Parish Council Minutes December 2011

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Pages 1384 to 1386

December 2011

Minutes of the Meeting of Sherington Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th December 2011 at Sherington Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Cllrs D Keene, (Chair) J Ager, D Hyde, I Thomson, A Denman, M Northfield and A Green

ALSO ATTENDING: Wendy Austyn (Clerk) and 2 members of the public


Cllr Northfield declared an interest in the Community Shop item.

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st November 2011 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Adrian Green was co-opted onto the parish council and will sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and complete a Register of Interests before the next meeting. ACTION: Clerk, Cllr Green


5.1 Diamond Jubilee beacons. The clerk has registered Sherington’s interest in having a beacon on Chicheley Hill Mound which will be lit between 10pm and 10.30pm on Monday 4th June 2012. It was agreed to place a note in SCAN to create a working group. ACTION: Clerk

5.2 MK Play Association Play Ranger sessions. The funding for these free weekly play sessions in the VH play area comes to an end in February and the MKPA has quoted a cost of £7000 to continue for another year, some of which could be funded by the MK Community Foundation. A few options were discussed including fortnightly sessions and parents paying a membership fee. It was agreed to clarify the grant funding situation with regard to other parishes also considering this scheme. ACTION: Clerk

5.3 Woodland Trust free tree packs. Further to previous minutes, it was agreed to apply for the “wildlife” pack of 105 trees which will be planted all around the village by the community rather than all in one place. ACTION: Clerk


Cllr Northfield reported that the ground work in preparation for the shop arrival will take place this week and the shop will be delivered and installed on Thursday 15th December, with an anticipated opening date of a month later. The shop will arrive “fit for purpose” with shelving, recess and reinforced floor for a safe, toilet facilities etc. Trenches will be dug to accommodate the planned utilities, and a local electrician will advise on power and lighting. Still needed are a disabled access ramp and a counter. CCTV is being considered. Shopco met with the Village Hall trustees who agreed that the existing entrance to the car park could be used for the first six months of operation and then a contribution would be made towards a new central entrance, closing off the original. The new Shopco bank account is ready to be used and an update has gone out to all the village residents. The chair of the VH trustees has asked the parish council to take on the insurance liability for the whole of the car park; the clerk will check what arrangements are in place. Cllr Keene thanked Shopco on behalf of the parish council for its fantastic effort in bringing this project to fruition. ACTION: Cllr Northfield, Clerk

Cllr Keene has had an initial meeting with Mouchel Property Services. The expenditure of £120 per hour for approximately 3 hours was approved by the parish council. ACTION: Cllr Northfield, Cllr Keene

This document gives an update on the above process and also asks for suggestions of land that could be assessed for future development. It was agreed to note the contents but not respond. In any event the parish council itself does not own any land that could be developed.

This consultation considers what proportion of CIL should be passed to town and parish councils to spend and whether any should be allowed to be spent on affordable housing. It was agreed to respond supporting the proposals that allow parishes to benefit financially from any development. ACTION: Cllr Keene

This consultation considers the draft regulations which set out the minimum level of requirements that are needed to ensure consistency in the operation of neighbourhood planning and the community right to build scheme. It was agreed to not respond but simply take note of the proposals that give more power to first tier councils with regard to the planning of any future development.


11.1 Bank Account balance at 6th December 2011 £10,985.89

11.2 Cheques for payment were as follows:

06/12/2011 SCAN magazine Donation £225.00 101955
06/12/2011 St Lauds PCC Donation £500.00 101956
06/12/2011 T Pilcher Donation £30.00 101957
06/12/2011 A H Contracts Dog Bins £273.00 101958
06/12/2011 Sherington Village Hall Hall hire £36.00 101959
06/12/2011 Sports Ground Services Mowing Recreation Ground £248.40 101960
06/12/2011 Denman & Son Electrical Repair to Knoll power socket £96.26 101961
06/12/2011 Anglian Water Water for pavilion £117.62 101962
06/12/2011 Martin Jeeves Perry Lane caretaker/bookings £100.00 101963
06/12/2011 D C Blunt Gardening Services Mowing except Perry Lane £840.00 101964
06/12/2011 D C Blunt Gardening Services Grounds maintenance Perry Lane £558.00 101964
06/12/2011 SLCC Subscription £72.00 101965
06/12/2011 HMR&C PAYE £209.75 101966
06/12/2011 Wendy Austyn Clerk’s salary £123.27 101967
06/12/2011 Wendy Austyn Clerk’s expenses £20.72 101968
06/12/2011 Nina Beal Pavilion cleaner £49.00 101969

11.3 Dog Bins Further to last month’s meeting, satisfactory references for a potential new contractor have been obtained. The clerk outlined the savings that could be made by switching to fortnightly collections and/or to a new contractor. This will be discussed at the precept meeting in January.

11.4 Repairs to electrical socket on Knoll Tony Pilcher has repaired the noticeboard outside the school; in between meetings councillors approved the expenditure of approximately £66. The parish council will also considered refurbishment work to the other village noticeboards; it was noted that the one outside the village hall has been damaged.

11.5 Shopco funds £8070 was banked for Shopco, made up of £5000 from the MK Community Foundation and the remainder being village donations.


12.1. Decisions. The applications for Sherington House Park Road, 15 Crofts End, The Old Post Office 21 High St and 6 Manor Courtyard have been permitted. The appeal against refusal by 25 Crofts End has been allowed.


13.1. Pavilion management group. Cllr Ager reported that bookings are gradually improving. It was agreed to review the finances for the pavilion at the precept meeting.


14.1. Report from NECAF 30th November Cllr Hyde reported briefly on updates regarding the proposed local wind farms, Emberton Park improvements, winter preparations and in particular refuse collection communication, dog fouling and drain cover theft. It was also agreed to contact Cllr McLean about the cycle path which still hasn’t been installed. ACTION: Clerk

14.2. Report from Wind Farm Fund committee 28th November The clerk attended this meeting on behalf of the parish council but then learnt that any member of the parish can be on the committee. The fund currently contains £35000 which will be topped up by £7000 per year for the next 23 years and is to be allocated across five parishes including Sherington. The committee has agreed that each parish should receive an initial equal allocation of £7000 for which applications from the parish must be submitted for energy saving installation, promotion or education projects. The committee next meets on 1st March 2012 and will consider the first round of applications. It was agreed to place a note in SCAN inviting bids from the parish and also asking for another committee member to represent Sherington. ACTION: Clerk

14.3. Precept 2012/13. The meeting to agree next year’s budget was set for Tuesday 10th January at 7.30pm The clerk will see if the pavilion is available. ACTION: Clerk


15.1. MK Community Mediation Service. A donation to this service was made this year and more has been requested. It was agreed to consider what donations will be made next year at the precept meeting. ACTION: Clerk


16.1 A resident reported seeing notices containing offensive and defamatory remarks posted around the village.


17.1. Cllr Ager reported the presence of a car and caravan parked at the mound overnight on several occasions. It was agreed to monitor the situation. ACTION: All cllrs

17.2. Cllr Keene will liaise with Peter Burton and Sally Cook about the planting of a memorial tree in the spring for the late Peter Cook. ACTION: Cllr Keene

17.3. Cllr Keene wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

18. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd January 2011 at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25 pm

          Pages 1384 to 1386