Mr J J Garner’s diary entries provide a valuable insight into the running of a successful drapery business in a small country town during the first half of the twentieth century. The entries will also be of great assistance to anyone attempting to establish dates or time lines for events in Olney.
The entries have been selected and collated by Mr Roger Gooden (Mr J J Garner’s grandson) to provide a series of lists that will be of interest to readers with family connections to Olney. This web page, the first of three, presents by far the largest list and covers the set of general observations recorded by Mr Garner over the period 1903 to 1941.
Entries are particularly enlightening for the duration of WW1 (05/08/14 – 11/11/18) on this web page and on the third web page for the early days of WW2 (15/09/38 – 30/12/41). Even though almost all of the personal references have been removed, they demonstrate the anxieties and typical involvement of Olney’s civilian population over that period.
The second web page presents two lists covering Mr J J Garner’s diary entries regarding his staff and other Olney people. The third web page also presents two lists covering Mr J J Garner’s entries during the early days of the Second World War (unfortunately he did not add any entries after 1941) and his entries regarding other shops around the Market Place.
03/03/03 | Mr Nichols up to look at front next door |
20/03/03 | Measured Eatons shop blinds |
25/03/03 | Began Coop front alterations next door. |
26/03/03 | Had Photo Postcards of shop come |
11/04/03 | Put blinds up at Coop |
27/04/03 | Put blinds at Thompson Grocer |
18/05/03 | George Eaton boarded passage. |
21/05/03 | Mr Chas Dimmock died |
07/11/03 | Girls Institute opened |
08/12/03 | Mr Ennals opened his shop |
30/12/03 | Coop paid rent |
09/02/05 | Sowman’s fire Emberton |
19/04/05 | Put up blinds in Sowmans Offices |
07/05/05 | Thatch |
09/06/05 | Hearse out |
20/06/05 | Perkins propping Allabartons roof. |
23/06/05 | Ennals Hearse out 1st time |
05/08/05 | Dimmocks paid their bill |
05/09/05 | Street Lamps Lighted |
05/10/05 | Soul put gas in Carpet Shop |
27/10/05 | New lights in Clarabutts Shop |
24/11/05 | Clarabutt hired our hearse |
20/03/06 | Put outside blinds up for the first time |
24/03/06 | Hearse out |
29/03/06 | Fire at Tom Perkins carpenters shop |
03/09/06 | Settling up property with Freeman next door |
04/10/06 | Outside lamp repaired |
03/11/06 | Commenced early closing for winter |
12/12/06 | Putting up big pole + Post Office telegraph |
14/12/06 | Putting telegraph wires over our house |
11/01/07 | New butcher opened |
15/01/07 | Fitted telephone in office |
04/03/07 | Revitts fire |
07/03/07 | Moved lamp post outside |
23/03/07 | Litchfield putting longer sign on Carpet Place |
28/03/07 | Cut blind posts for cycle rests outside |
10/04/07 | Freeman finished (painting) front |
26/04/07 | Photo shop taken |
16/05/07 | Men doing thatch in front |
19/05/07 | Ravenstone Old Chapel closed |
27/05/07 | Had photo of shop |
10/06/07 | Photo of shops ready for blocks |
17/06/07 | Photo taken at Miss Sanders |
04/07/07 | Mr Cowper Wright brought block of shop around |
03/10/07 | Uncle Little gone to Bozeat Mill with view to purchase |
21/10/07 | Opening new chapel at Ravenstone |
27/10/07 | Conducted my first service at CM Church |
04/11/07 | John Little & Mr Farrance took Bozeat Mill |
31/12/07 | Coop rent paid Girl’s Institute rent paid |
