Parish Registers
There are 11 surviving Parish Registers for St Laud’s Church, Sherington (apart from those currently in use). They cover the period from 1698 onwards. They are held at the Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies in Aylesbury.
There is a gap in the Baptisms and Burials registers between 1798 and 1812. The registers before 1698 have not survived.
Bishop’s Transcripts
Every Parish was required to make a copy of the Parish Registers each year and send it to the Bishop. These copies are known as the ‘Bishop’s Transcripts’, although in the case of Buckinghamshire they were actually sent to the Archdeacon. The Bishop’s Transcripts for St Laud’s
are available for the period from 1576 to 1839, although many years are missing. They do, however, fill the gap in the Burials and Baptisms from 1798 to 1812, as well as 40 of the years from 1576 to 1697
Transcriptions for all the Registers are now available online, see links below.
Earlier Transcriptions
In 1907, W P W Philimore & Co published a transcription of the Marriages in Volumes 1, 2 and 3, covering 1698 to 1812. This historic transcription is available through the links below.
It is recommended, however, that you now use the Society’s own transcriptions in the table above, as they contain more information.
Other Reference Sources
The Buckingamshire Family History Society has compiled transcriptions of the Registers (and Bishop’s Transcripts) up to 1901. A CD containing their database is available for purchase from the BFHS website for £10. Their data is accessed via a proprietary software application. If using Windows 7 or later, it is recommended that you check compatibility with BFHS. Note also that they have extended the modern year numbering convention retrospectively to dates between 1 January and 25 March for the pre-1752 period (when the Gregorian Calendar was introduced), which is rather confusing when cross-referencing their information with the original registers, as the year no longer matches.
Copies of the Parish Registers are also available on microfilm in the Milton Keynes Central Library and at the Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies in Aylesbury.
All the information on the St Laud’s Parish Registers, the transcriptions, and photos are copyright and are made available for the purposes of private family history research only.
They may not be republished in any form elsewhere without obtaining prior permission. Any use for commercial purposes is prohibited.
If you spot a mistake in any of the transcriptions, please email us, so we can correct it.
St Laud’s Parish Registers
Baptisms 1698-1718; 1718-1797; 1813-1844; 1845-1888; 1889-1914
Marriages 1698-1718;1718-1753;1754-1812; 1813-1837; 1837-1912
Burials 1698-1718; 1718-1797; 1813-1852; 1853-1912
Banns 1823-1899
Bishop’s Transcript
Marriages 1576-1697
Philimore Transcription (1907) 1698-1812
Marriages of Sherington residents recorded in Tyringham 1576 – 1836
You can find the Photos of the originals at the following address:-