.
The turnout was 49%.
Following the successful referendum, the Sherington Neighbourhood Plan was made part of the development plan by Milton Keynes Council on 18 October 2017.
More information and key documents can be found on the Milton Keynes City Council website at the following link:-
The detail history of the Neighbourhood Planning activity is being prepared separately – work in progress.
4. Parish Council Centenary 1995 (Barry Hollis’s Book)
Sherington Parish Council celebrated its centenary in 1995. To mark the event Barry Hollis researched and wrote a book called ‘The Hundred of Sherington’. This told the history of the village based on Parish Council records from 1895 to 1977.
More detail can be found at Parish Council Centenary 1995
Sherington Coat of Arms
The coat of arms shown on the left is from the front cover of the book.
A description of this coat of arms by Barry Hollis is given in the Introduction to the Book.
The Hundred of Sherington by Barry Hollis – The history of the village from Parish Council records 1895 – 1977 – Published 10 November 2001 – ISBN: 0 907700 20.9