16/01/08 | Bill to Ratcliff Printer |
28/01/08 | Bozeat miller called on his first business round |
09/04/08 | Sale at Lavendon Mill |
22/01/08 | Sir Henry Bannerman died |
04/05/08 | Heard that Ennals had sold his business |
23/05/08 | Whites, new draper, opened with sale |
11/06/08 | Mann’s factory excursion to Yarmouth |
12/06/08 | Museum (in) evening |
18/06/08 | Had chat with Thompson grocer |
22/06/08 | Made Mr Thompson offer with shop |
24/06/08 | Came to terms with Thompson |
25/06/08 | Signed for property |
06/07/08 | K & I in ‘Whites’. Sent for me to sign agreement |
09/07/08 | Paid my part of property, showing Mr Murton round |
29/07/08 | Moved ‘Whites’ stock |
02/08/08 | Band on Market Hill |
18/08/08 | Sowman Hoddle over re shop down street |
26/08/08 | Sowmans gave up ‘Whites’ shop |
28/08/08 | Mr & Mrs Murton over again, re shop |
03/09/08 | Mr Moss & Mr Hoddle over again about Whites Shop |
05/09/08 | Let shop to Mr Murton |
23/09/08 | Floods all outside shop |
28/09/08 | Sold premises at ‘Whites’ to Mr Murton |
08/10/08 | Sunday School stone laying, £225 raised |
23/10/08 | Morgan put glass name on door. |
10/11/08 | Mr Field paid me for Ennals’ hand truck |
23/11//08 | Looked over new Post Office |
10/12/08 | Mr Murton opened new Post Office & Tobacco business |
16/01/09 | Mr Knight brought proof over |
24/01/09 | Post Office moved to High Street from Market Place |
25/01/09 | Post Office completed moving |
25/04/09 | Cowper’s l00th Centenary – house full here |
28/04/09 | To Northampton for photo in afternoon |
02/06/09 | Bazaar at SS, opening of new schools |
20/06/09 | Mr Whitmee appointed superintendent at school |
20/07/09 | 4 oak chairs arrived for Chapel |
30/10/09 | Snowing |
11/11/09 | Men thatching roof next door |
14/11/09 | Snowing |
09/12/09 | Mr Eaton, Grocer, died |
22/12/09 | Work late at Farrels ‘Baker’ |
01/01/10 | Cutting Market Hill tree down |
05/02/10 | Heard of Coop change |
10/02/10 | Thompsons property sale |
11/02/10 | Mr Clarabut over again re Coop |
18/03/10 | Snowing, sent Ennals Hand Hearse away |
22/03/10 | Coop gave notice of leaving. Had cheque for hearse |
07/04/10 | Olney Market Day opened today. Hope it will pay |
28/04/10 | Heard of Frenchman flying to Manchester |
03/05/10 | Sergeant Govier leaving Olney |
04/05/10 | Sergeant Lillywhite arrived from Stony Stratford |
06/05/10 | King Edward VII died |
10/05/10 | Dimmock’s Sale |
20/05/10 | King Edward VII funeral. Proclaimed George V King on Market Place |
29/06/10 | Coop moved shop |
03/06/10 | Let house to Minards @ £18 a year |
13/06/10 | To Berrils, re Shop Blinds |
29/06/10 | Olney Fair Day, Coop moved shop |
23/07/10 | Coop all finished up at our shop & house |
15/08/10 | Miss Florence Nightingale died |
01/09/10 | Minard’s take on next door |
08/09/10 | Minard’s moving |
09/09/10 | Let room to Mr Armstrong (Bucks Lace Factory owner) |
14/09/10 | Bought Baby Mail Cart |
18/09/10 | Mr Murton paid up |
20/09/10 | Let shop to Townsend. Barber |
29/09/10 | New street lamps in Market Place |
01/10/10 | 12 years to-day opened Mens Shop |
15/10/10 | Girl’s Social at Institute |
25/10/10 | Mr & Mrs Mapley moving to new house – Weston Road |
01/11/10 | Heard of new draper coming to Thompson’s Shop |
02/12/10 | New Draper opened. Stokes Bros |
16/12/10 | Poll declared. Verney in again |
11/02/11 | Shaw next door for thatch |
02/03/11 | James Daniells died in Olney |
