Village Tour – 3 Church End

Saint Laud's Church circa 1930'sHome » Tours » Village Tour – Start and Map » Village Tour – 3 Church End


St Laud’s Church, the only church dedicated to this saint in the United Kingdom.



Church Farm c.2000

Church Farm, the site of one of the manor houses that has been in existence since the 1600s. It may even be the same building.

There is a reference to ‘The Great House’ in Church End in the will of George Rose, dated 1796. But this has yet to be verified as the same property. It was also in the ownership of the Chester and the Field family during its history.



Willow House / Cross Albans House

Cross Albans House. Halcyon Hine, who moved into it from new, named the house after the hill at the top (north) end of the village. Dorothy Harding, a long-time resident of Sherington, has also lived there.

The Lychgate leading into the Churchyard was restored in 1990 in her memory. The house has been re-named to Willow House.



The Brew House

The Brew House was previously called The Royal Oak. It was run by the Line family for a number of years. It has now been converted to a private dwelling. At the time there was a planning dispute on this property in the late 1980s and it laid as an uncompleted restoration for some years.




Calgary House

Calgary House got its name from Calgary, Alberta in Canada. We believe that the story behind this is that new owners of the property were looking for a suitable name for their new house and their son had

just emigrated to Calgary and the name stuck. So ever since, the house has been called Calgary House.




May Cottage

May Cottage. This thatched cottage stands on the corner of Church End and Church Road next to Calgary House.





Sherington Place

Sherington Place. A recently restored and extended grand house, in an extremely prominent position. At one time this house was one of five manors within the village.

This house was also the scene of a very tragic fire on Boxing Day in 1984 where two young boys perished.



Then and Now

Church End with cyclists, date unknown
Church End with cyclists, date unknown
Reconstruction of photo of cyclists in Church End
Reconstruction of photo of cyclists in Church End








Archive photograph of Church End

Church End, date unknown
Church End, date unknown