ODHS has produced several heritage trails for Olney under the following headings:
1 Trails that can be accessed directly in full on this website
The trails (or walks or tours) under this heading tend to be more detailed than those produced for walking trails using the PocketSights and iziTravel software packages. The five full trails can be directly accessed on-line by clicking the relevant link below:
NEW Olney Market Place – Heritage Trail (Smartphone/Audio 2021 Version)
RECENT Olney High Street – Heritage Trail (Smartphone/Audio 2020 Version)
Olney High Street – Heritage Trail
Tour of Olney Market Place 1800s – 1950s
2 Trails that are best accessed for Smartphones and used whilst actually walking the trails as direct (audio) guides
i Trails adopting the PocketSights software package
Two trails are available:
Olney High Street – Heritage Trail (1 km, approx 45 mins)
A Lace Walk around Olney (0.8 km, approx 35 mins)
These links direct you to the PocketSights website and the two Olney trails.
PocketSights website link to Olney trails
This above link displays links to download the ios and android apps. It is straightforward to download the Pocketsights apps and equally straightforward to load the trails. It then only remains to proceed to the start point as indicated by the app.
ii Trails adopting the izi.Travel software package
Two trails are available (as per the PocketSights software):
Olney High Street – Heritage Trail (1 km, approx 45 mins)
A Lace Walk around Olney (0.8 km, approx 35 mins)
The following link directs you to the izi Travel website. It presents the full narrative and images for this Olney trail using up to three different narrators to cover the Points of interest. This link also demonstrates how to download the ios and android apps.
izi Travel website link to the Olney High Street trail
izi Travel website link to Lace Walk trail
iii MK Trails software package
Two trails are available on the MK Trails software package:
John Newton walk (1.6 km, approx 1 hour) Link to the full narrative on this walk
William Cowper’s Rural Walks (10km, allow 3 hours) Link to the full narrative on this walk
Direct link to android and ios apps
The above two trails have been developed by the Cowper & Newton Museum, in conjunction with the Olney & District Historical Society.
3 Trails available on video directly via YouTube
YouTube versions of the trails may prove useful for those who, perhaps, are unable to manage the physical effort required for the trails, or do not have ready access to a smartphone.
Two video trails are currently available below:
Olney High Street – Heritage Trail :
Lace Making in Olney Bucks UK :
Page last updated: 16 April 2021