02/03/11 | Thatching next door |
14/03/11 | Townsend paid rent wrote Armstrong – Men thatching |
02/04/11 | Wagonette |
03/04/11 | Making new blinds for Knight. Printer |
08/04/11 | Fred brought the bread round for the last time in Olney |
03/05/11 | Photo family group at Northampton |
12/05/11 | Morgan finished shop front. All green |
17/05/11 | Said goodbye to Whitmees, gone to America (Fred & Jessie) |
23/05/11 | Pulling down Raban’s house down in Market Place |
30/05/11 | Mr Field’s photo arrived |
20/06/11 | Man bought pony and Governess Car |
22/06/11 | Coronation Day |
24/11/11 | Gas in shop |
04/01/12 | Mr Moss went away |
11/01/12 | Longhurst & Skinner, Bedford, burnt down |
02/02/12 | Advert ‘Harold and Reggie’ |
23/02/12 | Clarke. Pork Butcher opened |
27/02/12 | Heard of Armstrongs leaving next door |
29/02/12 | Coal strike over |
27/03/12 | All shops decided to close on Wed. at one o’clock |
03/04/12 | Closed at 1 o’clock 1st time |
28/06/12 | Armstrong moving |
04/10/12 | New outside lamps |
04/05/13 | 25 years ago today preached at Ravenstone for 1st time |
26/03/14 | Bennett opened Drapery Shop |
07/07/14 | Altering Brewery Corner at Saracens Head |
14/07/14 | Cowper Wright – re our grate for museum |
05/08/14 | War declared |
06/08/14 | Buying horses on Market Hill |
07/08/14 | War Meeting at night |
18/08/14 | British Army landed in France |
27/08/14 | War raging – not good |
28/08/14 | Buying for soldiers |
03/09/14 | Had Fairey’s pony for war |
04/09/14 | Bad War News |
08/09/14 | Meeting War Fund at night |
14/09/14 | Germans losing ground a bit now |
22/09/14 | Rush for Army Goods |
09/10/14 | War Bad – Antwerp fallen |
13/10/14 | Germans gaining ground |
18/10/14 | Refugee Meeting at Newport |
05/11/14 | Carpet at Belgian’s House |
10/11/14 | Finished Belgian’s House |
03/12/14 | Belgians at Rose & Crown |
04/12/14 | Soldiers here |
17/12/14 | Germans raid Scarborough |
03/02/15 | Men repairing thatch |
14/02/15 | Expecting soldiers |
12/03/15 | Some soldiers going off, who want (to) sign on |
24/04/15 | Some of our soldiers gone off |
03/05/15 | Men started pulling down next door kitchen at No 20 |
08/05/15 | Another ship sunk – bad news |
23/05/15 | Italy at war |
20/07/15 | Mr & Mrs Hoskings called to see me and look around place after 29 years |
17/08/15 | More soldiers go off – Bad war news |
14/09/15 | Soldiers over |
22/09/15 | War Budget & Taxes |
27/10/15 | Bedford soldiers gone away |
31/01/16 | All lights out – air raids about |
11/02/16 | Lights down – order from Government |
19/02/16 | Police around about lights |
20/02/16 | New lights order |
20/03/16 | Started closing dinner hour |
21/05/16 | Daylight Saving Bill – all clocks on 1 hour |
03/06/16 | Bad losses at sea |
06/06/16 | Lord Kitchener & his staff drowned |
07/06/16 | Bad war news |
08/06/16 | Wounded soldiers on Mr Pebody’s lawn |
19/06/16 | Report re: armoured cars at Moscow |
20/06/16 | Reception of men in Schoolroom, leaving for front |
29/06/16 | Treated wounded soldiers |
20/07/16 | Sale on Market Hill, Belgian remains |
10/09/16 | To Turvey – 9.30 Soldiers Service |
16/11/16 | K. helping pack parcels for soldiers |
21/11/16 | Section soldiers arrived |
03/12/16 | Service in Chapel, Singing at night, Soldiers free supper |
04/12/16 | Read of Armoured Cars smash up |
21/12/16 | All men 16 to 60 called up |
05/01/17 | First day without potatoes (War) |
09/01/17 | Soldier sentenced on Market Hill |
