About Us

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Founded in 2000, the Sherington Historical Society is a group of like-minded villagers (or virtual villagers) who felt that they did not want the history of the village to disappear with its ageing residents. We felt that by creating a village archive that was available to all, the knowledge of the village would not be lost.

Our main aims are as follows:

  • to foster interest in the history of Sherington, past, present and future
  • to provide, through meetings and displays, an interest for members and non-members
  • to promote an awareness that today’s happenings are the historical records of tomorrow
  • to preserve for the future the pictorial records of village life
  • to make the material that comes to the society available for research by future generations and for general interest of all.

We also aim to attend village functions, to display and publicise the society and a cross-section of the work of its members.

The archives are currently housed within the Village Hall, where they can be viewed by all who wish to.

It is the intention of the Society to record physically (by photographic means) and electronically (on the Internet, computer CD, etc) all pictures, documents, newspaper cuttings, maps, buildings data, etc that is made available to it.

This data will then be indexed and cross-referenced so that the data can be made available to all who wish to view or research the history of Sherington.


Membership is currently at £8.00 per annum, (£15.00 couple) with a cost of £3.00 per meeting (£5.00 for visitors), to include tea/coffee and biscuits.

Prospective members will be welcome to attend three meetings, but then will be expected to join, or not.

There is no restriction on who is able to join, everyone is welcome.

We are currently only holding occasional meetings. This may change if we get new members, especially new committee members.


The Society has a committee as follows:

Diana Morgan (Chair), Stephen Kennedy (Treasurer), Liz Revell (Website) and Kay Turrell (helping out as and when she can).