To commemorate the event we have selected the very amusing video clip from Brian (Charlie) Mynard’s personal account of his activities in Olney on VE Day. Also, in conjunction with the C&N museum, we have compiled a display of memorabilia for VE Day 75 provided by Olney residents and expats. And finally, we have compiled a glimpse of what Olney was like immediately after the war.
1 The Video Clip

Brian (Charlie) Mynard
Brian was born in 1930 and on VE Day was 15 years old. Interviewed on 3rd December 2003.
Brian recounting his involvement in the impromptu VE Day bonfire party on the Knoll, Olney in front of the former Castle Inn (now the Maya restaurant).
Please click for the complete transcript of this video.
Why not checkout the complete article. It is certainly amusing and is a wonderful light hearted description of ‘how things were’ as a youngster during and towards the end of WWII ?
2 A display of memorabilia for VE Day 75 from Olney residents and expats
The compilation of this commemoration was a joint effort by the Cowper & Newton Museum and the ODHS.
The resulting web page contains really surprising contributions amounting to a series of real gems which you must take a look at.
3 What was Olney like immediately after the war?
We have added a couple of links to what Olney residents were confronting at that time and some their associated leisure activities.
Click the link to a brand new developing feature on Olney’s local history between 1945 and 1960.
And another link on a brand new complementary feature covering Olney’s Leisure pursuits and pastimes over that time period.
Why not check out the developing set of Olney Social History Post WW2 pages published to date.