12/01/17 | To Soldiers Farewell |
14/02/17 | Armoured cars in action again |
15/03/17 | Two Dr Barnado’s Boys here |
30/03/17 | More men wanted for the Army |
13/07/17 | Amoured cars in the thick of battle (in evening papers) |
20/07/17 | Heard of 10 Casualties Armoured Cars |
21/07/17 | Anxious time |
21/08/17 | Sold 4 wheel at night to Mr Clayson |
07/09/17 | Air raids on London |
05/11/17 | Winter War Time – close 6.30 & 8 |
07/11/17 | To Soldier’s Meeting |
25/02/18 | Repairing roof next door |
23/03/18 | Altering clocks for summertime – 1st time |
24/03/18 | Great Battle Raging |
11/04/18 | Bad War News |
12/04/18 | Bad War News again |
14/04/18 | War Sermons in Chapel |
27/04/18 | Bad War News – withdrawing state |
01/06/18 | Bad War News |
28/06/18 | Round for Billetts for Soldiers |
06/07/18 | Record over £40,000 for Olney – one day’s savings |
04/08/18 | War Sunday |
20/09/18 | British evacuate Baku – worrying (Caspian Sea) |
24/10/18 | Xmas Parcel Soldiers Meeting |
28/10/18 | Austria asking for peace |
31/10/18 | Turkey signs for peace |
11/11/18 | Armistice signed – Bells ringing = Good News |
12/11/18 | Selling Flags |
13/11/18 | Thankgiving Service in Church |
16/02/19 | Wartime Hosiery Window |
30/04/19 | Men thatching Miss Minards roof |
09/05/19 | Put large glass in Mens shop |
09/07/19 | Peace Sunday |
19/07/19 | Peace Celebrations |
29/09/19 | Olney Post Office moves |
25/11/19 | First hair cut & shave at new barbers |
30/01/20 | Gave Revitt order for alterations to shop front |
20/03/20 | Revitt began shop front |
30/03/20 | Revitt up with first window frame |
31/03/20 | Al in for large window frame |
16/04/20 | Putting iron girder in carpet building |
29/04/20 | Put large pane glass in millinery window |
31/04/20 | Cleaning & dressing new windows |
10/05/20 | Men finished roof |
17/05/20 | Men took all scaffolding down |
02/07/20 | New Bank opened – High Street |
16/07/20 | Glass in carpet window |
12/08/20 | Fitting shop window blinds |
13/08/20 | Men writing in fascia board |
14/08/20 | Hand truck repaired |
07/09/20 | Revitt putting up Big Sign on top carpet showroom |
13/09/20 | Putting tiles on front |
18/09/20 | Men finished tiles |
20/09/20 | New front finished |
03/01/21 | Thatchers come next door |
21/01/21 | Licence holder on car |
12/03/21 | New people took Claysons shop |
24/03/21 | Building War Memorial |
21/05/21 | Unveiling Memorial on Market Place |
11/11/21 | Armistice Day |
12/01/22 | Mrs Griggs opened tea rooms |
11/02/22 | Mr Raban died |
28/02/22 | Princess Mary’s Wedding Day |
25/04/22 | Heard of Mr Bates sold his business |
17/06/22 | New Greengrocer opened |
26/06/22 | Re-roofing Saracen’s Head – making corner wider |
08/07/22 | Mr Thompson, Grocer, married again – to Miss Raban |
04/08/22 | Let Coach House to Perkins for Shoe Workshop |
15/09/22 | Miss Thompson went away – Thompsons |
19/10/22 | Lloyd George resigned |
06/03/23 | Told Mrs Skevington about requiring our house |
18/03/23 | New Dr coming next door (No 23) |
03/04/23 | International stores takes on Thompsons |
03/05/23 | Bennett opened at old Coop place |
07/07/23 | Dr Chevalier rented Motor House |
19/10/23 | Dr putting in window next door |
07/11/23 | Put bottle in chimney, safe built in wall – Tin box back fireplace |
14/02/24 | Signed Bank Papers for J Garner & Son |
08/04/24 | Lighted gas 1st time at No 22 |
12/04/24 | Moved to next door – 22 Market Place |
