Arthur Timperley in the doorway of his grocery
shop at No.1 Market Place c.1890
(Why not use Arthur Timperley
to test the Person Search?)
Select the link below for the start page through which a user submits search criteria to find a person recorded in any of the following documents:
- 1851 Census
- 1891 Census
- 1910 Inland Revenue Land Survey
- 1911 Census
- 1936 Register of Electors
- 1945 Register of Electors
- 1951 Register of Electors
The form to be completed is largely self explanatory. However, it may be advisable in the first instance to focus the search around the family name and even then using only the first few letters of that name. The remainder of the form can be ignored in this first search. Results are presented in alphabetical order. If the search produces too many results to handle comfortably then use the Modify Search link to refine the search parameters.
Experience suggests that first clicking on a ‘Census’ link in the ‘Source’ column (where applicable) provides an interesting summary of the person being researched. It also demonstrates a major feature of the search facility, ie: a summary of the person being researched, together with a photograph (taken in 2012) of the building in which the person was probably residing. Those living with the person at that location are presented in a table sited below the summary and photograph.
Clicking on the photograph of the building will take the user through to the ‘Buildings in Olney’ page where additional images of the property may be available and where a link to photographs of all the properties in the street can can be accessed.
As there are several ways to progress through the search facility, should the user find that he has lost his way, then simply click the ODHS icon in the top right hand corner of the page to return to the Home Page.