01/06/24 | Nameplate on Shop byke |
02/06/24 | Putting Front in at Rogers Baker |
02/07/24 | Pasted up door between our two houses |
06/07/24 | Mrs Sharp, Etolia house, died |
15/07/24 | Men began thatching No 20 |
18/08/24 | Mr Tom Perkins, carpenter died |
05/09/24 | C Mann and Rose Timperley married |
03/06/25 | Bournemouth – call in on Mr Hoskins |
20/07/25 | Cowper – Wright brought keys of Museum |
14/09/25 | Mr Lineham, Newport married Miss Dudesey, Emberton |
01/01/26 | Miss H Armstrong (sister to Harry Armstrong – Olney Lace) left 29 High St, Olney for India, after marrying Jack Longland. |
11/02/26 | Tom & Perkins making Wireless set |
12/02/26 | Had it on First Time in house – Wonderful |
01/07/26 | Mr Mont Farrell & Family called on us (from America) formerly 24 Markt Pl. |
01/01/27 | Sowman’s New Manager, Mr Lord, introduced himself to the staff |
07/05/27 | Motor ambulance arrived |
13/05/27 | PC Stone went away |
26/05/27 | R Perkins making new Cycle Post Sockets |
10/12/27 | Lamp for Ravenstone Chapel outside. |
03/03/28 | Fixed lamp at Ravenstone Chapel |
26/03/28 | Roberts moving from Cowpers House |
25/04/28 | Tax on petrol |
08/07/28 | Cowleys fire. Bad day for Olney |
04/02/29 | Men thatching ridge of roof |
08/12/29 | Rev J E Evans begins his Ministry |
12/01/30 | Carpet window blown in at night |
16/02/30 | Listened to first radio service |
24/03/30 | Bennett moving |
28/03/30 | Bennett inaugurating new opening |
02/07/30 | 50 Anniversary Opening of Chapel |
08/08/30 | Mr Hipwell re electric lights |
11/08/30 | Men started for Electric light – Pavements up |
05/09/30 | Men began putting. wires & electric fittings |
29/09/30 | Electric lights in window – To see Dr Chevalier new car |
04/10/30 | Electric light on in shop First Time |
23/11/30 | Electric light at Chapel 1st time |
06/12/30 | New Dairy shop opened High Street |
06/01/31 | Bennett The Draper shut up |
18/01/31 | Olney new Fire Engine |
30/01/31 | Mr Phillips schoolmaster left Olney |
10/03/31 | Pavement up again – Electric cable going by |
26/04/31 | Census Day. |
07/06/31 | Earthquake in the night. Shook the house |
20/07/31 | New ambulance arrived |
24/07/31 | Fixing 3 seats in Market Hill |
14/09/31 | Men began paving our front with stone slabs |
22/09/31 | Men finishing laying pavement |
14/11/31 | Heard of Mr Pebody’s going to Mapley’s House on West Hill |
30/06/32 | International Stores moving Ralph’ s stock |
02/09/32 | Men writing Gold Letters on Chapel Board |
24/09/32 | Wethers cut trees down against Chapel fence |
30/09/32 | 3 more trees down in front and moved Chapel Board to opposite side |
01/10/32 | New grocer signed on for 3 years |
09/11/32 | Cut tree outside on Market Hill |
09/01/33 | Mr Marshall starts at 18 Market Place |
21/01/33 | Old man moved from Cowper’s House |
22/02/33 | Fire at Salmon’s motor works |
19/08/33 | New seat put in Recreation Ground by JJG |
15/09/33 | Dix gave notice to leave house next door, taking over Pope’s shop |
23/09/33 | Dix opened at Pope’s shop |
04/10/33 | Dix moving – Let the shop next door to Boot Man |
19/10/33 | British School let – 1st time after alterations |
21/10/34 | Electric light outside Chapel |
28/03/34 | Mr Hoddle Butcher new little van |
10/04/34 | Bought van £25 from Sowmans |
14/04/34 | Sold old van for 15/- |
16/07/34 | Miss Hardy – next door- died |
24/09/34 | Turner opened next door |
03/10/34 | Turner paid rent 1st time |
25/10/34 | Watson ‘well in Chapel yard, as marked in Church Book |
20/11/34 | Looking around Miss Hardys house |
19/12/34 | Masonic cars. No lights |
01/07/35 | Abbott began dairy in Motor House |
09/09/35 | Putting Electric Standards round Market Place |
05/10/35 | Men removing old gas lamps |
25/10/35 | Masonic cars on Market Hill (No lights) |
04/11/35 | Used electric kettle for first time |
23/01/36 | Proclamation New King on Market Hill |
28/01/36 | King George’s Funeral, close 1 to 4.30. In procession to Church |
14/02/36 | Miss Elkington looking around next house |
20/02/36 | Sowman’s new lorry |
14/03/36 | Front all cleaned for photo |
15/03/36 | Mr Kitchener taking photo of window |
26/03/36 | Sale of property next door at bottom of garden. Cottage fetched £90 – House not sold |
04/04/36 | Mr Thomas Wright (author & poet) died |
07/04/36 | Mr Thomas Wright Memorial Service at our Church |
22/03/36 | Taking off thatch next door |
29/03/36 | Rare mess with thatch outside |
30/03/36 | Scaffold poles in Front |
01/04/36 | Roof fell in next door (Turner’s Shop) |
15/04/36 | Lady after next door |
26/05/36 | Bought house next door |
02/07/36 | Paid for property next door |
06/07/36 | Men still papering next door |
07/07/36 | Applications for house |
09/07/36 | 2 women cleaning next door |
10/07/36 | Mr & Mrs Smith looking around house |
16/07/36 | Cleaning up garden & tool shed next door |
17/07/36 | Ethel Hoddle and several others looking over house |
19/07/36 | Dr Chevalier round next door |
25/07/36 | Mr Smith takes on next door |
06/09/36 | Rev Pooley commenced ministry |
13/11/36 | Mr Stanley over re change of Post Office |
27/11/36 | Bought new fireplace for 23 Cosy |
14/12/36 | Gudgins property sale – no go for me |
01/01/37 | Mr Freeman starts Post Office |
18/03/37 | Heard of Mr Slater Station Master leaving Olney |
23/03/37 | PC Wheeler moving to Lavendon |
17/04/37 | Mr Abbott leaving Cowper’s House |
29/04/37 | Paggetts sale – withdrawn at £625 |
27/05/37 | Rev J Ernan Evans funeral in Wales |
18/06/37 | Sold Chapel Communion Pewter set for £5 to Mr Woods |
22/06/37 | Maynard moving into Gilpin house |
02/07/37 | Putting Electric cable – Gilpin House |
02/09/37 | Misses Minard & Perkins moving after 27 years next door |
18/09/37 | Let house next door to Mrs Moseley. Mr AlIen Waterworks Engineer |
24/09/37 | Mrs Smith next door got another little dog |
01/10/37 | Putting new range in next door – No 20 |
20/10/37 | Dolly Paggett got Soho House |
18/11/37 | Mrs Moseley’s husband came home from India |
23/11/37 | Pavement Sowman’s side up re gas |
01/12/37 | JJG paid for oak seat in cemetery |
03/01/38 | Rev Chapman – Olney vicar -leaving |
14/01/38 | Mr Allen gave notice in Paper of his partner – now Allen & Cook |
22/04/38 | Abbots Motors running but not many customers |
02/06/38 | Sold Soho House for £450 to Mr FW Bull-Newport Pagnell |
16/07/38 | Mrs Griggs (next door) closed down |
18/07/38 | Began water pipes & alterations at Griggs |
02/09/38 | Mrs Mosely moving – Mrs Pearce gave up house |
03/09/38 | Let 20 Market Place to Mr G Odell |
26/10/38 | Men finished gas in Tom’s place |
05/11/38 | Mrs Gomm thatch on fire |
17/11/38 | Mr W T Knight married |
07/12/38 | New man – Revitt’s old shop |
01/01/39 | Made offer for Turner’s house |
21/02/39 | Pancake day on Market Place |
20/04/39 | Switched electric light on at Lindford Chapel |
05/05/39 | Thurston & Abbots on Market Place |
10/05/39 | Miss Lett cleaning out 20 shop – for Army Recruit’s Office |
20/05/39 | Heard Mr Salisbury had sold his business |
02/06/39 | Notice Mrs Paggett’s cottage to let |
05/07/39 | New Shop Blinds |
10/07/39 | Mrs Frances Minard looking around next door |
12/07/39 | Men began pulling down cottage near the Cock Hotel |
24/08/39 | War scare – all in Dark Curtains |
31/08/39 | Evacuation Scheme announced – blinds curtains blankets etc |
03/09/39 | War Declared – Terrible news |
04/09/39 | Mrs West crying – 4 brothers to go to war |
06/09/39 | Air Raid Warning |
15/09/39 | No Olney Advertizer |
19/09/39 | Let greengrocer shop, but sleeping there against my wish |
22/09/39 | Petrol Ration vouchers |
29/10/39 | Air Raid Demonstration |
30/10/39 | Began alteration to Hoddles Butchers Front – last bit of old OIney Market Pl. |
04/11/39 | Miss Brimley takes on Mrs Paggett’s cottage. Putting Hoddle’s front in. |
22/01/40 | Gas frozen – Deep snow |
01/02/40 | Franckes Cafe open |
30/03/40 | Person called to look over our house 23 |
06/04/40 | Bedford people looking over 23 |
08/04/40 | Mr Cooke takes on 23 |
11/06/40 | 2 aeroplanes down at Bozeat – 4 killed |
25/06/40 | First air raid warning in night |
09/07/40 | Rationed for tea |
15/07/40 | Army manoeuvres on bridge |
09/08/40 | Solicitors Bull – Cooke mortgage paid off |
31/08/40 | Air Raid |
02/09/40 | Bombs about at night |
09/09/40 | All in blackout |
13/09/40 | Air Raids – no papers |
22/09/40 | Sirens going |
28/09/40 | Let shop 3/- a week – Mr Clarke paying rates |
30/09/40 | Miss West blacking out windows |
11/10/40 | Advertizing Black Out |
13/10/40 | Bomb in night. Shook the house |
18/10/40 | People gone mad for Stocking goods – Re Purchase Tax |
28/10/40 | Bomb in Olney – many windows broken |
02/11/40 | Mr Clarke paid rent |
05/11/40 | Had identity card |
06/11/40 | Mrs Morgan paid rent |
14/11/40 | Wooding called up |
20/12/40 | Police ringing up Mary – Light on |
31/12/40 | No 20 (shop) rated at £7. No 23 at £15. Manse at £34. |
13/01/41 | Tom here with evacuee David |
16/03/41 | Tom Vacuee Parents here |
19/04/14 | Miss Clarke’s Evacuee boy went back |
20/04/41 | David’s mother & father here |
07/05/41 | JJG cutting Market Hill tree |
15/05/41 | Heard of Rotherham being bombed |
19/05/41 | Big Fire Watching meeting |
24/05/41 | War weapon week |
03/06/41 | Talk of Coupons |
27/06/41 | Mr Watson had 1st lot of Coupons |
30/06/41 | Men tarring road – Waste of time & material |
05/07/41 | Bombs in the night |
02/08/41 | Mr Cook, Allens, called up |
12/08/41 | Stanleys front being done up |
01/09/41 | Mr Austin at Bank left Olney for Luton |
13/09/41 | Stephen & David to Bozeat |
18/09/41 | Miss Minard spoke about leaving. |
09/11/41 | Remembrance Day in Baptist Chapel, procession nearly 300 |
10/11/41 | Mrs Looms new Catering Van |
12/11/41 | No paper to be used for parcels |
13/11/41 | JJG resigned office as Secretary at Cowper Memorial |
04/12/41 | Letter re Chapel Iron Railings |
09/12/41 | The Market Place bought for the Town – sold by auction at Bull Hotel The final entry in the diaries |
24/11/42 | Extract from J J Garner letter: ‘Oh, I might say, The Old Market Hill Tree of about 300 years has been cut right down Today – It does look a big open space to us now, so that is another item that will have to go down in my Diary – for future Historical Reference.’ |
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